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Trisha Mahi

I now accurately channel the dead and would love to be part of the BBS family. I would love to be interviewed about what I have learned from persons who have passed on. They are more enlightened than we are and take a high view of our everyday pressures and problems. I also would be willing to do mini-readings for your readings (or you) if you would like. I have a good track record channeling the dead, and, my reviews on my website which will give you an idea of the scope of my work. Also, please refer to an AUDIO interview I had with Krysta Gibson of the “New Spirit Journal” this week In the middle of the page is her 17 minute interview with me. This will give you a good idea as to how I would sound on air. In her July issue she is also highlighting on the last page of the magazine, my article, “A Grief Toolkit for the Living”


I was visited by angels as a very sick child. What antibiotics that were available back then weren't working and I was sliding into a very bad state. Two angels came into my room with a tremendous bright light. The next morning I toddled into my room and announced the angels had made me better. But, the angels had made "a mistake". They forgot to shut the door to the beyond. I pined for them, remembering having my picture taken the next year with hands folded and hair parted neatly with no smile on my face. I wanted to go back home to the angels because that is where I belonged. Luckily I busied myself with school, then boys, then real work. But, at retirement I became rather ill again spending 3 hours in agony in hospital with no anesthesia. I prayed to die. God made a deal. He would let me open the door a bit wider to serve those who have passed by uniting them with loved ones. This is now my reason for being and my reason for hanging around the planet. I love my work and wouldn't trade it for any other occupation! Relieving human suffering by reuniting the living with those who have passed is heaven on earth.

Garnet Schulhauser

My name is Garnet Schulhauser and I am the author of Dancing on a Stamp (Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.), which is my first non-fiction book about my chance encounter with a homeless man named Albert who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise. My book discloses the startling revelations made by Albert about life, death, God, and the afterlife. I have been on 16 radio shows to talk about my book, and I would love to be on your radio show. If you send me your email address, I will send you some more information about my book, and I will send you a review copy of my book if you give me your mailing address.


Garnet Schulhauser is a retired lawyer who lives near Victoria, on Vancouver Island, with his wife, Cathy, and little dog, Abby. He grew up on a small farm in Saskatchewan and moved to Calgary, Canada, after law school where he practiced corporate law for over thirty years with two blue-chip law firms. After retiring from his law firm in 2008, he began his new career as an author and his first book, Dancing on a Stamp, was published in 2012. Since the release of his first book, Garnet has been active with book signing tours and speaking engagements and has been a frequent guest on radio talk shows. When he is not writing or connecting with his followers, Garnet enjoys golfing, nature walks in the forest with Abby, and family gatherings with his sons, Blake and Colin, and their partners, Lauren and Bergis, and granddaughter Kymera. In Dancing on a Stamp, Garnet recounts how his life changed dramatically one day in 2007 (while still practicing law) when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert (who was actually a wise spirit in disguise) who revealed startling new revelations about our soul journey on Earth and the afterlife that awaits us. His second book, Dancing Forever with Spirit, describes his most recent adventures with Albert who appeared in his bedroom room one night to guide him on a series of out-of-body adventures around our world and other parts of the Universe to demonstrate the urgent need for us to discard the dark side of humanity in favour of love and compassion.

Dr Larry Lytle


To schedule an interview, contact:

Michelle Tomao

727-447-4992 x201

Chinese Medicine Goes High-Tech: Forget the Sharp Needles! DIY Acupuncture Treatment Relieves Pain with Light

An interview with Dr. Larry Lytle, inventor of the Q-Laser

By stimulating specific acupoints on the body with needles, skilled acupuncturists say they are able to produce a wide assortment of benefits for their patients, everything from relieving migraines to curbing nicotine addictions.   

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, but there are a couple problems with it.

Getting stuck with a sharp needle is not very pleasant, and forget about trying to do traditional needle acupuncture yourself. Even if you could locate the correct points, assuming they are located on an accessible part of the body, it would still require an extreme amount of skill to do it properly.


Thanks to the pioneering research of Dr. Larry Lytle, the many benefits of acupuncture are now available to everyone without the need of sharp needles or highly-skilled practitioners through the miracle of bio-stimulating light.

“I have devised a small hand-held diode laser that can stimulate the acupuncture points with a beam of light tuned to a specific frequency that benefits the human body and which you can easily use yourself,” said Dr. Lytle, who has authored several books on the health benefits of low-level laser light, including Low Level Laser Application Guide, which includes a section that shows the points that can be activated with low level laser light as a substitute for needles.

“One simply aims it at the area of the acupuncture point and switches on the laser for 30 to 45 seconds,” he said. “The comforting therapeutic and preventive medical effects that result often amaze practitioners who administer low level laser therapy on their clients, as well as those who use it on themselves.”

More than 2,500 studies have been conducted worldwide, which have shown that low-level lasers:

- reduce pain by stimulating cells to produce their own endorphins, a natural pain killer

promote faster healing by stimulating cells to increase the production of two major healing enzymes by as much as 75 percent

- reduce inflammation by as much as 75 percent

- increase bone-repair speed

- relax muscles and muscle spasms

- decrease swelling

- enhance the immune system by increasing the number of killer cells by 400-900 percent

- most importantly, re-energize cell membranes to allow transport of essential nutrients across cell walls, (nutrients will not cross an injured or sick cell membrane, thus slowing healing) allowing a healthy new cell to grow

To be healthy, the body’s cells need exactly the right kind and amount of energy, Dr. Lytle said. Every time you get injured or become sick, the energy flow to your cells is disrupted. Until the proper type and amount of energy is restored, you will remain sick or injured.


“That’s the beauty of the bio-stimulating light waves emitted by low level lasers,” said Dr. Lytle. “The waves increase blood circulation and re-energize the cells in your body with just the right kind and proper amount of healing energy. Properly used, low-level lasers can restore the correct energy flow to every cell in your body.”

Sample Interview Questions:

1. Can you explain why bio-stimulating light produced by a low-level laser has a healing effect on the body?

2. Is it possible to overdose while applying laser light to the body?

3. What types of physical conditions have been improved through use of low-level laser therapy, according to available clinical studies?

4. How long does it take to note improvement after applying healing light to an injured area of the body?

5. You have developed a handheld laser device for personal use called the Q-Laser. Can you tell us how it operates and what types of conditions it has been shown effective for?

6. Veterinarians also use the Q-Laser on dogs, cats and horses. What are some typical reasons animals get Q-Laser treatments?

7. Can the Q-Laser help the healing of sports injuries?

8. Where can listeners get more information about the Q-Laser and low-level laser therapy?

ABOUT DR. LARRY LYTLE DDS, PhD NUTRITION Dr. Lytle received his DDS Degree from the University of Nebraska in 1964. He then practiced dentistry in Rapid City, SD from 1964 to 1998. During his dental career, he earned Category II accredited status in the Academy of Laser Dentistry and was accredited in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He also earned a PhD in Nutrition in 1979 and provided nutritional consulting in conjunction with his dental practice. He developed patents for low-level lasers and has published the Low Level Lasers User's Manual, The Healing Light, and other books on the therapeutic application of low-level lasers. He currently is a consultant for several companies in areas concerning low-level lasers and balancing the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous systems for optimum human health. ### MEDIA CONTACT Michelle Tomao 727-447-4992 Ext. 201

Danae Shanti

An experiential workshop with Danae Shanti

I would love to talk about accessing the many levels of Guidance we all have available to us at ALL TIMES. This can include the non-physical realms of Guides, Teachers, Angels, Archangels and beloved departed family members.

These communications from loving sources can assist us to find our own intuitive voice as we open our inner listening channels. When we can trust ourselves and senses, and listen as well as speak from this intuitive, connected place, our lives transform.

Whatever our unique expression is, it’s coming from a place of our divine guidance. Through this practice we can be a healing channel of transformation into the world.

I have a workshop called 'The Intuitive Voice' which is an opportunity for people to explore communication & relationship with their guidance. During this Interview I can touch upon:

- Personal stories of my own mystical experiences in working with teachers in the etheric realms
- Communication from Teaching Guides specifically available for the audience
-Teaching tools, tips and exercises for learning how to tap into your own guidance


'Upon leaving Danae's "Opening Your Listening Channels" workshop I turned on my phone, and began to drive home, thinking about how imagination and intuition are so intertwined, both rooted in cosmic origin. Then a text message came to my phone from my deceased daughter's phone. It was the photo attached, that my nephew sent to my daughter a few months before she passed. The day before, I was looking at the photos stored on her phone and sent several favorites to my email. I saw the one, here, attached, and thought it is cool but did not send it to my email, I just passed over it. I guessed that my wife was looking at the photos on my daughter's phone and sent this to me knowing the kind of workshop I had just attended. I texted my wife's phone, thanking her for sending it and how appropriate the timing was to send it. She replied that she didn't know what I was talking about! Well, all the hair on my body went straight up and I talked to my daughter all the way home. When I got home I found her phone was off and the battery was dead!' ~ D.M

''Danae Shanti's "Opening Your Listening Channels" workshop opened my doors of perception by using the crucial tool of breath to center, be present, and feel the source, (or resource,) of my higher self. When our breathing brought us to a fully present state, Danae taught how to become a conduit of guidance. By trusting our feelings and thoughts, and as she said; "letting SPIRIT drive the bus," everyone in the workshop felt the power of the intuitive wisdom that our guides freely share when we open ourselves to receive' ~ D.M

Danae Shanti has lived an extraordinary and mystical life, having had a powerful awakening in 1987 that took her life in a new direction. She went from being the executive director of the South Hampton Chamber of Commerce in New York to sharing messages internationally from Angels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Guides. This began Danae's new career as a portal for offerings from higher dimensions into this world on behalf of benefiting humanity. She has lead Spiritual Retreats to Mount Shasta, was a Guest speaker at the Crimson Circle Annual Gathering, the marriage of channeling and music came together in what are now called medicine songs. has helped thousands of people internationally to awaken their spiritual capacities

Today she is devoted to leading people to access and understand their inner guidance through her gifts as a channel, energy intuitive and medicine singer.

This work comes through the forms of public events as well as soul readings, spiritual coaching, emotional integration processes, and medicine songs


I have a new book I would like to share entitled KUNDALINI GATEWAY. Kundalini is the energy of Science, Spirit and Sex. This modern book provides a solid foundation of Kundalini understanding in a simple, accessible format and includes my journey from sleep walking (unconscious living) to enlightenment. Explore the energy of evolution & consciousness the Ancients knew well.


Goddess is World-Class Dakini, Public Speaker, Writer and Teacher.

Her professional certifications have included Licensed Holistic Practioner, Hatha Yoga Exercise Specialist, Personal Fitness Trainer, Reiki Healing Practitioner Level 2, and Thai Massage Therapist.

She embodies deep feminine nurturing and wisdom and has worked professionally with thousands of individuals for several years.

Goddess has experienced a full Kundalini Awakening (Spiritual Enlightenment) and encounters with a Celestial Extra Terrestrial Being. She maintains a private, traditional Tantra/Tao practice in Toronto, Canada and continues to study areas of sexuality, spirituality, health & fitness, and metaphysics.

Kundaline Gateway
Bornbazie Flame


I am dedicated to promoting conscious living and healing by increasing awareness. I have recently released my book Mode Of Living. Mode Of Living is a love based lifestyle promoting the way to perfection and individuality as part of a synergistic whole.

Mode Of Living is the first manual for taking care of the material and immaterial aspects of a Human Being. It supplies the knowledge to expand conscious awareness, and enable an individual to live a more satisfying life. The book was written as a handbook aimed at explaining what a person actually is, and their connection to the universe.

What is the immaterial body?
It has been called the soul, Manley P. Hall called it the magnetic field of the body. The relationship between people's immaterial and material aspects is one of synergy. The relationship is intertwined and damaging one damages the other. When you starve the immaterial an awareness based on the understanding of the material will try and solve the insatiable hunger with gluttony and hedonism. Addiction is a sure sign that someone is out of balance. That feeling of suffocating or being without is also caused by deficiencies in receiving that which sustains the immaterial presence.

I would like to talk about: how Mode Of Living bridges religion and science and unveils the secrets of the occult, secret societies and highest orders of religious institutions for achieving enlightenment. Explain how to manifest by instructing how people can increase their connection with the environment. Discuss what love is and how it can be used to power your life with abundance.

If you would like to invite me to talk on your show i can send you a copy of the book beforehand.


I would like to be interviewed about my explanation that a person is a synergistic relationship of physical and immaterial existence. What Mode Of Living is, and why is it called the love based lifestyle. What is love, and how does it compare to living in fear. How Mode Of Living uses academic science to explain New Age claims.

Mode Of Living talks about the Laws of the universe: I would like to address these and explain how a knowledge of them can be used to enhance life for personal benefit. How the double torus is a fundamental force that holds all matter together, from the sub-atomic level to the galactic level.

There are also many rethinks of existing understanding of how things like manifestation function. We could talk about the limitations in Rhonda Byrne's “The Secret,” and how Mode Of Living explains the full method for manifesting.

You could ask why i wrote this book, and how i came to the conclusions that i eventually needed to write down. What my aim is for the Mode Of Living and where i see it going. Why i feel there is a need for an epoch of mass awareness and how this could change the world so we could all live in love.

Mode Of Living

would like to be on your show to discuss criminal justice issues, how to prevent
violent crimes, or any matters of concern.

United States

John Hall is a retired Probation Officer, experienced in interviewing offenders, making recommendations to Superior Court judges, for prison or a probation sent Inence with conditions. In his latest book THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE CRIMINAL MIND he fully discusses barriers to reform and paths for recovery to stop recidivism.

Transformation of the Criminal mind
John Matarazzo

An interview with John Matarazzo of LOGICAL DRIFT. He has a new album coming out (details also below).

Practicing Yoga and Meditation for over 20 years Composing music  for Chakra Healing Performed with Blood Sweat & Tears, Bob Dylan, Ike & Tina Turner, Sly & The Family Stone Helped to shape pioneering recordings of ambient/electronic music with various artists Traveled worldwide to places as far away as Bali, Indonesia, Sumatra, Tibet, North Africa and Morocco, Mali and Thailand to make field recording with the likes of The Gamelan Of Bali, Lata Mangeshcar, The Monks Of Notre Dame, and Buddhist Monks of Maitri Vihar Monastery Tibet Worked with the likes of Ravi Shankar, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Herbie Hancock, Lee “Scratch” Perry on their earlier recordings Launched the free mobile app called Zen Den by Logical Drift providing users with music sets for the use of meditation, relaxation and yoga

WAV Album:

MP3 (320k) Album:

MP3 (320k) Radio Edits:

Release Date:  TBA

Track Listing:

The Americas Mayan Ruins El Mar Deeper Forest Orinoco Puerto Escondido Sanctuary Of The Moon Angel Falls Song Of The Tepuis Angels Of The Altiplano


Traveling through the Andean Altiplano in Chile, Peru and Venezuela and following the backbone of mountain ridges up through Mexico; through the deep forests and high plateaus one can hear ancient sounds echoing through the ancient lands forever. Sounds made by the Incas centuries ago; Sounds made by the Maya when their culture flourished; The sounds of the Aztec and Quichua as they raised their instruments in celebration, praise, joy and sadness.

These sounds fill my ears and I let them dwell in me. They become part of my musical consciousness as I explore the sonorities and sense of place and time that the sounds evoke.

Ancient dwellings in time and space all but lost and forgotten or remembered and longed forin a quite space rising from the hidden forest and thrusting mountain peaks; pouring through undulating cascades like gentle veils enfolding the mountains and jungle and creating a deep sense of oneness with creation.

All Compositions by John Matarazzo, ASCAP

Published by Interra Music Publishing, ASCAP

Recorded Mixed and Mastered at Stone River Studios, Saddle River Valley, New York

By Logan Strand


Percussionist – Edgar Vaques

Keyboards & Guitars – John Matarazzo

Vocals – Tamara Consalves, Edina Montego, John Matarazzo

Strings arranged and performed by Ozzar Atam & Members of the Berlin Philharmonic

CONTACT - Josh East

General Manager, K1 Entertainment

Head Music Curator, Leaky Sync

Label Manager, Project Spread

Music Editor, ASANA Int'l Yoga Journal

Mobile: 909.556.5424 | Skype: | |

John Matarazzo of LOGICAL DRIFT

Practicing Yoga and Meditation for over 20 years Composing music  for Chakra Healing Performed with Blood Sweat & Tears, Bob Dylan, Ike & Tina Turner, Sly & The Family Stone Helped to shape pioneering recordings of ambient/electronic music with various artists Traveled worldwide to places as far away as Bali, Indonesia, Sumatra, Tibet, North Africa and Morocco, Mali and Thailand to make field recording with the likes of The Gamelan Of Bali, Lata Mangeshcar, The Monks Of Notre Dame, and Buddhist Monks of Maitri Vihar Monastery Tibet Worked with the likes of Ravi Shankar, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Herbie Hancock, Lee “Scratch” Perry on their earlier recordings Launched the free mobile app called Zen Den by Logical Drift providing users with music sets for the use of meditation, relaxation and yoga

CONTACT - Josh East

General Manager, K1 Entertainment

Head Music Curator, Leaky Sync

Label Manager, Project Spread

Music Editor, ASANA Int'l Yoga Journal

Mobile: 909.556.5424 | Skype: | |

Dr Georgina Cannon

An award winning teacher, author and clinician, lecturer at the University of Toronto. For 18 years Dr. Cannon has been practicing and writing about the art and science of regression to heal the self, relationships and the future. Working alongside the medical community she also hosts the Shirley MacLaine chat room and radio show from time to time, and makes regular appearances on radio and tv as the authority on the mind/body/spirit connection A pragmatist - "If it doesn't work - I don't do it!" over the past 18 years she has helped thousands of people through her clinic, her teachings and her three best selling books.


Georgina Cannon is an award-winning board certified clinical hypnotist and lecturer at the School of Social Work, University of Toronto. Recognized as the “public face” of hypnosis in Canada and a respected member of the mainstream health community. Georgina is a frequent media guest, and her work and views have gained her prominence as a frequent source for news and feature articles on hypnosis and alternative therapies; including a CBC series on Past Life Regression. She has participated in Grand Rounds at Toronto hospitals, where she lectured to psychiatrists, physicians, nurses and social workers in the healing powers of hypnosis and regression work. She recently lectured at Mensa on the technique of healthy relationships. Her third book, RETURN AGAIN published 2013 and she is currently writing a book on relationships and the power of commitment.

RETURN AGAIN - Discover your past lives and the Interlife