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Guest Occupation: Stress Reduction Expert, Author, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

I am a Stress Reduction Expert. After 10 years managing and directing theatrical productions followed by a Masters in Integrated Marketing Communication and 17 years in corporate marketing, the stress of high pressure, deadline driven jobs led to my own ill health mentally and physically. This started my search for a long-lasting means of approaching each situation with more ease, contentment, and power. I am committed to guiding professionals to improve their health, increase their mental clarity, easily deal with difficult people, and find peace in their current jobs all through reducing their stress levels.  Haven taken my own journey From Type-A to Type-ME, I intimately understand your challenges. I offer compassion, understanding, and insight from someone who has “been there done that.”  

I am an author, speaker, and host of The Empowerment Show.

You can learn more about me by reading what my clients have said or by listening to recent interviews.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Former Harlem Globetrotter
Guest Biography:

Former Harlem Globetrotter Sterling 'Smooth' Forbes lends his basketball acumen to the show!

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: US Marine Super Soldier of USMC Special Section and Mars Defense Force - Truth Teller
Guest Biography:

Randy Cramer, known as Captain “Kaye” is a US Marine and Super Soldier who served for 17 years on Mars, defending the Mars colonies.  He was a part of Project Moonshadow and was assigned to the Mars Defense Force from a covert military branch, United States Marine Corps, special section, (USMC s.s.) set up by President Eisenhower as a unit that would uphold moral ethics and hopefully  keep things in check in regards to the activity of MJ-12 and some of their more unscrupulous members.

His story, information and accounts gives us insight into things that other Whistleblowers have been speaking about in relation to Alternative 3 and the establishment of bases on Mars.  Since he has spoken out because his chain of command requested him to do so, he's less of a whistleblower and more of a direct representative of USMC s.s.  He has experiences that take us into an in depth understanding of ET races that are interacting with Earth, covert agendas that are affecting the whole of humanity and information about off-planet military activity that has been kept deep black and that he is now sharing with us.     

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology
Guest Occupation: Fitness Guru
Guest Biography:
Check out Matt's Programs for optimal fitness & special Energy Medicine Radio offer on his website at
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania's Hall of Famer Matt Furey is a native of Carroll, Iowa. He began competing in swimming and wrestling when he was eight years old - and through dedicated practice, became a champion in each sport.
In 1981, Furey was the state runner-up in the Class 3A Iowa High School State Wrestling Championships at 167-pounds. He attended The University of Iowa from 1981-1984, where he wrestled for Olympic Gold medalist, Dan Gable, and was a member of three national championship teams.
In the fall of 1984, in order to help rebuild a doormat wrestling program, Furey transferred to Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, and in 1985 he won the NCAA II national title at 167-pounds, defeating two-time California state champion, Howard Lawson, in the finals. While at Edinboro he was coached by Mike DeAnna and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Baumgartner. 
In February of 1987, Furey opened a training business for wrestlers and fitness enthusiasts. Most of the high school wrestlers he trained went on to wrestle in college. The Fitness Guru receiving Hall of Fame photo
Furey began studying various martial arts in 1990 and immediately saw the physical, mental and philosophical links these arts had with wrestling. This lead to the publication of his first book and videos in 1996, entitled, The Martial Art of Wrestling. 
In 1996, Furey began competing in the ancient Chinese grappling art of Shuai-Chiao, the oldest style of kung fu. Furey's teacher, Dr. Daniel Weng, a national champion from Taiwan, and a ninth-degree black belt, guided Furey to three national titles - then over Christmas of 1997, Dr. Weng brought two U.S. teams to Beijing, China, to compete in the world championships. In Beijing, Furey won the gold medal at 90 KG (198-pounds), and was the only non-Chinese to win a title. In addition, Furey's world title was historic because it marked the first time that an American had won a gold medal in any world kung fu competition held in China. 
In 1999, Furey traveled to Tampa, Florida to train under the legendary Karl Gotch. Several months later Furey moved his family from California to Tampa, Florida, so he could train with Gotch full-time. Gotch taught Furey a treasure trove of knowledge on conditioning as well as the real professional style of wrestling, known as catch-as-catch-can (catch wrestling).
Combat Conditioning Author shows off his ripped abs Furey quickly excelled as a catch wrestler, earning him the covers of Grappling and the U.K.'s Martial Arts Illustrated. 
In 2002, Grappling magazine dubbed Furey, "The King of Catch Wrestling" - and in the book Grappling Masters, Furey is one of 22 elite world class grapplers who are interviewed and featured. 
In addition to The Martial Art of Wrestling and the international best-selling Combat Conditioning , Furey's other best-selling books include Combat Abs and No B.S. Fitness. Furey also has several best-selling courses, including: Combat Stretching , Gama Fitness , Magnetic Mind Power and Farmer Burns Catch Wrestling Video Course. 
Furey is also the author of the international best-selling Combat Conditioning, as well as Combat Abs, The Unbeatable Man, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money, The Fastest Way Humanly Possible to Burn Fat,Combat Stretching, Gama Fitness and Magnetic Mind Power. 

As President of The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Furey is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 30-million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Owners and Operators of BBS Radio!
Guest Biography:

Sometimes, the people who make things happen don’t always get the credit for doing so.  Sometimes the stories of those people are even more interesting than the people who actually do get the credit.  For our Labor Day Show, Life Changes Network pays tribute to the two brothers behind the station, BBS Radio, that has put out the Life Change Show over the airways, across the Universe, for over five years… Doug Newsom and Don Newsom, by interviewing them as guests on the show!  While they worked, the spoke to us and shared from the heart what it means to be behind puting out hundreds of shows a week and information that may not have gotten out to people like you from people like us, had it not been for people like them.  Hear their story, interviewed for the first time ever on their own Network, here’s Doug and Don…

BBS Radio. A place for answers! BBS Radio’s live internet talk radio network is a profoundly life changing network that will bring you to the place you want to be. Our live and interactive premier internet talk radio stations broadcast live talk radio shows that are often remotely engineered, via live studio personnel, from our California studios.

Learn More about BBS Radio and our guests, Doug Newsom and Don Newsom at BBSRadio

About Doug Newsom

I am also a traveler, excited at new things, enjoying the experience, and living in the moment! I am a reader, writer and poet, with an entrepreneurial, mathematical mind. I love to theorize, think and meditate, but I hope not to miss an opportunity for play!

I am a kind and romantic soul, with a grand zest for life and the desire for exploration. I am humorous and thought provoking with old fashioned manners. I enjoy fine wine, unique cuisine, and conversations about unusual subjects.

I am a spiritual person. I am a true believer in diversity and synergy, and the power of thought! I believe everything ever created has purpose, is perfect, and will change!

I have reached higher levels of consciousness; increasing my capacity to love and be aware in the present; to understand information quickly and to connect to all that is.

I have used meditation to gain i, and I accept people for who they are. But I do not hang around forever! I am too complex, too intelligent, and too quickly bored.

I love to work with my hands; woodworking, landscaping, and just about any home project. I build companies for a living, so it’s no different with other creative outlets, I like to build! When an activity allows me to drift without thinking or stress, like wood working or playing an instrument, it’s a treasure.

My humor is abundant, intense and often dry.

If someone’s emotions are indiscernible to the naked eye, and yet every action they take, or movement they make, is on a comic par with John Cleets – I’m their huckleberry! But, if you’ve stopped laughing at yourself, allow me! I’m still bemused by seeing a lady turn down a polite request to dance! If I find you’ve stubbed your toes, because you over-paid for a trendy pair of shoes, or purchased a size too small to fit, I will laugh! I find that quite funny really!!

If survival depends on scheming, plotting, thinking, and wondering how to guard yourself, get your piece, and do it fast! Don’t make me spank you!

I prefer to hang among those whom Aristotle would have found interesting!

My faults (and this is tough to write about): I sometimes lack patience. I can appear somewhat aloof. I allow others to walk on me at times. I am extremely outgoing, but I rarely do extracurricular activities, perhaps because lately I’ve put too much emphasis into work and not enough into life. I can be stubborn. I am a charmer. I’m self actualized so I often overlook or reluctantly listen to stories of woe. I am just too damn optimistic. I am somewhat old fashioned, and may be  too much of a romantic, because I like to open doors, pull out chairs, and walk on the correct side of a sidewalk. And, whether I can afford it or not, I usually pay the tab!

And I’m the CEO of BBS Radio!

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist and Past-life Regrestionist Therapy Instructor
Guest Biography:

David Quigley is the founder of Alchemical Hypnotherapy and author of the popular textbook "Alchemical Hypnotherapy." He is a graduate of Duke University in comparative religion and transpersonal psychology, and of the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Corte Madera, California. David has extensive training in Gestalt, primal therapy, group process and Jungian psychology, as well as courses in Ericksonian and clinical hypnosis and NLP. David teaches throughout the United States and Europe, including speaking at the United Nations Enlightenment Society and numerous hypnotherapy conferences.

Guest Category: Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Author, Inventor, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Dr. Forti has 20 years experience as a clinical psychologist and developed an advanced quantum healing device after a near-death experience that initiated ongoing guidance to comprehend and coordinate research in the harmonic order of the quantum field, including the mathematical order of the harmonics involved with calibrating wholEness in the body.

Kathy’s true story is well documented in her recent book, FRACTALS OF GOD

As a journey into the mysteries of divine creation, this astounding story explores the depths of man’s beginnings and the very blueprint of creation.  Dr. Kathy Forti shares how in 2003 her heart stopped and she was helped to return to Earth by multi-dimensional beings of light whose goal is to bring healing to our world. With this new guidance, she journeyed into the realm of physics and sacred geometry, and learned how key mathematical information affects the consciousness of the cells.  

Dr. Forti’s mystical experiences will forever alter your concepts about life, healing, and man’s true potential for evolutionary change. This revealing and insightful story speaks to the very essence of our soul’s purpose - to find a greater connection to the God Source in all living things.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Healer, Teacher of Munay Ki Initiation Rites
Guest Biography:

Laurie Cornell first became interested in spirituality in 1996 with a native drum making course and sweat lodge and continued to follow that tradition as a Sundancer for nine years.  Laurie studied Reiki, NLP, Huna, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis. During the last year of study at NL Palmer Laurie decided that she needed to expand her studies to the body.  She then mastered Neurolink from New Zealand which uses points in the body to correct anything out of alignment and in dysfunction as well as clear viruses and bacteria. Laurie continued her studies with EnerChi and Lomilomi – the latter with Dane Silva in Hilo, Hawaii.  She  has been a tattoo artist for 20 years a profession that has allowed her to meet people from all over the globe and from every walk of life.

Laurie has been practicing healing and massage since 2000, working with the Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters and other beings of light – along with prayer and the Higher Self.   She taught Drunvalo Melchizedek's Awakening the Illuminated Heart for 3 years and is now focused on  going back to the feminine way of EnerChi Quest that she learned in 2001. This new workshop is Sacred Heart Creations and as with her other workshop begins with a day of learning how to clear emotions with Akashic Emotional Clearing. This clearing removes emotions from root source all the way up to present quickly and easily. Laurie has been doing this work since the 1990's and loves the deep transformation it creates instantly. Laurie teach this work for the simple reason it is a huge assistance in helping students get into their Sacred Space of the Heart and make  huge transformations in their  personal lives.

Laurie has been guided to Munay Ki by spirit teaches the first 4 rites for personal healing.

Munay Ki....Quechua for "I love you"

The Great Principles of Munay-Ki

Nonviolence - bring no harm to yourself or others

Truthfulness - Be true to your word, and let your word be true

Integrity – Do not steal, not even a glance, walk your talk

Moderation – use wisely the life force within you

Generosity – Give more than you take, for nothing in the world really belongs to you

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual