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Article by Dr Alison Kay July 31, 2016

A Conspiracy For Your Bliss by Alison J Kay PhD
A Conspiracy For Your Bliss by Alison J Kay PhD

Through study and application, Dr. Alison has learned how the chakra system reveals the keys to health and happiness. With Humanityâs Spiritual Awakening upon us, this ancient system is more relevant now than ever before. As Dr. Alison shares stories from her clientsâ personal transformations, the metaphysical is grounded into the physical for your benefit.

Through study and application, Dr. Alison has learned how the chakra system reveals the keys to health and happiness. With Humanity’s Spiritual Awakening upon us, this ancient system is more relevant now than ever before. As Dr. Alison shares stories from her clients’ personal transformations, the metaphysical is grounded into the physical for your benefit.

In this book you will:

• Learn how to not take life so seriously

• Receive tools to lift your energy to new heights

• Learn how to replace forcing and efforting with allowing and receiving

• Discover new ways to move beyond where you’ve previously felt stuck

• Learn how to live a life filled with more fun, meaning, and fulfillment


“Vibrational Upgrade is a conspiracy for our bliss, indeed! Not just wishful thinking. Find out what I mean by reading this book.”

—Bob Proctor, Author and Featured Teacher from The Secret


“Vibrational UPgrade will teach you how to clear out old, dense, outdated unconsciousness and tune into to the higher vibrations that will serve you in your everyday life.”

—Lissa Coffey, Bestselling Author of What’s Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love


“This seminal book goes through and beyond The Secret, bringing together ancient wisdom that the movie referred to, while explaining the modern-day mechanics beyond The Secret.”

—Dr. Joe Vitale, Bestselling Author of The Attractor Factor and Featured Teacher in The Secret


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