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Guest Occupation: Paranormal investigator and hypnotherapist
Guest Biography:

Peter is a 20 year paranormal investigator and hypnotherapist that ahs written several books on the "Art of paranormal investigation". He has educated the USA in equipment. reality over TV, how our experiences may vary from realty and much more on his travels into the unknown.

Guest Category: Entertainment, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker-Reveals the neimoogy® science meaning in your name
Guest Biography:

Sharón graduated from the University of Redlands with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics at the age of twenty. She began teaching that same year in a public Junior High School in California. During her three years there, she obtained her Master of Arts degree from Azusa-Pacific University in education administration with an emphasis in math.

Sharón initially taught in California before moving to Germany where she taught for the Department of Defense Schools. She continued to move around as she married an Air Force soldier. She was fortunate to always find a teaching job in each location. After Germany came Texas, and then Japan. Eventually she would also teach in New Mexico, Nebraska, Washington state and China, besides being a high school administrator in both Texas and Oregon. She retired as a high school principal in 2002, only to come out of retirement in January 2008 to become involved in schools for an additional two and a half years.

It was during her time in the schools that she linked the patterns in names to a person’s mindset or personality. She worked on figuring out the patterns of the different letters for fifteen years before she fully comprehended all of the nuances. Sharón took the opportunity to travel a large part of the world testing her theories for the first three years after leaving the education field. Many people requested that she write a book so that they could learn what she had realized about names.

It was during this time that she wrote "Know the Name; Know the Person", with the first edition being published in December 2006. The second edition, published in May 2010, added chapters on mnemonic devices to help people remember the patterns explained in the book and also how to compare two names. She is currently working on the third edition. She is also is working on her second book which combines story telling with logic to challenge people to think again about some commonly accepted beliefs that may no longer be serving us. Since the publication of her book, she focuses her time writing, traveling and sharing Neimology with others, and researching her theories.


Profoundly valuable and highly recommended.

This book posits the science of "Neimology, the study of names" and is ground-breaking, of potentially historic importance, and it affords broad-spectrum practical application. The empirical research and experience behind it has substantial credibility.

The notion behind the research and this book is that a person's oft-repeated name is initially inspired, releasing a resonance and predictable potential within the person's life expression. The author systematizes how people with names bearing the same initial vowel, initial letter, last letter and middle letters show consistent tendencies. Hence, the resonance of the name demonstrates correlated patterns of conduct due to the structure of the name. This observation is consistent with the ancient knowledge of most cultures' approach to naming children, where the given name "says it all." Offering this as a framework for decoding, she does not, for example, clam that every "John" will be the same, but that every "John" will share certain traits. Her system explains how and why these traits will be distinct from those shared by persons named Jemal, or James, or Jim. The resulting correlations are nuanced and valuable. Socially, this book can help make interaction with friends and strangers alike far more effortless and productive.

Unlike common "cookbook" approaches that merely share the meanings of names, the Wyeth system explores the personality traits associated to vowels and consonants, with interpretive weight given to their placement in the name. She enriches the reader with a systematic exploration and many illustrations. The reader is thus equipped with an interpretive framework applicable to any name. She tested the work in many countries who use the English Alphabet and found consistent results with only minor adaptations. This is significant. In addition she addresses nicknames, changed names, and other permutations involved in naming. In sum, rather than providing a fish to the hungry, she has provided a hook and bait so the hungry can catch fish and eat for a lifetime.

Cymatics, the study of the physical impacts of sound, demonstrates that sounds create visible geometries. Medical research has proven that cell structures, neurological systems, and the body generally does respond directly to sound. It shows that repetition of sounds can create or ameliorate disease. Making a connection between behavior associated to the oft-heard name and cellular responses proven in hard science is not an untenable leap.

Neimology offers a wealth of very useful applications for anyone who seeks to gain a sense of what lies beneath the surface in other people. The range of applications is broad-spectrum. Among readers who could benefit from Neimology are people in business, sales, counseling, politics, ministry, education, military leadership, and anyone seeking to refine simple interaction among other people in any capacity.

Guest Category: Education, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

     Sierra Neblina, of  Cherokee and Irish heritage, is a Pleiadian Volunteer, founder of GalacticU Radio Network, an ordained minister, a Desert Storm Veteran, retired Custom home builder and crystal healer.

     As a volunteer from the 6th Dimension, Sierra had no veil as she entered into a physical body, she came in with all psychic awareness in tact. From a very young age Sierra experienced heightened psychic abilities including astral projection, astral travel, prophetic dreams and the ability to see through the veil communicating with Angelics, Elementals, deceased people and animals. 

     This got the attention of the military at an early age and Sierra found herself in the Super Soldier project at age 5. Sierra was saved from this program by a mother who was very transient, but was later tracked down by the military and by an implant was coerced into joining the military at age 19. 

     Later on while in the reserves Sierra had her first conscious ET experience. Later in her life she would learn that her parents consented to a human/hybrid ET experiment program.

     She plunged into a deep investigation of military cover-up of ET contact and Human abductions. This caught the attention of the military, resulting in a chilling trip into NORAD and serious threats to harm her family if she continued her search. Later in life Sierra would come to find out that her father, is a high level commander in the Secret Space Program, and was present during her trip into NORAD.

     The threats worked and she spent the next 10 years off the grid. In 2007 Sierra was struck with a series of strokes, caused by Desert Storm Syndrome,  effectively crippling 25% of her brain, that resulted in left side paralysis and prolonged outer body experiences. While recovering, Sierra learned about her soul agreements, she met her Galactic Family, learned about her life as a Pleadian Ship Commander and then began her Galactic training. She also made an agreement to have a braided Walk-in help her in her recovery and help her complete her mission here on earth.

     Since fully recovering from her stoke, the Galactic training has consisted of  Time/Space travel and repair of Timelines.  The help in capture and containment of high level Cabal, sitting on an Earth/Galactic counsel representing both Galactics and Humans during this time of the Great Shift.

     Sierra is currently in these and many other projects to help the humans free themselves of the slave system currently on the planet today.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Military, Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Composer, producer and highly intuitive score mixer in the Film, TV and Video Game industry
Guest Biography:


Dori was born into music in Tel Aviv, Israel. The son of a classically-trained violinist and award-winning composer, he was exposed to music from day one. He studied guitar at age 9, played professionally at 14, composed music at 16 and was a music director by age 17. He studied composition at the Berkley-endorsed School of Music Rimon, the Hollywood Musician’s Institute and the UCLA film scoring program.

Dori landed in Los Angeles after being hired as a musical director for a three-month tour, playing every major city in South America. Performing with top musicians in the L.A. jazz scene earned Dori the reputation as a highly-regarded and extremely versatile guitar player with a special passion for Brazilian music.

Years in recording studios won him awards and the reputation of a sought after composer, producer and highly intuitive score mixer in the Film, TV and Video Game industry. His diverse portfolio features projects that range from working with legendary songwriter Mike Stoller on the album Amazon Moon, to composing for Oscar-winning director Charles Jarot; from scoring a national Pontiac commercial to composing cross-cultural music for theater; from composing cutting edge TV music to producing orchestral soundtracks for major game titles utilizing Hollywood, Seattle and a range of European orchestras.

Overdue for a Grammy nomination, Dori is currently working on a unique project arranging traditional Brazilian music for a full orchestra. The first cut features world renowned percussionist Airto Moreira, with Dori conducting the Seattle symphony. Composing music for pictures is Dori’s primary passion. His scores benefit from his diverse musical background and experience, coupled with the expertise of producing soundtracks for picture. His music can be heard daily on several major network TV shows.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Vocalist
Guest Biography:


Lynn Cardona, the Los Angeles based vocalist whose pretty, exotic looks and diaphanous, jazz-flavored voice makes it easy to go for the Norah Jones comparisons. Imagine instead Ani Difranco had she grown up on Sarah Vaughan records and hired the Roots for her back-up band.

– Duane Vehr, Cleveland Scene Magazine

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Singer-songwriter
Guest Biography:


Singer-songwriter Jeremiah Clark was born and raised in a small town outside of Memphis, TN. Country, rock-n-roll, gospel and soul brought about a sound in him that’s organic, refreshing and vocally-driven. Likened to acts such as Jason Mraz and Carrie Underwood, Jeremiah has toured the nation playing over 600 shows for audiences as large as 10,000 people. His current single, “Ten Feet Tall on Tequila,” can be heard on SiriusXM Radio, as well as independent radio stations across the US. Now based out of the Los Angeles area, Jeremiah Clark is a name you’ll want to remember with a voice you’ll never forget.
More About Jeremiah Clark Here:
Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Equine Therapy Teacher, Film Producer and Director
Guest Biography:


Born in Connecticut, horse-crazy child, Esta Bernstein, began her love affair with horses before she could walk. Her parents owned a few Thoroughbred racehorses and she remembers fondly visiting them at the track and farms as a small child.

Though her parents were not affluent, she was blessed to have riding lessons at a day camp during her early elementary school years. At the age of 10, she volunteered as a trail guide in Easton, Connecticut, and witnessed some of the inhumane treatment the rental horses were exposed to at the hands of inexperienced people. These patient creatures endured beatings with sticks, being kicked and pulled, and non-stop riding in the heat and humidity of the summer months. They rarely felt the caress of a brush, and never saw a warm bath or an occasional kind word.

At age 12, Esta’s family went through unrecoverable financial hardships, and were forced to move many times over the course of a few years. One move to Denver, Colorado provided Esta the ability to volunteer part time as an assistant to a pair of horse wranglers. Having no idea at the time what that was, she witnessed the cruelty and abuse that some of the horses went through. They would purchase horses cheap at auctions or killer feedlots, break them, and resell them. The treatment of one horse was particularly disturbing. He was a 3-year old Quarter horse stud colt, which the wranglers attempted to geld themselves. After tying the petrified creature to a tree, they proceeded to beat him with a chain until he was too afraid to move. They inexpertly and ineffectively tranquilized him, tied his legs together, threw him on the ground, and cut off his testicles with an ordinary kitchen knife. “I went to check on him the following day. I cried on his neck, feeling helpless in the presence of this beaten, depressed, and confused hurting horse. I was going to call the humane society, but upon my return, the horses and the men that tormented them had disappeared.” She never saw them again.

Esta had an epiphany. Her life’s mission was to save horses from abuse and neglect, and provide them with a place to live out their lives in peace and dignity.

Many years passed and the call of the horses would wait no more. In her early 20’s, Esta had an opportunity to move to California, the place she envisioned her dreams to manifest. She was offered a position as a groom for Bobby Frankel’s racing stable and worked for about a year, until a back injury prevented her from returning to that kind of labor-intensive position. Knowing that she needed to stay in California to see her dreams through to fruition, she found employment outside of the horse industry, and remained in the Los Angeles area.

After working for about a year, the desire to work and be around horses, motivated her to save small amounts of money over time for the purchase of her very own horse. That horse turned out to be an 8 year old, lame, Arabian stallion to do trail riding. Why would anyone purchase a lame horse to go on trails with? She knew she could fix him. He had severe ringbone (arthritis) in his right front pastern and the joint was almost completely fused. She was told by everyone she spoke with that he would not make it to the age of 15. However, after 2 years of research, she found a way to cure him, and now at age 33 he is serviceably sound, still her trail horse and sired two beautiful colts for her to show.

The horse she purchased was Caleyndar. Under her care and expertise, he became a world famous Arabian that was featured in Robert Vavra’s “Horses of the Sun” and National Geographic’s documentary “The Nobel Horse”. He was also featured on many of artist Kim McElroy’s portraits, note cards, and other Leanin’ Tree publications, as well as Ron Kimball’s images used for screensavers and wallpaper. In 2004, he won the Arabian Horse Times, Most Classic Contest and his image can currently be seen in ads for Arabian Horse World’s web design services. Though his injury prevented him from ever being shown, he is still one of the world’s most recognizable equines in recent history.

Caleyndar’s injury lead Esta into the world of equine holistic nutrition and rehabilitation. Because of Esta’s well known success with healing Caleyndar, and dedicating over 20 years educating herself in these fields, she has become a go to person across the country when other horse owners need information on assisting and rehabilitating injured horses. Caleyndar’s notoriety has brought many equestrian contacts to Esta’s door. These contacts are now proving invaluable in her mission of rescuing and rehabilitating other horses in need.

Esta is also currently teaching an equine therapy program she designed entitled “Equalia Actualization,” that embodies the wisdom, knowledge, and spirit of the horses, combined with some of the theories of psychologist Abraham Maslow, which refers to an enlightened maturity characterized by the achievement of goals, acceptance of oneself, and an ability to self-assess in a realistic and positive way.

Equalia Actualization was developed after seeing a need to bring rescued horses and people together, so that we as a species could see the real value of horses. A rescued horse knows first hand what mental, emotional, and physical trauma is, and when allowed to engage one-on-one with people of all ages, they enlighten the way to the kingdom inside all of us. The horses of Saffyre Sanctuary, where rescues are treated like royalty, are the stars of this movie, we call life.

Additionally Esta is in post production of her documentary “Changing Horses” As the producer/director of this film, Esta is uncovering the depths of the horse/human dynamic from people all over the globe. The film explores the personal stories of how horses change people, so people can change the world. Through interviewing prominent individuals in the equine community, we discuss some very complex issues regarding our human value systems, and how we can adjust our societal beliefs to ensure our survival as a species.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Pets and Animals, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Embattled Woman’s Champion, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Jodee Prouse is the Embattled Woman’s Champion. She helps woman recognize that they have the strength to transcend family trauma, and the power to disengage from codependency with those family members who are at the heart of the drama.

Her mission is to help women recognize that love is the reason NOT to engage, that taking care of oneself first is not a betrayal or selfish. Making the hardest choices may seem to be cruel or callous, but, in fact, are healthier for all parties.

Jodee spent more than 30 years seeking to protect a brother ultimately lost in alcoholism, giving so much it nearly cost her marriage and risked endangering her children’s mental health.

The grand-daughter, daughter, stepdaughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, great-niece, aunt, cousin and sister to alcoholics, she has tremendous empathy for anyone who has gone through or lives with a family in constant emotional crisis.

Her gripping and tragic story, told powerfully in The Sun is Gone: A Sister Lost in Secrets, Shame, and Addiction and How I Broke Free, unfolds while she is also growing an enormously successful beauty products business. Pulled in so many directions personally and professionally, she finally finds the strength to make the painful and necessary decisions that restored her emotional equilibrium, self-respect and protected herself and those closest to her. All along the way, while still loving her brother as he lived his own journey.

Committed to her new mission to empower women to find their strong inner core and make healthy decisions amidst family dysfunction, chaos and crisis, Jodee recently sold her business and now serves as an advocate. She speaks on women’s empowerment, addiction and mental illness from the family perspective and breaking away from longstanding, destructive family patterns.  Half of the profits from her book, an Amazon category bestseller, go to non-profit organizations that support addiction and mental illness programs.

Jodee has two adult sons, and has been married to her husband, Jim, for 27 years. They split their time between Sylvan Lake, Alberta and cottage in Oroville, Washington.

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Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational