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Rob Cross
Your Pitch

WE'RE DOING LIFE UPSIDE-DOWN. My books and talks offer a unique and powerful approach to life. With a quirky, entertaining style, I stir my audiences to flip how they approach love, success, and everything in between. My book, Flip Your Thinking, is common-sense encouragement on how to stop pushing away the very things we want and how to achieve more in life. And it begins by flipping our thinking! Your weakness is your strength. Gain control by releasing control. Setbacks are setups. Success requires your willingness to fail. And more!


I'm a downhome Texas boy who couldn't sit still in college. I squirmed emotionally like a cat in the bathtub during those classroom lectures that tried confining my thoughts. I'm a filmmaker by trade and an author, coach, and speaker by love. My passion for my discoveries and insights into the bigger and better life keep me pressing to get my message out. I'm a lover of people and a lover of my Maker. And I'm in love with my wife Franca and our cozy home in Sugar Land, Texas.

United States
Flip Your Thinking by Rob Cross