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The Metal Podcast is a music show from a heavy metal perspective, hosted by AC and DJ. 

We discuss all facets of the music industry of the past, present and the probable future. 

We bring on diverse guests, and keep it informative, humorous and always honest. 

The free episodes will be posted on SoundCloud at the beginning of the week, but all bonus content will be made available on Patreon, from bonus audio, blog posts, album reviews, and updates on our future guests. 

All supporters will be invited to the discord, and all supporters are the kings and queens among men and women!

United States

The Metal Podcast is a music show from a heavy metal perspective, hosted by AC and DJ. 

We discuss all facets of the music industry of the past, present and the probable future. 

We bring on diverse guests, and keep it informative, humorous and always honest. 

The free episodes will be posted on SoundCloud at the beginning of the week, but all bonus content will be made available on Patreon, from bonus audio, blog posts, album reviews, and updates on our future guests. 

All supporters will be invited to the discord, and all supporters are the kings and queens among men and women!

Jeff Rasley
     I built a successful career in law and business, and was the senior partner in a small firm and a millionaire by the time I was 40. I was very engaged with the law and the business side of managing a firm. And, I was a very involved husband and father of 2 children. We had a great life, but in my 40s I began manifesting mid-life crisis symptoms. I already had a sports car and a Harley, but those toys didn't help. I seemed to need something beyond family life, career, and financial good fortune. The existential angst I felt by not having an answer to, "Is that all there is?", began to shake the foundations of the good life I had.
     My wife told me to take a hike. But the therapy she was actually suggesting was to go trekking in the Himalayas and to reconnect with the adventurous and more spiritual self I had lost in the pursuit of "success". It worked, and it changed the direction of my life.
     After that first trek to Mt. Everest at the age of 42, I returned to the Himalayan region 14 times. I took more time off work and adopted a more spiritual and meditative approach to life. I wrote several articles about travel experiences from a spiritual perspective. I also began leading "philanthro-treks", which combined visiting Nepal with culturally sensitive development work. That led to the creation of the Basa Village Foundation (BVF), which serves a remote area of the Nepal Himalayas.
     When I first trekked to Basa, Nepal  in 2008 I was welcomed by a community with no running water, toilets, electricity, lights, radios, TVs, telephones, or transportation other than walking. Cooking and heating was done with open fire pits. The BVF has provided the funds to build a school, hydroelectric and water systems, computers and educational materials for the school, smokeless stoves for the homes, toilets for the school, reading glasses, shoes, solar-powered LED lights, a medical clinic, and our latest project is to help develop a commercial business of goat and pig raising.The BVF also raised the money to rebuild the village after devastating earthquakes in 2015.
     The people in Basa were dirt-poor farmers, but they were/are happier and more content with life than most well-off Americans I have known. They live in a very tight and loving community. They take care of each other and do not need all the things and stimulations of the modern world to feel good about themselves and their village. But, after living the same way for 500 years they saw the modern world moving inexorably closer to Basa. So, because the villagers knew me from working as guides, cooks, and porters for the trekking/mountaineering company I contract with in Nepal, they asked me to work with them to improve the infrastructure of their village. 
     Since I founded the BVF, I have given may programs about how to make life more meaningful through philanthropy. Several of the fourteen books and many of the 80+ articles I've written are about finding meaning in life beyond the traditional career path, and instead, using your business skills and talent to chart a new direction in life after you have succeeded in your career and business. My first book, Bringing Progress to Paradise: What I Got from Giving to a Mountain Village is the story of my first experience of the Himalayas and the journey through the mid-life crisis to founding the BVF. You Have to Get Lost Before You Can Be Found: A Memoir of Suffering, Grit, and Love of the Himalayas and Basa Village was written after my last trip to Nepal and is a reflection on all that I have learned and experienced over 25 years of philanthro-trekking.My latest book, 72 Wisdoms, is a guidebook for those seeking to live a more meaningful life.
     I have taught a class about Philanthropy at Butler University and Marian University, and I am the president of the Scientech Foundation of Indiana, which issues $250,000 in grants each year to support "STEAM" education in Indiana. I have appeared as a guest on over 150 radio/TV and podcast shows promoting philanthropy as a way to make life more meaningful.

Jeff Rasley is a writer, Himalayan expedition leader, lawyer, writing coach, community activist, and president of the Basa Village Foundation USA and the Scientech Foundation of Indiana. Jeff has authored over 90 feature articles in law, travel, spirituality, politics, and human interest in Newsweek, Chicago Magazine, ABA Journal, and other periodicals. He is the author of 14 books, and has appeared as a featured guest on over 200 podcasts and radio programs.

Latest book: A Hitchhiker's Big Adventure: On the road from Indiana to Key West and New Orleans for Mardi Gras 1972
Andrew Robert Kwiatkowski

I been broadcast for 11 year

United States

Sports broadcast I been do it for 11 year

Sandi Gold

New England artist Sandi Gold was diagnosed with a brain tumor and given less than a year to live. Faced with recurring symptoms of radiation damage (including cancer) from her treatment, betrayal by a dysfunctional family, and myopic advice from the medical establishment, she taught herself to open her heart and trust her own body’s voice. In this inspiring memoir with self-help journaling prompts closing each chapter, she shares those lessons with profound self-reflection and offers guidance on how to be healed by the best natural treatment freely available to us all—love. More info on author and book here. Amazon link here. Watch Sandi on ABC’s 20/20 from when her mural as metaphor was a national story. Print or digital review copies are available. 


The significance of the mind-body connection Learning to trust your instincts about your own health  How a life-threatening condition impacts your everyday perspective The role of fear in coping with a terminally ill family member Embracing love as a guiding force in your healing journey and for mental and physical well being

Sandi Gold has been featured in the New York Times, People magazine, the Boston Globe, and USA Today. Her feature on ABC’s 20/20, about her Temple of the Soul mural, was in the top three most popular shows the year it aired. She’s been interviewed on National Public Radio and its Connecticut affiliate. Sandi was the keynote speaker for the Calgary Cancer Center in Canada and has spoken at Brown University, and the Brain Tumor Society in Boston. She has won numerous awards for her art and been recognized for her many contributions to her community. Sandi is a certified Expressive Art Specialist and has a Kripalu Holistic Teacher’s Certification. She has worked for hospitals, and for Hospice using Expressive Art to assist her patients’ comfort and healing. She was nominated for the National Athena Award and has received a Rhode Island Citation Award and The State House of Representative Citation.

I Chose Love book cover
Wakisha (Kisha) Stewart

You’re a fit 31 year-old woman who recently gave birth to a healthy son. While at dinner with friends, you suddenly feel disorientation, nausea, and unbearable pain. As a registered nurse, you know something is very wrong. What’s first dismissed as a postpartum panic attack turns out to be heart failure and a near-fatal heart attack—an emergency condition called SCAD, Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. During your recovery—which is as much mental and emotional as it is physical—you learn that cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of maternal mortality in the U.S., accounting for over 1/3 of maternal deaths, with Black women having among the highest maternal mortality rates. How did you not know this before? And what can be done about it?


Sonata for a Damaged Heart recounts the complicated journey that Wakisha (Kisha) Stewart takes from heart failure to being selected in 2022 by the American Heart Association as 1 of 12 spokeswomen advocating for women’s heart health in its national education campaign, Reclaim Your Rhythm. 


Find more information on Kisha and her book here and here. Digital review copies can be accessed via NetGalley or sent by email; Print review copies are available by request. A Dropbox link of press material is available here. 


Let me know what you need to connect you with Kisha’s message as a women’s heart health advocate, 2022 AHA spokesperson, registered nurse, and heart attack survivor. 


The start of the year is full of timely tie-ins for this vital topic:



New Year, New You


American Heart Month  Black History Month  National African American Read-In Women’s Heart Week - 1-7  National Women’s Heart Day (National Wear Red Day) - 2 


Women’s Month International Women’s Week - 2-5 National Write Your Story Day - 14 

Wakisha (Kisha) Stewart is a wife, mother of three, nurse, heart attack survivor, and a national advocate for heart health dedicated to improving the quality of cardiovascular health care for everyone. Since her heart attack in 2011 at age 31, she has conducted extensive research about the specific health risks that women, particularly Black women, face. A dynamic, nationally recognized speaker on ways to improve heart health through lifestyle changes and a fierce advocate for systemic changes in the health care system to guarantee equity and social justice for all, Kisha, a nurse with a unique perspective and survivor on a mission, was a national spokeswoman chosen in 2022 by the American Heart Association (AHA) to educate the public about the risks of cardiovascular disease. 

Sonata for a Damaged Heart book cover
rm easterly

THYIM's unique features including blockchain reviews and biometrics integration for enhanced security.
R.M. Easterly's vision for THYIM as 'The Amazon of Everyday Services.'

United States

THYIM's unique features including blockchain reviews and biometrics integration for enhanced security.
R.M. Easterly's vision for THYIM as 'The Amazon of Everyday Services.'

Rob Cross

WE'RE DOING LIFE UPSIDE-DOWN. My books and talks offer a unique and powerful approach to life. With a quirky, entertaining style, I stir my audiences to flip how they approach love, success, and everything in between. My book, Flip Your Thinking, is common-sense encouragement on how to stop pushing away the very things we want and how to achieve more in life. And it begins by flipping our thinking! Your weakness is your strength. Gain control by releasing control. Setbacks are setups. Success requires your willingness to fail. And more!

United States

I'm a downhome Texas boy who couldn't sit still in college. I squirmed emotionally like a cat in the bathtub during those classroom lectures that tried confining my thoughts. I'm a filmmaker by trade and an author, coach, and speaker by love. My passion for my discoveries and insights into the bigger and better life keep me pressing to get my message out. I'm a lover of people and a lover of my Maker. And I'm in love with my wife Franca and our cozy home in Sugar Land, Texas.

Flip Your Thinking by Rob Cross
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

Top expert and riveting interview guest explains energy medicine and artificial intelligence. These timely topics include the exploding field of “528 frequency therapeutics.” Developments in “Electroceuticals” upend Big Pharma’s vaccines and drugs for safety and efficacy. Ask anything you want from simple and practical to scientific and metaphysical. Dr. Horowitz bridges the gap between biology and spirituality. Ask him about “nano-neuro-biotechnology,” AI, robotics, and the healing arts and sciences. Consider how these new technological benefit clinical practices, especially using “green light therapy” and “528 frequency.” 528nm broadcasts at the heart of rainbows. It is the “great vibration” of chlorophyll, resonating with the “green sound” of 528Hz—the pitch of “Pure Tone LOVE,” explains Dr. Horowitz. 

528Hz is the “Miracle frequency” of the original musical scale. Celebrate this intelligence that is transforming the healing arts and sciences, healthcare, and the music industry. Each of these applications of 528 energy resonate with the heart of nature and universal design. Discover why top recording artists, including Bono, Jay Z, Beyonce’, John Lennon, Led Zeppelin, and the music industry’s top engineers are increasingly opting to produce hits in 528Hz. 

Comprehend the awesome experience of musicians and vocalists performing optimally “in the zone of bliss” wherein their bodies become the instruments of Divine expression. Discern how and why this happens and sends shivers through your spine. Understand how positive “528 LOVE energy” optimizes healing and well-being. Consider the competing frequency of 432Hz and the ‘conspiracy theory’ explaining how and why this intelligence has been hidden, and at what cost. 

“You are the music!” Dr. Horowitz proclaims. Want your freedom, optimal health, and longevity? He’ll explain how and why Western music was bioenergetically diminished by adopting “standard tuning” that is bio-acoustically jarring.

Dr. Horowitz will provide your audience with memorable intelligence, explaining why “Music is the ‘Universal Language’; water is the ‘Universal Solvent’ and LOVE/528 is the “Universal Healer.” Nearly 80% of your body is water—a liquid crystal superconductor of sound and light that can be used for healing. LOVE cures most powerfully and reliably. Dr. Horowitz explains how this happens.  Help output this important knowledge urgently needed to remedy what ails our increasingly chaotic society and divided world.

Do you believe in “prayer power?” Science proves it works. Dr. Horowitz explains how and why prayer works musically-mathematically. Need a healing miracle? Gives audiences their best, most advanced, authoritative counsel. 

Dr. Horowitz shares these most amazing insights as a world leading humanitarian. As a multi-award-winning author and filmmaker, and successful pioneer with his own brand of ‘528 electroceuticals’, he is dedicated to bridging gaps between audiences of all persuasions.


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an award-winning author, filmmaker, consumer health activist, and energy medicine expert pioneering developments in the exploding field of "frequency therapeutics" using the “528 frequency” central to creative artistry and the healing arts and sciences. He has published more than two-dozen books (including three American bestsellers), dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles, and seven (7) documentary films, including “Best Film – 2016” at London and Geneva festivals for UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert DeNiro. His first bestseller, the landmark medical text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intention? is credited by CDC and WHO officials as most influential in examining vaccination risks for public health and anti-vaccination activists. Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music industry and natural healing arts and sciences. His third bestseller, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine & Modern Science established the ‘holistic healing’ protocol adopted by tens-of-thousands of health professionals worldwide. In 2007, Dr. Horowitz published his decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing that revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 40-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology.” This contribution is applicable to every industry, especially music and entertainment, recording artistry, healthcare, medical science, nutrition, nutraceutical developments, ‘electroceuticals’ such as “OxySilverTM with 528,” environmental protection, natural resource restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an ‘enlightened species.’ Special international acclaim has also come from the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics. This has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” commercialized in widely celebrated broadcasts featuring “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon), DMM (hon), received his doctorate in dental medicine from Tufts University; trained in periodontology and oral surgery at the University of Rochester; received his master’s degree in public health from Harvard University, and subsequently earned multiple awards as an author, filmmaker, energy medicine pioneer, and nutraceutical entrepreneur. He was granted two honorary degrees, one in naturopathic medicine, and the other in missionary medicine, from the World Organization for Natural Medicine wherein officials named him a “World Leading Intellectual.”

Spiritual Warfare, Salvation and Survival in The Age of Chaos
Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond is available to discuss her new book from Hay House and a Peacock Network TV show coming this winter on how to Feng Shui Your Life. Marie offers you the wisdom she has assembled in her Diamond Feng Shui method. This encompasses not only the ancient Chinese art of arranging your environment to enhance your favorable prospects, but also Energy Mastery, the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics.  

United States

Marie Diamond is one of the world’s top transformational leaders, star of the major network TV show Feng Shui Your Life, bestselling author, and expert teacher on the Law of Attraction and Feng Shui. She is an Energy Master and was featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret.

After a near-death experience as a teenager, Marie has made it her mission to enlighten 500 million people with her teachings and wisdom. A “seer” in the modern context, Marie merges her profound intuitive knowledge with her extensive studies of quantum physics, Feng Shui, and meditation to help her students attract financial success, improved health, long-lasting relationships, and spiritual growth.

Marie has taught more than one million students over the last 30 years and has spoken in more than 30 different countries. She has published best-selling online courses with MindValley, Learning Strategies, Younity, and the Shift Network. She is also a founding member of the Global Transformational Leadership Council and is both founder and president of the Association of Transformational Leaders of Europe.

Marie is a business and spiritual mentor to celebrities, CEOs, and top entrepreneurs alike. Her clients include:

A-list celebrities in the film and music industry, including Steven Spielberg, Jodie, Foster, Dan Aykroyd, Big Sean, and Paula Abdul Top-selling writers, including Rhonda Byrne, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr John Gray, Natasha Graziano, Marianne Williamson, and Vishen Lakhiani World-class athletes and championship-winning sports teams Leading CEOs and Fortune 500 companies, including BP-Amoco and Exxon Mobil Governmental organizations and political leaders in Belgium, Kazakhstan, Iceland, USA, Canada, and Mexico Social media influencers Royal family members

In the fall of 2022, Marie launched her own podcast The Marie Diamond Show and in the fall of 2023, she starred and produced in the major network TV Show Feng Shui Your Life. As a bestselling author, her latest book Feng Shui Your Life published by Hay House, is available now on Amazon and in all good bookstores. For her humanitarian work, she is a knighted Dame.