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Guest Occupation: Former President Bill Clinton Associate
Guest Biography:

Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clintons, can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds. Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton’s impeachment in the 90′s. Larry says he makes no apologies.

They sent me overseas to kill people for them and told me it was for the good of the Country. So when they asked me to do it for them in the States it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money and I didn’t give a s**t about the women I beat and the men I murdered.

The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them. I had to live with that all of these years and now I just don’t care anymore who knows it. Larry maintains the Clintons were into so many illegal activities at the time, they had to have a team of mercenaries made up of friends and state-troopers to cover it all up and keep them protected from the public finding out.

According to Larry Nichols, both Bill and Hillary were wild and out of control and both were relentless in their pursuit for money and power. From running drugs, to the rape and beating of women and young girls, both of the Clintons are guilty of the unspeakable crimes.

When Pete asked Larry about Gennifer Flowers making headlines last week claiming Bill had told her Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had Larry said that’s old news, and indeed it is … Larry had made that same statement on the Pete Santilli show early last spring.

Larry is adamant that Hillary Clinton is a “Dyke” and always has been. One thing I know for sure She did have enough sex with men to have a kid, but it wasn’t Bill Clinton’s Kid she had … Chelsea is actually the daughter of Web Hubble.

Nichols and many other insiders claim Clinton began having sex with Hubble to gain employment at The Rose Law Firm which she believed would eventually advance Bill Clinton’s chances of becoming Governor of Arkansas.

Pick up the video around the 1Hr 09Min mark.

Source: The Pete Santilli Show
Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Social Activist/Presidential Candidate
Guest Biography:

Gloria La Riva is a labor, community and anti­-war activist based in San Francisco, California. Born in Albuquerque, N.M., Gloria attended Brandeis University where she was active in affirmative action struggles.

Gloria has been a key organizer of many mass demonstrations and other actions opposing the wars and occupation in Central America, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and elsewhere.

Gloria has worked for decades to defend Cuba’s sovereignty and against the U.S. blockade. She was awarded Cuba’s Friendship Medal in 2010, approved by the Council of State, for her many years of Cuba solidarity, and is the national coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five.

Gloria has traveled to Venezuela many times since the election of Hugo Chávez to president in 1998, most recently in December 2014. She has engaged in discussions with leading members of the Bolivarian Revolution, including the late president, as well as current president Nicolás Maduro.

Gloria has been active in the struggle for immigrant rights, organizing for and speaking at many mass marches in California over the past 30 years. In the early 1990s, she was the initiator of the Farmworkers Emergency Relief campaign, following a disastrous freeze that left tens of thousands of Central Valley agricultural workers with no income.

Gloria organized support for the Black Fire Fighters Association in their struggle to end racist and sexist discrimination in the San Francisco Fire Department in the 1980s.

A long­time supporter of LGBTQ rights, Gloria participated in the first National March for Lesbian and Gay rights in 1979 and subsequent national marches. She joined in the marches and rallies protesting the passage of the anti­-marriage­ equality Prop 8 in California. She has joined picket lines defending women’s reproductive health clinics.

In 1998 Gloria produced the award­-winning video, Genocide by Sanctions: The Case of Iraq, documenting the effects of the U.S./UN blockade on Iraq. In 1999, she traveled twice to Yugoslavia with former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark, at the height of the U.S./NATO bombing war, producing the video, NATO Targets. In September 2005, six days after Hurricane Katrina, Gloria traveled to New Orleans, producing the video Heroes Not Looters. In 2014, she traveled to Ferguson during the uprising there in the wake of the police murder of Michael Brown.

Gloria is a blogger for, where she has written extensively on Latin America and many other issues.

In 1994 and 1998, Gloria was Peace & Freedom Party’s candidate for governor of California. She ran as a socialist candidate for mayor of San Francisco in 1983, finishing third overall and second in every working­-class neighborhood. She was the 2008 presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. She is the elected Executive Vice President of the Pacific Media Workers Guild, Communications Workers of America, Local 39521.

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Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

EVOLUTION 101 with host Edward Jones...

Edward Jones is what you might call an ordinary man although he insists he is not a man, as the word man is a label attached to the male of the species. He says, “If you declare yourself a man, then you’ll have more labels attached such as a real man or a  real good man or an upstanding man or a dozen other labels, and then you’re lost in the trap of labels, of words. All these labels colour your perception and you will end seeing not the real person but an image of your own thinking, and this is the illusion we live in.”

So, if you are to meet Edward and call him a man, the first thing he will tell you is that he is not a man. Edward is meticulous with the words he speaks because this is a world trapped in words, and the words we use create the manner in which we create our lives.

Edward experienced a life altering event at the age of 36 which he later came to call a transformation in which he says he died. Everything he had been–a son, a husband, a businessman–collapsed at his feet in complete failure. It was the death of everything he had been in his life. Unlike others who have had and speak of a transformation, Edward hand no idea of what happened to him during his four hour death experience. He’d had never delved into mysticism or any kind of Eastern thought, but what he experienced was exactly what millions have searched for millennia . Edward calls it ecstasy–living with a new consciousness, one void of violence, stress, fear, and worry, one that is free.

In facing all his failures without excuse or reason and with truth, he came upon the source of all things. Because he had no previous knowledge of what had happened to him, he realized that he was the source of what had become. “There is a new consciousness born on the planet and it is available to you now.” Edward relates this message in workshops, meetings, business, online forums and to all who come into contact with him. Edward carries this one message in his daily life: “There is no love on the planet, and that is good news because in realizing that, we can dispose of what we have been calling love, which is not love at all, and create the possibility of bringing forth Love, Truth, Intelligence and Creation to our war-laden manner of existing on this earth.”

Edward in his talks recorded in his books, tells the one thing he did that brought him face to face with himself and the events that lead up to his transformation. Transformation is a possibility for everyone living on this planet, and it can be brought about by what he says is a “method that is not a method,” for it is something we use in our everyday lives–our language. We are creating our lives with the words we speak.

Edward’s books are not exactly fodder for the lazy mind or one which is seeking success, money, stature, or security in this insane world. They are for the ones who care for a transformation of self, internal peace, and world peace for the planet.  They are “where the rubber hits the road.”

How My Death Revealed The Secret To Life, An Autobiography


On November 19, 1979, leaving a life of failures behind him, Edward Jones experienced a transformation which completely revolutionized the way he perceived reality. Edward’s former life of misery was now one of exquisite vibrancy. Pain lost its sting; fear no longer ruled his life. Every moment unfolded its potential as a wellspring of delight. He was permanently and irrevocably altered. The change was so complete, so profound, that afterward Edward could only say that he had died. Out of that death, a new consciousness was born. He sees and speaks of a world void of violence and suffering, and assists others in seeing the possibility of transformation within themselves and the world via online webinars, workshops, radio programs, Internet discussion rooms, videos, personal coaching as well as other books he has written. This book is his recounting of his personal journey to, and through, his self-transformation.

Create Creation – The Manner in Which Words Create our Lives


This book will present to you things you can do to catch yourself in the moment of truth as you are being it. It may be your anger, your fear, your manipulations, your sorrow, your worries or a dozen of feelings you bring forth every day. That is where your truth lies. It is hidden behind all of your feelings and attachments. This may not be an easy thing to do, unveiling the truth of yourself, as much of it is ugly, but it is the liberating feature that speaking the truth of self brings to you. Mark Twain declared, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” Speaking the truth frees the mind to live in the moment because you’re not using all your energy to remember and live the lie. Truth is a living, vibrant thing. It lives and dies every second. Lies do not die until the truth of them is spoken.

Raising Sane – Is It Possible To Raise A Sane Child In An Insane World 


Children are born pristine, and as they grow, they see us and what we do which conditions them the same as we were conditioned. If we loved our children, we would not prepare our children for the world. We would prepare the world for our children and ourselves. Within the pages of this book, you will discover the energy of linguistics when truth is spoken and that we are creating our lives from the words we speak. We have been creating a negative existence with the beliefs and lies we pass down to our children which have been passed down to us and to each generation for thousands of years. In discovering what you can do to raise a sane child, you will also discover what to do to raise the child in you. Our present behavior on this planet shows we are all acting as angry children having a temper tantrum. Within the relationship with ourselves and our children, we can transform the world into a safe and sane place to live.

Self Transformation – A New You 

From his talks and workshops with others, Edward Jones speaks from the source of the new consciousness. He outlines the action needed to bring forth the first psychological evolution of the human mind. Our present consciousness is responsible for the destruction of our world. The ending of violence begins with a transformation of self, bringing forth a new you and a new world.

A New Consciousness Born – You are the Source

A hard-hitting, non-fiction book which addresses every aspect of our lives; it shows us the manner in which we are trapped in our thinking processes. The book is transcribed from live conversations with Phillip LeRoy and others. With this book’s formatting, you can be drawn into and become part of the conversation. The new consciousness that Edward speaks of is violence free, and he takes a step-by-step, simple approach that points to what we can do to bring forth peace into our lives and onto the planet.

Guest Category: Education, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Wellness Expert and Energy Healer
Guest Biography:

Lorraine is an experienced energy medicine practitioner. Lorraine presents cutting edge human energy field research and demonstrates the techniques of energy medicine and self healing. She uses the latest in energetic diagnostic imaging in the emotional and physical realms and human energy field response to everyday life. Lorraine is dedicated to improving vibrancy, health and wellness using the highest quality of unique transformational products.

Lorraine Eldridge travels, sharing a message of wellness through workshops and special events. She works with doctors, scientists and others in the wellness industry advancing energetic wellness product understanding and everyday well-being and consciousness.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Self Help, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Visionary, web developer, DJ, theoretic physicist, martial artist, music producer, graphic designer, massage therapist, speaker
Guest Biography:

Adam Apollo has offered insights on consciousness development, physics, future technology, and planetary transitions at the White House, in a United Nations summit, and at conferences and festivals around the world. He awoke to a complete library of Sacred Geometry and Metaphysical knowledge at the age of 15, and spent many years afterwards teaching and integrating this information through developing deep personal magical and martial arts practices. After being invited to hold council with Indigenous Elders from around the world in private fire ceremonies, Adam Apollo helped to organize two prayer runs for world peace across the North American Continent, and smoked the White Buffalo Peace Pipe passed down 19 generations from the White Buffalo Calf Woman. In 2005, Adam physically encountered a Galactic Ambassador from a starship, met Ambassadors from 73 Species of the Galactic Council through an Astral stargate, and recovered memories from several lifetimes before his journey to Earth.

Guest Category: Business, Education, Music, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive, Holistic Pharmacist, Author, Speaker, Sensitive Person Therapist
Guest Biography:

Medical Medium, Holistic Pharmacist:

You are Sensitive

"If you always thought you were different than the others, you were right. You are Sensitive!" - Emil Faithe

Medical Medium and Holistic Pharmacist Dr. Emil Faithe has practiced in virtually every healthcare setting over the past 30 years, honing his skills as a holistic expert, and as a psychic medium and medical intuitive. He holds a BS in Biology from the University of California Irvine, and earned his Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Southern California.

As “The Health Whisperer”, Dr. Faithe has helped thousands of people across the globe solve some of the most complicated and “mysterious” health puzzles imaginable.

Employing his keen intuitive diagnostic skills, he is able to detect organ, glandular, metabolic and energetic imbalances, and accurately determine which supplement, nutrients, and energy healing techniques are needed to restore physical and emotional harmony within the body. He gets to the bottom of health and life imbalances. Period.

Dr. Faithe is recognized as one of the top experts in natural medicine and medical intuition and has been a keynote speaker for a number of prominent holistic healthcare conferences. He has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, and lectures regularly on all topics of natural wellness. He is the author of “Natural Q’s; A Guide to Healthy Living”, “Extreme Clearing for Perfect Health”, his global hit “You Are Sensitive!” and his latest convention-stirring book “Hormone Lies and Thyroid Misunderstandings”.

Dr. Faithe has a special affinity for awakening, guiding, and healing the ultra-sensitive people of the planet, a large previously unrecognized group of individuals who are fast and furiously discovering their gifts and abilities, and facing their own very unique life challenges.  He maintains a private practice in holistic and intuitive healthcare where he works with all health conditions across the globe. Along with his wife Susan, he is the co-founder of World Wellness Center in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Self Help, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Psychic medium and Accredited Angel Healing Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Tracey has recently written the book “The Nice Guy's Field Guide To Energy Vampires” which has been her life’s work.  She is a professional psychic medium and Accredited Angel Healing Practitioner from St. Marys, Ontario Canada.  Over the last 30 years, Tracey has dedicated herself to helping people from all walks of life uncover patterns at play that may be causing them unhappiness now, while helping them to find alternatives and timelines that hold the greatest potential for success at all levels in the future.  Over her years of work, she has helped hundreds of people, including herself, spot and remove the draining effects an energy vampire can have on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.  Through her work, she has come to notice a pattern at play, that once you’re aware of might just help you stay out of the emotional quicksand the energy vampire likes to employ to leave folks feeling helpless as often as possible.

Guest Category: Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Authentic Visibility Coach
Guest Biography:

Marina Shamashevich is the Authentic Visibility Coach who helps spiritual women entrepreneurs be Seen, be Heard and be Valued for being themselves.  She helps them get out of their own way and break through their limitations so they can build a thriving business that lights them up.  Marina is a free spirit who learned that being true to who you are is at the heart of all success.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Philosophy, Self Help, Inspirational