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Guest Occupation: Founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Founder of Free Retreats For All
Guest Biography:

Christine Breese, PhD is the Founder of: University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, Wisdom of the Heart 501(c)3 Non Profit Free Retreats For Everyone, Radiant Life Academy

She is 54 years old but still has youthful enthusiasm and vitality. She also has wisdom far beyond her years. She attributes it to the spiritual self-work she did to transcend depression, abuse, suicidal feelings and learning how to enter the realms of joy and happiness.

Because she has overcome the depths of despair she can help you do it too. For the past 30 years, she has been leading workshops, retreats, spiritual courses, and helping others find happiness too. She spent much of her own spiritual journey without money for retreats or workshops, so she wants to give you the chance to be in Satsang whether you have money or not.

Christine is in high demand with millions of views on her videos and tens of thousands of followers, but she wants to make time for you. She travels with her team to bring these retreats to a place near you so you don’t have to travel. She is often referred to as the “Mother Theresa” of spiritual retreats because she cares deeply about those in need who are disadvantaged.

Christine is dedicated to the awakening of humanity, changing the world for the better, and helping those who are trying to improve their lives and attain an understanding of spirituality. Christine leads powerful meditations in these retreats to take you deep into who you are. Come and realize yourself for who you really are.

Christine Breese books:

Reclaiming the Shadow Self

Fearlessness in the Paradigm Shift

and the soon to be released:

Choose Yourself: The Power of One to Change the World

and Integrity Handbook for Leaders, Teachers, Healers and Students

A Quote from Christine Breese:

“In the silence of your heart, you will find the truth. No one can tell you what is right for you better than you. You are gazillions of years old. You are wiser than you know. You are God dreaming, learning, and growing on a journey of self-exploration. You are a collector of experiences for Godself. It is all the same one living all these lives and having all these experiences. It is the same one in you, the same one in me, the same one in a blade of grass, experiencing creation from that particular point of view. How much more worthy can you get than that? You are the center of the universe from your point of view!”

“So awaken angel, and get back on mission. I am here to remind you of who you already know yourself to be, or at least encourage you on your path. Let go of the past and who you thought you were. Dream a good dream now. You are allowed! Take back your power from the places you lost it (fear, sadness, anger, loneliness) and be the creator being that you are. We have a world to change, and it first starts with each of us becoming that which we already are!”

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Ancestral Lineage Clearing
Guest Biography:

Ariann Thomas, B.S., J.D., is an international healer, teacher, ceremonialist, speaker, Shaman, hypnotherapist, and an ordained non-denominational minister.

Ariann carries the profound subtle energy of an elder, advisor and wisdom carrier. She is part Cherokee by heritage and is a ceremonialist, an intuitive reader and healer, and practices Ancestral Lineage Clearing, and Shamanic Healing.

She works with clients to make direct contact with ancestors in the past through Shamanic Journeys. Ariann takes them through time and space through hundreds or thousands of years to connect to ancestors through their DNA. For the past 35 years Ariann, has studied metaphysics, spiritual teachings and healing.

She engages in energetic healing work, having studied healing in the native traditions of North and South America. She is an initiated Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Tradition of the Sacred Feminine, does Shamanic Journeying for soul retrieval, curse release and healing, and is initiated in the 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki, Healing Touch, Reiki (1st and 2nd Degree) and animal healing. She is a Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist. She was awarded Featured Thought Leader by the Wellness Universe.

“Ancestral Lineage Clearing is such a powerful transformation and healing tool. It releases so much energy in a short period of time to allow people to move on and create happiness in their lives.” She was so impressed with how it positively affected clients and others in the family that it became her major healing tool.

In addition, Ariann is the Administrative Director of the New Dream Foundation, a non-profit organization operating as Sacred Feminine Awakening whose mission is to create a global spiritual family through education, ritual and service. She is a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Path of the Sacred Feminine.

She is the author of  two Amazon best-selling books: Healing Family Patterns, Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Development, and Changing Our Genetic Patterns, Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations,


Ariann presently lives in Northern California with her cat Gigi. She volunteers at the local cat shelter, loves to travel, read, go to movies, and stay current with the latest scientific developments. She is committed to women’s enlightenment and the Sacred Feminine.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Pets and Animals, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Reverend Scott J Polek, Owner of Reverend Polek’s Chapels at The Pawn
Guest Biography:

Prior to opening the coolest wedding chapel in Las Vegas, Reverend Polek’s Chapels at The Pawn, Scott J Polek spent 10 + years working with the world’s most gifted psychics, mediums and healers, (and also learning the true meaning of spirituality). The man everyone knew as Scott J Polek, became known as "The Reverend Scott J Polek". His years of working with them really opened his mind, body, and soul to endless possibilities in our world!

Welcome to Reverend Polek’s Chapels at The Pawn

“Las Vegas weddings the way Las Vegas weddings were meant to be done”

Your new home in Las Vegas for all of your wedding or wedding vow renewal dreams. Located on Las Vegas Boulevard, inside of Pawnstars Plaza and conveniently next to the world-famous and iconic “Gold and Silver Pawn Shop”,

The Chapels at The Pawn combines the mystique and sexy vibe of a 1920’s speakeasy with the loud, bright and vibrant world of 2020, which we are about to enter. All of us here at The Chapels at The Pawn, wish to take a step back from the “family and Instagram friendly” environment, many parts of Las Vegas have become, and back to Las Vegas’ roots of a fun, care-free “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” mentality. It’s your wedding day –ENJOY IT!

For far too many years Las Vegas has been home to a self-proclaimed “Wedding Queen of the West”, however, times have changed, it’s now time for a “Wedding King” to emerge in Las Vegas.

The Chapels at The Pawn is all about YOU, our soon to be newlyweds. Our Reverends and our staff will do whatever is necessary to create an atmosphere that will have you forever remembering your Las Vegas wedding ceremony. We have done things very differently here at The Chapels at The Pawn, we will be doing things you don’t see in most other Las Vegas wedding chapels.

So take a tour of our site, meet our Reverends, see our wedding packages and our amazing wedding day additions – It’s your special day, we are just here to help make it perfect for you!

Give us a call whenever you’re ready to book your big day. 

Rev. Scott has been married for 24 years, the father of two boys (18/22) and three dogs, lives with his family in Spring Valley, Nevada. The Reverend, who is also a yoga enthusiast, has been a lifelong non-smoker and non-drinker.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Sex, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure, TV & Film, Variety
Guest Occupation: Life Coach Podcaster
Guest Biography:

I believe you deserve to live your best life. Your life should be rich and filled with wonderful health, fulfilling relationships, involved in jobs and careers that you love and are passionate about and be blessed with financial abundance.

Why is it that some people struggle along in life, never get out of first gear or hit their limits and feel stuck and confused, yet for others they seem to have the golden touch and everything in their life seems to be working and extremely rewarding?

There is no need to feel hopeless, frustrated and out of control.

If that is how you feel or you are looking to break though existing limits. then let me show you how.

I work with you to identify and change your paradigms – which are your habits and beliefs – which are preventing you from achieving the results you truly want in every area of your life. I focus on the primary goals and objectives YOU want to achieve.

My Coaching is a strategically designed mix of education, accountability, and action. Action toward the progressive realization of your dreams.

Your goals might be in the areas of financial and career success, self-image, personal relationships, or improved business habits and sales strategies. You will identify and change the patterns of thinking that stand between what you have and what you want.

My passion and purpose in life is to see people make positive changes in their lives. I want you to succeed, to feel inspired, motivated and happy.

I am currently in my fourth decade on my journey in this life.  Born and raised in South Africa, I have traveled to many different countries, lived in London and I now call the USA my home.  I worked in Investment Banking for 14 years, Founded my own Digital Marketing Agency and Coaching Business.

Life to me is a continual cycle of growth and opportunity.  No matter how bad the fall or downturn, it is an opportunity for us to makes positive changes in our life and grow.

My life was pretty frustrating for most of my life.  I lost my father to cancer when I was only 11 years old.  I watched my parents lose everything and my mother being left with 4 kids at home, with no income and no money.  I loved my childhood, but it wasn’t always easy with no father and no cash.  Oblivious to me at the time, but my thoughts and those powerful circumstances were adding powerful messages and thought patterns that would shape my life in future years.

Over time more and more layers of disappointment, fear and not knowing my purpose in life created powerful sub-conscious habits, also known as paradigms, that kept me stuck.  The harder I tried, and I ended up doing very well and paid my way through college and successfully fought my way into a career in Investment Banking, I still felt stuck, full of fear and uncertainty.

Eventually my world came crashing down around me, I lost my job, I got really sick for about 5 years, lost all my money and went through foreclosure courts with my house.  It wasn’t fun and I disliked being in those situations, but looking back it was the best thing that happened to me.

I had changed!

I had been studying the mind and personal growth for a few years prior to that.  That allowed me to be better prepared for life’s challenges.  Slowly through more pain and suffering I began to understand that I was actually in control and I wasn’t a rudderless ship exposed to the elements, luck and chance and having my life path dictated to me by powerful unseen forces. When I started to understand this, further my studies and apply this new knowledge, my life began to shift and change for the better.

For the first time in my life I understood my purpose, I had a clear image of what I wanted, how I was going to get there and I took action. So now I want to share that knowledge with you together.  Help you, coach you and be part of your journey to your best life, NOW!

Guest Category: Marketing, Alternative Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Psychic Medium
Guest Biography:

Janet Mayer is a psychic medium. Her abilities have been tested through scientific procedures at the Human Energy Systems Laboratory. She is currently on the Medium Advisory Board and is a founding medium with a Certificate of Proficiency for the Forever Family Foundation. In addition, she has worked diligently to validate indigenous Brazilian Rainforest languages she began spontaneously speaking during a Holotropic Breathwork. She enjoys experimenting with Brain Mapping and Bio Field Viewer hoping her work will contribute to the understanding of mediumship and the mind/brain connection. Janet is a two time cancer survivor who considers herself blessed.


Janet Mayer is a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. She brings through messages from the Spirit world in a down to earth fashion that is both comforting and professional. Recognizing that we co-exist with the spirit world in a unique vibration of energy, as a medium, Janet works through many avenues, with her strongest exhibiting: Clairvoyance (Seeing), Clairaudience (Hearing) and Clairsentience (Feeling). During any given reading, she is also open to receiving Claircognizance (Spontaneous Knowing), Clairailence ( Smelling) and Clairgustance (Tasting), thus allowing Spirit to use her as a channel to communicate with how they best see fits with her energy. Janet states that her practice of meditation is one of the key ingredients to bringing through healing, blessings from spirit and evidential messages.

In the interest to try to understand the unseen world around her due to her notable abilities, while attending Holotropic Breathwork™, Janet began spontaneously speaking unknown languages which took her on a four year journey that proved to be languages from many indigenous tribes in the Brazilian Rainforest, with many languages she continues to speak to date. She contacted John Perkins who set her up with a man from the Smithsonian Institute, Dr. Bernardo Peixoto, Ph.D. He originated from the Uru-e Wau Wau tribe in Northern Brazil, near the Venezuelan border and who’s native name is Ipupiara. You can read more about this fascinating story as well as the translations in Janet’s book: Spirits…They Are Present.

Being guided by Spirit, Janet found herself taking part in mediumship research experiments at the Human Energy Systems Laboratory (HESL) at the University of Arizona with Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D. and Dr. Julie Beischel, Ph.D. She was included in the second wave of mediums to take part in the HESL lab along with other mediums following right after John Edwards and Suzanne Northup just to mention a few.

As a founding medium with the Forever Family Foundation, Janet has been given Certification of Mediumship Proficiency. This shows she uses her abilities with the highest of integrity. She is a member of the Medium Advisory Board and volunteer her services as needed. Forever Family Foundation is known internationally as a not for profit organization that supports continued research to the survival of consciousness, provides a forum where individuals as well as families can turn for support after the loss of a loved one and provides financial support to the on-going research into the survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Paranormal, Ghosts, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Brian Arnold The Peace-of-Mind and Eternal Life Coach
Guest Biography:

Brian Arnold was a professionally trained card shark. He made over $4,000,000 by age 24 playing the peripheral edges of the mafia when they had BIG games to knock off. And, he also became suicidal.

He was seconds away from pulling the trigger, and divine intervention stepped in. He had a powerful spiritual experience, and was delivered “instantly” from his depression, darkness, hopelessness, and found his purpose for living here on planet earth. Brian has spent over 45 years of his life helping others battling depression, addictions, suicidal thoughts, and getting control of their thought life back!

Brian Arnold The “Peace-of-Mind and Eternal Life Coach” and Creator of Miracle-Working “Card-A-Day Mental Health Nutrition Strategy! “Cleanses Your Thoughts And Renews Your Mind To A Higher Better Life!”

Brian says, “you can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that’s creating it, that’s why Christ's mindset changes the whole game” and makes you a winner, not a victim of circumstance. Brian has helped many turn their “mess” into a “mess-age”... of hope, in a world of chaos, misery, confusion and dark oppression.

Brian has over 45 years of study in the Greek and Hebrew text to connect all the dots right up to the times we are now living in. He is well versed in the introduction of the dangers of 5G technology linked to global rule, domination, and the count down to the battle of Armageddon.

Brian custom-designed 4 decks of cards .52 cards per deck for 52 weeks of mind renewal to help others overcome the fear of what is coming upon the earth.

For a FREE set of 26 FREE CARDS and details on his story of Brian's miracle, click on his website above. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical intuitive
Guest Biography:

Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive. She has died five times and has learned, grown, and increased her gifts and talents each time. She has a totally different take on life that she’ll share with us. She’ll also take calls as she can see things from a different point of view than most. 

For 28 years, Sherry Anshara has utilized her Medical Intuitive skills…first to heal her own broken back, broken neck, and smashed head…and then to assist thousands of people worldwide to heal their bodies and their lives of ailments and traumas. Her clients discover that healing does not take a long time when Sherry Anshara gets to core of why the issue started. She calls her intuitive process the Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing. Sherry can be reached at (480) 609-0874

Guest Category: Entertainment, Alternative Health, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Singer,Songwriter
Guest Biography:


B  O  B

C  A  T  L  E  Y


M  A  G  N  U  M




Magnum guitarist Tony Clarkin is a man who seems to never stop working. He is responsible for writing all the material released by the band, and on top of that he produces their albums from the very first demo to the final mix. On their latest album The Serpent Rings, Clarkin and Magnum’s other original member, vocalist Bob Catley, prove all over again just how perfectly this established system works.

Magnum have recorded eleven new songs which feature all the traditional strengths of the British act and also live up to the band’s ambition to explore a more rock-oriented direction.

The new album was recorded by the Magnum line-up consisting of Clarkin, Catley, keyboardist Rick Benton and drummer Lee Morris, plus their latest addition, bassist Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69, Place Vendome, Unisonic, among others), who joined the fold to replace Al Barrow.

Magnum’s major European tour has been scheduled to start in March 2020, initially with a number of headlining shows, to be continued by a first-rate package together with Gotthard from Switzerland. This extremely successful collaboration first passed the litmus test a few years ago, and Clarkin, Catley & Co. are very enthusiastic: “Along with some classic numbers, we will also present four or five songs from The Serpent Rings,” the band promises, providing even more reasons for their fans to mark the dates in their calendars.


For more information about Bob Catley and MAGNUM …

including tour information visit …

Order their new release

Serpent Rings CD at


Or Order The Serpent Rings Box Set!

Here it is : the limited MAGNUM "The Serpent Rings" boxset.

It includes:

CD digipak

2 LP gatefold version (exclusive color for the boxset: red transparency)

manuscript music sheet

woven patch

personalized plectrum

double sided A1 poster

A5 photo card


pin button

Pre-order now before it's too late :


MAGNUM Tour Dates 2020:

Headliner Tour

19.03. UK-Glasgow - Garage

20.03. UK-Belfast - Limelight 1

21.03. IRL-Dublin - Voodoo Lounge

22.03. UK-Cardiff - Tramshed

24.03. UK-Sheffield - Leadmill

25.03. UK-Hull - Welly

26.03. UK-Manchester - Academy 2

28.03. UK-Holmfirth - Picturedrome

29.03. UK-Cambridge - Junction

30.03. UK-Birmingham - Town Hall

31.03. UK-Norwich - Waterfront

02.04. UK-Exeter - Lemon Grove

03.04. UK-Southampton - Engine Rooms

04.04. UK-London - Islington Assembly

05.04. NL-Uden - De Pul

06.04. DE-Kiel - Max Music Hall

08.04. NO-Oslo - Vulkan Arena

09.04. SE-Huskvarna - Folkets Park

10.04. SE-Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben

11.04. SE-Karlstad - Nöjesfabriken

13.04. SE-Gothenburg - Pustervik

14.04. SE-Malmö – Babel


on tour with GOTTHARD

16.04. DE-Frankfurt - Batschkapp

17.04. DE-Regensburg - Airport Obertraubling

18.04. DE-Balingen - Volksbankmesse

20.04. DE-Munich - Tonhalle

21.04. DE-Fürth - Stadthalle

22.04. DE-Hamburg - Grosse Freiheit 36

24.04. DE-Hannover - Capitol

25.04. DE-Bremen - Pier 2

26.04. DE-Berlin - Tempodrom

28.04. DE-Singen - Stadthalle

29.04. DE-Cologne - E-Werk

30.04. DE-Saarbrücken – Garage


Headliner Tour

01.05. CZ-Prague - Nová Chmelnice

02.05. DE-Schwalmstadt - Kulturhalle

05.05. DE-Stuttgart - Im Wizemann

07.05. CH-Pratteln - Z7

08.05. IT-Milan - Legend

09.05. IT-Bologna - Alchemica

11.05. ES-Barcelona - Razzmatazz 2

12.05  ES-Madrid - But

13.05. ES-Bilbao - Santana 27

16.05. UK-Nottingham - Rock City

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, History, Music