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Guest Occupation: Author, Doctor
Guest Biography:

James D. Okun, MD is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Duke University and a graduate of the prestigious Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York. Doctor Okun did his Transitional Internship at Framingham Union Hospital in Framingham, Massachusetts which was the home of the ground-breaking Framingham Heart Study which helped to determine risk factors for Heart Disease. He then trained in Ophthalmology for one year at the Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. He went on to practice Family and Emergency Medicine from 1985 until 1996. He is the co-author of Erasing Scars: Herpes and Healing and of The History of New Innovations in Modern Medicine.

Guest Category: Literature, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Editor, Writer, Blogger, Empowering Truth-Seekers, Visionary
Guest Biography:

Justin Deschamps was born in Portland Maine, and grew up in the Boston area. As a Physics, Psychology and Spirituality student, he has been searching for truth all his life, looking to make sense of the insanity in this world. In that time, he has developed a holistic body of knowledge linking science, philosophy and spirituality into a single framework of ever-expanding understanding. 

He shares what he has with the world, becoming a teacher to some and student to others. His goal is to help himself and others become better truth seekers, and with the wisdom gained in the process, make this planet the paradise it is meant to be. He says he is happy to give back to a world and universe he received so much from.  His main form of expression is the outstanding alternative news blog, Stillness in the Storm, which he and Julian Robles created together.  Julian transitioned in 2015, and Justin has been dedicated to continuing SITS ever since.

The Stillness in the Storm Show and Blog is an ongoing conversation about world events, hidden truths, and empowering information; how our thoughts, emotions and actions mold our collective reality. A different perspective on MSM (mainstream news), practical knowledge, news on health and wellness, alternative history, science, law, and much more! 

Guest Category: Design, Health & Lifestyle, History, Paranormal, Inspirational, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive, Free Energy, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Radio Show Host, Minister, Speaker/Workshop Presenter
Guest Biography:

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, author, speaker, radio show host and social justice activist discusses how reawakening our earliest sacred stories - goddess mythology - can reshape our culture and lead humanity toward a paradigm shift of caring, sharing, peace and equality.  Hear Karen discuss the relevance of Goddess as deity, archetype and ideal as we strive toward that 100th Monkey, raising the vibration of all beings on Mother Earth.

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, four-times published author, internationally known speaker and radio show host and social justice activist has recently been named one of the 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality and a Wisdom Keeper of the Goddess Spirituality Movement.  Her long-running radio show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine has been called a treasure trove of wisdom for our time and she's just been picked to moderate a panel and give a talk at the prestigious Council for the Parliament of World Religions being held this October in Salt Lake City, UT.  

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Politics & Government, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Oracle, Artist, Visionary, Wisdom Teacher
Guest Biography:

I was born in Forest Hills New York on March 16th, birthed as a Piscean dreamer, empath and natural intuitive. During my early years, I thought paintings were real, as I found myself strolling among the gardens in the canvas, interacting with beautiful, elegant beings only I could see. My imagination allowed me to dive deep into the inner realms to discover the worlds within worlds.

My fascination with the subconscious and archetypal myths led me on a lifetime journey, beginning at the age of 10, when I tried to remember my past lives, and read books on Lemuria, Atlantis, and psychic studies. After receiving my Master’s Degree in Counseling I moved to an Ashram, or Spiritual Community in Los Angeles, where my gifts as a healer emerged, leading me to relocate to Berkeley, where I launched an outrageously successful Chiropractic practice in Berkeley California, personally treating up to 90 patients a day.

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Inspirational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Spiritual author and channeler of Kartron
Guest Biography:

Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and embody its True Divine Potential. Channeled by Patrick. Biography Kartron is an inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and embody its True Divine Potential. He is channeled by Patrick McCormick, who has worked and communicated with the Higher Realms of Creation for 26 years. After channelling various divine beings, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Engineers from Motherships, Divine Councils & Heavenly Hosts, Patrick, in 1994, began channeling Kartron, to restore the Divine Plan for the Earth & Mankind, by correcting time itself. Kartron does not just give information from the "other side," he conducts transformational energy work for spiritual improvements in people's lives.

Patrick McCormick began his channeling work after going through a fundamental quantum transformation both spiritually and physically on Bell Rock vortex in Sedona, Arizona during the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987.

Meeting his mentor and long-term friend that October, they embarked on a 25-year sojourn to re-establish the Divine Plan in Western America. Their Journey-of-Awakening the Original-Divine-Plan in fulfillment of ancient Prophecy began in 1989 in the Lemurian Mountain range known as the Hawaiian Islands. They have continually sought to improve the lives of those Beings of Light assembled in Hawaii to help bring Heaven to Earth ever since.

Experimenting with various forms of connecting/channelling various divine entities, essences and beings, Archaengels, Ascended Masters, Engineers from Motherships, Divine Councils and Heavenly Hosts, the Greater Work involved spiritual and physical transformation for the many people they came across.

In 1994 Kartron entered their lives, and thus began yet another chapter of working with the Heavenly Hosts to restore the Divine Plan for the Earth and Mankind, by correcting time itself.

In 2008 they entered into the unique virtual world of Second Life, and soon some of its residents began attending the Second Life/Real Life Kartron energy sessions, and that virtual fringe world became a vehicle of energy work for transforming their real lives wherever they resided in the physical world. Kartron does not just give information from the "other side," he conducts transformational energy work for spiritual improvements in people's lives.

Patrick remains available for private and public engagements, in continuance of the Greater Work. The current project involves activating the Ascension Series, designed to give God-Steward Training to those now awakening into their True Purpose aligned with Heaven on Earth again. He can be reached by contacting the party who gave you this information or at

Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, Author, Show Host
Guest Biography:

Aussie Natalie Ledwell is a risk taker, non-conformist, rule breaker and maker who believes nothing is impossible.

She’s also an authentic and internationally renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author, Law of Attraction guru, host of “The Inspiration Show” and “Wake Up TV!” and co-founder of the revolutionary Personal Development company “Mind Movies”. She resides in Southern California with her puppy Bella, whom “Nat” is crazy about.

Her mission is to empower 10 million adults and kids all over the world to lead lives fulfilled with joy, happiness and passion – the lives they were destined to live.

Over the years, Natalie has owned several successful businesses with her partner Glen, traveled to all corners of the world, eaten scorpions, bungee jumped, skydived, hand glided. One of her life mottos is: “I’ll try anything once and twice if it’s good.”

In the last 7 years, Natalie and her team at Mind Movies have touched the lives of over 2.1 million people across the globe and are showered every day with their success stories!

She’s a founding member of the Association of Transformational Leaders (ATL SoCal), member of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC), and The Evolutionary Business Council (EBC) whose main mission is to connect individuals like her together, make a greater and meaningful impact in the world through empowering the lives of other people in their respect fields.

In her 2013 best-selling book “Never In Your Wildest Dreams”, she shares her own personal life struggles to inspire the readers to overcome their limiting beliefs and step into the best version of themselves.

In 2015, Natalie starred as a host of  “Wake Up! TV Show”, which aired to 80 million households throughout the U.S. and included interviews with the most leading edge authors, trainers and educators in the world such as Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz and Lisa Nichols.

Natalie is currently working on her brand new, groundbreaking program entitled "PD for Kids", a powerful children’s curriculum designed to help them establish a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

Guest Category: Business, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Writer, Speaker, Expert on Open Source Everything, Political Activist
Guest Biography:

Robert David Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE).

He seeks to create an international  Open Source (Technologies) Agency for local to global information-sharing and sense-making as well as OSEE innovation. His ideas would enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals — first within the USA and then globally — within a decade or two at 10-20% of the cost of the prevailing industrial-donor model.

As a citizen he has joined with Cynthia McKinney to create an educational movement (not a party), We the People – Unity for Integrity, being the unification of the populist right and left with people of color, Latinos, Sandernistas, and all small parties and Independents,  to restore integrity to the US Government via an Election Reform Act of 2017 whose short title is the Integrity Act. Citizens of all countries are invited to visit #UNRIG: Summer of Peace (Beyond Trump & Sanders) and donate, receiving a certificate as a Founding Citizen.

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: Recommended for 2017 cycle by Jan H. Kalvik, as disclosed in his essay “Intelligence & the Nobel Peace Prize,”Defence and Intelligence Norway. PR1 PR2 (Norwegian) PR3 (English)  PR4 (Trump-Putin)

AUTHOR: Eight books on intelligence reform, two on electoral reform, multiple Kindle Shorts as well as articles, chapters, lectures, monographs, online posts, and testimony. His work is informed by being the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, respecting the work of other authors, publishing over 2,000 reviews in 98 categories of non-fiction reading.

SPEAKER: Co-Founder of the Information Warfare Conference, founder of the Open Source Solutions Conference, invited lecturer world-wide on topics of Cyber, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), (All-Source) Intelligence Reform, and Applied Collective Intelligence inclusive of holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

PUBLIC SERVICE: USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996; CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988; USMC Civil Service 1988-1993, #2 civilian in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity; CEO Open Source Solutions, Inc. 1993-2010, responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline world-wide, training over 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries; CeO Earth Intelligence Network, 2006 to date. External Researcher, US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 1998 to date. Now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, News, Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Queen of Social Media
Guest Biography:

My life is filled with the two most wonderful gifts I've ever received-my sons. I like to travel. My favorite foods are seafood and Thai, and I crave a good steak every now and then.

I spend my days running a marketing agency, reading, and looking for investments.

My goal is to find balance in all things.

"She dances to the songs in her head, speaks with the rhythm of her heart, and loves from the depths of her soul"

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture