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Stefan Verstappen
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Guest Expert Query – We Are at War

And we don't even know it
Our society is under full-scale attack by psychopaths intent on destroying our minds, our spirits, and our lives.
  • Public education, fluoride, and mainstream media destroys thinking.
  • Feminism, political correctness, and popular culture destroys the human spirit.
  • Chemtrails,  vaccines, GMO food, and microwave radiation destroys health.
 The goal of this war is to cull the herd and transform the survivors into obedient, soulless slaves. This is always the goal of psychopaths – total domination over fawning, fearful, fools.
We need to mount a vigorous defense, but there is a fundamental obstacle to doing so.
 For years, behavioral programming by our schools and media have sought to dis empower us, make us apathetic, dependent on the state, and afraid.  Before any significant positive change can be made, we need to first rally the troops and empower the people so that they can stand up and make a change.
The only way to do this is to reawaken the warrior spirit within.
Author and researcher Stefan Verstappen speaks about the need for millennial men and women to return to a tradition of independence, self reliance, courage and strength, qualities the state has done everything in its power to destroy. His latest book The Way of the Warrior, is a training manual to teach the skills needed to become a modern day warrior.
Talking Points:
  1. How are we under attack?
  2. Who is behind this war on humanity?
  3. Why is the war being fought?
  4. What is the goal of this war?
  5. What can people do to survive this war?
  6. Why is the 'Way of the Warrior' the antidote to tyranny?
  7. How can people become 'Warriors' in their own lives?
Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the WarriorThe Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient Chinaand The Art of Urban Survival.
He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years' experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China
He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and numerous other videos.
We Are at War