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Alec Newald

It’s not really possible to write about oneself or even present a case in the first person. Why should you believe me? I could say anything about anything and without tangible proof why should you believe a word I say?

So all I can pass on to you is what others have said about me and this adventure I have survived!

Certainly most have suggested it’s a unique case to study. Most also suggest it has credibility and that my honesty has never been in question. Nothing and no one has been able to disprove any aspect of this case in over 20 years! and recently facts have come to light that only reinforce the credibility of events I have related over the years.

What is it all about then?

As a child I seem to have been selected for a mission, further study suggested this mission was drawn up even before my conception on this planet.  

Things you need to understand are:

most UFO’s have pilots, mostly these pilots don’t live on earth full time.

If you have difficulty with that fact you need to read about it more deeply. Just like in the case of 911, if you take a stance on what happened without reading most everything that has been written on that event which includes both sides of the argument, you have done yourself a disservice.

Once you come to the understanding that many UFOs have pilots then you have to ask what are these pilots actually doing here?

My story will answer that question, in at least in one case.

And so the story begins…… read the book!

One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald set off on what should

have been a three hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand.

He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even more

confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten days later, and that

he had no idea of what had happened in the meantime!


When Alec did retrieve his memories of those missing ten days, he

realized his life had changed forever. Early on in that fateful trip, while

driving through a foggy mountain pass, Alec was whisked from the road by

beings from an extraterrestrial civilization. The most unusual thing was not

only was Alec taken, his car was taken as well. And it was his attempts to

find out what was “wrong” with his car” that assisted him in remembering

and at the same time put him on the radar of Government Intelligence


What he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly

beings has profound implications for all of us here on earth.

Soon after his “return”, Alec received strange visits from “government

scientists” wanting to know about his experience.

Among other things, they were keen to learn what he had noticed about

the capabilities of this alien race. Alec was uncooperative and soon found

himself in “hot water” and in fact


It was obvious that these “scientists” knew all about Alec’s abductors’ and

expected they would return to Earth one day - soon.

The interrogations that took place behind closed doors while Alec was

locked away from the public eye have never be disclosed in any of the

Coevolution story thus far and edition No 3 will tell that story and it only

opens up a bigger can of worms as far as Artificial Intelligence is


This is small extract from a 32page document that recounts two days of heavy

interrogation while held at her majesties’ pleasure.

….He did draw another item from the case. “Your turn” he said, handing

me another small item, this time a cube similar to the pyrite crystals I had

been given aboard the alien craft. At first I thought it was one of them, I’d

had one stolen a few years before. But on closer inspection it was more

highly polished and less natural looking than my own. “See what you can

do with that” House suggested.

As soon as I took it from his hand it lit up as if I’d tuned it on! “Ah, now we

are getting somewhere.” He said, “Up til now we had not managed to get

anything out of it, and in case you are wondering, yes it’s the real deal,

that was not manufactured here.”

The cube was studded with what looked like small dots, but once it was

switched on the dots appeared to project images, I could describe them as

letters but actually they were more like hieroglyphics or symbols.

“Oh, that’s interesting, House commented. “I’ve seen those symbols

before, we worked out is some sort of periodic table. I don’t’ suppose

you…..” He tapered off as the cube started to hover above my hand and

started to spin. It spun so fast it became invisible -the only things left were

the symbols. “Quick, write those down.” Cried our House, only to realize

he and I were the only ones in the room.

CoEvolution Book
Michelle Morgan

My name is Michelle Morgan, founder of Vida Es Oro, a company built on the foundation of empowering people to recognize, embrace and live in their total self-worth.  I am a passionate transformational sports coach whose sole goal is to empower youth in every aspect of their lives. 

With a sports background, earning a basketball scholarship, and a passion for working with young people, I wrote a book dedicated to today’s young athletes, How YOUth Triumph in Sports: Tools That Create aTriumphant Life.  This book was written for youth to understand the important traits they’re learning while playing sports.  What makes these tools so important is that you can apply them in any area of your life, now and forever to create a triumphant life.

I am a believer in the importance of young people recognizing and understanding what it means to value themselves and that their actions and decisions are a direct reflection of how they see themselves.


Michelle Morgan is the founder of Vida Es Oro, a company that focuses on empowering people to embrace their self-worth in creating genuine love and happiness in their lives. With a sports background and a passion for working with young people, she lives in her purpose of inspiring and empowering young people to attain their goals and to shine the light that lives inside of them.

How YOUth Triumph in Sports: Tools That Create a Triumphant Life
robert dunn


#1) Israel being formed as a Nation by the Un on 11/29/47, or when they formally Declared their Independence on 05/14/48 is the Macro Key. 

#2) The presence of this Nemesis System which comes appx every 3600 years, "The Destroyer" as the Ancients called it, and now in our skies, is the Micro Key.

Jesus said that the Generation who sees Israel (Fig Tree) reborn, would also see His Return, as in "The Rapture". Biblical generations are either 40, 70 or 100 years. I'm Strongly leaning to the 70 due to the close proximity of "The Destroyer", which (imho) will Trigger the 6th Seal. The Wrath begins at Revelation 6:17 during the 6th Seal. 1949 + 70 = 2017!

With Russia (Magog) poised in Syria, and enjoying a Strong Alliance with Iran. With the Nemesis/Nibiru System in our Skies NOW, and Ezekiel 38:18-23; describing a Russian lead attack on Israel,  with accompanying Cataclysms plaguing that attack, which can easily be associated with Nemesis/Nibiru…

For me it is All adding up! Not to mention the recent No Confidence Vote in the UN against Israel on 12/23/16…..the Things that make you go Hmmm…..


I'm 61 years young. A child of the 70's who partook of all it's forbidden fruits. Almost all anyway :-) Been Born Again & Filled with The Holy Spirit since 1984. Backslidden many times between now & then, but as Jesus Promised, He never forsook me. Been back Stronger than ever in The Lord since early 2011 when I moved back to Pittsburgh, PA from Las Vegas where I was supporting myself through winnings on Sports Betting & the Horses. Short bankroll, so never got rich. Stretched $5K for 5 years, working a real job very little. Since back in Pittsburgh have fell into being a Watchman for the End of Days. Started with the Comet ELENIN Psyop and has progressed from there.

Veronica Drake

Debunking the myth around what intuition really is and how every person has the instant ability to use their own in day to day life.

United States

Veronica Drake is a Soul 2 Soul Coach, Angel Communicator and Intuitive. All this combined with her quick wit and warm heart she entertains and educates her audiences.

Veronica’s own twenty + year spiritual journey has prepared her to teach. She is taking all her experiences and sharing them with her audiences. She openly and honestly shares her journey with raw emotion and quick wit.

Her focus is primarily on the development of unlocking the Soul’s potential and living life on purpose. While sharing her personal life story and bringing to light issues previously thought taboo, she creates hope in her clients.

Her style is intuitive, inquisitive, witty and humorous. She loves to laugh and finds laughter to be great in releasing our authentic selves.

She refers to herself as a Spiritual Badass! She is fiercely in love with life and all things spiritual in a practical, non woo woo way.Curiosity is second nature to Veronica and she finds it brings an ease and comfort to the Self-Development relationship.

If you are looking for an inspirational, God loving, witty, compassionate woman to inspire and motivate your community look no further!
Her credentials include:
• Coach training at the International Coaching Academy
• Active Member of the International Coaching Federation
• Certified Practitioner in the Law of Attraction
• Certified in Mastering Life’s Energies
• Alumni of The Holistic Learning Center
• Author of Several Books: The Unconventional Road to Emotional Freedom & Prosperity…The How-To Guide for Today’s Heart-Inspired Entrepreneur; Thoughts, Food, W(h)ine & Bubble Wrap…A Woman’s Journey to Self-Acceptance and 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Divine Purpose

Gloria Hass


My name is Gloria Hass. I am an evangelist and do speak the prophetic. I am not a fortune teller which is witchcraft. I seek God for His message for people. I have a yearly Internet Bible Boot Camp on my web site as well as weekly Bible studies - one of which is on Facebook Live and the video is also shared to YouTube.

I like to offer hope and inspiration to people and show God's love.


I have been an evangelist since 2003. I have also been a street and traveling evangelist.

I am a retired life and business coach - 25 years experience. I now give spiritual guidance with my ministry work.

Stefan Verstappen
Guest Expert Query – We Are at War
And we don't even know it
Our society is under full-scale attack by psychopaths intent on destroying our minds, our spirits, and our lives.
Public education, fluoride, and mainstream media destroys thinking. Feminism, political correctness, and popular culture destroys the human spirit. Chemtrails,  vaccines, GMO food, and microwave radiation destroys health.
 The goal of this war is to cull the herd and transform the survivors into obedient, soulless slaves. This is always the goal of psychopaths – total domination over fawning, fearful, fools.
We need to mount a vigorous defense, but there is a fundamental obstacle to doing so.
 For years, behavioral programming by our schools and media have sought to dis empower us, make us apathetic, dependent on the state, and afraid.  Before any significant positive change can be made, we need to first rally the troops and empower the people so that they can stand up and make a change.
The only way to do this is to reawaken the warrior spirit within.
Author and researcher Stefan Verstappen speaks about the need for millennial men and women to return to a tradition of independence, self reliance, courage and strength, qualities the state has done everything in its power to destroy. His latest book The Way of the Warrior, is a training manual to teach the skills needed to become a modern day warrior.
Talking Points:
How are we under attack? Who is behind this war on humanity? Why is the war being fought? What is the goal of this war? What can people do to survive this war? Why is the 'Way of the Warrior' the antidote to tyranny? How can people become 'Warriors' in their own lives?
Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the Warrior, The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, and The Art of Urban Survival.
He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years' experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China
He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and numerous other videos.
We Are at War
Susan Turner

Many of us are looking for ways to reduce stress and increase happiness and well-being.  We are also looking for ways to release out dated emotions, habits and beliefs; to become more peaceful and loving and have less conflict both within ourselves and those we love and care for.

I utilize a variety of skills to assist others to create a loving, more peaceful way of living through the various courses I teach and the private session work done.  


Susan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and has been a hypnotherapy instructor for Coastal Academy of Hypnotic Arts & Science for 6 years.  In 2015 she founded the Advanced Spiritual Hypnotherapy program and her work was published in Roy Hunter’s, “The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis” in 2016. The book went to #1 on Amazon in the US & UK.  Susan’s hypnosis specialties include:  Spiritual and Cognitive Behavior Hypnotherapy, Parts Therapy, Virtual Gastric Band and she is a Pain Relief educator.  As a certified facilitator, Susan has developed workshop s for hypnotherapists and the general public.  She also teaches all levels of Heart Resonance, which is an energy healing modality.  She is known for her compassionate, heart centered and practical approach to healing.

Before creating Better Life Now, Susan was recognized by the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce and received a Business Excellence Award for The Garden Spa – a business she owned and operated for over 5 years.

To learn more or to order Roy Hunter's new book, "The Art of Spirtual Hypnosis' click the link below:

Damon Ashley and Robin Ashley

Forbes Magazine said last year that the Hemp Industry will be at $200 Billion by 2020 in the USA.  I say “NO”, my predictions is California will be a $200 Billion Industry by itself!  There will only be ONE shot to be at the ground floor of something this HUGE…

We are a division of Medical Marijuana Inc., the legal, legitimate provider of high quality CBD hemp oil in ALL 50 states. I am reaching out to you because we are currently looking for people who will share our products through direct sales, our online marketplace, B2B, or their current health field. Or, like I do, ALL of the above.

Athletes who are using high quality CBD are reporting that they have more speed, strength, stamina, and faster recovery. CBD is an adaptogen, so your body is the healer and the CBD feeds the body like nothing else can.

In addition to our amazing products, we have several high profile people who are a part of our company. Two prominent names you may know who are Dr. Omalu who was the one who discovered CTE, sits on our Scientific Advisory Board. His worked was highlighted in the movie Concussion played by Will Smith.

Also Dr Sanja Gupta who sits on our Medical Advisory Board, he is most known for his documentary called Weed, and his work with CNN.

We are just getting started, if you would like to know how to get on the ground floor of the “Gold Rush” of our time, then please contact me!

My wife, Robin, was bitten by spiders on March 1, 2016 and the virus spread to 90% of her body.  Doctors wanted ot amputate her leg and I feared that she might die.

CBD Nature's Suppliment
Prema Lee Gurreri

Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity By Prema Lee Gurreri  

What if creating a wealthy life could be as simple as being who you are, and doing what you love?

Embrace “Your One Uniquely Great Gift” That Opens the Door to Wealth and Fulfillment

Identify Your Sacred Wealth Archetypes; Learn How to Access Their Superhero Powers to Empower Your Own Expansion and Affluence 

You have a unique internal design for wealth. That formula is encoded in your soul blueprint—and like your fingerprint, it’s unlike that of any other human being. It’s called your Sacred Wealth Code, and it is written in the universal language of purpose and prosperity.

And you have only to open the pages of Prema Lee Gurreri’s Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose and Prosperity to find out how to access it. This extraordinary new book gives you the keys!

Maybe you even think you are living your purpose, but the money isn’t flowing. You may be “living just off center from where you were meant to be,” as Prema experienced herself, until she identified her exact “sweet spot” through this simple process. Using her skills as a leading Vedic Astrologer, business consultant, energy practitioner and spiritual coach, she found a way to show people how to follow the blueprint to their own riches.

Prema defines wealth as everything you need to fulfill your greatest purpose on Earth...and that could include money, time, freedom, security, self-expression and service to others. She says that your desire for wealth is a major key to unlocking your “high value gifts and talents”—the ones no one else can do like you--and living the most amazing life possible—the life that fulfills your ultimate purpose. Your Sacred Wealth Code can be found by tracking the path of your high value gifts and talent.

Using the exercises in the book, she’ll show you how to hone in on those uniquely great gifts that are yours alone.

And then she will help you identify Your Sacred Wealth Archetypes. Revealed to her through her work in Vedic Astrology, Prema found that these Sacred Wealth Archetypes embody aspects of ourselves that help us define are character and our potential. By working with the individual Sacred Wealth Archetypes that are a match for you, you can access their superpowers to empower your own superpowers, expansion and financial flow.

Prema can further illuminate:

The Four Pillars of Your Sacred Wealth Code Why your challenges are the gateway to your gifts How to be a soul artist and use your high value gifts as your artistic medium The way to determine which are your Sacred Wealth Archetypes How to build your Sacred Wealth Council

With more than 25 years of experience helping people find their unique gifts, ignite their passion and fulfill their true purpose on Earth, Prema Lee Gurreri, has brought it all home in Your Sacred Wealth Code.

And here’s what she envisions if everyone could follow this guidance: “Just for a moment, imagine a world where everyone was connected with their truest, most authentic definition of wealth. Imagine that every person was fully aligned with their desire to expand and that each had everything they needed to fulfill their greater purpose. Imagine how different the world would be, and the enormous contributions that each person could make. Wouldn’t it be amazing?”

To interview Prema Lee Gurreri on the wisdom implanted in Your Sacred Wealth Code, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details to:

Crystal Berg
Online Business Manager


“I'm in awe. This is the most revealing, empowering, and inspiring book I've seen on attracting wealth from your own unique sacred path. Read it. Live it. Prosper from it.” - DR. JOE VITALE, author of The Attractor Factor, star of The Secret 

“Your Sacred Wealth Code goes far beyond applying spiritual principles to charting what can be an elusive path to prosperity. Prema Lee Gurreri not only describes a conscious path to freedom and wealth, she also asks the penetrating questions to reveal what wealth means to you personally and the beliefs and cultural messages that stand in your way. Prepare to do some soul searching with this beautiful book as you align internally with the expansion you—and your soul— want you to experience in all areas of your life: money, energy, love and time.” - GAIL LARSEN, best-selling author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story 

“As you read and apply the wisdom in this book, you will be turning on the divine power plant within you that can provide everything you need, want, hope for, and desire in an ever-expanding, never-ending flow of prosperity. So, read this book! Unlock your Wealth Code, and live the life you were truly meant to live!” - DEREK RYDALL, best-selling author of Emergence, host of the top podcast, “Emergence” 

“This is easily one of the most practical and enlightening journeys to real wealth, with a definitely personal twist. Prema has helped thousands discover their passion and purpose, and channel that into true and permanent wealth. This is a can't-miss book that may not only change your world but will change the world. Prema walks her talk, and is a true leader in wealth consciousness on the planet at this time.” - DR. KIMBERLY McGEORGE, ND, CNH, Energy Healer, Remote Viewer Radio host of “Secret to Everything” on The X Zone, founder of 

“The way we have been taught to think about wealth and money is too narrow; it doesn't serve us anymore. If you're passionate about growing a life and business that is totally in sync with you, your purpose, your passion, and your mission in the world, Your Sacred Wealth Code is the key to your success. It goes beyond strategy to the core of what makes us tick as wealth attractors. I highly recommend this book!” --- BRET GREGORY, author of Attract Customers Now From Facebook: Simple, Cost-Effective Marketing For Entrepreneurs 

“Everyone has wealth locked inside of them. The key is uncovering what is stopping you from achieving it. Prema's book demonstrates how you can easily apply the truth of wealth to your life based on who you already are! As a Global Brand Visionary and Empowerment Coach for women leaders, I feel that this work is needed in the world; I highly recommend this book to everyone struggling to master wealth in their lives!” - HEATHER PICKEN, best-selling author of Woman On Fire entrepreneur, founder of

United States

Prema Lee Gurreri is committed to creating a world where everyone is empowered to live according to their soul blueprint: on purpose, in a way that is aligned with their divine gifts and their birthright of true prosperity.

Prema guides and teaches entrepreneurs, visionaries, and change agents to lead with their unique, divine gifts and talents, and fully align with their purpose and passion to create wealth for themselves and the world simply by being who they are and doing what they love to do.

She believes that our core purpose is to be true to ourselves so we can claim our power and wholeness and manifest wealth in our own unique and meaningful ways. When we do what we are uniquely great at―rather than what we are merely good at―we invoke the power of our soul blueprint and our divine birthright. She created her Soulutionary® programs and services to empower clients to lead lives poised at the intersection of prosperity and purpose, and live from the hearts of their Sacred Wealth Codes. 

Prema is the #1 best-selling author of Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity (Heart Drop Press, 2017), a leading Vedic Astrologer, business consultant, energy practitioner, and spiritual coach with more than twenty- ve years of experience. In her work, Prema draws from all of these life-changing practices and modalities to work with clients one-on- one and in group settings, in person and virtually. She also presents to groups as an inspired speaker, guide, and workshop facilitator.

There is work that you are meant to do in the world. There is work that you are meant to serve the world by doing. When you work with Prema, she closes the gap between inspiration and action by revealing your Soul Success MapTM and helping you unlock your Sacred Wealth Code® to discover your unique, divine gifts and talents. With these tools, you can quickly move your mission and business forward doing the work you are meant to do and experience a new level of prosperity, freedom, peace, and ful llment.

Currently, Prema lives outside of Seattle, Washington with her beloved partner and their Standard Poodle, Bella. When she's not working, you can nd her hanging out with her two grown children, digging in her garden, hiking along the beach, or star gazing. Learn more about Prema at and

Your Sacred Wealth Code - Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity