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Bornbazie Flame
Your Pitch


I am dedicated to promoting conscious living and healing by increasing awareness. I have recently released my book Mode Of Living. Mode Of Living is a love based lifestyle promoting the way to perfection and individuality as part of a synergistic whole.

Mode Of Living is the first manual for taking care of the material and immaterial aspects of a Human Being. It supplies the knowledge to expand conscious awareness, and enable an individual to live a more satisfying life. The book was written as a handbook aimed at explaining what a person actually is, and their connection to the universe.

What is the immaterial body?
It has been called the soul, Manley P. Hall called it the magnetic field of the body. The relationship between people's immaterial and material aspects is one of synergy. The relationship is intertwined and damaging one damages the other. When you starve the immaterial an awareness based on the understanding of the material will try and solve the insatiable hunger with gluttony and hedonism. Addiction is a sure sign that someone is out of balance. That feeling of suffocating or being without is also caused by deficiencies in receiving that which sustains the immaterial presence.

I would like to talk about: how Mode Of Living bridges religion and science and unveils the secrets of the occult, secret societies and highest orders of religious institutions for achieving enlightenment. Explain how to manifest by instructing how people can increase their connection with the environment. Discuss what love is and how it can be used to power your life with abundance.

If you would like to invite me to talk on your show i can send you a copy of the book beforehand.


I would like to be interviewed about my explanation that a person is a synergistic relationship of physical and immaterial existence. What Mode Of Living is, and why is it called the love based lifestyle. What is love, and how does it compare to living in fear. How Mode Of Living uses academic science to explain New Age claims.

Mode Of Living talks about the Laws of the universe: I would like to address these and explain how a knowledge of them can be used to enhance life for personal benefit. How the double torus is a fundamental force that holds all matter together, from the sub-atomic level to the galactic level.

There are also many rethinks of existing understanding of how things like manifestation function. We could talk about the limitations in Rhonda Byrne's “The Secret,” and how Mode Of Living explains the full method for manifesting.

You could ask why i wrote this book, and how i came to the conclusions that i eventually needed to write down. What my aim is for the Mode Of Living and where i see it going. Why i feel there is a need for an epoch of mass awareness and how this could change the world so we could all live in love.

Mode Of Living