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Guest Occupation: The Miracle Alchemist, Coaching and Consulting
Guest Biography:

The 8th Day

Miracles and placing the Spirit first in time

Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now

Releasing the Inno-Sense Spirit

Living Water Frequencies


After being a hairdresser for many years, Cheril was drawn to begin something new. Her first inclination was massage therapy. After studying and working as a massage therapist, she began to study hypno therapy, and then NLP psychology. Adding to her education, she studied kinesiology, Bach Flower Remedies, and then became an Ordained Minister. She also took other classes in addiction and how spirit possession is disrupting inner peace.

She had a mentor named Mary Simion who spent years helping her understand astrology. On her own, she explored numerology, along with classes that dealt with the science of the mind/body.

What really placed her on the journey that led where she is today, was a result of a simple question. One day while she was doing a massage on a client, as is customary, she asked the massage client if she was having any problems she wanted Cheril to focus on. The client told Cheril that she had a pain in her back. Off handedly, Cheril asked the client how long she had been bothered with this pain, It was the client reply that set into motion a new journey for Cheril that would last over 30 years. The client told Cheril that her pain began 4 months prior, after which she went on to say, “this pain in my back is the same pain I experienced 20 years ago.”

Out of curiosity,Cheril asked her just what happened 4 months ago, to which she replied, “my mother died.”

The question was, how could this woman know that it was the exact same pain that she experienced 20 years ago, and why was there a 20-year lapse between the incidents?

With this, Cheril began to question other massage clients about their specific physical pain, and low and behold a pattern began to emerge.

The more she learned, the less she understood, so she kept asking more questions. Once a question was wholly answered, a new question would emerge. The more Cheril learned, the more she wanted to understand.

As Cheril began to understand the mind/body connection, she began to notice that a whole picture began to emerge. It was at this time she understood that she was being directed, but at this point she had no idea towards what.

After many years, she began to understand that her method of learning was coming out of time.

The next step she took was to explor the 4th dimension. She began to understand that there were memories in time that could be accessed that would help the individual understand their own probem, and also their own solution., Thus, she began to explore memories that had been lost in time. Within these memories whole new understanding is available. What Cheril was being shown  during the time she was a practicing massage therapist was how to help individuals access these lost memories in time.

The Plan to help individuals put a whole picture together to understand these lost memories in time is called One Wholeness Now.  It is this Plan that allows individuals to wholly reconnect with their unlimited Spirit. Once a whole picture in time has been defined, the Spirit gently moves into its natural first place in time. This is called Miracle Alchemy.

Cheril is the developer of the Living Water Frequencies.The frequency in the Living Water will connect the consciousness of the individual to the 4th dimension, and will also place the individual in their proper alignment with the Heavens.

Living Water is also in perfect alignment with the Natural Flow of the Earth. This Natural Flow is also found in the 4th dimension. With consistency and forethought, the unlimited Spirit will begin to be acknowledged as having the Identity that must be accepted first in time, over the body identity.

Listen to Cheril’s podcast, On the 8th Day, on Real Revolution Radio on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm EST

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System
Guest Biography:

Dr. Alison J. Kay is the founder of the Vibrational UPgrade System. She is an experienced subtle energies practitioner and natural healer with a holistic approach towards helping others thrive in mind, body and spirit. She spent ten years in Asia studying subtle energies & ancient wisdom. This is combined with her twenty years experience working in & teaching Yoga, Meditation, Energy Medicine, Mind Body Fitness, Longevity and Holistic Health, where she has been serving both private clients and larger groups, doing private sessions, group clearings & activations, speaking, and teaching classes & trainings. You don’t need to believe in this in order for it to work… that’s the beauty of what Dr. Alison accesses – as soon as you experience her work, you feel the shift within you.

Dr. Alison is available for guest speaking & teaching engagements including radio, print, television podcast interviews, tele summits and workshops.

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Kurt Haskell - former attorney and Underwear Bomber whistleblower was the former host of the Real Investigations show on Talk Network Radio.  After running a failed campaign for U.S. Congress in 2012, Kurt decided to leave the U.S. and relocate to Costa Rica. Kurt has a wide base of knowledge on matters from politics to law to false flag terror to expat living to government corruption.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Mistress of the Unknown
Guest Biography:

About Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Rosemary Ellen Guiley is a leading expert in the metaphysical and paranormal fields, with more than 60 books published on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual, and mystical topics, including nine single-volume encyclopedias and reference works. Her work is translated into 15 languages. Her current work focuses on interdimensional entity contact experiences, the afterlife and spirit communications, contact with extraterrestrials, aliens and nonhuman intelligent beings, problem hauntings, spirit and entity attachments, psychic skills, dreamwork for well-being, spiritual growth and development, angels, past and parallel lives, and investigation of unusual paranormal activity. She has worked full-time in the field since 1983.

Rosemary has done ground-breaking research on Shadow People and the Djinn, entities who are involved in different kinds of paranormal encounters and problems, published in The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities.

She serves on the board of directors and the research committee of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE), a scientific organization to educate, support and research the field of ET and entity contact and abduction experiences. FREE has conducted the largest ever global survey of experiencers.

Rosemary is a certified hypnotist with the International Hypnosis Federation, and is trained in bioenergy and Johrei energy healing. She is a Tarot reader, and also conducts dreamwork, intuition/psychic development, and past-life recall sessions. She is a Dream Oracle consultant for the website.

Her radio show, Strange Dimensions with Rosemary Ellen Guiley, airs on the top-rated KGRA-db network on Wednesday nights from 8-10 PM Eastern (starting June 1, 2016).

She has monthly radio segments on “The Conspiracy Show” with Richard Syrett and “Exploring Unexplained Phenomena” with Scott Colborn. She is a frequent guest with George Noory on “Coast to Coast AM,” with whom she co-authored Talking to the Dead, about emerging technology for communicating with the dead and other beings. In addition, she has been a guest on “Fade to Black” with Jimmy Church, “Ground Zero” with Clyde Lewis, “Provocative Enlightenment with Eldon Taylor,” “Darkness on the Edge of Town” with Dave Schrader, and other major radio shows.

Rosemary is a consulting editor of FATE magazine, and a board director of the National Museum of Mysteries and Research, a nonprofit educational organization in Columbia, Pennsylvania. She has served as visiting faculty for the International Institute for Integral Human Sciences in Montreal. she is book review editor for the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies.

Previously, Rosemary was a board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research Academy (now the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies).

She is featured in documentaries and docu-dramas on the History, A&E, SyFy, Discovery, Animal Planet, Destination America, and Travel channels. She is a popular speaker at conferences, colleges, and universities, and speaks yearly at the College of Psychic Studies in London. Among her major events are Contact in the Desert, Conscious Life Expo, the International UFO Congress, Exopolitics Great Britain, ECETI, Universal Life Expo, Victory of Life Expo, Phenomenology, Life in the Afterlife, the International Association for Near Death Studies, The Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Mothman Festival, Haunted America, various MUFON chapters, and numerous paranormal events.

In 2017, Rosemary will be a speaker at the Afterlife Explorers Conference in Brisbane, Australia, and will be a keynote speaker, with Mary Rodwell and Dr. Robert Davis, at the Close Encounters Conference following that, also in Brisbane.

In addition, Rosemary runs her own independent publishing company, Visionary Living, Inc., and also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, Strange Dimensions. She lectures internationally and makes numerous media appearances. She lives in Connecticut. Her husband, Joe Redmiles, runs Visionary Living, Inc. with her.

In August 2015 Rosemary was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in the paranormal, from the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society in Michigan. The award was presented at the MI Paracon VI in Sault Ste. Marie.

Manager: Marc Tetlow at Ideal Event Management,

College agent: GP Entertainment.  Contact Rich Nikodem at

A personal statement from Rosemary:

Like many people, my interest in the paranormal began in childhood, inspired by experiences, extraordinary dreams, an intense interest in astronomy, and a voracious reading of nonfiction and fiction related to the paranormal, occult, science fiction and fantasy. My interests were always wide-ranging, and that continues to characterize my research and work today. All things in the paranormal and metaphysical realms are interconnected. My research includes history, mythology, folklore, religion, occult traditions, psychology, parapsychology, science, medicine, anthropology, and archaeology, as well as anecdotal experience.

My work is oriented around the how and why of our extraordinary experiences. It was clear to me early in life that the paranormal and the unseen realms are real, and that human beings have encounters and experiences that have been documented since ancient times. Our experiences form patterns throughout history that reveal our constant interaction with the afterlife, spirit realms, other dimensional realities, the Divine, and uncharted territories.

I examine both the light and dark sides of our experiences, from the mystical and angelic to the invasive, demonic, and problematic. To know one side, you must also know the other.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, News, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Medical Doctor practicing general and preventative medicine
Guest Biography:

John A. Horton is an author and Medical Doctor practicing general and preventative medicine and has experience in travel medicine and teaching in Africa and Asia. "Integrative medicine makes sense when one recognizes the value of different schools of medicine in different situations." His current interests are: the quality of life and medical care at the end of life, medical psychotherapy, and another book. He is a co-author of "The inner Game of Stress" with renowned sports psychology expert Timothy Gallwey. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Intuitive, Speaker, Healer, Transformation Coach, Multi Near Death Experiencer
Guest Biography:


After his second near death experience, Mas Sajady was gifted with intuitive and healing abilities so remarkably potent that he was soon likened to some of the most significant healers in history. Mas works on the core frequency level to help redesign and reprogram your blueprint, materializing fast and tangible results and manifesting abundance in all areas of life. Thousands around the world have transformed their lives after just one or a few sessions with Mas. “Change your frequency, change your life,” shares Mas.

Areas of Transformation

Relieve Persistent Health Issues

Supercharge Finances

Heighten Relationships

Rise to True Spirituality

Transform Businesses

Sharpen Intuition

Enhance Beauty

Accelerate Success

Mas Sajady has always been intuitively gifted. Like many others, he tried to hide or ignore his highly intuitive nature so he could “fit in”. It is for this reason Mas has always strongly advised parents to support children who have similar affinities. It literally took Mas two near death experiences to awaken and embrace his abilities.

His first near death experience was in his early twenties. Aside from the crushed jaw and torqued neck, it was the best experience he has ever had.

“The beauty, peace and love present during this experience can never compare to anything we have on earth at this physical level”, says Mas. After this experience, his intuitive abilities were heightened and he was able to sense future events and the internal issues of others.

Mas’ intuitive abilities were then pushed aside as his family life took over. His children and his successful web development business took center stage during this time of his life.

His second near death experience occurred in 2006. This was his second best life experience. This second near death experience opened Mas to even higher levels of awareness where miracles can and do happen.

To clarify, Mas does not have the power to heal; rather he acts as the “conduit” for pure energy to manifest this healing from a higher energy field. These fundamental shifts can impact anyone’s physical, emotional, financial or spiritual health, and all areas of relationships, creating 360° of Abundance.

Although his abilities have been compared to religious figures, a healing with Mas has no religious significance. It is spiritual in nature. It is for this reason that Mas’ diverse community consists of clients of all faiths and beliefs.

Mas began studying similar near death experiences in order to understand the incredible shift he was undergoing. The closest explanation he found was in the field of Quantum Physics.

The most important lessons come to him through meditations where, since his crossovers, these meditations have become even more vivid; he enters a dream-like state but wide awake and aware of his surroundings. At times he transcends his physical body and from these meditations gains knowledge on a multitude of subjects, including spiritual and earthly matters. Over time his healing abilities have been magnified and sessions have been condensed, generating significant shifts at the core level.

He started working on clients professionally in November of 2009. Within less than a year, he had worked on over a thousand individuals who were drawn to him by referral. Through his daily mediation sessions and frequent speaking engagements worldwide, Mas has been able to touch countless individuals around the world. Whether it is physical or emotional health, finances, relationships or spirituality, Mas can change your frequency in order to Be Limitless & enjoy 360° of Abundance in all aspects of your life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Indie Band Artist
Guest Biography:


Robbie cut his teeth in indie rock bands on the Sunset Strip but his time spent in Ireland defined him as a songwriter. With nods to Damien Rice, Hedwig and Sondheim, Robbie pens torchy pop gems on piano, guitar, banjo and ukulele. His most recent release, Say Yes! is a love letter to the betrothed, be he hunky bear (Say Yes) or little blue pill (Sunny Afternoon). It’s about relationships and addictions of every stripe.

Latest news: Robbie to host Afternoon Delight on the Songwriting School channel. Based on ’70s talk shows such as Merv Griffin, Dinah Shore and Mike Douglas, this chatstravaganza will feature up-and-coming talent from the songwriting school and beyond. Stay tuned.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

Rebecca Gordon received her B.A. from Reed College and her M.Div. and Ph.D. in Ethics and Social Theory from Graduate Theological Union. She teaches in the Philosophy department at the University of San Francisco and for the university’s Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good. Previous publications include Letters From Nicaragua  and Cruel and Usual: How Welfare “Reform” Punishes Poor People .

Her latest book, American Nuremberg: The Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post 9/11 War Crimes, was published by Hot Books in April 2016. An audio version is also available.

Prior to her academic career, Gordon spent a few decades working in a variety of national and international movements for peace and justice. These include the movements for women’s liberation and LGBT rights; movements in solidarity with the struggles of poor people in Central America; the anti-apartheid movement in the United States and South Africa; and movements opposing U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 1984, Gordon spent six months living in the war zones of Nicaragua, and in 1990, three months teaching desktop publishing at an anti-apartheid newspaper in Cape Town, South Africa. She is a founder of Californians for Justice, a statewide organization dedicated to the political enfranchisement of marginalized people, especially young people, poor people, and people of color.

Other organizations she has worked with include the Applied Research Center, the Center for Third World Organizing, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and the Asian-Pacific Environmental Network. She is an editor of WarTimes/Tiempo de guerras,  which seeks to bring a race, class, and gender perspective to issues of war and peace.

About American Nuremburg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes by Rebecca Gordon...

No subject is more hotly debated than the extreme measures that our government has taken after 9/11 in the name of national security. Torture, extraordinary rendition, drone assassinations, secret detention centers (or “black sites”), massive surveillance of citizens. But while the press occasionally exposes the dark side of the war on terror and congressional investigators sometimes raise alarms about the abuses committed by U.S. intelligence agencies and armed forces, no high U.S. official has been prosecuted for these violations – which many legal observers around the world consider war crimes.

The United States helped establish the international principles guiding the prosecution of war crimes – starting with the Nuremberg tribunal following World War II, when Nazi officials were held accountable for their crimes against humanity. But the American government and legal system have consistently refused to apply these same principles to our own officials. Now Rebecca Gordon takes on the explosive task of “indicting” the officials who – in a just society – should be put on trial for war crimes. Some might dismiss this as a symbolic exercise. But what is at stake here is the very soul of the nation.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government