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Guest Occupation: Author, Facilitator and Inspired Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dolphin grew up in Vancouver BC.  For as long as he can remember he has been a passionate student of life and the human condition.  He loves the opportunity to share and grow with people through his work and brings a clarity, sensitivity and playfulness to it.  With over 15 years of experience coaching and facilitating workshops to tens of thousands, Dolphin is a beautiful combination of insight and action.   He is constantly inviting others to join him in a more authentic life; the one that we all are here to live.

“I do this work because of my strong belief and trust in each person’s ability to heal, grow and live a deeply satisfying life.  We cannot do it all, or fix everything.  We can, however, do the good that is there to be done in this moment.  In that, we can be the ripple that touches the entire surface of the earth “ ~ Dolphin Kasper

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Founder & CEO Evolve Now
Guest Biography:

Susan grew up in NYC, where she taught teens in a Brooklyn ghetto. She has been facilitating workshops, retreats, and individual sessions for over 35 years.  She has over 10 years of extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Encounter, Rebirthing, and several yoga and meditation techniques.  Susan has parented 3 children, who are all thriving and vibrant adults.  She has also fostered teens at risk.  Throughout her life she has sought insight, mentors, and experiences that have broadened her abilities and depth of humanness.

This is what Susan has to say about her work:

“All of the workshops and offerings of EVOLVE NOW are based on the premise that it is within each of us that the greatest treasures in this world are to be found.  Inside, we find rest, tranquility, real happiness and satisfaction.  In that place lives the genuine confidence in our innate value as human beings.  We are able to become benevolent authorities in our lives. In that way we become a gift to everyone and everything we touch.”   

Guest Category: Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Doctor Healer
Guest Biography:

ROBBI CAMPBELL is a Native American born in Fairbanks, Alaska and grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  She attended the University of Wyoming, graduated from Northwestern University. Graduated Rush Medical College, Chicago.  Practiced surgery at Illinois Masonic Hospital, Internal Medicine at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. 

Robbi is now retired but offers natural therapies without pharmaceuticals and natural prevention.  She has always warned people about the dangers of vaccines, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation and unnecessary surgery, which did not make her popular with the lords of orthodox medicine.  She has paid a severe price for this heresy.

Founded with her husband and Rebecca Carley, MD the American Defense Party.

Please visit:

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: FIT ARTS Founder, Personal Trainer
Guest Biography:

Alfred Kendrick, founder and creator of FIT ARTS, is a Hollywood-based personal trainer who attracts a variety of clients that include celebrities, super-models, performers, and athletes because of his unique workout routines and programs that are specialized to individual body types.

Alfred has over 14 years of personal training experience, over 18 years in martial arts training, including Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing and Capoeira, and a B.S. in Exercise Science from Florida State University.

His experience, combined with an extensive understanding of physical rehabilitation, massage therapy, postural alignment, and bodywork, is what inspired and allowed him to create his unique program known as FIT ARTS. In February 2011, he launched his company and flagship studio in Hollywood, CA.

You can also catch Alfred as an acrobatic performer in over a dozen commercial and TV appearances, and more than 500 live performances worldwide. He has worked with Rihanna, Dancing with the Stars, Red Bull and more.

Alfred’s mission is to revolutionize how we get fit by tailoring programs to individual body types through a variety of art forms to keep you motivated and continuously challenged in a fun way!

Learn More About Alfred Kendrick and Follow Him on Twitter at:

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: equine analyst
Guest Biography:

All too often, a well trained horse that was once a wonderful riding partner begins developing a bad attitude. A good horse has gone bad and the joy of spending time with her has become a thing of the past. After that happens, the horse might be taken to a trainer; the problem who “corrects” the problem or the animal might be put out to pasture until she “heals” herself over time.

When those two strategies have proved in effect, Eddie Crothers, an equine analyst, might be contacted in the hopes he can make that horse manageable. And often he can rise to that challenge by uncovering pain the animal might be experiencing, discomfort that prevents it from performing at its maximum. Crothers does not claim that he can perform miracles but he does point with pride to his record of “salvaging” horses. Their behavior has, for example, improved immensely after an aching back or an infected foot was healed.

Guest Category: Games & Hobbies, Health & Lifestyle, Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: medical educator, physician
Guest Biography:

In keeping with the title of his bestselling book – Real Age: Are You as Young as You Can Be? -  Dr. Michael Roizen wants to help people keep their youthful vigor long past the point when it all too often fades.  Simply put, he wants to guide them towards putting a gap between their biological age and their real age which can be determined by filling out a survey.

This survey not only - takes into account the usual suspects - blood pressure, cholesterol level, blood glucose level – that are thought to be markers of somebody’s physical health. It also calculates into the equation whether somebody has a pet or regularly spends time with friends and how many hours sleep they get.

And the best part: Dr. Roizen maintains that your real age is not simply determined by your genes. You can push into more positive grounds by learning healthier living habits.  Suggestions that can help you move in positive directions abound on the web site.

Guest Category: Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Professional Astrologer, Author, Editor and Social Activist
Guest Biography:

Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D., received a doctorate in philosophy from Boston University in 1972 and has been pushing personal, cultural and philosophical boundaries ever since. A professional astrologer for over 30 years, she is also a mother, grandmother, published author, editor, and social activist. For more on her and her work, see Tendre Press.

In 2007 she took the two-week Permaculture Design Course with teachers Peter Bane and Keith Johnson, who run thePermaculture Activist journal and live on their permaculture homestead two miles down the road in Bloomington, Indiana.

In 2007, she worked with others to establish a 10-year sustainability plan for her Green Acres Neighborhood that was based on the cultural permaculture design that she did with two others as their practicum for the PDC.

In 2009, she established the Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, a public garden on her own land.  Also in 2009, she began to attend UFO conferences, and to read avidly in this highly politicized, disinformation-riddled, secretive, mind-bending, outrageous and wondrous field.

With this exopermaculture site, she hopes to bridge these two worlds within herself,  to meet, share, and learn from others who explore the same split within themselves, and to crossfertilize the above with the below.

Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D.
134 N. Overhill Drive
Bloomington, IN 47408
812-606-9563 (cell)
Founder and Writer, Exopermaculture: Bridging Above and Below
Author, This Vast Being: A Voyage through Grief and Exaltation
Founding Editor, Crone: Women Coming of Age
Member, Green Acres Neighborhood Association (GANA)
Founder and Organizer, Green Acres Neighborhood Garden (GANG)
Co-Founder and Member, Green Acres Neighborhood Ecovillage

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Local, World, Non-Profit, Psychology, Biology & Chemistry, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Medical Marijuana Grower
Guest Biography:

Join Sri and Kira LIVE! on Sunday, May 4, Noon Pacific Time BBS station 1 for a fascinating and revelatory show on "The Trruth About Medical Marijuana."

The Mystery Guest is a grower of medical marijuana whose name will not be revealed for privacy and safety.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Medicine, Politics & Government, National, Spiritual