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Guest Occupation: Ken Honda is a best-selling self-development author in Japan, with book sales surpassing seven million copies since 2001. Now, he is sharing his work with English-speaking readers in the United States and beyond. His latest book is called “Happy Money."
Guest Biography:

Is your money smiling? My guest today is Ken Honda, author of “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money.” Money and happiness expert Ken Honda is a best-selling self-development author in Japan, with book sales surpassing seven million copies since 2001. Ken studied law in Tokyo and entered the Japanese workforce as a business consultant and investor. Ken’s financial expertise comes from owning and managing several businesses, including an accounting company, a management consulting firm, and a venture capital corporation. His writings bridge the topics of finance and self-help, focusing on creating and generating personal wealth and happiness through deeper self-honesty. Ken provides ongoing support through mentoring programs, business seminars, therapeutic workshops, and correspondence courses. Ken is the first person from Japan to be voted into the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of personal and professional development leaders. He is fluent in Japanese and English; lived in Boston, Massachusetts for two years; and currently resides in Tokyo, Japan. 

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, News, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and energy worker
Guest Biography:

Johanna Derbolowsky, best-selling author of the book “The Transformation Promise”, has helped clients worldwide with life’s major changes and transformations.

From identifying long past incidents that can be the source of current major depression or health issues today… to dealing with career changes, or finding and sustaining fulfilling relationships, to the truly ultimate transformation at the end-of-life.

Ms. Derbolowsky, the developer of the Quantum Heart Field Experience is a recognized metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and energy worker and she has been on the forefront of healing and transformation.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Soul Guide Author Coach Activist
Guest Biography:

Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, is a channel of - and an embodiment of - White Eagle, an ascended master who specializes in rainbow light activation of human DNA. She has served as a social activist, leader, and philanthropist for over three decades. She is the Founder of the Skills Not Pills Movement and Host of Soul Nectar Show.

"After decades of thinking I was inherently flawed and feeling blamed and shamed in my family relationships, I decided to quit weekly psychotherapy, dump the pills, and just be 'bad' if that's what I was. What I discovered when I walked out of my 20 year marriage was a whole new way of living that I call Walking the Beauty Way. Now my 'flaws' have become my gifts in service to others. I took a leap of faith in myself and in Spirit, and continued to do so, and I keep receiving miracles and support every step of the way. "

Ms Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom with her Reinvent Yourself programs for individual and group mentoring. She is the international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love" which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening.

Connect with Kerri at:


Guest Category: Arts, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Essential oils, Homeopathics, Reiki touch healing and many other modalities
Guest Biography:

Scott R. Werner, M.D. (Brief Personal Biography)

“Scott R. Werner, MD, practiced Medicine starting out as an OB/GYN, but became a Medical Intuitive after curing his own cancer with herbs and healing energy. He voluntarily gave up his Medical Practice to focus on the real causes of dis-ease. He now lives in St. George, Utah with his wife and children.

Scott used herbs, homeopathic, energetic remedies and chelation to help improve and heal “un-treatable illnesses and dis-eases” helping thousands of patients.

Scott currently does intuitive Medical readings for clients putting them on the products which will help them the most. Scott currently lectures to many groups, including professionals, in Nevada, California, Hawaii, Florida and Utah teaching about Herbal products, Homeopathics, essential oils, energy Medicine and spiritual healing. Scott has been told by lecture attendees, that he is one of the most informative, animated speakers they have ever heard.

Scott studied Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Essential oils, Homeopathics, Reiki touch healing and many other modalities. Scott can instantly know what people need to heal through spiritual readings. Scott currently treats patients all over the United States, Canada and Europe.”

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Personal Development, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Activist, Writer, Author, Traveler
Guest Biography:

Dean Henderson was born and raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, SD.  He earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota in 1987 and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana in 1991.  He founded/published/edited one of America’s first political “zines” – The Missoula Paper - in 1990 in Missoula, MT – where he was also a regular columnist for the Montana Kaimin.

His Left Hook columns have appeared on Infowars,, David Icke and other websites.  His print articles have appeared in Multinational Monitor, In These Times, Paranoia and several other journals.   He is a featured columnist for Veterans Today &, and appears regularly on Press TV, al Etejah TV and other international stations.

A self-described revolutionary and traveler to 50 countries, Dean co-founded of the U. of Montana Green Party and Ozark Heritage Region Peace & Justice Network. He was Vice-President of the Central Ozarks Farmer’s Union and former President of the Howell County Democrats.  In 2004 he won the Democratic nomination for Congress in Missouri’s 8th District.  He has authored four books.

His first book, Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network, has become a global cult classic among conspiracy researchers.

His second book, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, chronicles insights gained from a lifetime of overseas travel.

His third book, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve: Acht Familien beherrschen die Welt, is published is German language by Kopp Verlag.  This is Chapter 19: The Eight Families of his Big Oil… book.

His latest book, Stickin’ it to the Matrix, is a practical guide to dropping out of the evil Illuminati system and kicking it in the nuts!

Guest Category: Entertainment, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Performance & Wellness Strengthening Coach for First Responders & Athletes, a 25yr veteran with Law Enforcement.
Guest Biography:

Jessica Crowley is the owner of Aspire Winning Edge, and works with athletes and First Responders  by integrating her training as  a Certified Professional Coach, a Performance Coach, both from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC),  as well as a Consulting Hypnotist, certified Brainspotting and HeartMath Practitionerand  Certified Sports Nutritionist.   She incorporates neuroscience, improvisational principles and exercises during sessions and seminars and is the author of Reinforce Your Anchor of Greatness (2017) and The Mind is the Body’s Coach: Knockout What’s Stopping You (Spring of 2019).

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Fitness Supervisor Of Edward Elmhurst Health & Fitness Center
Guest Biography:

Eric Bishop is a fitness supervisor at Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness. He received his bachelor’s degree in fitness & health promotion with a minor in biology and business administration from Aurora University. Bishop is ACSM- and NCSF-certified as a personal trainer and is certified in TRX Group Training.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Medium for Spirit, Emissary of Truth
Guest Biography:

Siobhan Nicolaou The Sword of Truth is a published Author, Medium for Spirit, Metaphysician, and Master Alchemist who has been teaching Energy Management, Energy Transformation, and Sovereign Development for 25 years.

​She is in the Empowerment Business which offers individual and group support through  Readings, Meditations,  Tele-Classes and Activations for your harmonious Spiritual and Creative unfolding. These tools are for everybody in any profession or walk of life.

Siobhan Nicolaou, is an Emissary of Truth that assists in your  awakening by offering you tools and guidance from higher consciousness that dissolve separation, opening your heart to the voice of wholeness and your unique expression of this vibration in the world. 

​​Their mission is to empower you with what she embodies as a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.

​When she is not out in the field transforming homes and lives, she is teaching the language of Love through Readings, Classes and Meditation.…

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual