JULY 31, 2018
Donald Trump Is Dragging Us Kicking and Screaming Into Peace and Prosperity
Karen Kataline
7/31/2018 9:35:00 AM - Karen Kataline
JULY 31, 2018
Donald Trump Is Dragging Us Kicking and Screaming Into Peace and Prosperity
Karen Kataline
7/31/2018 9:35:00 AM - Karen Kataline
I try to monitor various programs in CNN and MSNBC- but it is frankly getting hard to do- for the fundamental technique in their efforts to push their own self-serving and dangerous agenda is so blatant- that it is really hard to deal with.
Here is a clip of Wolf Blitzer interviewing Ron Paul: https://youtu.be/MFXeiTglfU0
Got Oaks?
Then you probably are not properly taking care of them!
Many folks are over watering and fertilizing them incorrectly.
Those who are not aware of the Earth’s Divine Destiny and who are not correctly attuned with it cannot understand what is going on at this time worldwide and they may have wild and frightening speculations about it. For humanly to understand the Divine Destiny one must believe in the Bible and this time-frame at several deepening levels.
"Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live." Nora Roberts
Perhaps more than even ever this message is timely. There was a time when you didn't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. You were totally engaged in the moment looking at those rainbows and gazing at the stars. Do you remember what that was like?
Dr. Rick Hertless and co-author John Rose announce the release of their new book, Fear Not! Angels Have Your Back under publisher RevMedia Publishing. The book has been released on Amazon.com and is about the power of angels within the world in which we live today.