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Letters on Life - Insights Along the Way

Mark Susnow
Letters on Life - Insights Along the Way

Things change. You have to prepare yourself so that you can flow with these changes. The average person today has six or seven careers. For various reasons, friendships and relationships change. Sometimes there is no reason. And of course there are health challenges along the way.

Insights Along the Way 
For the last three years I have been hosting the Inspire Possibility show and, along the way, have been blessed by some amazing wisdom teachers, all contributing to who I am today. Let me share some of their insights:
Things change. You have to prepare yourself so that you can flow with these changes.  The average person today has six or seven careers. For various reasons, friendships and relationships change. Sometimes there is no reason. And of course there are health challenges along the way. 
The currents on the river of life are constantly changing; they are affected by many unforeseen forces.  
You can't live your life being afraid of these changes, because by avoiding them you are not really living. You're also not living when you waste your time complaining.
Life happens.  No one gets a free pass.  Although life might not seem fair at times, it is still good.What worked at one period in your life might not work at another time.
Living a successful and fulfilling life is not an accident.  Successful people have goals and dreams and believe in themselves. They have faith that at the darkest moment there will be a light that illuminates their path. They know that they are not alone in this vast universe and that there is a power greater than they are. When they live from their center, they have access to this power. 
You have a choice. The meaning you give to what happens is a choice. Saying, "Yes" to life and dancing on the river is also a choice. Enjoy the dance.  
There is only one you. You are unique and special. Although it is hard to resist doing, don't compare your life to others; who knows what's going on with them. And by the way, it's also hard to resist chocolate so go for it.
Keep exploring the river. The nature of rivers is to flow but when you stay stuck in the mud of your past, your flow gets blocked. Where it takes you can be an exciting adventure of discovery.  
Imagine exceeding expectations of yourself. 
The best is yet to come! As we become elders, or move in that direction, and we all are, we've learned how to enjoy life more. We appreciate the little things and accept the things we can't change. Although by now we've all experienced our share of pain and heartache, our capacity to experience joy keeps expanding. 
To Dream -again
To Dare -again
To feel enjoyment and happiness -again
 or for the very first time. 
There is no better time than NOW!  
Thank you for being part of the Inspire Possibility Community. I hope you will encourage those in your circle to also become part of the Community. Pleases feel free to forward this message to those in your circle. If you haven't done so already, become a fan of Inspire Possibility on Facebook. 
You know I love to hear from you. 
Until then,
Enjoy the Journey
At times in our life, our own light dims, and is reignited by the spark of another person.

If you are curious to find out how Mark can make a difference in your life both personally and professionally, you are invited to contact him. You can order your copy of Mark's new book, The Soul of Uncertainty, a Fable for our Times, by purchasing it through Amazon

Mark Susnow, knows change. At the turn of the new millennium, he transitioned from a successful career as a trial attorney to what he does now as a life coach and strategist 
and thought-leader inspiring others to believe in themselves.
He is passionate about life being an exciting journey of discovery. He integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation and playing music.

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