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Gabriela Marsala

Guest for Your Show

Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life

By Gabriela Masala, M.A.

Fun-Filled Ways to Surrender into the Creative Source and its Unlimited Nature to Rewire Yourself for a Quantum Future



How would you like to have a love affair, a communion with your own life force?

Gabriela Masala, M.A., has created a portal through which you can indeed meld with the Quantum Field in infinite creativity to achieve a glorious life that you may never even have imagined!

Her Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life is deceptive. It looks just like a really fun workbook. But if you think that's all it is, you have just sold it--and yourself--short. It is a remarkable creative system for opening yourself up to your fullest, greatest expression of what your soul and that Source-Field has in mind for you.

Everyday Magnificent is designed to lead you in co-creative, superconscious exercises that unleash the power to manifest whatever wants to come forth. It takes you out of your conscious, analytical mind so that you are not bound by what came before, and you are open to what may be.   

The book supports you to connect directly with your instinctual, intuitive, heart-centered body intelligence. The process stimulates the ability to come into alignment with -- and live daily in -- wholeness, joy, love for life and the thrill of being in service to the world. It allows you to rewire and apply Quantum laws to daily life. Gabriela's unique masterpiece facilitates surrendering into the creative source and its unlimited nature.

It shows you how to practice Alchemy--the art and craft of intention and surrender.

Everyday Magnificent is designed to be a 30-day journey, and on each day, you have either a gentle combination of assigned actions or open reflection. But, oh, those actions!

They invite the Mystery to speak to you, unhindered and uncensored!

Consider some of the tools and practices:

Single Mandalas of your creation, or a Mandala Series designed to allow Source to speak to you through these "sacred circles" Spirit journaling To Be Lists (as opposed to To Do lists) Prompts and inquiries that probe your heart for what it's calling to create Colorful Dream Designs to bring into form what you would love to manifest Unity Coherence meditations to breathe in and fuse with source energy Soul dancing to vibrate, shake and elevate your frequency The creation of a love letter from your future self to your current self, filled with wisdom to overcome your challenges today Enacting creative and fun "Touchstones" that you practice daily to integrate the highest vibration into your existence And 35+ other Source engaging practices

Gabriela knew from the age of three that her mission in this lifetime was to transform human consciousness, and she has pursued that in the fullness of joy and passion through her adult life. A renowned yoga teacher and instructor in mind/body/spirit modalities, she was a founding member of the Deepak Chopra Center for Well Being and a movement therapist for Canyon Ranch Health resorts.

Over the years, she has created or compiled various evolutionary consciousness practices that she used to accelerate her own advancement toward a soul-driven, unlimited life that applied the Quantum laws in a way that was easy and sustainable. When many of her colleagues began asking her to share them, Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life was born.

Says Gabriela, "Using this guide for living an Everyday Magnificent life creates something uniquely self-authorized, defined and curated by each being. When we tap into our unlimited nature and wake up to our creative power and Source connection, our current life mission becomes the driver -- and everyday becomes magnificent! All of life takes on a quality of being that is open to purpose, turned on, tuned into the creative, mysterious force of life, and guided playfully and lovingly from this Source. We enter into a whole new playing field of life on Earth." 

So get out your crayons, coloring pens and dancing shoes! If you would like to take your own 30-day life-force love affair journey with Everyday Magnificent and interview Gabriela Masala for an entirely unpredictable and creative interview, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Gabriela’s been steeping in universal wisdom teachings, contemplative expressive arts and energy medicine for over 20 years. Her guidance is infused with pure love and sober clarity. Her skills dive into the heart of matters, using the creative process as a catalyst for transformation. She is passionate about the alchemy and art of life and pioneering new territory for what it means to be fully alive.

As a facilitator and consultant, her approach is holistic, compassionate and integrative. She weaves program designs to catalyze breakthroughs and maximize emergent intelligence. Her approach helps guide clients to their body wisdom, inner genius and deepest heart, where their expression is a revelation, an immediate path home.

She is a lover of art, movement, music, nature, humanity and cosmology. The Universe and natural world are among her greatest teachers. She holds a Masters degree in Culture and Creation Spirituality, with a concentration in Art as Meditation.

Her decades in the professional world of Mind/Body/Spirit education have taken her across the globe into diverse teaching environments. Her studies with various mentors and teachers in a wide spectrum of foci, inspire her unique masteries. She is a long time facilitator of several yoga, dance, healing and expressive arts modalities. She’s an author, recording artist, song carrier, entrepreneur and founding principal of Source Consulting Group.

Arthur Clemens

I have a lawsuit pending against Local One of the Service Employees International Union, and its President Tom Balanoff,  charging financial malpractice, rigging elections, increasing dues without authority, and other torts.  The suit can be read online and the case name and number is Clemens vs. Balanoff, et al., 4:17-cv-2381 RLW.   You must set up an account with PACER to read the case.  The significance of the case is that I am trying to have a federal law declared Unconstitutional which is used to rig all Union elections in the United States. I can send press releases on the case to any talk show host who might be interested if necessary. 


Published author, Bronze Star winner for service in Vietnam

John Wayne S III

Good Day!

This is a request for John Wayne S. III to be a guest on your radio/podcast program. He is the Producer/Director/Writer of the film Red All Over.

"Red All Over" is being released on DVD and streaming platforms June 18th, 2019.  The film is about a young boy who accidentally shoots a girl. It is told from both the shooters and victims point of view. Red All Over explores both sides of the gun violence issue. It takes the focus off the crime and gives the narrative to those involved. Red All Over also highlights the silent predator that is bullying. The stress it can put on someone and how it may channel emotions in a sometimes unproductive direction.

This film is a great conversation starter to encourage youth and community leaders to open up about possible solutions.

No matter what our plight in life is, we all have a story.  One persons perspective does not have the precedence over another. Crimes of the soul, mind and heart come in many colors. The issue of gun violence is a political, moral and personal debate in our country. In this film we invite the audience to understand both sides before choosing one.

You can view the current film trailer at

If you have interest, please reply to this email to schedule a screening.

In advance I thank you for your time and efforts.

United States

John Wayne S. III (JW) is a storyteller, film-maker, producer, and director of the critically acclaimed indie film Red All Over. Over his two decades-long career, JW has built a solid foundation of trust and expertise, thanks to his experience in multiple aspects of both the film and music industries. JW’s fiercely unique work draws the audience into the realistically hard-hitting worlds of film, music, and television.

JW’s remarkable career in production and film began as a production assistant for director George Tillman Jr’s (Soul Food and Men of Honor) first feature length film, Scenes for the Soul. When production of the film wrapped, JW then explored the music industry with Grammy-nominated producer Steve “Silk” Hurley, and eventually became Director of International A&R, supervising agents in both the UK and Japan.

Encouraged by his growing knowledge and intimacy with production and publicity, JW joined forces with director DA Bullock to produce music videos. Shortly after that JW started JWS Productions. Since its inception, JW has produced over 200 music videos, 70 commercials, and a variety of media projects with BET and The Colours Network, respectively, to develop programming.

Ten years later, JW became President and General Manager of DL Records, where he guided the label’s trajectory and helped propel its artists into mainstream media. JW’s time with DL Records generated the hit single, “We Don’t Play Dat”, which was produced by Lil John and featured Bun B of UGK.

Content with his successes in the music industry but longing for more, JW was eager to return to the frontier of documentary and feature films. He started Londyn Town Pictures in 2009 to produce Last Step Before Reality, a documentary that followed 6 young adults, aged 18-20, attending an alternative school. For several years after finishing this project, JW searched for the right opportunity to pursue for his first feature before choosing the prolific script for Red All Over, which highlights the ever-growing aspect of gun violence and its consequences from an alternative point of view.

Aside from JW’s film directorial debut with Red All Over, he continues to produce and direct several other film and TV projects. When JW isn’t immersed in the world of independent cinema, he enjoys cycling, cooking, reading sci-fi mysteries, and spending quality time with his daughter, Londyn, in their Houston, Texas home.

Marilynn Hughes

I am a writer of over 90 Out-of-Body Travel Books, have appeared on innumerable radio shows. Currently, I'm learning Remote Viewing from Michelle Freed Bulgatz. I would love to be on your show. Many Blessings, Marilynn Hughes


Marilynn Hughes founded 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' in 2003 (Mission: Reduce Spiritual and Physical Hunger Worldwide). Marilynn has written 98+ books, 40 magazines and around 15 CD's on Out-of-Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism. These books, along with accompanying music and art, are all available for free download. Marilynn has experienced, researched, written and taught about Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987 and has appeared on innumerable radio and television programs to discuss her thousands of out-of-body experiences. She has studied the Ancient Sacred Texts of all Major and Minor World Religions extensively, as well as, Catholic Mystical, Ascetical, Biblical, Doctrinal, Dogmatic, Systematic, Liturgical, Catechetical, Moral Theology and Individual Schools of Theology, i.e. Franciscan, Carmelite, Ignatian, Dominican, Benedictine, etc. Marilynn Hughes was a Staff Writer and Featured Catholic Writer on Suite 101's Online Encyclopedia for several years.

The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation's Marilynn Hughes is the author of the first and only English Language Encyclopedia of Ancient Sacred Texts, 'The Voice of the Prophets: Wisdom of the Ages,' in Twelve Volumes. She was featured in the documentary film 'The Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary which has been viewed by well over half a million people. She's been included in 'The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World,' (By Constance Heidari, Red Wheel Weiser) and 'Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness,' by Dr. Thomas Streicher. Marilynn was invited to speak at the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences Conference (UNITED NATIONS NGO), the International YOG Festival (Bhandari Yogayurved Center, by C.M. Bhandari, Former Ambassador to India) and the London Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution (who choose nine top Global Scientists, Humanitarians and Mystics) to speak about their work. Marilynn has been the object of a Scientific Study on Out-of-Body Experiences and was a subject in several other Research Studies. She spent two years on the original board of 'The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Experiences.' Dr. Rudy Schild, Professor Emeritus Astrophysics Harvard and Editor of the Journal of Cosmology, and Marilynn Hughes have co-authored a chapter ('The Science for Moral Law) which is included in Volume III of 'The Change,' by Jim Britt and Jim Lutes. Marilynn has joined James Van Praagh and the research team at 'The Afterlife Uncovered' which hopes to produce a documentary and subsequent television series.

Although a devout Catholic and loyal to the teaching authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation's' Marilynn Hughes has received certifications and education in interfaith fields for the purpose of serving all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. (Honorary Doctorate in Divinity and Metaphysics, Certification as Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor and Interfaith Ministry).

She is also a Fifth Epochal Ambassador for the Urantia Revelation through the Uversa Foundation. 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' is also included in the Global New Age Directories.

Marilynn came across her vocation unexpectedly. When she was nine years old, she had her first profound vision wherein she saw the heavens open and a beautiful marble staircase surrounded by angels led to the throne of God. In this experience, she was told many things, among them that He would return to her later in her life and give her a mission. When she was 22 years old, she had her first out-of-body experience completely unexpectedly which began a process of journaling which would unleash thousands of out-of-body travel and mystical experiences over the next decades which began and led the process which changed her life, her career and her focus from then forward.

Marilynn Hughes offers Spiritual Counseling for those who have an interest in one on one guidance. 

The Mystical Captive, By Marilynn Hughes, Out-of-Body Travel
Gavin Davies
Good afternoon,
My name is Gavin Davies and I am a publicist of 6th books (Imprint of John Hunt Publishing) and I would like to inquire if you would care for Claire Waters, author of Raising Faith - A True Story of Raising a Child Psychic-Medium to be a guest on your show.
Raising Faith has sold out on pre-order (release date 29th March 2019), has been picked up by the UK Media and has been endorsed by celebrity physics.
Claire has incredible experiences, knowledge, and advice to give. Raising Faith is truly a beautiful and magical book.
Let me know and I can email you a PDF version of Raising Faith, a media pack and other info for your perusal.
If you would like to have Claire Waters guest or care for further info then please feel free to contact me,
Thank you so much for your time,
Warmest Regards
Gavin Davies
T: +44 07445599560
United Kingdom

Claire lives in rural Hampshire in the UK with her husband and two children Faith and Tom. When the children were 4 and 2 years old respectively, Claire learned of their psychic medium abilities and she subsequently began a journey to learn as much as possible about psychic matters and the spirit world, to help and support her two children with their gift.

Since that time, Claire’s own psychic abilities continue to develop, and she loves learning about psychic experiences and spiritual truths and lessons.

Professionally, Claire is a registered Classical Homeopath with 12 years’ experience managing a successful Homeopathy practice. Claire has also extended her training to include Nutrition, Kinesiology (including food testing) and Reiki healing.

Claire’s interest in nutrition and food sensitivities began after discovering her children, and many other sensitive or psychic individuals were often affected by the food they were eating.

Franklin durden

I was hoping to get in contact with someone about being the guest on your podcast. I have recently had a lot of events happen that has forced me to move. I left my job now in pursuit of becoming a personal development coach by implementing universal law and breaking habit patterns that no longer serve people. I suffered from bad depression, have been homeless, or a home with no power no water no food, I have been divorced. And I have over come it all. And now living my happiest fullest life and wanna teach others to do the same.

North America

Jan 4th 2000. Was my tenth birthday, we also placed my mother to rest that day. I developed a deep depression that help me back for 15 years. It kept me from progressing in life. I was a hopeless romantic. I would dream big but always failed and allowed that failure to define me. After college I moved a few times. To find myself without a job, in a house with no power or water and was eating a few packs of crackers to survive for two months. I climbed out of that hole. But still had depression hit me every so often. I later found a woman to marry. Whom I was blessed with 4 children with. And later divorced due to bad communication, my depression and many other variables because I didn’t know how to be a better growing partner. Which left me homeless without a car. But it happened and it also ended my depression. And I’m here to share my story on how I am excelling in life using the proper way to use manifestation and teach others how they too can achieve their best lives 

Kevin Killen

Good morning, I have a paranormal memoir coming out soon through Ozark Mountain Publishing, and woud like to be a guest on any of the talkshows that would be interested. This work covers more than thirty years of paranormal happenings in my life, including some in my current workplace that continue today.


I was raised in Virginia, where I currently reside. The book takes place in several places, including Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. I have three degrees, including a masters in criminal justice. I have also been a journalist in a previous job. I was born overseas in the Phillipines, but raised in the United States.

Hannah Robertson


Intuition has been widely viewed as a closed off gift for a special few. But author and certified clairvoyant Michelle DesPres breaks down that ideology in Intuitively You: Evolve Your Life and Mend the World (Triple Three Press, April 9, 2019) and presents readers with tools for how to tap into their own natural intuition. With over 15 years of experience, DesPres teaches how intuition can be utilized in every situation to empower and heal through intuitive protocols, compelling stories, and intuitive exercises.

I would love to connect if you are interested in an interview with Michelle.

In an interview, Michelle DesPres can discuss:

Why intuition is the new thinking that will allow us to create a higher and more balanced American ideal

The secrets to creating transparency, equality, unity, and world peace

How professions like teachers, medical providers, healers, and others can use intuition to help enhance the lives of their students and patients

Why establishing ethical standards is crucial in this growing industry

The health benefits that come from integrating intuition into one’s life and relationships

The science behind intuition, and how it is changing modern science

In Intuitively You, DesPres emphasizes the need for intuition and transparency in every aspect of life to balance and regulate health and spirituality. Intuitively You shows the power of intuition and how it can be applied to every aspect of life to become a better leader and make a healthier world.

Thanks in advance,

If interested, please email:

Michelle DesPres is a certified clairvoyant medium trained under the Berkeley Psychic Institute program for inner development. She is the author of the books The Clairvoyant Path and Intuitively You: Evolve Your Life and Mend the Word, designed to help others discover personal and collective fulfillment. She also published the Intuitive Ethical Standards establishing guidelines for alternative therapists. Michelle is a frequent speaker and motivational leader, and has been providing individual services and readings to a variety of clients for 15 years. She is the founder of the Intuitive Practitioner Program, where students learn about mind, body, and soul integration–and how to hone these skills to build thriving businesses.

Penny Hodgson


My name is Penny and I have a story that I believe you and your listeners will find interesting.

I've faced a lot of challenges in my life - I was adopted, born with a skeletal deformity that not only subjected me to years of bullying, ridicule and shame, but also required over a dozen major orthopedic surgeries to keep me mobile and pain-free.  I was molested by a family member for several years beginning when I was only 10 years old - and raped by the drunk father of the children I was babysitting. I faced sexual harassment in the workplace so intense I was forced to quit, then at my next job, found myself working with police and a provincial prosecutor to bring a fraudster to justice.

The perspectives I developed during my earlier life experiences set the course for decades of resentment, conflict, frustration, and anger.  Listening to the internal guidance from my Spirit, and forming a relationship with God helped me find my way to true forgiveness, peace, and happiness.  

I believe my purpose in this life is to encourage and teach others how to push through the obstacles that life presents by sharing my own story.

Last May, I self-published a self-help book entitled Mind Files: Perception, Perspective & Problems.

​Mind Files: Perception, Perspective & Problems explains in simple terms the mind's process of collecting, assessing, categorizing, storing and referencing information through each and every experience.  I believe our early perceptions become the perspectives that dictate the course of our lives, and these perspectives will go on to create problems in our life unless we reassess them at our current level of understanding. In Mind Files, I explain step by step, how to review, reassess and remove or rewrite the conclusions stored in what I call the files in the filing cabinets of your mind so that you can learn to live in the present moment and live life joyfully again!


Penny Hodgson was born in Weyburn, Saskatchewan in December 1965, put up for adoption and adopted by a Regina family in May of 1966.  By 1974, doctors discovered Penny had severe bilateral hip dysplasia and would require extensive and specialized orthopedic surgery to keep her pain free and mobile.  Penny’s surgeries began in 1975, spanned four provinces and continued well into adulthood. Her most recent orthopedic reconstructions were carried out in 2012 and 2013 in Calgary, AB by renowned orthopedic specialist Dr. Jason Werle at the Rockyview Hospital.

Penny’s life challenges weren’t limited to her skeletal deformity. She was molested by a family member as a young child and raped at the age of thirteen by the drunk father of the children she was babysitting. At the age of twenty-one, she married an addict. Her mother’s death eight years later, and before her thirtieth birthday, was a major turning point in Penny’s life. She began participating in private and group counseling, eventually rediscovering her self respect and regaining her personal power. She divorced a few years later.

The perspectives she developed during these experiences set the course for decades of resentment, distrust, and conflict in both her personal and professional life.

Penny accomplished a great deal in her professional life despite multiple surgical interruptions. She began teaching piano for The Academy of Music, a prominent music school in Regina, while still in high school, eventually becoming piano supervisor, clinician, and provincial adjudicator.  Combining the school Director’s teaching notes, arrangements and the Royal Conservatory requirements at the time, she drafted the piano curriculum that would be used at this music school for many years. After over a decade of teaching, Penny moved into a full-time management administration position. The music school and adjoining retail operation was purchased by a large Canadian music retailer in the mid 1990s which allowed Penny to grow in her position eventually becoming the first woman to be promoted to an upper management position. 

After nearly twenty-five years in the music business, Penny looked for something new.  A year after leaving her long-term position, she started working for a plumbing and heating company, and before long began restructuring some of their accounting practices. During this restructuring, she discovered one of the managers had been committing fraud for quite some time and reported this to the owner.  After reviewing the evidence, the company’s owner dismissed the employee and alerted police. The employee was arrested and charged with fraud over $5000. Working with police and a provincial prosecutor, Penny was key in helping to bring this fraudster to justice.

Throughout her life, Penny always tried to encourage and empower others who were struggling with emotional and/or physical challenges. She was a regular motivational speaker for patients and family members attending Regina Mental Health’s addiction services programs in the 1990s and was occasionally asked to speak to people facing similar orthopedic surgeries.  

After thirty years in retail and operational accounting, Penny left the business world and turned her attention to helping others achieve a higher level of well being full time. A long-time student of health sciences, mythology, and philosophy, Penny become a certified holistic counselor and launched a wellness consulting service. Several years later, she added holistic nutrition certification to her credentials.

Her many years of providing music education to a wide range of ages and capabilities, combined with decades of training and managing staff, made Penny proficient in taking complex ideas and making them accessible to everyone.  Utilizing these skills Penny devised a mental health program she uses in her holistic consulting practice she calls Mind Files: Perception, Perspective, and Problems.  Her program was published in May 2018 in self-help format and is available worldwide. 

Mind Files book cover