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Cosmic Cowboy
Cosmic Cowboy
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Guest Biography

The world is full of big challenges yet huge opportunity,

and a clear vision of both was never more important.

The ‘Cosmic Cowboy’ has just finished a free e-book:

The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age.

The author’s story begins with his miraculous

experience documented with photos in 1971:

On the Path of God and Country’.

  The 12 chapters of Emerging Blueprint were

   written over 3 months the latter part of 2016.

  This includes dozens of embedded videos and

     hundreds of links to recent enlightened articles.

    There’s a very positive message in this e-book,

        highlighted in contrast to dark signs of the times.

    Seize the vision of the 'Big Picture' of 'Big Shift'

   that defines and refines Aquarian Age virtues.

    Please forward this to your sphere of influence.


    PS: Universal LOVE for global peace and prosperity

              may be much different from what you conceived,

           yet far better than you ever believed possible:)