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Guest Occupation: Gypsy, swing, tango, folk and their self-defined genre, “wild classical” music performers
Guest Biography:


Café Musique lives up to its name with a musical pallet that includes gypsy, swing, tango, folk and their self-defined genre, “wild classical.” The five members seem to eat, sleep and breathe music. They’re from the central coast of California and all five come from wildly different backgrounds, but together they’ve found kindred musical spirits in one another. Having performed around the world and been on the stages of several world-class music festivals, Café Musique has made thousands of fans of their powerful, emotive and beautiful sound. They have shared the stage with Doc Severinsen, David Grisman Quintet and Los Lobos and performed and recorded with Grammy award winner Louis Ortega, musical madman Joe Craven, songwriter Jill Knight and Broadway vocalist Sarah Kleeman.

A quote from Lisa Manning (entertainment director, Hidden Valley Music Seminars, Carmel Valley, CA) captures the essence of the band’s music perfectly: “Leading the way is the siren song of violinist Brynn Albanese. She charms, seduces, and delightfully entertains the audience through a whirlwind of musical genres. The group dynamic is part of the fun, with a sassy, musical interplay between accordionist Duane Inglish and Ms. Albanese. The band offers range as well as depth, moving from exhilarating tango to the intense folk music of Eastern Europe to the truly lovely songwriting of guitarist Craig Nuttycombe.”

Rounding out the band, string wizard Eric Williams brings a life-time of musical experience to the band’s fabric forged by his touring and recording with Taj Mahal, Rita Coolidge and appearing on over 100 recordings. On bass is multi-instrumentalist Fred Murray, whose background in blues, folk and rock gives the ensemble a heartbeat that underscores the ensemble’s powerful and passionate music.


Brynn Albanese (violin and vocals)

Graduate Peabody Conservatory of Music; Boston Symphony and Pops; Concertmaster of the Boston Philharmonic; Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and The Hague Philharmonic in The Netherlands; Concertmaster SLO Opera and Symphony of the Vines; recorded on Schindler’s List; Saving Private Ryan; Jurassic Park; author ‘Violin Practice Technique Boot Camp’ endorsed by American String Teachers Association; gluten-free but not fun free.

Duane Inglish (accordion)

Studied under master accordionists Frank Umbro and Ray Gibson; past director of the Live Oak Music Festival in Santa Barbara; former pub owner; loves bluegrass but won’t tell anyone; poet; frustrated romanticist; traveler; former public radio host; truck driver; passionate photographer; likes chick flicks; watches ‘Singing in the Rain” late at night; drinks cheap wine.

Craig Nuttycombe (guitar and vocals)

Songwriter; wordsmith; Hollywood High School; New Dimensions surf band; Lambert and Nuttycombe; A&M records (two albums); toured with Jimi Hendrix and Canned Heat; loves his dog; channels Mr. Rogers; was french romanticist Jean Pierre in another life; Wallichs Music, Sunset and Vine; takes pictures of the audience; enjoys picnics and showers.

Fred Murray (bass and vocals)

First band at age 14; rock to jazz to funk to Cajun to blues to country; now gypsy and tangos; Austin; Santa Barbara; Paso Robles; co-producer of Half Step Behind; lap steel guitar; clarinet; drums; guitar builder; has performed across the country; computer wizard; cat lover; every note counts; shows up just-in-time; self-described recluse.

Eric Williams (guitar, ukulele, bouzouki and vocals)

A multi-instrumentalist playing instruments ranging from guitar in all styles, bass, banjo, ukulele to the gorgeous warm sounds of the bouzouki. Eric has been a recording artist and album producer on more than one-hundred albums. He has performed and toured with the likes of Tori Amos, Taj Mahal, Tracy Ullman and Russian Balalaika Orchestras.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Change Alchemist and NDE'r and Peak Performance Development Coach
Guest Biography:


Some people call her a heart surgeon without a scalpel because she cuts out the dis-ease from their heart and gets it back to being a healthy and powerful driver of their lives, and some call her the Change Alchemist. But whatever they call her, they all speak in high gratitude of how Brandy Faith Weld has helped them breakthrough blocks that once kept them stuck. Brandy is the author of the international #1 bestselling book, Heal Your Heart ~ Free Your Mind, and the creator of Jump To A Better Life Experience.

She has been involved in spiritual/personal development work for over 26 years, leading individuals and organizations in Peak Performance Development around the world. Brandy has studied in several arenas from psychology, neuro-science, quantum physics to various creeds of spiritual teaching, but her real awareness and true transformation came after she had a Near Death Experience back in 2008. She returned back from the other side with a mission and a blue print to stop the human suffering that gets passed down from generation to generation and to liberate man from the blocks and patterns that once hindered them.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Healer, Mentor, Teacher, Way-Shower
Guest Biography:

Anaiis Salles is the author of the forthcoming book ‘​Living Lessons Library’ ​in which she shares the personal and universal lessons that are key to her bliss awakening and lifelong spiritual journey​.

Born with access to soul memory, from childhood on, Anaiis experienced siddhis, or awakening gifts described in eastern spiritual traditions. However, Anaiis’ development wasn’t the result of an initiation by a guru or the result of studying with a spiritual guide in human form. Her spiritual journey has been and is still completely inner directed, and directly experienced as living lessons. She has made the transition to 5D and living on Earth 2.0.

A mentor and teacher since 1991, Anaiis is a way-shower, primarily on the cutting edge of energy healing without the use of hardware/technology. The physical results or her healing exchanges have been medically verified.

1991, in Moscow, Russia, Anaiis initiated an internship/collaboration with physicians and their seriously ill patients. Highlights of this first trip to Moscow are shared in a documentary about the value of being a hands-on healing team member with critically burned individuals and children with cancer.

Anaiis facilitated workshops, retreats and taught small groups in the United States and internationally, training hands-on healers through a two year certification curriculum before the days of Reiki, EFT, and now the hardware/frequency tools that followed in the wake of being one of very few way-showers in the realm of energy healing beginning in the 1980s.

Anaiis’ mission is to guide others toward discovering and living through the magnificent essence, its unique meaning, and powerfully loving co-creative capacity that is each individual life.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Field Organizer and Outreach Consultant of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
Guest Biography:

Sam Koplinka-Loehr, is the Field Organizer and Outreach Consultant of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. Sam has been a war tax resister since the late 2000’s and is a gender queer young adult who is actively involved in long-term struggles for justice. They live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Sam is one of the youngest active members of the national network, at 25, but hopefully not for long! They are working alongside many other people to build a strong movement of radical young people who refuse to pay taxes to our oppressive government and redirect the money to organizing efforts instead.

Sam has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Justice from Middlebury College in Vermont. They have been part of direct action campaigns to stop fracked gas pipelines in Pennsylvania, build prisoner power at Angola Prison, and end police terror in Philadelphia. As the Field Organizer of NWTRCC, Sam is regularly in touch with members of the national network, connecting people to resource as well as helping to plan events and actions.

The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee supports individuals who refuse to pay for war, and promotes war tax resistance in the context of a broad range of nonviolent strategies for social change. Through the redirection of our tax dollars, war tax resisters contribute directly to the struggle for peace and justice for all.

NWTRCC is a coalition of local, regional, and national groups and individuals from across the United States. For everyone interested in or actively refusing to pay taxes for war, NWTRCC offers information, referral, support, resources, publicity, campaign sponsorship, and connection to an international network of conscientious objectors to war taxes.

What is War Tax Resistance?

War tax resistance means refusing to pay some or all of the federal taxes that pay for war. While you can refuse income tax legally by lowering your taxable income, for many people war tax resistance involves civil disobedience.

In the U.S. war tax resisters refuse to pay some or all of their federal income tax and/or other taxes, like the federal excise tax on local telephone service. Income taxes and excise taxes are destined for the government’s general fund and about half of that money goes for military spending, including weapons of war and weapons of mass destruction.

People take many roads to war tax resistance. Most are motivated by a combination of reasons and actively work for peace in many other ways too. If you consider your motivations this will help you determine your method of resistance.

Refusing to pay federal income taxes is an act of civil disobedience with a long history in the U.S. America’s most well-known war tax resister was Henry David Thoreau, whose refusal to pay his poll tax because of the Mexican-American War earned him an night in jail and the experience that led him to write his influential essay, Civil Disobedience. While those of us who refuse to pay war taxes believe our refusal is just and imperative — and some of us cite international law to back up this belief — the government considers the refusal to pay these taxes to be illegal, and there are potential repercussions through the IRS collection system. For most of us who resist, the dire consequences of voluntarily paying for war are far worse that what the IRS and government can do to us.

War tax resisters are not out to enrich ourselves by evading taxes. Some of us live below the taxable income limit to avoid as fully as possible participating in war-making. Others who refuse to pay taxes to the federal government contribute that money instead for human needs here in the U.S., aid and relief work in war-torn regions, peacemaking, or international cooperation.

How To Resist

How to Refuse to Pay for War

Debbie Russell at the Texas state capitol on Tax Day, 2010

If you think more about your motivations for war tax resistance, it can help you to choose a way to get started. You can read about motivations or watch our 30-minute introductory film Death and Taxes.

Other factors will influence your method of resistance also: whether you are salaried, self-employed, off-the-grid, below taxable income, etc.

But don’t let yourself get bogged down by too much weighing the options. You can always adjust your method as your resistance develops.

Methods of Resistance

Summarized below are a few war tax resistance methods. Some are more convenient to some people than to others. And some methods are better than others at meeting particular goals. Each method also has a different set of risks associated with it.

  • File and refuse to pay your taxes. This involves filling out a 1040 form and refusing to pay either a token amount of your taxes (e.g. $5, $10, $50), or a percentage representing a “military” portion (see the federal spending pie chart), or the total amount (since a portion of whatever is paid goes to the military). See Filing and Refusing for steps to get started.
  • Refuse to file a tax return. This might involve trying to stay out of the system or “off the grid.” See “To File or Not To File A Tax Return”
  • Earn less than the taxable income. This can involve having such a low income that you are not required to file federal income tax returns (approximately $10,300 for a single person in 2015), or it can mean filing and taking deductions so that no income tax is owed. Note: Social Security taxes are owed on income of $600 and up. These taxes will be owed if you have not had them withheld at a job, and IRS collection is the same as for income taxes. See “Low Income/Simple Living as War Tax Resistance”
  • Resist the local telephone excise tax. The federal telephone excise tax historically has been related to wars and excessive military spending. It appears on local-only landline phone bills. Refusing to pay this tax is a low risk method of war tax resistance. See Hang Up On War.

Legal Protest

If you are angry about endless war and military spending but are not ready to resist, don’t be silent. Here are some other options:

  • Send a letter of protest with your 1040 tax form. Enclose it along with (but do not staple it to) your form. Send copies to your elected officials.
  • Write letters to the editor protesting taxes for war, especially when people are thinking about taxes during tax filing season between January and April.
  • Write a message of protest on the check you send with your tax forms.
  • Pay the tax with hundreds of small-denomination checks or coins.
  • Lobby for Peace Tax Fund legislation that would allow conscientious objectors to pay taxes to a fund that would not be used for military spending.
  • Leaflet and protest before and on tax day.
  • File “Part A” of the Peace Tax Return.

For more information see the book War Tax Resistance: A Guide to Withholding Your Support from the Military, or contact a war tax resistance counselor

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author, Energy Healer, Way Shower, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Anaiis Salles is the author of the forthcoming book, 'Living Lessons Library' in which she shares the personal and universal lessons that are key to her bliss awakening and lifelong spiritual journey.

Born with access to soul memory, from childhood on, Anaiis experienced siddhis, or awakening gifts described in Eastern traditions.  Her spiritual journey has been and remains inner directed, and directly experienced as living lessons.  She has made the transition to 5D and living on Earth 2.0.

Anaiis is a way-shower, primarily on the cutting edge of energy healing without the use of hardware or technology.  The physical results of her healing exchanges have been medically verified.  In 1991, while in Moscow, Russia, Anaiis initiated an internship-collaboration with physicians and their seriously ill patients.  Highlights of this first trip to Moscow are shared in a documentary about the value of hands-on healing with critically burned individuals and children with cancer.

Anaiis facilitated workshops, retreats and taught small groups in the United States and internationally, training hands-on healers through a two year certification curriculum.  Anaiis' mission is to guide others toward discovering and living through the magnificent essence, discovering the unique meaning, and powerfully loving co-creative capacity that is each individual life.

There is a wealth of material on her website, with links to her YouTube channels, the Living Lessons Library, Creatrix Wisdom Circle Radio, and Conscious Eco Creation. 

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, relationship contributor
Guest Biography:

Lyn Smith spent most of her life growing up and living in England and currently lives in Spain.  As a teenager, she was subjected to several traumatic experiences that went on to impact her ability to trust, love & enjoy relationships with men, this went on for decades.

As a result she felt driven to heal herself and discover how to form healthy relationships

Over the past 30 years based upon her personal research & training with the world’s leading industry experts, plus her vast experiential learning, she has subsequently designed & presented her own course programs to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.

Lyn - The Queen of HEARTS has a proven track record as an International Relationship Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Best Selling Author

Understanding the polarization of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate committed relationship – enabling her to not only feel secure and protected but also to feel alive, fulfilled and finally at peace.

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference

Lyn’s Mission is to empower you to reach your full potential in attracting / creating the ultimate intimate, committed relationship and to have a positive impact in reducing divorce, domestic violence & suicide. 

Guest Category: Love & Relationships, Personal Development, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Quantum Science of Psychedelics
Guest Biography:

Dr. Calleman is coming back on Cosmic LOVE to tell us about the

nature of multi-dimensional conscious evolution in his new book:

Quantum Science of Psychedelics:

The Pineal Gland, Multidimensional Reality,

and Mayan Cosmology

In this groundbreaking book, Carl Calleman reveals the quantum science of the Maya, a lost science that explains the phenomenology of psychedelics and altered states of consciousness. Explaining why altered states exist and how they work, he describes how psychedelics interact with the human mind to further the evolution of consciousness.

See Dr. Calleman’s recent article:

The Corona Virus and the Mayan Calendar:

An Alternative Perspective

April 30, 2020

See also Calleman upcoming event:

Accessing the 9th Wave of Evolution

through Shared Unity

Join Carl Johan Calleman & Patricia Albere on

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

from 10 am to Noon PT / 1 to 3 pm ET / 7 to 9 pm CET

for this very special, free seminar.

Carl Johan Calleman holds a Ph.D. in physical biology from the University of Stockholm. A leading expert on the Mayan Calendar, he is author of the 'Paradigm Shift Trilogy' and THE NINE WAVES OF CREATION. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

“I highly recommend Carl’s new book if

you love to dive deep and soar high.”

~ Christos Lightweaver

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, Science
Guest Occupation: Creator of, Author, leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine
Guest Biography:

Dr. John Douillard DC CAP is a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He is the creator of, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness resource on the web with over 5 million views on YouTube. is evolving the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, with over 800 articles and videos proving ancient wisdom with modern science. Dr. John is the former Director of Player Development and nutrition expert for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, bestselling author of 7 health books including his newest 'Eat Wheat', a repeat guest on the Dr. Oz show, and featured in USA Today, LA Times, and dozens of other national publications. He has been in practice for over 30 years and has seen over 100,000 patients. Dr. John directs LifeSpa, the 2013 Holistic Wellness Center of the year in Boulder, CO.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, News, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual