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Regan Hillyer

Hi BBS Radio,

I hope that this email finds you well!  My name is Marge, and I am the PR Manager at Regan Hillyer International. 

Regan Hillyer is a serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Mindset Coach with hundreds of thousands of followers globally. She is dedicated to providing personal development and business training to men and women who have a big message they want to share with the world. She specializes in helping people uncover their true message and launch powerful personal brands, helping them make a big impact and build a legacy.

The reason for my email is to introduce Regan to you, and I would like to see if there is an opportunity for Regan to be interviewed or we can set an arrangement for online/phone interview as I believe that her message and story would be of value to your platform. Her message has inspired thousands of people, and will surely captivate your audience.

I have reviewed BBS Radio archives and I believe that Regan would be a great guest for your audience because her message will inspire your audience in achieving their best mindset to achieve their financial , career and business goal.

Regan mentioned that she really enjoyed and related to following radio interviews of and

There are a number of topics we can support your platform with, including the following

-- How to create a blueprint for success 
-- How to implement the right strategies to create personal and financial freedom 
-- How to monetize your passion

Regan operates on a tight schedule but we can work at getting the interview secured well in advance. If you feel it would be a great fit to host an interview with Regan, kindly let me know what date/time you propose.

Here is a link to Regan’s website and some recent articles she’s published:

I can assure you that your time together will be well-spent and focused on delivering value to your audience. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. 

Best regards,

Public Relations Manager 
Regan Hillyer International

Regan’s passion to helping others achieve extensive financial and personal abundance is powered by a vision where every human has the ability to unlock his or her greatness.

Regan is a true thought leader in her industry - not only with fast personal growth and success but she’s here to disrupt your version of what you perceive to be ‘normal’ - to help you break free of old archaic systems.

Using powerful, unique, mindset changing tools, and cutting-edge business development strategies, Regan’s specialty is in helping experts uncover their true message and

launch powerful personal brands that make an impact, and leave a legacy.

The real story behind a multi 7 figure entrepreneur….

Regan grew up in Auckland, New Zealand. Growing up she had no idea what she wanted to do. Her family believed in following the system: working hard, getting good grades, going to college or university, getting a job and then, hopefully, finding some life satisfaction along the way.

Her father wanted to be architect so it made sense to naturally follow the route that she thought she would be good at. At 18 years old, whilst studying to be an architect, she had her 'a-ha moment' which in reality wasn't as pretty as it sounds: she was asked to imagine her life as an architect but in 20 years on. She freaked out, felt sick to the stomach and had a strong urge to get up and run out of the seminar. She simply couldn't imagine her life as an architect. She called her father, shaking and in tears, and explained this was not her path. To her surprise, he father said “Ok, I just want you to be happy” but then said, “So Regan, what are you going to do?” to which she had no idea. She made a decision there and then that she was not going to go down the 'right' path and went on a long journey of self-discovery through personal development.

She first started googling things like “How do I quit my 9-5”,”How can I fix my life?” which let her to find an e-book of a self made millionaire and she attended a seminar of his. This then led her to start investing in herself and attending events that pushed her far out of her comfort zone. As a self-claimed 'seminar junkie' she started investing in herself and at times, spending nights on a friend's couch when she couldn't afford her rent - doing whatever it took to change her own life to be able to help others do the same. Regan went on to rack up 100k of personal debt of credit card loans to try and figure it all out. To do everything she possibly could to create a life of freedom and to help people. She dabbled in everything from property investment to starting businesses to sales and marketing. But her life still looked the same.

Desperate, she turned to her mentor at the time: “maybe I’m not cut out for this, maybe I’m not meant to be successful, maybe success is for other people, maybe I should have been an architect...” Her coach, simply turned around, looked at her and laughed…

“Ah Regan”, he said, “you haven’t of the 80/20 rule have you?”. To which he then went on to explain that success is 80% mindset - the inner game, and 20% strategy - taking action. He asked her how much mindset she was doing to which she replied (and realised) she was doing hardly any mindset work.

This was the moment when Regan started investing in herself; in her mindset. Investing in things like NLP, hypnosis, she became obsessed with matrix energetics, matrix works and so much in that realm. Sure enough, everything started to shift and she started seeing results in her life.

Regan looked happier, she started her coaching business and started to make money and sharing her story. For the very first time she felt a sense of purpose: Not only was she helping people but they were coming back to her and saying thank you because she had shifted their thinking. She was coaching people on a one to one basis but after a while, she realised she had built herself a job and it was capped. She was on the phone coaching people back to back and she didn't have the time freedom she craved and she wanted to reach and help more people.

She started speaking at events and filling her own rooms. She made her first million dollars in a year. Everyone kept saying, “wow you must be so happy!”. But she didn't realise how unhappy she was. One day when Regan hosted an event, the people attending had invested thousand dollars. As she was standing outside the room, reaching her hand out to open the door, the same sickly feeling in her stomach came over her again. She ran the event but afterwards started scorning herself that she should be grateful for where she was and what she had achieved, asking herself “what is wrong with me?”

Regan then went to Bali. She committed to figuring out what that ‘feeling’ was and after some more self discovery, she worked out that making money wasn't what life was all about. She had been hiding behind brands and the truth of what she knew. She figured out she wanted to help a whole lot more of people than who she was helping in those rooms. She had to do some things differently and knew her external reality was from within. She knew if she wanted to, she could manifest anything she could. Pulling herself back into alignment, she then committed to playing a bigger game.

Now Regan impacts millions, she specializes in helping experts uncover their true message and launch powerful personal brands, helping them make a big impact and build a legacy. Regan has trained thousands of people, helping them build multiple six and seven figure businesses location free, using powerful mindset changing tools and cutting edge business development strategies. Regan Hillyer International is a global and multi 7 figure company.

Dr Glenn Livingston

Guest for Your Show

Never Binge Again

Reprogram Yourself to Think Like a Permanently Thin Person™

by Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

Psychologist and Former Multi-Million Dollar Consultant 

to the Health Industry has Cracked the Code on Binge Eating

This is Unlike Any Weight Loss Program You've EVER Seen!!!

Disregard the Self-Love Approach and Get Control Over Your "Food Monster™"

Have Your Doubts? - Check out the 1,700 reviews on Amazon!

Finally Take Control of Your "Food Monster™" for Good...
and Accomplish All Your Health and Fitness Goals


You might find this weight-loss book a little bit disquieting. You're probably used to the books that subscribe to the self-loving school of management to get control over your overeating.

Never Binge Again is unapologetically NOT THAT.

Glenn Livingston is a formerly obese and food-obsessed psychologist (with, yes, a Ph.D), thousands of private clients and years of doing multi-millions of dollars of consulting to the food industry. But it wasn't until he stumbled upon this system that he solved his own binging problem, his clients and the hundreds of thousands who now ascribe to his method.

The Never Binge Again plan requires people to--get this-treat the ravenous voice in their heads as a Food Monster™, Voracious Dog or Pig!

And he teaches you how to cage it so it never undermines whatever healthy eating plan you have set yourself on.

With an irreverence that is fun and outrageous, he slyly whispers to you in the voice of your Inner Pig... revealing it's tricky and wily ways -then gives you everything you need to cage it.   

And you wonder if this outré and politically insensitive system works? Just ask the1,700 people who have written rave reviews on Amazon, or the half million people who have downloaded the book and made it one of the 100 top digital books on Amazon.

You would think a psychologist who has done millions of dollars in binge-eating research would advocate for the self-love strategy, but after seeing it fail time and time again, Livingston realized he had to get control over his and other peoples' "fat thinking self." He did it by disassociating from that voice-the fat-thinking self--which gave him permission to eat whatever he wanted!

That worked! And it worked where nothing else did! The results today are unequivocal. Livingston makes it clear that the "fat thinking self" is not you! It's the Pig!

Open the cage even an inch-or show an ounce of fear-and it'll quickly burst out to shred your healthy eating plans, undoing all your progress in a heartbeat! You have to show NO MERCY!

Giving you an interview that will long be remembered, Dr. Livingston will also expound on:

Why we live in the "perfect storm" for overeating Why rules work better than guidelines Why character trumps willpower How to commit with perfection, but forgive yourself with dignity How to end food obsession by starting with only one food choice

As irreverent and culturally counter intuitive as Never Binge Again seems, it is no joke. It has provided permanent relief for hundreds of thousands of binge eaters. Give your listeners -- who may have failed over and over again -- real hope that life can be different with a mind control method that is fun and final.

If you would like to interview Dr. Glenn Livingston, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 

Missi Hatfield                                                Jackie Lapin

(772) 332 0528                                               (818) 707 1473


Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is a veteran psychologist and was the long time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. You may have seen his (or his company's)  previous work, theories, and research in major periodicals like The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times, The Indiana Star Ledger, The NY Daily News, American Demographics, or any of the other major media outlets you see on this page.  You may also have heard him on ABC, WGN, and/or CBS radio, or UPN TV.  

Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food obsessed individuals, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating via work with his own patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants.  Most important, however, was his own personal journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food.

Never Binge Again
Lee McCormick

Guest for Your Show

The Heart Reconnection Guidebook

By Mary Falkner, MA, and Lee McCormick

With Joan Boyarsenko, Ph.D, Will Taegel, Ph.D and Gary Seidler

With Practitioner's Guide by Holly Cook, LPC

Harness Your Heart's Innate Ability to Reclaim Its Wholeness

Tap into 300 Years of Collective Wisdom from 6 Renowned Leaders Whose Time-Tested Approaches to Heart-Based Healing Strategies Have Shown Remarkable Success


It started with a group of friends sitting around a table in Santa Fe, NM-experts in addiction recovery, psychology, health sciences and the wisdom and native traditions of healing-sharing their concerns about the low success rate of traditional addiction therapy.​

"Our goal was to identify healing processes that we knew from experience were the most helpful and, by combining efforts, develop a new program and perhaps a new paradigm for working with people who have addiction. Our goal quickly expanded to include people who have experienced trauma or are struggling with any other conditions that keep them from moving forward in their lives. We wanted more people to succeed and experience the freedom and joy that we know is on the other side of the struggle. We stepped off the well-worn trail and explored new territory. We looked at practices we knew from experience were effective, and we placed them on a path of awakening that looks at people in the light of their innate wholeness-- rather than in their brokenness," they recall.​

And, thus, was born Heart Reconnection Therapy (HRT) and the extraordinary book The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, by Mary Falkner, MA, and Lee McCormick, with Joan Boyarsenko, Ph.D, Will Taegel, Ph.D and Gary Seidler, including a Practitioner's Guide by Holly Cook, LPC.

Pulling largely from the wisdom tradition, guided self-exploration is the underlying and restorative methodology of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, a book which has no specific "agenda," but rather a context for each person's encounter with their own truth and who they are in the core of their being.

With great respect for the reader--whatever his or her struggle--the authors gently and lovingly urge people through a series of new perspectives, understandings, questions, practices and meditations--all centered in the heart--that move them toward clarity, emotional freedom and self-acceptance. The goal is to refocus on the truth of what the heart reveals, leaving behind the chaos of the mind.​

A significant aspect of The Heart Reconnection Guidebookis the introduction of directed introspection utilizing a Medicine Wheel. Each of the four quadrants represents a different stage of growth and maturity, along with different characteristics: East (childhood/playfulness and vulnerability), South (adult/love, will, and courage), West (mature adult/wisdom, acceptance and healing) and North (elder/contemplative, visionary, transformer) -- symbolizing one's life journey. As the reader progresses around the wheel, the HRT authors offer perspective, questions to journal, explorations, rituals and more.​

"The wheel offers guidance to all who seek to find their true self and live a life of purpose. Spending time on the wheel helps us discover our personal truth while gaining insight and wisdom about life and the world. If you've been traversing the wheel, you know that this Heart Reconnection journey is a journey we take over and over again. With each pass around the wheel, we gain new insights and greater awareness," say the authors.​

They also bring the reader into an awareness of the three aspects of consciousness, which they represent as three dimensions, or worlds: the Upper World (the realm of the Light, the Angels, and the Masters), the Middle World (the physical world of here and now), and the Underworld (a place of conflict, heavy energy, challenges, temptations, and revelations). Here they explore how to access each for healing and further heart reconnection.​

But not only is this book a beautiful gift to those who seek to overcome unconscious self-sabotaging patterns, trauma, depression, heartbreak from relationships or other forms of pain, it also offers therapists, life coaches, addiction counselors and healing practitioners an extensive manual on how to introduce Heart Reconnection Therapy within their own practices.​

Available for interviews is one of the two primary authors, Lee McCormick. Lee is founder of The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California. He is also cofounder of Nashville's Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program. Through Spirit Recovery Inc., Lee facilitates healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world.                                                     

If you would like to interview Lee McCormick about the transformative power of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield                                    Jackie Lapin (772) 332 0528                                (818) 707 1473

Profiles of The Heart Reconnecton Guidbook Authors

Lee McCormick is the founder of The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California. He is also cofounder of Nashville's Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program. Through Spirit Recovery Inc., Lee facilitates the production of healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world. He is the executive producer of the documentary Dreaming Heaven, in which he plays a leading role. He is the author of The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journal: Meditations for Reclaiming Your Authenticityand coauthor of Dreaming Heaven: The Beginning Is Near! and Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag.

Mary Faulkner, MA, is a writer, therapist, and teacher. She is the author of eight books on spirituality and healing. Mary is the cofounder of Integrative Life Center; former director of women's services at Cumberland Heights, both in Nashville, Tennessee; former trauma specialist; and a spiritual advisor at The Ranch in Nunnelly, Tennessee. Mary certifies counselors and health care professionals in Integrative Hypnotherapy for Transforming Trauma and Healing the Heart.​

Joan Borysenko, PhD, is a pioneer in the integration of mind, body, and spirit. She is a licensed psychologist with a doctorate in cell biology from Harvard Medical School, and president of Mind-Body Health Sciences. A New York Times bestselling author of sixteen books and several meditation CDs, Joan synthesizes cutting-edge science with deep humanity. She is a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. Her work has been foundational in an international healthcare revolution that recognizes the role of meaning and the spiritual dimensions of life as an integral part of health and healing.​

Will Taegel, PhD, walks in two dimensions. One reflects his lifelong connection with the Indigenous Mind/Heart and the other his psychological and scientific research. While both his doctorates concentrate on the synergy of ecopsychology and the matrix of field physics, he counts his shamanic training described in his book Walking With Bears as the most important of his life.. Will is dean at Wisdom School of Graduate Studies, Ubiquity University, Austin, Texas. He is an experienced psychotherapist with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry, and holds a doctor of ministry focused in Family Systems Therapy and Spirituality from University of California at Berkeley.​

Holly Cook, LPC-MHSP, is a licensed professional counselor and mental health service provider with more than 30 years of experience as a therapist, program administrator, and international trainer. Holly has been described as a "life artist" who works with people, helping them find and create the life they want to live. In addition to her private practice in Nashville, Tennessee, Holly is a cofounder of the Integrative Life Center, which integrates spirit and science-based approaches to healing and creating community.​

Gary Seidler is the consulting executive editor to Counselor magazine, a peer-reviewed journal for professionals in the mental health and addiction fields. He is the cofounder of Health Communications, Inc., a leading self-help, wellness, and recovery publisher, and the cofounder/codirector of US Journal Training, a quality provider of continuing education courses and conferences for mental health professionals.


Lee McCormick Biography:

Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, Lee McCormickhas always lived out loud. He is the founder of The Integrative Life Center in Nashville, The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee, and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California and has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 20 years. ​

He founded Spirit Recovery Inc. to produce Healing and Recovery conferences and Spiritual Journeys around the world. Lee is also a co-founder of Front Porch Partners a Consulting, Management, and Research Development Company working in the medical and behavioral Health disciplines. ​

Lee has authored The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journalto assist people in reclaiming their lives and is co-author of Spirit Recovery Medicine Bagwith HCI Books.. Lee is the executive producer and has a leading role in the documentary Dreaming Heaven, the true story of the experiences of 18 people over five days at Teotihuacán, Mexico. He has led many journeys to this place of power. ​

Today he is here to talk about his NEW Heart Reconnection Guidebookand how a group of powerful friends, sitting around a kitchen table created a masterpiece of heart-based healing.

Avilone Bailey

Avilone is the founder of the Emotional Relief Catalyst energy healing modality.  With her no-touch technique, benefits are immediate and continue with time.  Clients have been relieved of childhood traumas, hurtful relationships, abusive experiences and toxic emotions. 

Her clients have experienced freedom from headaches, chronic back pain, unhealthy behaviors, toxic relationships, thought patterns,beliefs and more.  It is said that 90% of suffering is from stored emotions.  It's time to get free!


From a young child, I could see that which others didn't, beginning with the energy fields around the trees and bushes at the age of six.  It wasn't easy being and feeling different from others, however, I developed a deeply personal relationship with my Inner Guidance which has guided me on a journey that is special and unique.

I've always had the calling to help others and as a nurse, I fulfilled that desire in a conventional way, earning a Master's Degree along the way.  But, I knew there was more to healing than just within a traditional pathway.

Parallel to my nursing career has been my metaphysical path where, for over 30 years, I was intimately drawn to and involved with energy healing.  Through the many experiences along my metaphysical journey, I have become adept at perceiving energy and using my unique gifts to help people. 

My in-depth exploration of working with and understanding how stored energy affects each person  has lead to my founding of the Emotional Relief Catalyst no-touch energy healing modality which is effective by phone or internet.

Christopher pittman

I am a 31 year old paranormal investigator with over 7 years in the field researching and studying the paranormal. I am a family man a husband and a father.


I am a 31 year old paranormal investigator with over 7 years in the field researching and studying the paranormal. I am a family man a husband and a father.

Aage Nost

Hello Hello, Love to be a guest on your show.  I wrote books: SPIRITUAL SCIENCE HIGHER CONSCIOUS THINKING AND HOW TO ACCESS THE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and UNIVERSAL SUCCESS PRINCIPLES AND HOW BILLIONAIRES THINK. I am the radio circuit, and my favorite thing to speak on is The Universal Consciousness, Quantum existence, the Holographic Universe, the real power of the Mind, the Paranormal, Life after "death", UFO, Extra terrestrial presence, what is on the Moon and how science prove it is Hollow, What happened on Mars (it is radioactive), in 2009 the Nobel Prize the Nobel Prize was given for the discovery of an Enzyme that Reverses the Aging Process - and no one seems to know, how Billionaires think, and what ever else comes up.  I can pretty much go anywhere.  I am also a Radio Host of 2 shows plus a Pod Cast.





He was born on a farm in Norway, in Northern Europe.

He had to take over much of the work and management of the farm at an early age as a teenager.

While still a teenager, he had learned Hypnosis from a magician in Europe.

After graduation from Agricultural College, He operated the family farm for several
years, in Norway.

He spent one year in mandatory military service, driving a battle-tank, in his country
of birth; Norway.

. -",",-

By the age of 25 he had learned several languages, studied science including Metaphysics and different forms and theories of Spirituality.

At the age of 25 he left Norway to go to the USA to go to flight school at Emery School of Aviation in Greeley, Colorado.

After one year he graduated from flight school.

He has obtained the following Pilot licenses, certificates and ratings:

Commercial Pilot License with an Instrument Rating,

Flight Instructor - Airplane (CFI),
Flight Instructor -Instrument(CFII),
Multi Engine rating,

Multi Engine Instructor Airplane (CFIM),
Multi Engine Instructor – Instrument (CFIIM).

After graduating from flight school, he worked for other flight schools and Air Taxi
operators for 3 years to gain more experience, and log more flight time.

In 1975, with a partner, they started a flight school (Arrowhead Airways, Inc.) at the
Anoka County airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Besides being one of the most
active flight schools in the Minneapolis area, Arrowhead Airways, Inc. grew to an
International Air Taxi operation and scheduled Air Carrier.

For several years he taught Ground school for the flight school. This included Aero- Dynamics, Meteorology, Federal Aviation Regulations, Aircraft Engine, Navigation
theory and systems, and accident prevention etc.

He has flown Piston, Turbo Propeller and Jet aircraft.

He has logged more then 10,000 hours of flight time, both in teaching and transportation,
including almost 1,000 hours "upside down" teaching Aerobatics.

He acted as an Accident Prevention Counselor for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and gave Bi-Annual flight reviews for re-certification of pilots.

After he sold his share of Arrowhead Airways, Inc. to his partner, he started to do
other things as starting American Barter, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, got more into Paranormal research, hypnosis, oil painting, teaching hypnosis and mind

Between then and now, he has done and been involved in many projects;

He taught the "Subliminal Dynamics Mind Development" course, (now called
"Subliminal Dynamics Mind Management"), which teaches you to assimilate
information from a book at the rate of 50,000 or more words per minute or more, Perfected memory, Creative visualization for healing and manifestation, Creative goal setting, and other things not taught in the regular school system.

As a joint venture he developed a patent, US Patent Number 5193719, perfected the paperwork and drawings on the original patent, and was granted a patent in the USA and 10 European countries.

He created and operated the "Freedom Civil Rights Investigation Service" to help
people with legal problems.

He created, wrote and published "The Constitutional liberator", a monthly newsletter covering controversial political issues, the "truth behind the truth", health issues and "banned" medical cures that works, besides many topics the mainstream media do not dare to touch.

He co-wrote a book with author, Patricia Ress of Omaha, Nebraska, titled "Alien
Encounters in America's Midwest". It featured hidden Government documents
proving the Government cover-up of the UFO issue, NASA prints of building and
structures on our Moon, and personal testimonies from people who have had contacts with Extra Terrestrials. The book is now out of print.

In 1999 he hosted a live call in radio show on KTKT Radio in Tucson, Arizona. It was dealing with Holistic Health Care, Oxygen and the body, Nutrition and how to stay healthy the natural way.

For 6 years he was the Host and Producer of a live TV talk show called "The Hidden Truths", in Tucson, Arizona. It featured the Paranormal, UFO, controversial political issues, Government cover-ups, mind development, hidden and "banned" medical cures, future science, and other "out of the box" issues not covered by the Mainstream Media.

For 5 years he was the Host of a TV news cast called "Access News". It
featured mostly the "Politically Incorrect News Behind The News".

In January of the year 2000 he helped create, operated and managed a radio station
(KRVL) in Tucson, Arizona. The programming was almost entirely "Talk Radio", with the main purpose of educating the people on Constitutional and Freedom related subjects, as well as Paranormal and Spiritual issues. Because of its uniqueness, a film documentary was created of the Radio station and the people running it. This TV documentary was entered and presented at the International Film Festival, It was titled:"Making Waves".

In the year 2000, he was nominated by the libertarian Party to be on the Ballot and run for Congress in Congressional District 5 in Arizona.

From time to time he writes articles for publications in the USA and Europe.

For over two decade he has done research on law and Paralegal work for people.

On February 28, 2000, a Star was named after him, and registered with the
"International Star Registry" in Switzerland. The Star number is: 3101159, and is
located in the Pisces Constellation at: MV 11.0 RA. 1h, 34m, 16.93s, Decline 4
degrees 5' 0.53".

In July, 2003 he was interviewed by BBC Television in England, for a TV Documentary titled: "Time Trip", discussing the possibilities of, and practical applications of Time Travel. Others interviewed for the same Documentary was Theoretical Physicist and author Michio Kaku, and three other Theoretical Physicists. Also interviewed was Patricia Ress, of Omaha, Nebraska who has written several books on Time Travel. These people are the foremost experts on Theoretical Physics and the "technical" side of Time Travel in the world. The TV Documentary has been shown globally to about a Billion people.

He has been featured in multi-page articles in European newspapers, his business, run for political office, Television and radio shows, writings, research, and adventures in the USA.

He wrote the book; "Spiritual Science, Higher Consciousness Thinking And How To Access the Universal Consciousness", now available Amazon

He wrote the book; “Universal Success Principles and How Billionaires Think”, now available

He just put out a Video Documentary under the brand name: Fastwalkers Open Files, Volume six, featuring UFO, Alien presence, Universal Consciousness, The real Power of the Mind, and other things we are not supposed to know about.

With a co-host in Germany, Aage is doing a radio show called: “The Universal Consciousness Show”, which can be listened to live at 11:00 on Mondays, US Pacific time, 19:00 Greenwich, 20:00 Norwegian and Central European time

His web site with archive of radio shows, news, Blogs and over 4000+ unbelievable pictures

Join Aage Nost and the Radio Group on Facebook at:

With two partners he started a Pod Cast with Video production: “Broadcast Team Alpha”

And the journey goes on - - -

Spiritual Science Higher Conscious Thinking and How to Access the Universal Consciousness
Dr Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith

Inner Traditions will release Orleane & Smith's new book, Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology-Charting the Spirals of consciousness in November. Endorsements can be viewed at

Smith and Orleane also designed a calendar to accompany the book that uses energy rather than time to manage our lives. Orleane's last Inner Tradition's book, Sacred Retreat–Using Natural Cycles to Recharge our Lives, won the Nautilus ("Better Books for a Better World") Gold Award in Women's Literature. Now Orleane and Smith are taking the understanding of cycles to a cosmic level with the release of their newest book! Press releases, catalog pages, and book covers are available upon request. Orleane and Smith have been writing and speaking about human evolution internationally for decades. We would love to share our new work with your audience.


Pia Orleane, Ph.D. & Cullen Baird Smith are co-creators of the revolutionary new Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar and co-authors of

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology- Charting the Spirals of Consciousness; Conversations With Laarkmaa–A Pleiadian view of the New Reality; and Remembering Who We Are–Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition. Trained in archeology and anthropology, Cullen, who has been accessing parallel realms of love and light since childhood, is an empathic intuitive.  Former practicing psychologist and author of the Nautilus Gold award winning book Sacred Retreat–Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life, Pia is a respected intuitive and astrologer. 

Dr Mahesh Hukmani

I am an Eye Surgeon By Profession and Much into Vibrational Medicine since 2008

I am into 10th Year of My Research on Disease Prevention and have Finally Decoded Health in terms of Achieving Disease Prevention , as Per the Standards and Guidelines Formulated By W H O in Geneva 1984.

I have also been Awarded as the Best Health care Start up in Mumbai India on May 16,2018.

My Product is a Patented, new age Diagnostic and can scan the whole body in 30 seconds to give you :(By Means of 30 seconds of Voice Recording: On phone, in Person or via our Mobile Phone App on Google play)

Root Cause Analysis: Trapped Emotions Stage wise Progression of Disease Process: Neural Pathways. Stage of your Disease Process: From Mind to the Blood and to the Body. Nature of Missing Frequencies in the aura. Frequency Associations: At Mind, Blood and Body level. Chakra, Meridian, Elemental Imbalances. The state of the Mind: Whether Conscious or the Subconscious Mind is Your Dominant one. Reporting of 30-50 Pages depicting in detail:

Changes at The Emotional Level: List of Negative Emotions: Root Cause.

Changes at Blood Level: Neurotransmitters, Hormones, Amino acids, Vitamins, Electrolytes, Ions, Minerals etc

Changes at Body Level: Which Organ/Set of Organs are affected now and Predictive involvement of Future.

Bach Flowers and essential oil recommendations. Crystal Recommendations Color Recommendations. Balancing is done by missing frequencies detected: Sound therapy.

Dr Mahesh Hukmani is an Eye Surgeon by profession and did his

MS in ophthalmology from the prestigious S.M.S Medical college and

Hospital Jaipur ( Raj.) in 1998.

He practiced  till 2008, and jumped into the  field of Research with Quantum Physics

and Vibrational Medicine as his choice.

His Research in Vibrational Medicine went on until one day he managed to develop a software for Voice analysis, called Jupiter Voice Scan or JV-SCAN, as a new Holistic approach in Diagnosing the Trapped Emotions Of Sub conscious Mind &  treating the human body deficiencies in the form of pure sound frequencies named by him as HEALING CODE THERAPY.

It is now matured into the one and only Complete integrated Wellness Concept, in the History of Holistic/Alternative therapies, that helps in Disease Prevention, Utilizing its own Diagnostics (Only Allopathy has its own Diagnostics otherwise), and treatment by means of Pure sound Frequencies, making it a completely drugless, painless, affordable method of treatment.

The whole Concept is under Protection under:

Intellectual Property Rights Patent Protection Copy Right Protection

​With more than 1800 clients treated successfully in the last 3.5  years after its launch on June 24, 2013, This method is becoming the treatment of choice for not only disease prevention but also disease elimination.

Edward Gonzales

A True Story Of A poltergiest


A real life poltergiest that me and my family went threw several years back ,while playing with the oouji board ,an experience that left me tramatized for years, and I'm an author now ,and I will be writting my next book about this experience .but I feel that others need to hear what I went threw so that what happened to me and my family doesn't ever happen to anyone else.