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Darin Milman

For your upcoming stories, please consider Darin Milman and My Protect Kit, your personal lifesaver in a pouch, a themed kit for travel-sized personal care products on-the-go, packaging essentials that fit into your pocket. MPK is equipped to handle any situation whether it's a day at the beach, a baby kit, camping, a gym day, traveling, skiing, hiking, date night, a feminine kit and even a kit for walking your dog! Darin can comment on the following hot topics:

-How he designed a kit that fits everything in a pouch and how his company is limiting waste to help the environment and be sustainable

-How he chose fragrances for the deodorants, lip balm and sunscreen to evoke emotions relating to his themes (coconut flavored wipes to put you in vacay mode!)

-How he started the company and fulfilled orders with his partner out of his garage. 

-How his kits solve the annoying problem of having issues at airport security, with travel-sized essentials and not having to buy a pack of masks when you lose just one

Darin says, “Doron and I wanted to make every day life more convenient and build solutions to problems by providing high-quality, affordable products and jobs made in the US. Today, we are selling on Amazon, and have fulfillment centers in Indianapolis, Houston Texas, and Miami Florida.”

Facebook @myprotectkit

Twitter @myprotectkit

Instagram @myprotectkit

More about

My Protect Kit began when the world needed protection during a pandemic like no other. A team of entrepreneurs, designers, suppliers and more, realized that the world needed a solution to the PPE crisis. With more than 25 years of business experience, our team wanted to fit as much protection as possible in the smallest, most convenient, resealable bag.

United States

More about the co-founder

Darin Milman, Co - Founder and CEO of My Protect Kit, LLC, has worked with countless startup companies and helped facilitate their unprecedented growth. Mr. Milman and his partner Doron teamed up together to create a product that is small enough to fit in your hand, pocket, purse, backpack, glove compartment, etc. and still be able to hold as many protective items in it as possible. The idea was to create the most conveniently packaged personal care kit while you’re on the go. The company began producing the smallest, and most convenient PPE kits, and it has now created a kit for every situation. 

Tom Paladino

For your upcoming radio/ podcast shows, please consider Tom Paladino, a Scalar Energy Researcher with 25 years+ developing healing techniques designed for pathogenic infections and practices stemmed from Hieronymus, Moray, Priore, and Nikola Tesla, which focus on harnessing energy that is not part the electromagnetic spectrum. Otherwise known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero-point energy, qi, orgone or eloptic energy, the timeless, all-pervading nature of this fundamental energy source allowed Paladino to develop a unique healing technique using scalar energy, or ‘Scalar Light’ that transmutes pathogens quickly and painlessly.

The technique uses photographs of people seeking relief from symptoms of pathogenic diseases and Paladino’s Scalar Light invention uses a remote passive light energy to influence the human bio field, showing promise in disassembling the agents of disease such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, protozoans, amoebas, and prions; eliminating the causative agent of disease. Once eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether. 

Paladino’s healing programs target different sources of illness and he can speak about the following important topics:

-The Pathogen Cleanse healing program disassembles over 400,000 pathogens for both humans and animals. 

-The Nutrient Therapy program delivers 347 essential nutrients to living cells. 

-The Bio Energy Balance program harmonizes the body of the person or animal receiving the healing. 

-Where scalar energy originates and the difference between scalar energy and electromagnetic energy.

-How scalar energy transmutes matter and turns on the ability to form our own nutrients.

-How scalar allows Paladino to enhance the energetic state of being by way of their photograph.

-How scalar energy is everywhere in the universe and transcends time and space and how it is the cause of time, assembling and maintaining all physical forms.

-How scalar energy will end the energy crisis and is the cause of gravity.

-How Scalar Light balances the 7 major chakras and the 12 meridian points.

Paladino states, “Scalar Light is a non-invasive therapy which interacts with the energetic and informational field which surrounds and pervades all living systems in order to stimulate healing responses that could cure all bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and viral infections.”

Free e-books about Scalar Energy, its uses, and how it works to eradicate disease:

For more information, please visit the links below and for press inquiries, please or call 3054905911.

United States

Paladino states, “Scalar Light is a non-invasive therapy which interacts with the energetic and informational field which surrounds and pervades all living systems in order to stimulate healing responses that could cure all bacterial, fungal, protozoan, and viral infections.”

Free e-books about Scalar Energy, its uses, and how it works to eradicate disease:

For more information, please visit the links below and for press inquiries, please or call 3054905911.

Walter Burien

1. Ending Taxation, can it be done?

2. Does government have more investment income than tax income?

3. Is government much wealthier than you ever imagined?

4. Did Russia, then China go Democratic being that in the USA the better blueprint was drafted for government taking over total control of the people and wealth of the country for government's ownership?

The answer to the four questions above is, yes.

Cornelia Shipley

I’d like to introduce you to my client, Cornelia Shipley who could be a great resource for you. Cornelia is a leader in Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, as well as a sought after speaker, published author, and award winning entrepreneur.

Cornelia has worked with some of the country’s leading organizations such as Coca Cola, Pfizer, and HP,  specializing in helping organizations unleash their greatness by enabling, valuing and empowering their mission critical talent. She is a business leader and people expert. 

Cornelia would be the perfect resource to discuss diversity, inclusion, and equality in the workplace, personal and professional development, a unique global perspective on culture and the workforce, and making the transition from corporate America to a successful entrepreneur.

- Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in the workplace - creating a positive company culture and setting talent up for success.

- Personal and Professional Development - A best selling author, Cornelia’s book Design Your Life: How to Create a Meaningful Life, Advance Your Career and Live Your Dreams is a guide to put readers on the track to personal and professional victory. 

- A unique global perspective on culture and the workforce- Having lived and traveled to six of the seven continents, Cornelia has a unique insight to global culture, and the global workforce. 

- Making the transition from corporate America to a successful entrepreneur- After spending over 20 years working in corporate America, Cornelia transitioned into owning her own firm, and is now an award winning business women— a women and minority owned organization. 

She can also discuss news of the day as it pertains to the workplace, work culture trends as well as lifestyle topics.

Would you like to coordinate and interview with Cornelia or hear more? I’d be happy to coordinate.

I have included Cornelia’s bio and accolades below. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards,

Allison McLaughlin

Unite dStates

Cornelia Shipley

Corniela Shipley is the founder and CEO of 3C Consulting, a sought after speaker, published author, and strategic planning expert who works with clients to expand their capacity, increase their capability, and drive clarity in the organization. With over twenty years in corporate America, Cornelia Shipley is committed to helping organizations succeed. Cornelia has more than twenty years of experience in sales, sales training and development, and human resources. She is considered among the best in personal and professional development. Cornelia holds a Master’s of Business Administration degree from the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University where she studied abroad at Melbourne Business School and was a part of the Global Leadership International study program in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Japan. She is currently working on her PhD in Metaphysics.  Her company is both woman and minority owned. Cornelia has been featured in, Black Enterprise, Huff Post, and The Washington Post

3C Consulting

3C Consulting is both majority woman and minority owned specializing in providing development experiences designed to build and enhance high-performing organizations. 3C Consulting partners with clients, offering them state of the art performance development solutions, including everything from executive coaching to strategic plan development and implementation. 3C has worked with clients in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia spanning the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Some clients include: Coca-Cola, HP, Pfizer, and GM. 2021 marks fifteen years empowering leaders to create organizations and employees that thrive. 3C Consulting is driven by its values to leave a legacy of innovation in the area of executive and leadership development.

Design Your Life: How to Create a Meaningful Life, Advance Your Career and Live Your Dreams
Dr Linda J M Holloway

Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway is a professor with over 25 five years of teaching experience in the field of Counselor Education.  She is a multi-award children author of five children books which can be found on amazon.

I Love My Happy Hair

Little Miss Linda Goes to Counseling

Linda Miss Linda Speaks Out About Sickle Cell Disease

Linda Miss Linda Speaks Out About Rape

Linda Miss Linda Speaks Out About Diversity

She would like to share how to effectively utilize her books to support social emotional learning among children.  Specifically, she would like to speak about the " I Love My Happy Hair" as  African-American children have been teased and bullied about their hair.  This conversation would be how to use the book to teach young children's self acceptance.

United States


 Post-Doc: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Ed.D., Counselor Education-Clinical Mental Health Counseling, minor in Sociology and Criminology (Race and Relationships), Mississippi State University

M.A., Sociology, (concentration-Alcohol/Drugs and Counseling), Jackson State University

B.S., Psychology, Alcorn State University

Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway currently serves as the Program Coordinator at Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama. Her research interest is Black Women and Emotional Wellness. She has been teaching for over for 27 years in higher education. 

Her teaching philosophy is "Classrooms Without Walls,” where she advocates for counselors in training on social justice and multicultural issues in applying them to real world events.

Additionally, Dr. Holloway is a storyactivist and has published five children's books: (1) I love My Happy Hair 2021-New York Big City Book Distinguish Award (4 Stars Review From Readers Favorite-2021), (2) Little Miss Linda Goes To Counseling 2021 New York Big Book Award (Five Stars Review From Readers’ Favorite-2021) , and (3) Little Miss Linda Speaks Out About Sickle Cell, 2020 Moonbeam Children’s Award (Five Stars Review From Readers’Favorite-2021). (4) Little Miss Linda Speaks About Rape and (5) Little Miss Linda Speaks About Diversity.

Dr. Holloway is a true servant leader who lives her life by the motto, "Always willing to serve."  She retired from the United States Army Reserves as a Colonel after serving over 27 years. During which she completed four combat tours: (1) Operation Desert Shield Desert Storm Farewell (2) Two Tours to Iraq- Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and (3) Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan.  

During Dr. Holloway's spare time, she loves to spend time with her family and friends, read, travel, go to the movies, and exercise. Her philosophy on life is "Dream Your Own Dreams." She is building her legacy through own personal ministry- Women Without Limitations, where she educates, elevates, and empowers women and girls by teaching  them there are no limits to what God almighty can do with your life. 

I Love My Happy Hair - Book Cover
Emmie Keefe


Are you interested in speaking with nutritionist and wellness specialist Healthy Emmie about habits that will help you avoid weight gain during the holiday season? Emmie reaches a global community consisting of thousands of followers across her social platforms and has over 6.7 million views on YouTube. She also has privately coached over 1,500 private clients through her Slim on Starch Weight Loss Program.

The holiday season is right around the corner and with the festivities can come to a lot of stress – from frantic holiday shopping to planning large family meals to an ongoing global pandemic. But before you slip into an “all-or-nothing” diet and exercise mentality, it’s important to recognize that you can enjoy the holidays while also maintaining your well-being.

Healthy Emmie is a plant-based nutritionist and founder of the Slim on Starch Program. She has helped thousands of people make massive changes to their lives and build a positive mindset around food and health for long-term weight loss. As a nutrition pro, she can share insight on how weight loss encompasses diet, exercise, mindset, and more. Emmie can specifically comment on: 

Managing your mental health and celebrating the season: The holiday stress can lead to you feeling tired, depleted, and unhappy. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, moving your body, and asking for help when you need it! Eating a healthy and fulfilling diet: Start by taking small steps - drink one extra glass of water, add one vegetable a day - to make the transition more gradual. Eating a healthy amount of protein and other nutrients is also key. For those looking to cut back on meat consumption, trying various plant-forward dishes will help make sure you're getting enough nutrients without sacrificing taste. Making traditional holiday foods nutritious: Holiday meals can be made healthier with minor changes and recipe substitutions that don’t reduce flavor or taste. But don’t let that stop you from also indulging in one or two of grandma’s holiday cookies!

Let us know if you’d like to speak to Emmie!


Emily Schukai

Elkordy Global


Healthy Emmie is a plant-based nutritionist and founder of the Slim on Starch Program. She has helped thousands of people make massive changes to their lives and build a positive mindset around food and health for long-term weight loss. 

Thomas Roe

The epicenter of San Antonio Fitness has been redefined. There’s a “new sheriff” in town and its Local Moves Studio, founded by 20-year sports and fitness industry vet, Thomas Roe (T.Roe). Local Moves isn’t just a (HIIT) studio, it’s a community, a lifestyle, a way of life – designed to challenge you both mentally and physically all while being time and focus conscientious. Each 45-50 minute class is cardio, endurance and stamina-based. The studio’s fitness programs and workouts are results-driven. Your fitness journey begins here!

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, spartan or triathlete, classes are designed to push you harder in a semi-private group setting than you ever would on your own. Local Moves’ unique “buddy system” is designed to keep you and your team accountable as you’re pushed, challenged, and held to a higher standard than just yourself.

Combining the latest technology and science, the studio offers coach-inspired group workouts that ensure positive results. Push yourself to be more fit every day and get back to life with refined confidence. Local Moves’ instructors are highly trained and knowledgeable. They understand the needs of each athlete and offer the best solutions to become your best version. Work hard and watch life give back plenty!

United States

Thomas Roe (T.Roe) has been in the sports and fitness industry for over 20 years designing fitness programs that focus on true functional training outside a traditional gym setting. As an ACE (American Council on Exercise) Certified Personal Trainer for over twenty-five years and with a degree in Endurance Nutrition, Roe is also an endurance athlete (Spartan Races) who  regularly competes in triathlons, is a master swimmer, an avid cyclist, and much more, making him uniquely qualified to help clients push past what they think is their limit.

Roe graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing & International Business from the University of Arizona, and went on to receive his Bachelor of Science in Marketing & Advertising from San Diego State University-California State University. After working 10 years in the food and beverage industry to save money, he was able to open TRoe Fitness; a “no gym” approach to working out that helps clients in a group setting or during a 1:1 session. From there, Roe grew a loyal clientele at all fitness levels who saw results from his effective, research-based coaching.

Roe’s techniques and expertise have been featured in People, Backstage and Active, and now he’s bringing his passion for training, teaching and inspiring change to San Antonio, Texas. Local Moves Studio is Roe’s third incarnation in the fitness industry and his first brick and mortar studio. Here, clients will get cardio, endurance and stamina-based workouts that challenge them both mentally and physically. He not only strives to get clients in the best shape of their life in optimal time, but also to help them make fitness an everyday ritual. 

Heidi Fralick


My name is Heidi Fralick. I am the agent for my sister, Robin Jelinek, who channels a group of spirits collectively known as Athena in Truth. She is a remarkable person and the group she channels has come to assist people in living their best lives. They have a unique way of presenting that is unlike a lot of other channelers. Their mission is to help anyone interested in becoming unstuck in their lives and experiencing true joy. I think that she would be a great resource for you to interview. Here is a link from the Kevin Moore show sharing her story and a brief interview with the group she channels:  Her interview starts around 3 minutes and 40 seconds into show. Her website is:  and her podcast is:

Please let me know if you would be interested in doing an interview with her or having her provide a reading. I would be happy to make the connection.

Thank you!

Heidi Fralick

United States

Robin Jelinek -Channeler of Athena in Truth

For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out-of-body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realize it.

Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler. She doesn’t view herself as being gifted or higher because information flows through her. She’s simply a vessel for the truth. She does her best to share the information with others. She must completely remove herself from the delivery and outcome. In this way, the information being brought forth can be pure spirit.

Carly Bethel

Stars like Sophia Bush, Hailey Bieber, Lucy Hale, Chrissy Teigen, Priyanka Chopra, and Bella Hadid only trust the best with their hair and the stylist creating some of their best looks is Carly Bethel! The nationally-renowned hair stylist has traveled the world styling celebrities and is on the cutting edge of the newest trends and best techniques for her clients.

Initially, Bethel was a Los Angeles-based hairstylist who received her education at the renowned Vidal Sassoon Academy and then went on to assist one of the most influential hairstylists in the world, Jen Atkin, before taking off in her solo career. Now Bethel is bringing her talents to Nashville, Tennessee with the opening of Vol. II Hair Studio, a studio that’s as chic as it is welcoming in the heart of Music City! With a deep passion for all things hair, she specializes in cuts, styling and hair extensions. In addition to her freelance set work, Bethel loves being a part of her client’s most special moments whether it’s gracing covers of magazines, strutting down catwalks, or walking down the aisle on their big day. From celebrating everyday events to life’s biggest occasions, Vol. II Hair Studio is the #1 choice when you want to look your best! 


United States

With a passion for helping others feel their best and be at their most confident, Carly Bethel took a leap of faith that resulted in living her hairstyling dream by giving her clients red carpet moments everyday.

After growing up in beautiful Boise, Idaho, Bethel packed up her life and moved to Southern California where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in marketing and attended cosmetology school at Vidal Sassoon. Soon after, Bethel earned a position assisting world-renowned celebrity hairstylists and she traveled the world styling hair. After gaining experience and knowledge from her mentors, Bethel was able to open her own hair studio in Los Angeles where she built a celebrity and influencer clientele of her own that included Sophia Bush, Marianna Hewitt, Jenna Dewan, Lucy Hale, Chrissy Teigen, Priyanka Chopra, Olivia Culpo, and Bella Hadid. 

Working with some of the most influential celebrities in the industry, Bethel is on the cutting edge of the newest trends and best techniques for all of her clients. She specializes in hair cuts, styling and hair extensions, and not only will Bethel give you your best look yet, she’ll also teach you how to maintain your style between salon visits.

Now Bethel is bringing her talents to Nashville, Tennessee with the opening of Vol. II Hair Studio, a hair studio that’s as chic as it is welcoming in the heart of Music City! From celebrating every day to life’s biggest occasions, Vol. II Hair Studio is your #1 choice for all things hair.

When she is not chasing her dreams or her toddler, you will find Bethel hiking, listening to podcasts, or catching the sunset with her husband with a Mezcal Margarita in hand.