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Heidi Fralick
Your Pitch


My name is Heidi Fralick. I am the agent for my sister, Robin Jelinek, who channels a group of spirits collectively known as Athena in Truth. She is a remarkable person and the group she channels has come to assist people in living their best lives. They have a unique way of presenting that is unlike a lot of other channelers. Their mission is to help anyone interested in becoming unstuck in their lives and experiencing true joy. I think that she would be a great resource for you to interview. Here is a link from the Kevin Moore show sharing her story and a brief interview with the group she channels:  Her interview starts around 3 minutes and 40 seconds into show. Her website is:  and her podcast is:

Please let me know if you would be interested in doing an interview with her or having her provide a reading. I would be happy to make the connection.

Thank you!

Heidi Fralick


Robin Jelinek -Channeler of Athena in Truth

For over 40 years, Robin has been pursuing a greater meaning in life. She studied metaphysics and spirituality in great depth trying to find something, especially after her kids had grown up and moved out of the house. About 20 years ago she experienced a kundalini awakening that is a very rare, almost out-of-body experience. It’s an experience that people have supposedly spent entire lifetimes to achieve. It was about this time that the group came knocking at Robin’s door, but it took another 20 years for her to realize it.

Robin was first a wife, then a mother, and now she’s a channeler. She doesn’t view herself as being gifted or higher because information flows through her. She’s simply a vessel for the truth. She does her best to share the information with others. She must completely remove herself from the delivery and outcome. In this way, the information being brought forth can be pure spirit.

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