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Guest Name
Sifu Slim
Sifu Slim
Guest Occupation
Life & Wellness Coach, Author of “The Aging Athlete
Guest Biography

NSCA-CPT. Professional Speaker; Wellness Coach; Researcher; Author; Fitness Leader. All done with empathetic awareness, Lectures/Interviews can be done in English, Spanish, or French.

Sifu Slim has been a world traveler since 1978.

He has been a business traveler since working on the Paris Stock Exchange in 1983. He and his friends used to run through the streets of Paris and do push-ups and calisthenics under the outline of the Eiffel Tower and, in the summer time, jump right in the fountains at Trocadero to cool off. “We weren’t the only ones ‘les guardiens’ were after…” he confesses.

His European roots are important in his ethic of seeking the slower, old-school ethic. “When I look at my family’s home villages in Germany, Ireland, and Alsace-Lorraine, I see how people are still connected to the land. This is important in grounding ourselves, literally, spiritually, and emotionally. Being in the earth, touching it, working with plants and animals, being in nature–all of this is import for the natural order of things.”

As a young man, Sifu was also into resistance training with weights and machines three to four times per week, but, in his early 30s, realized that it wasn’t the way to continue for his lifetime practice. Too much sluggishness, joint pain, and muscle soreness. It also negatively impacted his practice of other sports like golf and tennis.

Sifu worked at special events as a professional mascot for 4 years from age 28 – 32. This was a lot of fun and helped him get super fit, but it also resulted in some repetitive stress injuries from doing hip-hop dancing in a heavy, cumbersome outfit. He found lots of help from his practice of Myotherapy–a series of techniques he learned in 1986 from a family of health and wellness practitioners who studied Bonnie Prudden’s “Pain Erasure.” Sifu now offers seminars and workshops in staff acupressure.