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Guest Occupation: songwriter, singer and multi-instrumentalist
Guest Biography:


From the banks of the Mississippi to the streets of Los Angeles, songwriter/singer/multi-instrumentalist Alex Painter reflects his multicultural background by creating a collection of storytelling songs bathed in the flavors of soul, funk, dub and electronic sounds.

Alex Painter paid his dues on the road and in the studio with the bands Sinister Dane, Section 8, Vehicle, Famboey, The Peak Show and Onostatic. Following this run he released his solo debut The Joyful Process. Currently he continues to write and perform his own material as well as collaborate with other artists.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Mural Painter, Creative Artists
Guest Biography:


Since 1997 Alex Cook has created over 110 murals in 15 states and 4 countries (USA, Kenya, Nigeria, Guatemala). Alex’s work focuses on community and spiritual themes expressed through nature imagery and storytelling.

In 2004 Cook founded Art Builds Community, a mural painting program for teenagers in his hometown of Boston, MA. ABC hired teens during summers, teaching them the skills of mural painting and creating many murals in the neighborhoods of Boston and surrounding areas.

Over many years Cook has taught art and creativity to children and adults in many different situations ranging from alternative high schools and court-ordered community reintegration programs, to after school programs and summer camps.

His work in education and the powerful experiences of creating art in public have caused Cook’s artwork to become deeply social. Many of his mural projects include community participation during which community members are invited to make their contribution to a larger artwork within a structure. For Cook, painting is only half of the art – the other half is creating environments in which community members feel the love of connection and creation. Past collaborations have been with community groups, schools, churches, prisons, youth organizations and many more.

Cook is also an inspired musician. Between 2008-2013 he wrote and recorded 5 albums of original Bible-based music and performed over 200 concerts in the US and abroad. Cook has brought his music ministry to churches, community centers, prisons, homeless shelters and street festivals.

Between 2007-2014 Cook served as a chaplain at the Nashua Street Jail in Boston, MA. There he led groups and individuals in Bible study, prayer, and gave pastoral care to detainees.

One of Cook’s current endeavors, the YOU ARE LOVED mural project, makes murals whose image is simply the words “YOU ARE LOVED”. It began as a mural message to students in an elementary school in New Orleans, LA, and has grown into a project working with communities all over the US to influence public conversation about self-worth and value.

Learn More About Our Guest Alex Cook at: and

Guest Category: Arts, Beauty, Visual Arts, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Artist and Community Organizer
Guest Biography:

Selected from a national pool of artists to lead a guided walk in Washington, D.C. Feb. 6, Mary Clare Rietz — a fine arts student at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture Arts and Planning — will address the issue of D.C. statehood. 

The College Art Association (CAA) selected Rietz and one other artist to put together a guided walk that will take place during the College Art Associational Annual Conference.

Rietz plans to showcase the movement for statehood in D.C. by breaking it down at federal, local advocacy and eventually individual impact levels. Areas and local guides along the route will represent these levels of engagement.

Mary Clare Rietz - Who Is She?

My background in community organizing combines with my art practice to fuel a strong interest in engaging with people and materials in what I term aesthetic action. At the core of my work is an aesthetic of relationship.  I am most interested in creating opportunities for people to connect who otherwise would not, or I use materials to show connections among people – and dis-connections – that might otherwise go unobserved.

My work begs the question, “How is ‘connection’ defined?” I address this in my art in two ways – first, with my own understanding of “connection,” and second by including in the design of my works ways for participants to define connection for themselves. As I see it, connection among people exists along a spectrum: from simply being together in person, in body, in the same place at the same time; to having a casual conversation; to having a more in-depth, intellectually, emotionally, politically, or spiritually engaging conversation; to approaching and breaching perceived barriers to understanding and sharing experience, even if that means risking conflict; to sharing an experience of being in active, perhaps even seemingly un-resolvable conflict. And in all of these there are scenarios where the connection is short or longer term. My work addresses various points on the continuum.

I work at honing the craft in the people processes that I design and facilitate. This calls for as much aesthetic attention as the object making I do – there is a careful assemblage, sculpting and shaping that is required for artful, effective human engagement. Questions I ask at the start of any work: To what performance of cooperation or interaction am I inviting people? Whom will I invite, and why them? What will most allure participants? What does the work offer to non-participant viewers? Scoring an interaction in the Fluxus tradition is something I have recently added to my practice – simple text that invites and gives guidance but also leaves room for participant improvisation, even fulfillment of the work completely independent of me as the initiating artist.

And I ask: What materials will I use? I do not work in any one specific medium; the envisioned interaction drives decisions about what needs to be made, of what, and how, and often the making is collaborative. My goal for the objects I design and make and the digital media I use is that they support, and conceptualize, the associated social participation. In this way, I hope that they can both be useful, and stand alone as conceptual pieces.

Currently, I am pursuing a Master of Fine Arts Degree at the College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning (DAAP), University of Cincinnati. A lifelong Ohioan, I have lived in Cincinnati for twelve years, with my husband Mike and our teenage daughter.

Guest Category: Arts, History, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: CEO and President of Cancer Crackdown
Guest Biography:

Tara and Steve Mann, are Co-Founders, CEO and President of Cancer Crackdown. Cancer Crackdown is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization, their passion is to help fighters take their battle with cancer to the next level. They are unique in that they fight alongside those battling this disease. They develop plans and help fighters and survivors to be successful in following them to reach their overall health goals. They offer a wide range of resources and encouragement for those fighting, those surviving and those that wish to prevent this disease. We all have a choice in this battle against cancer, to survive or to prevent!!

Their mission is to be the trusted source of knowledge regarding natural therapies to defeat cancer and remain cancer free. We partner with fighters and survivors by supporting and navigating them through their battle. Together, they develop a unique plan that is specific to each individual and instills in them a fearless approach to winning the battle.

Cancer Crackdown started as a small group on Facebook in January 2012 with a few people who wanted to share some information on tips and best practices during chemo. Cancer Crackdown has grown and we are now serving cancer fighters all over the world!!

Cancer fighters that can no longer take chemo or choose not to are in dire need of accurate information and guidance. Due to the vast amount of information available and many untrustworthy sources on the internet, it makes it difficult for us to make decisions about what is viable information and thus dissuades many from knowing what is worth trying. We have and will continue to research topics of interest and ensure credibility of sources. We help put patients in contact with proper practitioners in their area and locate services for them that may benefit their treatment. We are in the process of building on the services we are able to provide to cancer patients that we are so fortunate to partner with during their difficult time.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Professor, Author, Researcher, Expert on forgiveness, Psychologist
Guest Biography:

Frederic Luskin, PhD, is director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, Director of wellness education at Stanford University, and professor of clinical psychology at Sofia University. He is author of Stress Free for Good, Forgive for Good, and Forgive for Love.

Luskin is renowned for teaching about the psychological and medical benefits of forgiveness. Research done by Luskin and others has confirmed that forgiveness can reduce anger, depression, and stress while it leads to greater feelings of optimism, hope, compassion, and self-confidence.

As director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, Luskin conducts an ongoing series of workshops and research projects that investigate the effectiveness of his forgiveness methods on a variety of populations. The forgiveness project has explored forgiveness therapy with people who suffered from the violence in Northern Ireland and Sierra Leone, as well as from the attacks on the World Trade Center September 11, 2001. In addition, his work has been successfully applied and researched in corporate, medical, legal, and religious settings.

Luskin’s work has been featured in Time; O, The Oprah Magazine; Ladies’ Home Journal; US News & World Report; Parade; Prevention; the New York Times; the Los Angeles Times; the Chicago Tribune; USA Today; and the Wall Street Journal.

Luskin is also a professor at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

He offers lectures, workshops, seminars, and training nationwide on forgiveness, stress management, and emotional competence.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Sex Therapist
Guest Biography:

Increase your sexual confidence, expand your sexual repertoire and get the real down-low on oral sex.


Because when you know better, you blow better.

Heads Up is an edgy-yet-educational, entertaining-yet-accurate book written by two Clinical Sex Therapists and Couples Counsellors on a mission to demystify and de-stigmatize sex and sexuality… specifically, the blowjob.

Dr. Teesha Morgan and Constance Lynn Hummel, MA, provide practical, no-nonsense advice for fabulous foreplay, chock full of tangible tips and ideas guaranteed to stimulate a sensational time in the bedroom. An alternative to the run of the mill “How to” guides, Heads Up will empower you to create a sex life that truly reflects your sexual choices, while still leaving you laughing (and blushing) along the way.

Guest Category: Education, Psychology, Self Help, Sex
Guest Occupation: MetaPhysician
Guest Biography:

The world is full of big challenges yet huge opportunity,

and a clear vision of both was never more important.

The ‘Cosmic Cowboy’ has just finished a free e-book:

The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age.

The author’s story begins with his miraculous

experience documented with photos in 1971:

On the Path of God and Country’.

  The 12 chapters of Emerging Blueprint were

   written over 3 months the latter part of 2016.

  This includes dozens of embedded videos and

     hundreds of links to recent enlightened articles.

    There’s a very positive message in this e-book,

        highlighted in contrast to dark signs of the times.

    Seize the vision of the 'Big Picture' of 'Big Shift'

   that defines and refines Aquarian Age virtues.

    Please forward this to your sphere of influence.


    PS: Universal LOVE for global peace and prosperity

              may be much different from what you conceived,

           yet far better than you ever believed possible:)

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Conscious Business Solutions using Astrology Tools
Guest Biography:

Lorelei works with conscious busines owners to help them experience how they are energetically aligne with the vision they have for their business. Lorelei's understanding of their personality dynamics, coupled with her ability to interpret and harness the power of the planetary energies, help her clients clarify their vision, create their plan/timeline, and choose their team.