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Guest Occupation: Multi-talented singer/songwriter from Los Angeles
Guest Biography:


Jake Goldman (aka Gold Man) is a multi-talented singer/songwriter from Los Angeles. He began playing guitar and piano at a young age and soon developed the ability to captivate audiences with his glassy voice and contagious personality. Jake’s music is sultry and stimulating with its intricate chords, unique, but catchy melodies, and charming lyrics. According to Infectious Magazine, Jake is “on the fast track to the top”, and his music is “an easy listen that will immediately get stuck in your head.”

“Gold Man—Not With Us

by Lex Voight

RIYL: As Tall As Lions, Maroon 5, Into It. Over It.

There are so many things that Gold Man does right. With “Not With Us,” the guitarist and singer-songwriter shows an adept sense of an alternative-soul sound that manages to blend pop and jazz sensibilities in an interesting, new way. It gives his songs this unidentifiable quality, as it seems to borrow equally from indie rock, pop, jazz, soul, and blues in this even-keeled way. Imagine a very stripped back As Tall As Lions with a penchant for more easy jazz tangents and you approach Gold Man’s stylings. It’s a fresh sound, and one that as a project shows a whole lot of potential from this LA-based musician. He just released his first single with a well-attended release party in Venice where the packed room grooved appreciatingly and demanded an encore.”

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Radio Host and Producer at Cosmic Reality Radio
Guest Biography:

Nancy Hopkins was an electronic warfare officer for the US Army in the 1970's. Even back then she had learned the dangers of electromagnet radiation. When her brother died of a brain tumor directly linked to WiFi/microwave signals and she tried to tell her family of the dangers - even her family blew her off. Without a solution no one wanted to hear about the problem.

Then in March 2014 Nancy was introduced to a mineral only found in Russia called Shungite. Nancy was on a mission to get Shungite to the masses. In May 2017 the masses included the Bees. Shungite protects against EM/WiFi radiation and her nonprofit corporation Cosmic Reality Shungite, Inc has been creating Shungite products that over 4,000 customers have purchased. While only a few hundred took the time to create a customer testimonial, the internet store has a money back guarantee only used by one person. When the bees came into the picture there was an opportunity to demonstrate Shungite’s magic by saving the bees. It is the story of the bees Nancy will share with us tonight.

Nancy is an author, radio host and producer at Cosmic Reality Radio.

Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Paranormal, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive, Technology
Guest Occupation: Activist/Filmmaker
Guest Biography:


Matthew Landis is a Washington DC native and University graduate, who not only holds an MBA but was firmly entrenched in the financial world when he decided to take a break and become a filmmaker.  It was while pursuing this goal he worked on an organic farm in Humboldt County, California and close to nature.  This is when Matt noticed that anticipated weather patterns did not appear, rain fronts vanished in seeming correlation to the persistent white lines in the sky.

Matt, like many of us, stumbled upon Geoengineering of the Weather while working on a farm in the Pacific Northwest.  Observation led to research which led to awakening which led to devoted activism.  The more he became aware of what was happening in the skies and the toxins falling to earth, the GMO foods and their link to glyphosate and pesticides and the poisons contained in vaccines the more passionate he has become to put a stop to them.  Matt’s passion and energy knows no bounds and he is known to “walk the streets” talking to people and handing out flyers to each “jam session” he hosts where recently I was able to catch Matt on September 9th, 2016.

In May of 2016 Matt hosted what he calls his first annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver, Canada which featured not only Matt himself as speaker but some of our activist greats such as Elana Freeland, Amanda Baise, Patrick Roddie, Terry Lawton, Harry Rhodes, Scott Stevens and Eric Cypher.  Not only was this event a resounding success but Matt has vowed to have a Global Summit every year until there is an end to this toxic assault in our skies.

In the meantime Matt continues to devote his life everyday to the project, determined to bring transparency and scrutiny to our air.  As awareness is cultivated and strategic actions developed, Matt has made a documentary film about the aerial assault being inflicted upon us titled FrankenSkies.

Frankenskies - A film by Matthew Landman

FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?

A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film’s narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not…

Matt’s motto is “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  Let us all be that change.

A few of Matt Landman’s Facebook pages include Actual Chemtrail Activists, ACTivists Europe United, ACTual ACTivists and Franken Sky

Guest Category: Earth & Space, News, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Actor, Writer, Books, Film, Children's Books, Speaker, Inspiration, Motivation, Love Advocate
Guest Biography:

Scott Stabile is a writer and actor, known for The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure and Dartss.  Scott's inspirational posts and videos have attracted a huge and devoted social media following. His previous works include Just Love, Iris, and the Li’l Pet Hospital series. A passionate speaker and love advocate, Scott runs daylong empowerment workshops nationally and internationally.  What happens when you fully commit yourself to love? Endless good, insists Scott Stabile, who found that out by overcoming plenty of bad. His parents were murdered when he was fourteen. Nine years later, his brother died of a heroin overdose. Soon after that, Scott joined a cult that dominated his life for thirteen years before he summoned the courage to walk away. In his book Big Love, his insightful and refreshingly honest collection of personal essays, Scott relates these profound experiences as well as everyday struggles and triumphs in ways that are universally applicable, uplifting, and laugh-out-loud funny. Whether silencing shame, rebounding after failure, or moving forward despite fears, Scott shares hard-won insights that consistently return readers to love, both of themselves and others. 

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Columnist
Guest Biography:

Throughout his lifetime, Dennis Merritt Jones has been on a quest to inspire and lift people to a higher expression of life. His personal vision is to guide people to their purpose, knowing that when one fully awakens to who they are and why they are on the planet, they begin to naturally share their gift with humankind and, in the process, create an enriching life for themselves and the world around them.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Organizer and Advocate for Travel Safety
Guest Biography:

Sheryl and Allen Hill have turned  grief into a mission.  They are founders of the only nonprofit working on travel and tourism consumer protections.  They lost their 16 year old son Tyler...but they want to help others be better prepared to bring their loved ones home.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Kids & Family, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: USA Tour Guide Specialist
Guest Biography:

Paula Reynolds is the founder of the American Tour Guide Association. She is a Certified Travel Industry Specialist and a leader in hospitality when it comes to tourism.  Paula is passionate about travel and decided to make it her career. She started on the west coast and migrated to the east coast and now serves all 50 states. Paula has traveled to 38 countries and still counting. One of the qualities Paula brings to the industry is custom itineraries based on American themes. American Tour Guide Association won 2017 Best Tour Services in the USA by Lux Hospitality and is nominated for 2018 

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Entertainment, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation:
Guest Biography:

Mitch Russo: If you sell or license software, marketing automation, coaching or training programs or have any kind of "transformational" process, Mitch can show you how he creates multi-million-dollar divisions for his clients. His #1 Amazon Best Seller: The Invisible Organization, blueprints the entire process of going Virtual and the benefits of having a virtual company. His expertise ranges from creating virtual organizations and coaching networks to building, growing, running, selling and buying technology companies for the last 3 decades. He was the CEO and President of Business Breakthroughs with Tony Robbins.

Gaylynn Baker is an award-winning writer/director of 25 years. Recently she released her third documentary: We Know Not What We Do, which gained international attention with world-wide distribution by Silicon Beach.  Gaylynn was a keynote speaker for World Film and International Film Festival in Jakarta, and is the writer of the original screenplay Gifts of Gratitude and her second book, We Know Not What We Do, is a companion book to the documentary film. Her other documentaries won awards: THE TRAIL OF PAINTED PONIES, narrated by Ali MacGraw, also shown on PBS, and WHEN BUFFALO ROAM, narrated by Peter Coyote.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Technology, TV & Film