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Article by Elizabeth Joyce September 5, 2016

The Eighth Chakra—Opening To The Truth

I want you to think about opening your 8th chakra, which will open you up to your truth. Truth is something that can withstand the test of experience. Without the core of truth there can be no real justice, equality, success, progress, intelligence, security, peace, love, spirituality, or even our survival. Without truth mankind is lost â and is headed for certain disaster â perhaps in the near future. How can one open up and release their pain â and move forward into the Light of peace and happiness? Truth has a common denominator â be assured. Truth is the only thing that can unite all human beings. It is what we all have in common and something that will always remain.

I want you to think about opening your 8th chakra, which will open you up to your truth.  Truth is something that can withstand the test of experience.

A man should look for what is,

Not for what he thinks it should be.

  • Albert Einstein

Without the core of truth there can be no real justice, equality, success, progress, intelligence, security, peace, love, spirituality, or even our survival. Without truth mankind is lost — and is headed for certain disaster – perhaps in the near future. How can one open up and release their pain – and move forward into the Light of peace and happiness? Truth has a common denominator – be assured. Truth is the only thing that can unite all human beings. It is what we all have in common and something that will always remain.

There is only one sky for all of us

Everyone breaths

Everyone eats and drinks

Everyone needs to sleep

Everyone has their personal rights of passage moments

Everyone drops the body and goes into transitions

And, the one who is walking as a dead man throughout life will

find their life through their death.


Therefore – the ultimate truth is Universal Truth

It is the same case for every human being everywhere. It is part of how we exist and move within the Oneness of the Universe. Science has finally found the common DNA component that all forms of life carry. This has always been there, and always will be. In this millennium mankind is beginning to see this one, big picture of life;

Living in Oneness and living in Truth.

Believe me, the Truth always comes out.

When they say the Truth will set you free, it’s referring to a movement within the heart, within the aura – that sets you free from the burden of worry and shame.

Only Truth can stop the wars, crimes, hate, and vengeance – to make the world a paradise that it can be.

Believe it or not 2 + 2 =4. It does not equal anything else, although someone may try to tell you differently. That’s the truth. There is my truth – your truth – and the Truth.

Believing that 2 + 2=5 or maybe 6 --- doesn’t make it true. There is always an infinite amount of perceptions and wrong answers, but there is only one True answer. Many of us have been bending the truth for some time.

A child takes a teat at school and fails. The teacher calls him in after class to go over the answers. As she shows the child each question’s correct answer, the child’s response is;

“Oh, I knew that.”

“I was going to write that.”

“I really meant to say that.”

We all need to use our ability, our gift of logic, to unearth evidence to know and realize the truth. To solve a problem, or a crime,  you follow the evidence, and as you go along you will find that sometimes the first evidence may not reveal the whole truth. However, mankind has progressed far enough along to know and understand the fundamentals of truth and how life works.

After death we continue on as a different form of life that our Earth life. We know that there are other galaxies. There are other planets and solar systems that hold life such as ours. Other Universes exist as well, and once we all accept this, it will transform our world and guide us to understand the unity and power of Oneness even more.

We believe it’s wrong to kill another human being, for the most part. When a life leave the Earth before a natural death occurs, it disturbs the Tapestry of the Universe. There is a rip in the cloth. A void. It has to be mended.

A newly learned Truth passes through 3 stages:

  1. Ridicule
  2. Then it is violently opposed
  3. Then it becomes accepted as fact and as self-evident.

It is not what you hear or what you look at that matters, it’s what you see and how you interpret it. How you take what you see inwardly and make decisions from it inside. It is your SELF response, and herein lies the power of Grace.

Remember Meleny in Gone With The Wind?  She truly chose to see only the good in life—the true center of the heart. When you view life like this, clearly and truly, it feels good and right. It brings you peace. It is what is known as a peak moment; a moment of clarity.  These peak moments in life feel good because you gain a larger percentage of what each moment in life actually contains. You are filled with life, joy, love, and peace. Your mind and thoughts are the gatekeepers of your life. Sometimes Universal truths flicker in, however, because of the EGO — most of the time it does not.

The new Fifth Dimension energies that arrived in 2012 are now removing those blocks to set up some new thinking patterns. Along with this comes new, healthier responses that will bring forth a new environment for the human race.

Of course this all takes time – evolution – and what comes with that is destruction before reconstruction. The hidden darkness must be brought to the Light, revealed and released.

How has your life been going since December 21, 2012? I am sure there have been some chaotic moments.

At this time, your mind is blocking this new amber Light that is coming forward for you. When the blocks are lifted and the mind no longer filters this new light,  then you can receive what is known as fulfillment of life. True life without fear – only blending balance, peace and harmony.

Now we have been given the gift of the 8th Chakra. It’s time for all of us to begin opening all of these new spiritual chakras to benefit ourselves as well as mankind.

Once the 8th Chakra begins to spin open for you, at that time, your mind is blocking most of this new Light that is coming in for you.. When the blocks are lifted, and the mind no longer blocks the new Light – then you can receive what is called the fulfillment of life. True life, without fear; only blending, balance, peace, and harmony. At that time you will be able to reflect all this beautiful higher dimension light back out into the world.

Seeing the Great Sphinx in Egypt, the Empire State Building in New York, or the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the first time is usually a peak moment for people. That also goes for a magnificent mountain range in the Swiss Alps, or the Red Rocks in Sedona, AZ.  Why does this experience make you feel so alive? Nothing really happens to you. Why don’t these sights feel that way the second time you see them? You’re seeing the same thing as before.

The reason is because your mind has already opened up to their energy, that powerful, special sight. The truth is that every moment of life is special. As you adapt to these new energies, you can be completely open to life all of the time.

You have to see life

To taste life

To embrace life

To know from within the gift of Truth that is inside YOUR SELF.