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Guest Name
Laurie Cornell
Laurie Cornell
Guest Occupation
Healer, Teacher of Munay Ki Initiation Rites
Guest Biography

Laurie Cornell first became interested in spirituality in 1996 with a native drum making course and sweat lodge and continued to follow that tradition as a Sundancer for nine years.  Laurie studied Reiki, NLP, Huna, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis. During the last year of study at NL Palmer Laurie decided that she needed to expand her studies to the body.  She then mastered Neurolink from New Zealand which uses points in the body to correct anything out of alignment and in dysfunction as well as clear viruses and bacteria. Laurie continued her studies with EnerChi and Lomilomi – the latter with Dane Silva in Hilo, Hawaii.  She  has been a tattoo artist for 20 years a profession that has allowed her to meet people from all over the globe and from every walk of life.

Laurie has been practicing healing and massage since 2000, working with the Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters and other beings of light – along with prayer and the Higher Self.   She taught Drunvalo Melchizedek's Awakening the Illuminated Heart for 3 years and is now focused on  going back to the feminine way of EnerChi Quest that she learned in 2001. This new workshop is Sacred Heart Creations and as with her other workshop begins with a day of learning how to clear emotions with Akashic Emotional Clearing. This clearing removes emotions from root source all the way up to present quickly and easily. Laurie has been doing this work since the 1990's and loves the deep transformation it creates instantly. Laurie teach this work for the simple reason it is a huge assistance in helping students get into their Sacred Space of the Heart and make  huge transformations in their  personal lives.

Laurie has been guided to Munay Ki by spirit teaches the first 4 rites for personal healing.

Munay Ki....Quechua for "I love you"

The Great Principles of Munay-Ki

Nonviolence - bring no harm to yourself or others

Truthfulness - Be true to your word, and let your word be true

Integrity – Do not steal, not even a glance, walk your talk

Moderation – use wisely the life force within you

Generosity – Give more than you take, for nothing in the world really belongs to you