Randy Cramer, known as Captain “Kaye” is a US Marine and Super Soldier who served for 17 years on Mars, defending the Mars colonies. He was a part of Project Moonshadow and was assigned to the Mars Defense Force from a covert military branch, United States Marine Corps, special section, (USMC s.s.) set up by President Eisenhower as a unit that would uphold moral ethics and hopefully keep things in check in regards to the activity of MJ-12 and some of their more unscrupulous members.
His story, information and accounts gives us insight into things that other Whistleblowers have been speaking about in relation to Alternative 3 and the establishment of bases on Mars. Since he has spoken out because his chain of command requested him to do so, he's less of a whistleblower and more of a direct representative of USMC s.s. He has experiences that take us into an in depth understanding of ET races that are interacting with Earth, covert agendas that are affecting the whole of humanity and information about off-planet military activity that has been kept deep black and that he is now sharing with us.