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Guest Name
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele
Guest Occupation
Writer, Speaker, Expert on Open Source Everything
Guest Biography

Robert David Steele on ‘Open Source Everything’

Open Source Intelligence pioneer and former defense intelligence leader Robert Steele is pictured above speaking in 2013 at the Inter-American Defense Board, an international committee of nationally appointed defense officials who develop collaborative approaches on common defense and security issues facing countries in North, Central, and South America. The IADB provides technical advice and services to the Organization of American States (OAS).
Robert has an amazing story from Marine to defense intelligence leader, and more recently as author of ‘The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust’. His saga includes status quo challenges to developing open source models for a more enlightened global village of instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities.
Many world leaders have followed his work advancing open source standards for the Net, realizing that the old paradigm of centralized top-down command-and-control creates mis-matched expectations and conflict with the new Internet paradigm of decentralized net-roots cooperation and collaboration.

See the in-depth article featuring Robert Steele in the UK Guardian: ‘The Open Source Revolution Is Coming…’…

As promoter of an international ‘Open Source Everything’ conference later this year, Robert will share his plans for bringing together leading luminaries who have a compelling vision of open source capabilities for culturing a higher standard of living for 100% of humanity.