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A Message from The Kumara Center for Spiritual Awareness

An unfortunate byproduct of following the spiritual path, for many seekers, is the desire to leave the world altogether. In fact, it is precisely this desire that has brought many of them to their inner work in the first place.  This is a trap.


The program of the ego is centered in domination, manipulation and control. It is not capable of doing anything outside of attempting to attain its personal agendas. Desire is born out of unmet needs and those desires to meet the needs drive the personality to disregard everything that is not in alignment with its quest.

It is all done from a place of pain. The unconscious need for love, money, power, control, satisfaction, etc… is what keeps us trapped in cycles of pain and suffering.


At The Kumara Center for Spiritual Awareness, I facilitate group meditations each month during the new and full moons. Rarefied energies from our central sun bathe Earth at these times and group meditation brings with it the benefit of exponentially increasing the expansion of consciousness for the entire collective, versus individual meditation practiced at home.

I want you to think about opening your 8th chakra, which will open you up to your truth.  Truth is something that can withstand the test of experience.

A man should look for what is,

Not for what he thinks it should be.

We ask questions all the time, although we might not think of them in that way. When we think about the future, what comes to mind for many are the loose ends and uncertainty that we will be facing. How we handle this uncertainty is different for each of us. At times these concerns seem daunting, and at other times, like an exciting adventure. 

Through study and application, Dr. Alison has learned how the chakra system reveals the keys to health and happiness. With Humanity’s Spiritual Awakening upon us, this ancient system is more relevant now than ever before. As Dr. Alison shares stories from her clients’ personal transformations, the metaphysical is grounded into the physical for your benefit.

In this book you will:

• Learn how to not take life so seriously

As we in the United States celebrate Independence Day again, I am moved to take the concept it is built upon and put it under greater scrutiny.

What is it to be free? Here in America, we think we are free because we have civil rights set in place by our forebears, the right to vote for our elected officials and the ability to move within the country as we please.