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Lee McCormick
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The Heart Reconnection Guidebook

By Mary Falkner, MA, and Lee McCormick

With Joan Boyarsenko, Ph.D, Will Taegel, Ph.D and Gary Seidler

With Practitioner's Guide by Holly Cook, LPC

Harness Your Heart's Innate Ability to Reclaim Its Wholeness

Tap into 300 Years of Collective Wisdom from 6 Renowned Leaders Whose Time-Tested Approaches to Heart-Based Healing Strategies Have Shown Remarkable Success


It started with a group of friends sitting around a table in Santa Fe, NM-experts in addiction recovery, psychology, health sciences and the wisdom and native traditions of healing-sharing their concerns about the low success rate of traditional addiction therapy.​

"Our goal was to identify healing processes that we knew from experience were the most helpful and, by combining efforts, develop a new program and perhaps a new paradigm for working with people who have addiction. Our goal quickly expanded to include people who have experienced trauma or are struggling with any other conditions that keep them from moving forward in their lives. We wanted more people to succeed and experience the freedom and joy that we know is on the other side of the struggle. We stepped off the well-worn trail and explored new territory. We looked at practices we knew from experience were effective, and we placed them on a path of awakening that looks at people in the light of their innate wholeness-- rather than in their brokenness," they recall.​

And, thus, was born Heart Reconnection Therapy (HRT) and the extraordinary book The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, by Mary Falkner, MA, and Lee McCormick, with Joan Boyarsenko, Ph.D, Will Taegel, Ph.D and Gary Seidler, including a Practitioner's Guide by Holly Cook, LPC.

Pulling largely from the wisdom tradition, guided self-exploration is the underlying and restorative methodology of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, a book which has no specific "agenda," but rather a context for each person's encounter with their own truth and who they are in the core of their being.

With great respect for the reader--whatever his or her struggle--the authors gently and lovingly urge people through a series of new perspectives, understandings, questions, practices and meditations--all centered in the heart--that move them toward clarity, emotional freedom and self-acceptance. The goal is to refocus on the truth of what the heart reveals, leaving behind the chaos of the mind.​

A significant aspect of The Heart Reconnection Guidebookis the introduction of directed introspection utilizing a Medicine Wheel. Each of the four quadrants represents a different stage of growth and maturity, along with different characteristics: East (childhood/playfulness and vulnerability), South (adult/love, will, and courage), West (mature adult/wisdom, acceptance and healing) and North (elder/contemplative, visionary, transformer) -- symbolizing one's life journey. As the reader progresses around the wheel, the HRT authors offer perspective, questions to journal, explorations, rituals and more.​

"The wheel offers guidance to all who seek to find their true self and live a life of purpose. Spending time on the wheel helps us discover our personal truth while gaining insight and wisdom about life and the world. If you've been traversing the wheel, you know that this Heart Reconnection journey is a journey we take over and over again. With each pass around the wheel, we gain new insights and greater awareness," say the authors.​

They also bring the reader into an awareness of the three aspects of consciousness, which they represent as three dimensions, or worlds: the Upper World (the realm of the Light, the Angels, and the Masters), the Middle World (the physical world of here and now), and the Underworld (a place of conflict, heavy energy, challenges, temptations, and revelations). Here they explore how to access each for healing and further heart reconnection.​

But not only is this book a beautiful gift to those who seek to overcome unconscious self-sabotaging patterns, trauma, depression, heartbreak from relationships or other forms of pain, it also offers therapists, life coaches, addiction counselors and healing practitioners an extensive manual on how to introduce Heart Reconnection Therapy within their own practices.​

Available for interviews is one of the two primary authors, Lee McCormick. Lee is founder of The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California. He is also cofounder of Nashville's Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program. Through Spirit Recovery Inc., Lee facilitates healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world.                                                     

If you would like to interview Lee McCormick about the transformative power of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield                                    Jackie Lapin (772) 332 0528                                (818) 707 1473

Profiles of The Heart Reconnecton Guidbook Authors

Lee McCormick is the founder of The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California. He is also cofounder of Nashville's Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program. Through Spirit Recovery Inc., Lee facilitates the production of healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world. He is the executive producer of the documentary Dreaming Heaven, in which he plays a leading role. He is the author of The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journal: Meditations for Reclaiming Your Authenticityand coauthor of Dreaming Heaven: The Beginning Is Near! and Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag.

Mary Faulkner, MA, is a writer, therapist, and teacher. She is the author of eight books on spirituality and healing. Mary is the cofounder of Integrative Life Center; former director of women's services at Cumberland Heights, both in Nashville, Tennessee; former trauma specialist; and a spiritual advisor at The Ranch in Nunnelly, Tennessee. Mary certifies counselors and health care professionals in Integrative Hypnotherapy for Transforming Trauma and Healing the Heart.​

Joan Borysenko, PhD, is a pioneer in the integration of mind, body, and spirit. She is a licensed psychologist with a doctorate in cell biology from Harvard Medical School, and president of Mind-Body Health Sciences. A New York Times bestselling author of sixteen books and several meditation CDs, Joan synthesizes cutting-edge science with deep humanity. She is a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. Her work has been foundational in an international healthcare revolution that recognizes the role of meaning and the spiritual dimensions of life as an integral part of health and healing.​

Will Taegel, PhD, walks in two dimensions. One reflects his lifelong connection with the Indigenous Mind/Heart and the other his psychological and scientific research. While both his doctorates concentrate on the synergy of ecopsychology and the matrix of field physics, he counts his shamanic training described in his book Walking With Bears as the most important of his life.. Will is dean at Wisdom School of Graduate Studies, Ubiquity University, Austin, Texas. He is an experienced psychotherapist with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry, and holds a doctor of ministry focused in Family Systems Therapy and Spirituality from University of California at Berkeley.​

Holly Cook, LPC-MHSP, is a licensed professional counselor and mental health service provider with more than 30 years of experience as a therapist, program administrator, and international trainer. Holly has been described as a "life artist" who works with people, helping them find and create the life they want to live. In addition to her private practice in Nashville, Tennessee, Holly is a cofounder of the Integrative Life Center, which integrates spirit and science-based approaches to healing and creating community.​

Gary Seidler is the consulting executive editor to Counselor magazine, a peer-reviewed journal for professionals in the mental health and addiction fields. He is the cofounder of Health Communications, Inc., a leading self-help, wellness, and recovery publisher, and the cofounder/codirector of US Journal Training, a quality provider of continuing education courses and conferences for mental health professionals.


Lee McCormick Biography:

Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, Lee McCormickhas always lived out loud. He is the founder of The Integrative Life Center in Nashville, The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee, and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California and has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 20 years. ​

He founded Spirit Recovery Inc. to produce Healing and Recovery conferences and Spiritual Journeys around the world. Lee is also a co-founder of Front Porch Partners a Consulting, Management, and Research Development Company working in the medical and behavioral Health disciplines. ​

Lee has authored The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journalto assist people in reclaiming their lives and is co-author of Spirit Recovery Medicine Bagwith HCI Books.. Lee is the executive producer and has a leading role in the documentary Dreaming Heaven, the true story of the experiences of 18 people over five days at Teotihuacán, Mexico. He has led many journeys to this place of power. ​

Today he is here to talk about his NEW Heart Reconnection Guidebookand how a group of powerful friends, sitting around a kitchen table created a masterpiece of heart-based healing.