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Alec Newald
Your Pitch

It’s not really possible to write about oneself or even present a case in the first person. Why should you believe me? I could say anything about anything and without tangible proof why should you believe a word I say?

So all I can pass on to you is what others have said about me and this adventure I have survived!

Certainly most have suggested it’s a unique case to study. Most also suggest it has credibility and that my honesty has never been in question. Nothing and no one has been able to disprove any aspect of this case in over 20 years! and recently facts have come to light that only reinforce the credibility of events I have related over the years.

What is it all about then?

As a child I seem to have been selected for a mission, further study suggested this mission was drawn up even before my conception on this planet.  

Things you need to understand are:

most UFO’s have pilots, mostly these pilots don’t live on earth full time.

If you have difficulty with that fact you need to read about it more deeply. Just like in the case of 911, if you take a stance on what happened without reading most everything that has been written on that event which includes both sides of the argument, you have done yourself a disservice.

Once you come to the understanding that many UFOs have pilots then you have to ask what are these pilots actually doing here?

My story will answer that question, in at least in one case.

And so the story begins…… read the book!


One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald set off on what should

have been a three hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand.

He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even more

confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten days later, and that

he had no idea of what had happened in the meantime!


When Alec did retrieve his memories of those missing ten days, he

realized his life had changed forever. Early on in that fateful trip, while

driving through a foggy mountain pass, Alec was whisked from the road by

beings from an extraterrestrial civilization. The most unusual thing was not

only was Alec taken, his car was taken as well. And it was his attempts to

find out what was “wrong” with his car” that assisted him in remembering

and at the same time put him on the radar of Government Intelligence


What he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly

beings has profound implications for all of us here on earth.

Soon after his “return”, Alec received strange visits from “government

scientists” wanting to know about his experience.

Among other things, they were keen to learn what he had noticed about

the capabilities of this alien race. Alec was uncooperative and soon found

himself in “hot water” and in fact


It was obvious that these “scientists” knew all about Alec’s abductors’ and

expected they would return to Earth one day - soon.

The interrogations that took place behind closed doors while Alec was

locked away from the public eye have never be disclosed in any of the

Coevolution story thus far and edition No 3 will tell that story and it only

opens up a bigger can of worms as far as Artificial Intelligence is


This is small extract from a 32page document that recounts two days of heavy

interrogation while held at her majesties’ pleasure.

….He did draw another item from the case. “Your turn” he said, handing

me another small item, this time a cube similar to the pyrite crystals I had

been given aboard the alien craft. At first I thought it was one of them, I’d

had one stolen a few years before. But on closer inspection it was more

highly polished and less natural looking than my own. “See what you can

do with that” House suggested.

As soon as I took it from his hand it lit up as if I’d tuned it on! “Ah, now we

are getting somewhere.” He said, “Up til now we had not managed to get

anything out of it, and in case you are wondering, yes it’s the real deal,

that was not manufactured here.”

The cube was studded with what looked like small dots, but once it was

switched on the dots appeared to project images, I could describe them as

letters but actually they were more like hieroglyphics or symbols.

“Oh, that’s interesting, House commented. “I’ve seen those symbols

before, we worked out is some sort of periodic table. I don’t’ suppose

you…..” He tapered off as the cube started to hover above my hand and

started to spin. It spun so fast it became invisible -the only things left were

the symbols. “Quick, write those down.” Cried our House, only to realize

he and I were the only ones in the room.

CoEvolution Book