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Gabriela Marsala
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Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life

By Gabriela Masala, M.A.

Fun-Filled Ways to Surrender into the Creative Source and its Unlimited Nature to Rewire Yourself for a Quantum Future



How would you like to have a love affair, a communion with your own life force?

Gabriela Masala, M.A., has created a portal through which you can indeed meld with the Quantum Field in infinite creativity to achieve a glorious life that you may never even have imagined!

Her Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life is deceptive. It looks just like a really fun workbook. But if you think that's all it is, you have just sold it--and yourself--short. It is a remarkable creative system for opening yourself up to your fullest, greatest expression of what your soul and that Source-Field has in mind for you.

Everyday Magnificent is designed to lead you in co-creative, superconscious exercises that unleash the power to manifest whatever wants to come forth. It takes you out of your conscious, analytical mind so that you are not bound by what came before, and you are open to what may be.   

The book supports you to connect directly with your instinctual, intuitive, heart-centered body intelligence. The process stimulates the ability to come into alignment with -- and live daily in -- wholeness, joy, love for life and the thrill of being in service to the world. It allows you to rewire and apply Quantum laws to daily life. Gabriela's unique masterpiece facilitates surrendering into the creative source and its unlimited nature.

It shows you how to practice Alchemy--the art and craft of intention and surrender.

Everyday Magnificent is designed to be a 30-day journey, and on each day, you have either a gentle combination of assigned actions or open reflection. But, oh, those actions!

They invite the Mystery to speak to you, unhindered and uncensored!

Consider some of the tools and practices:

  • Single Mandalas of your creation, or a Mandala Series designed to allow Source to speak to you through these "sacred circles"
  • Spirit journaling
  • To Be Lists (as opposed to To Do lists)
  • Prompts and inquiries that probe your heart for what it's calling to create
  • Colorful Dream Designs to bring into form what you would love to manifest
  • Unity Coherence meditations to breathe in and fuse with source energy
  • Soul dancing to vibrate, shake and elevate your frequency
  • The creation of a love letter from your future self to your current self, filled with wisdom to overcome your challenges today
  • Enacting creative and fun "Touchstones" that you practice daily to integrate the highest vibration into your existence
  • And 35+ other Source engaging practices

Gabriela knew from the age of three that her mission in this lifetime was to transform human consciousness, and she has pursued that in the fullness of joy and passion through her adult life. A renowned yoga teacher and instructor in mind/body/spirit modalities, she was a founding member of the Deepak Chopra Center for Well Being and a movement therapist for Canyon Ranch Health resorts.

Over the years, she has created or compiled various evolutionary consciousness practices that she used to accelerate her own advancement toward a soul-driven, unlimited life that applied the Quantum laws in a way that was easy and sustainable. When many of her colleagues began asking her to share them, Everyday Magnificent: Practices to Activate an Unlimited Life was born.

Says Gabriela, "Using this guide for living an Everyday Magnificent life creates something uniquely self-authorized, defined and curated by each being. When we tap into our unlimited nature and wake up to our creative power and Source connection, our current life mission becomes the driver -- and everyday becomes magnificent! All of life takes on a quality of being that is open to purpose, turned on, tuned into the creative, mysterious force of life, and guided playfully and lovingly from this Source. We enter into a whole new playing field of life on Earth." 

So get out your crayons, coloring pens and dancing shoes! If you would like to take your own 30-day life-force love affair journey with Everyday Magnificent and interview Gabriela Masala for an entirely unpredictable and creative interview, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Gabriela’s been steeping in universal wisdom teachings, contemplative expressive arts and energy medicine for over 20 years. Her guidance is infused with pure love and sober clarity. Her skills dive into the heart of matters, using the creative process as a catalyst for transformation. She is passionate about the alchemy and art of life and pioneering new territory for what it means to be fully alive.

As a facilitator and consultant, her approach is holistic, compassionate and integrative. She weaves program designs to catalyze breakthroughs and maximize emergent intelligence. Her approach helps guide clients to their body wisdom, inner genius and deepest heart, where their expression is a revelation, an immediate path home.

She is a lover of art, movement, music, nature, humanity and cosmology. The Universe and natural world are among her greatest teachers. She holds a Masters degree in Culture and Creation Spirituality, with a concentration in Art as Meditation.

Her decades in the professional world of Mind/Body/Spirit education have taken her across the globe into diverse teaching environments. Her studies with various mentors and teachers in a wide spectrum of foci, inspire her unique masteries. She is a long time facilitator of several yoga, dance, healing and expressive arts modalities. She’s an author, recording artist, song carrier, entrepreneur and founding principal of Source Consulting Group.