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Guest Occupation: Author and Speaker
Guest Biography:

Paul Levin is an Emotional Breakthrough Mentor, author, and speaker. He is a Certified Hypnotist, and Certified NLP Practitioner specializing in Belief Systems. 

Paul believes that we are all hurting from childhood and other traumas. When the pain of those traumas is resolved, you are empowered to manifest the life you want.  

Paul teaches how you can quickly and easily trade a life of emotional pain, frustration and struggle for a life filled with more smiles, inner peace, and being in love with every day.

Paul is the author of the book:

    “Your Life Sucks No More,

      The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Perfect Life”

It is his mission to take away the emotional pain of the world.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Teacher and practitioners of Reiki, contemporary shamanism, cross-cultural energy medicine and holistic mind/body wellness,
Guest Biography:

Deana Paqua, MA, LMT is a teacher and practitioner of contemporary shamanism, cross-cultural energy medicine and holistic mind/body wellness, who has served the community for over 20 years. She is a licensed massage therapist, Reiki master teacher, and an adjunct professor in the department of health promotion studies at Western Connecticut State University, in Danbury, CT. She offers private sessions, classes and training programs for those looking to transform overwhelm, trauma and stress through spiritual and natural healing methods that complement conventional Western medicine.

Akilah Barr is a Yoga of 12-Step Recovery Leader (Y12SR), and Imani Breakthrough Project Facilitator. She's a passionate Yoga instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, and Reiki Master. She motivates individuals to discover their authentic and healthiest selves, incorporating her knowledge of the conventional and unconventional healing modalities.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Yoga, Spiritual, Meditation, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: U.S. Representative
Guest Biography:

Representative Adeoye "Oye" Owolewa is a proud Nigerian-American born in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents, born and raised in Nigeria, raised him with 2 guiding principles, a value in community service and an early exposure to science. This exposure became a love for science, culminating in him achieving a Doctorate of Pharmacy.

Upon graduation, he moved to Washington, D.C. to practice in 2014. He currently resides in Ward 8 and has used his time in Washington, D.C. to get to know his community by becoming involved in local politics. He also volunteers at the neighborhood elementary school to get kids interested in STEM.

Rep. Oye has also advocated for DC Statehood since his inception in politics, and now as your newly elected US Representative for the District of Columbia, a millennial, advocate, and a first-generation American he will fight for equality for all Washington, D.C. residents by achieving DC Statehood.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Variety
Guest Occupation: State Representative, Weld County Commissioner
Guest Biography:

As State Representative and today as Weld County Commissioner, Lori has been a champion for the people against progressive Marxists and “Republicans” who act like Democrats, and is running for Congress to fight for freedom against the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi Gang and their Socialist-Communist Agenda.

As our voice in the State House, Lori Saine bravely and boldly took on radical left-wing environmental extremists and defended our oil and gas jobs, our water rights and our Colorado way of life. In Congress, Lori will stand tall against Coastal Elites who do not understand Colorado and those of us who choose to live here.

With our open borders out of control, trillions of dollars printed and borrowed from China destroying our economy and an administration that hates our police, hates our freedoms and most particularly wants our guns, Lori’s courage and bluntness is needed now more than ever.


Lori and her husband Troy, a Marine veteran, raise and homeschool their daughter Belle in Dacono where they are members of the Rocky Mountain Christian Church.

Lori also volunteers for community charities and church ministries and served as coordinator and instructor for Constitutional Champions Kids Patriot Camp, a day camp teaching about the Constitution and American Patriotism.

America’s future is on the line.  It’s not enough to just elect a Republican to this new Congressional seat.  Colorado conservatives are looking for a champion. And her name is Lori Saine.

Guest Category: News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Life & Wellness Coach, Author of “The Aging Athlete
Guest Biography:

NSCA-CPT. Professional Speaker; Wellness Coach; Researcher; Author; Fitness Leader. All done with empathetic awareness, Lectures/Interviews can be done in English, Spanish, or French.

Sifu Slim has been a world traveler since 1978.

He has been a business traveler since working on the Paris Stock Exchange in 1983. He and his friends used to run through the streets of Paris and do push-ups and calisthenics under the outline of the Eiffel Tower and, in the summer time, jump right in the fountains at Trocadero to cool off. “We weren’t the only ones ‘les guardiens’ were after…” he confesses.

His European roots are important in his ethic of seeking the slower, old-school ethic. “When I look at my family’s home villages in Germany, Ireland, and Alsace-Lorraine, I see how people are still connected to the land. This is important in grounding ourselves, literally, spiritually, and emotionally. Being in the earth, touching it, working with plants and animals, being in nature–all of this is import for the natural order of things.”

As a young man, Sifu was also into resistance training with weights and machines three to four times per week, but, in his early 30s, realized that it wasn’t the way to continue for his lifetime practice. Too much sluggishness, joint pain, and muscle soreness. It also negatively impacted his practice of other sports like golf and tennis.

Sifu worked at special events as a professional mascot for 4 years from age 28 – 32. This was a lot of fun and helped him get super fit, but it also resulted in some repetitive stress injuries from doing hip-hop dancing in a heavy, cumbersome outfit. He found lots of help from his practice of Myotherapy–a series of techniques he learned in 1986 from a family of health and wellness practitioners who studied Bonnie Prudden’s “Pain Erasure.” Sifu now offers seminars and workshops in staff acupressure.



Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Sports Mom, Speaker, Author of 'Love & Inspiration from Mom'
Guest Biography:

Shelly Slocum is the author of Love and Inspiration from Mom. She has been a Real Estate Broker for 21 years and taught classes as an instructor for Dale Carnegie Training. Learning and growing in all aspects of life has been a passion for Shelly. She has a Masters Degree in Organizational Management and has attended countless trainings, seminars, and summits with the ultimate goal of helping her become the best person she can be in order to share her knowledge with others. Her desired outcome in everything she does is to help people move toward success and happiness. Life has come with many challenges and blessings. As a non-smoking Lung Cancer Survivor, Shelly believes she's been given the gift of time and has made it her mission to spread more love and inspiration in the world!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Lady Shekinah and Master Sanandaji are World Teachers, Wisdom Keepers and Golden Age avatars.
Guest Biography:

My guests are TwinRays: Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji. Having re- united at the Great Pyramid of Egypt, they began their merging of life paths and service work, both already having established their own world followings. As they met, they remembered that they were already married and had walked together in service before this life, recited their last incarnations’s set of vows within the King’s Chamber after only days of the rekindling. Led by this Divine Love marriage sharing beatific vision, Ancient Wisdom, and gnosis of unchanging Truth, Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji have walked the path of the Initiated Mystic and now help their TwinRay global community to action selfless service to humanity and the Earth. This is accomplished through powerful healing certifications, free Sat Sangs, retreat immersions at their Sanctuary or TwinRay living artwork, protective jewelry technology, their Bioceutical line of Supplements and through teaching the transcendence of the worldliness that brings suffering and binding while revealing the Ultimate Truth. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Tantra Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: International Life, Leadership and Relationship Coach.
Guest Biography:

Ann Papayoti has endured some of life’s most brutal blows—her college best friend deliberately stealing her high school boyfriend; the loss of an infant child just shortly after he was thought to be out of danger, a belligerent and abusive husband, a child born with epilepsy, a family suicide, being bitten by a poisonous snake that resulted in months of chronic illness before being diagnosed, relinquishing a cherished foster teen whose actions threatened Ann’s family, and much more…

And despite them all, Ann found the gift hidden within each of these experiences. The gift of choice in how to respond to the challenge. In her new book, The Gift of Shift: Discover the Key Within to Unlock Your Best Life, Ann uses many of these experiences to show how one can open that gift lovingly. Instead of freezing up, becoming resistant or giving in to depression, resignation or other unhealthy emotions, one can choose a better, more life- affirming, adaptable approach that can lead to new possibilities and a better pathway forward.

Ann Papayoti, PCC, is an international life, leadership and relationship coach. She is dedicated to waking people up to living their best life by helping them untangle from their past, align with their values and connect to their higher purpose. Ann captivates, educates and inspires audiences by sharing her personal experiences of loss, transition and triumph. She connects with clients in-person and online through one-on-one and group coaching, speaking engagements, various teaching platforms, blogs and magazine articles. Ann is known for the personal and compassionate way she leads people to their own insights and growth.

Ann has attained the International Coach Federation Accredited Professional Certified Coach level, is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistics Programming, and is a member of the Association of Integrative Psychology. You can learn more about her and her work at