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Galactic Connection, September 20, 2016

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Galactic Connection: A Roundtable Preview of the Transformational Shift Conference (Oct. 21-23 2016)
Show Sub Headline
Tolec, Yvonne Palermo, Stewart Swerdlow, Mark Kimmel, Cheyenne Stone, Sierra Neblina, Jim Nichols & Alexandra Meadors

In this roundtable interview, Yvonne Palermo of gRooVie BeaN Radio, is joined by 2016 Transformational Shift Conference host and organizer, Tolec, to introduce a few of the headline speakers and panel participants of the conference to be held in Tucson, AZ, October 21-23, 2016. Yvonne and Tolec both will be presenting.

A rich tapestry of narratives unfolds in this Conference Preview Roundtable as Stewart Swerdlow, Mark Kimmel, Cheyenne Stone, Sierra Neblina, Jim Nichols and GC's Alexandra Meadors present their backgrounds -- with surprising overlaps revealed in the course of the interview -- and suggest some of the directions their talks will take.

A brief rundown on the speakers interviewed here:

Stewart Swerdlow will not be speaking at the conference, but he will sit on a panel. Swerdlow spent 13 years at Montauk, and was involved in diverse projects, including time travel. As with many participants, his family ties led to this strange destiny. His great-uncle was the USSR's first President, and his uncle founded the KGB, and brought mind control to Russia in the 1930s.

Mark Kimmel will be a keynote speaker. With seven books and two decades of research into the subject of transformation on many levels, Mark Kimmel will talk about the "bigger picture from non-physical point of view." He will look over the million-year history not just of our complex biological form, but also of our complex energy forms, such as our chakra system.

Jim Nichols, long-time friend of Tolec, well-known UFO researcher, artist and video presenter, will be speaking on the most fundamental focus of transformation in these and all times: 'Consciousness, the Final Frontier'.

Cheyenne Stone is only recently beginning to recount her extraordinary life and transformations. Partly Choctaw and Cherokee, Cheyenne was brought up 'European', but ultimately returned to her grandfather's "red" spirituality. Cheyenne was experienced with "men in black" and reptilian attacks from early childhood, due to her family's connections with the military-industrial complex (Halliburton.) Hers is a story of shamanic transformation, from victimhood to victory, with reverberations that should permeate all over our quickly changing times.

Sierra Neblina's life story is as extraordinary as Cheyenne Stone's, and overlaps in many ways. Born into a family with a history of grey abduction, and fathered by an Air Force officer who disappeared into "top secret" territory immediately thereafter, Sierra's life followed both her parents' difficult paths. Cheyenne Stone and Sierra Neblina both were gifted -- (or burdened) -- with prophetic dreams from childhood, and both have family background that subjected them to US military black ops abuse and alien attack for many years. Both too have Native American ancestry and revive shamanistic understandings of their transformational process.

Now, as First Nations from all around the country join together in protesting the Dakota Access pipeline project, their presence will be especially felt at this conference. Tolec traces his past life ancestry on this planet through the Dakota and Lakota tribes of North America, just as he traces his longer lineage back to similarly named planets in the Pleiades. The Native American heritage is shared by a number of other speakers at the conference, and the conference venue in Tucson, AZ, where the native presence still resounds so strongly, is 'no accident.'

Alexandra too reveals more of her background than may be widely known, including events from her own 'military' childhood, and reveals a number of surprising parallels with the accounts of the other participants. Listen closely, the interview moves fast through the speakers, each of whom packs a lot into their allotted time.

This is not an UFO conference, Tolec makes clear, though most of the speakers have ET contact. The conference is also about more than 'the Event' or 'Ascension', though these are the focus of some of the talks. Rather it is about transformational living, healing, and revealing, on every conceivable level.

This conference represents yet another step in coordinating and linking the global community of lightworkers, truthtellers, and those who just want to do good by Mother Earth and our fellow humanity.

Guest, Tolec

Guest Name
Andromeda Council
Guest Occupation
Andromeda Council representative
Guest Biography

Tolec is a human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and interdimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life, for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. 


He’s been given the name “Tolec” as an Earth based, pubic-persona name by the five (5) people with whom he regularly communicates…  who are stationed on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere.  There are presently 12 Andromeda Council biospheres stationed in this solar system, 3 relatively close to Earth.


Tolec’s first conscious, fully awake contact as an adult in 1993  was with his principal Andromeda Council contact person, the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere who, like Tolec, is originally from the planet Dakote…  in the Taygeta star system, in the Pleiades.


Tolec learned from this man that Tolec’s soul origin was first birthed on the planet Dakote, the genesis planet of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and many other western Native American peoples.


In late summer of 1993, this same commander took Tolec on 3 closely clustered together, but separate, time-travel trips, via an Andromeda Council scout craft, back in time to the 1840s to an area of rural Kentucky or West Virginia to observe a family of four in their day-to-day life struggles.


Tolec’s Andromeda Council contact people indicate they’ve been in communication with him by various methods… since age 5.


Tolec says his communication with them happens via a variety of modalities:


(1) Telepathic communication while he is completely awake & conscious

(2) Communication with him in his sleep, ‘dream state’

(3) Brief ‘snap-shot’, photographic images, as well as ‘streaming movie shorts’

(4) Some automatic writing

(5) Interdimensional travel of his soul essence, as well as the physical travel of his Earth human body, to Andromeda Council biospheres where many council & sub-committee meetings are held -  where Tolec also holds a position on the “Joint Earth Council” – sub committee.


Tolec is aware of in excess of 100+ physical visits he’s had to the primary Andromeda Council biosphere that continues today.

YouTube channel:

Guest, Jim Nichols

Guest Name
Jim Nichols
Jim Nichols UFOlogist
Guest Occupation
UFO Investigator, Author, Lecturer
Guest Biography

Since 1980, noted artist and investigator, lecturer Jim Nichols, has produced an extraordinary body of UFO illustrations that have been published internationally in magazines, articles, books and the internet. His art was routinely featured on The History Channel's "UFO Hunters". As well, Jim has become a prolific writer, posting 12 blog essays on his web site examining EXOPOLITICS - the political and social impact of a possible extra-terrestrial reality. His art book, "Case Files Revealed", shares the untold stories behind 40 of his most dramatic UFO illustrations - based on actual accounts - a stunning visual portfolio which spans twenty years of in-depth research. More recently, Jim has produced 14 video essays for "UFOTV Youtube" which further explore the UFO enigma and can also be accessed from his website.

Guest, Stewart Swerdlow

Guest Name
Stewart Swerdlow
Steward Swerdlow, Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Linguist, Writer and Speaker
Guest Occupation
Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Linguist, Writer, Speaker
Guest Biography

A gifted medical intuitive, Stewart Swerdlow is a clairvoyant who has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns.

His great-uncle, Yakov Swerdlow, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was "recruited" for specific government mind-control experiments which enhanced his natural abilities.

He spent years in service to various US and foreign government agencies and special interest groups. His mind and body were used for genetic and mind-control experiments which led to severe illness, broken relationships, and premature Kundalini activation.

After several years of deep self-analysis, Stewart merged with higher levels of his multidimensional self, which saved his life. His mission is to help others heal themselves in a positive way, thus avoiding the negativity he experienced.

Stewart, a linguist who speaks ten languages, says that the often considered "unused" 90% portion of the brain is actually in constant communication with the Mind of God, receiving information in the Language of Hyperspace, an interuniversal and interspecies language which consists of color, tone, and archetype.

Because people are not usually trained to understand this language, only a small amount of this information is able to filter through to the conscious mind, mostly in the dream state. By learning Swerdlow Hyperspace Techniques™, you can consciously learn to access this language as well as unlock DNA sequences preprogrammed within you since the beginning of your existence. This new information will give you practical applications, allow you to learn who and what you are, as well as help you understand your reason for being.

Guest, Alexandra Meadors

Guest Name
Alexandra Meadors
Alexandra Meadors
Guest Occupation
Healer, Intuitive, Galactic Connection Blogger
Guest Biography

Alexandra Meadors is the creator of the popular website and blog, committed to bridging spiritual consciousness with cosmic awareness. She is also known internationally for her interviews with Cobra.  On fire to prepare and shift global perspectives gracefully, respectfully, and galactically, Alexandra’s focus is to connect minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. By bringing forth the cutting-edge Implant Removal Process, Soul Alignment, and DNA Activation with the late Rev. Pam Plauché, she contributes an authentic freedom and effective unplugging from The Matrix we now live in.

Due to a debilitating car accident in 2001, Alexandra was “forced” to step out of the matrix and trek through an extremely painful and challenging 11 year journey to heal herself through every alternative healing modality available. From the lineage of Merlin, Alexandra is a master alchemist, working with quantum homeopathy, minerals, flower essences, sacred symbology, crystals, color, sound, and more to assist others in clearing past life blockages and all levels of pain. In addition to being a compassionate alchemist, Alexandra is a powerful intuitive allowing the miraculous messages from Spirit to unfold with the ego in check.

Besides holding certifications in Homeopathy, Flower Essences, and Reiki, Alexandra also holds a BA degree in Economics and a minor in Spanish from the University of California, Irvine. With over 20 years of experience in Corporate Sales and Management, she brings a balanced perspective on this thing we call life.

Galactic Connection

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors
Show Host
Alexandra Meadors

Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes.

What you will learn as you listen is news, education, research, healing information, and out-of-this-world perspectives in regards to people, government, country, world, planet, aliens, UFO’s, Galactic Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, solar systems, ancient civilizations and beyond.

This show is designed to get you to start seeing yourself and the planet you live on, in a more expansive view, recognizing that becoming spiritual is synonymous with becoming galactic. Higher dimensional beings will be visiting us, sharing knowledge, wisdom, and vibration that will trigger us beyond our comprehension.

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