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Article by Elizabeth Joyce September 19, 2016

The Fall Equinox-Valentine's day In September

This week brings us the Fall Equinox! The Sun transits from Virgo into Libra, initiating Autumn (in the Northern hemisphere). You might not even know it, but most likely you felt it somewhere in your body, mind, and/or soul. Mercury also goes back into direct motion on this powerful date. This is one of four days, the Equinox and Solstice, celebrated by many different cultures and traditions in the past as well as the present. On Wednesday evening â Thursday morning, the Earthâs orbit around the Sun, the day and nightâs duration is equal, bringing balance to the earth.

Autumn Equinox: The True Valentine’s Day

This week brings us the Fall Equinox! The Sun transits from Virgo into Libra, initiating Autumn (in the Northern hemisphere) and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. You might not even know it, but most likely you felt it somewhere in your body, mind, and/or soul. Mercury also goes back into direct motion on this powerful date.


This is one of four days, the Equinox and Solstice, celebrated by many different cultures and traditions in the past as well as the present. On Wednesday evening – Thursday morning, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the day and night’s duration is equal, bringing balance to the earth.


Balanced in perfect harmony on the scales of the Universe are the night and day, feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang, material and spiritual, compassion and judgment. It brings  equal polarity, receptivity and reciprocity reign on both the winter and spring equinox. A solemn reminder that even the most opposing contradicting forces can sign a peace treaty. If Darkness and Light can live in harmony, well, so can we.


How incredibly intuitive and wise were those early stargazers of Babylon, because they assigned to Libra, the sign of balance and equality to the fall Equinox; the rulership over marriage and relationships. I am not sure if they were truly realized, or just stumbled upon a powerful truth. It may have been a Universal Download from the heavens. Relationships can only function within balance and equality. These early astrologers assigned the Autumn Equinox to be on the first day of Libra, the sign Justice. Libra is not only the sign of partnerships but also open enemies. Our enemies as well as our partners hold a clear mirror in front of us to reflect our part in the situation, and that is why we can love and hate them so much.


Right now – this week -  is the perfect time to celebrate all of our partnerships and sign a peace treaty. This is the true Valentine’s day of the year, according to the Astrology wheel.


Let’s compare Libra with the Kabbalah. According to the Talmud and Kabbalah, Rosh Ha’Shana, the Jewish New Year, celebrated on the New Moon in Libra, (September 24/25 this year ). This was supposedly the day God created Adam and Eve. This suggests that mythologically speaking, humanity is indeed a double Libra. We as humans have to master relationships in order to graduate from this earth school by attaining enlightenment, or in other words, a greater Universal love.


Astrologically, the Ram’s horn is the symbol of Aries, Libra’s opposite and complimentary sign. When we are experiencing a Moon and Sun in Libra, we need the Aries as a support beam because Aries in the hot tempered, lone wolf (or Ram).  Aries is the child of the zodiac, who must learn and be trained to share, give, and trust others.


The gospel according to Libra goes something like this: “It is not the strong who survive but the ones who formed the strongest partnerships. Born as two but functioning as one, that is what the Masters bestowed by the creating the magic of relationships. What one lacks, the other provides, thus creating balance.”


The Fall Equinox, as the initiator of Libra, is the time in the year we celebrate taking care of another and finding common ground. In this moment within the zodiac wheel, it is easier to see God in everyone we meet. Indeed, Libra is the sign of mirrors as well as the scales, and Libra’s energy uses relationships to best reflect our true inner motives, feelings, and colors.


Blindfolded, Libra holds the scales in balance, distributing equal energy between the masculine part of the year (Spring and Summer) and the feminine (Autumn and Winter).


The Fall Equinox energies are true to the Libra nature, both are equal but opposite: learning and teaching. A true teacher learns when she brings forth knowledge and a studious student teaches his mentors as he learns and grows.


According to the union or marriage of Astrology and the Kabbalah, in order for relationships to be successful, the partners need to give as much as they receive, teach as much as they learn and help in the same measure they are helped. Otherwise, the bedroom becomes a therapy room or worse.


As mentioned earlier, the Fall Equinox is the day when daytime and night are equal As the nights grow longer until the Winter Solstice, the Great Mother grows bigger (in the Northern Hemisphere) as in her womb she carries the savior, or god of light who will be born on the Winter Solstice (Apollo, Artemis, Horus, Marduk, Attis, and The Lord, Jesus Christ, to name a few).


In ancient Greek mythology, the Fall Equinox is the day, that true to the added stipulation of her prenuptial agreement, Persephone must return to the Underworld, and join her husband Hades. Her mother, goddess of the earth, Demeter, must let her daughter die so she could return to be queen to the realm of dead; she mourns for her beloved daughter and the trees, being her extension, shed their leaves to match her tears. Demeter goes into severe winter-blues and with her all living creatures, frozen in snow by her depression. But no worries, she will reunite with her daughter in spring when she will reincarnate, enabling nature to bud again.


In the Chinese tradition, the 15th day of the 8th moon, often coinciding with the Autumn Equinox, was celebrated with mooncakes as the festivities of harvest. In Wicca tradition, the equinox is celebrated as Moban, one of the eight pagan holidays. In Japan it is called Higan-e, a week long celebration when people are encouraged to give offering to the image of the Buddha as well as their ancestors.


And in Middle Earth, at the Shire, on the Equinox, both Bilbo and Frodo were born. This is what lead the American Tolkien Society to declare back in 1978, that Hobbit Day be celebrated on September 22nd; The Fall Equinox.


How should one celebrate? In the ancient world, many cultures celebrated this auspicious day for an entire week. You can look at the Fall Equinox as your “Relationships’ Day.” We have Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Anniversary Days, but we don’t have a Relationships’ Day that celebrates the people, past and present, that shared our lives one way or the other. Remember two things, we call in all our relationships with our aura energy, and all relationships benefit us and help our Soul growth, whether they are positive or negative. They also help us to reap our karma.


We each participate fifty percent in all relationships, which is why it’s best to freely take responsibility for your part or action within relationships. To blame others and not accept your part stunts your growth, so you will have to repeat the experience again until you learn the lesson. That is why people realign with the same character type, which I call, the same energy in a different face.


The Autumn Equinox is the perfect time to meditate on your partners, from your first love (usually a parent or caretaker) to today. Find three reasons why you were brought together and three reasons why it did not work. These relationship can include anyone – from your training buddy, your business partner, your hiking pal, etc.


The Fall Equinox helps us reassess our Self - relationship to relationship. It invites us to experience light and dark equally, good and bad, the positive as well as the negative in every relationship we have or had - the seen and unseen, the conscious and subconscious. In other words, the Fall Equinox is a great day for healing our significant relationship and reboot them with the new equinox energies of 2017, which indeed equals an upgrade.


Happy Autumn for those above the equator and happy spring to those below.

Remember, As above so below.

 Wishing you Love, Peace and Harmony through this time of celebration.

The fall Equinox brings balance and warmhearted love to relationships.