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Tim Freke is a polymath of spiritual traditions having written and practiced the gamut of available approaches, both ancient and modern. He is a best-selling author, retreat leader, 'stand-up philosopher', and a 'friend, not guru' of fellow travellers on a path of endless evolution.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Joanna Ross is an intuitive visionary, an esoteric teacher, an author, a radio host, and an ambassador for New Earth. Her childhood experiences with ET contact were re-awakened after bearing her first child, an experience that was followed with 'soul-wrenching dreams'. These ignited her present path to exploring the infinite interconnecting threads in our infinite universe and her mission relating her discoveries through a variety of mediums.

Alexandra hosts Dr. Simeon Hein in this fascinating and far-ranging interview.

Simeon is a sociologist by training, but has transcended his academic training by extended research into a plethora of paranormal phenomena, especially remote viewing and crop circles. Simeon offers a variety of courses in remote viewing, which he has studied and practiced for 20 years, and offers crop circle tours in England for small groups. Links to these will be provided below.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Adona and Tolec join Alexandra in an engaging discussion about the state of US presidential politics from their galactic perspectives. Adona and Tolec both carry Dakotan Pleaidian star ancestry and are long-term ET contactees. Tolec, a returning guest, is well known as an Earth-human representative of the Andromeda Council, a multi-world ET confederation hailing from the Milky Way and our closest neighboring galaxy, the Andromeda.  

Lis Ana is an embodied walk-in, a "mystic midwife" for the birthing of new consciousness and New Earth, as well as a healer, code-breaker and encoder working with sound as a principle tool. Since Lis Ana's walk-in experience during the 2012 solstice, she has done grid and energy work in many places around the world, including the US, Bolivia, and Peru. Using crystal bowls and tuning forks, she has performed her non-traditional ceremonies in many temples, portals, and vortices, and uses the same tools in her healing and realignment work.

JayPee is best known to the GC audience as the host of Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes. The Simon Parkes interviews are broadcast at his EverBeyond Radio in collaboration with WolfSpiritRadio. Other regular guests include Alex Collier and Jessica Marrocco with the Andronicus Transmissions. Most shows are archived on JayPee's Youtube channel, Studio9Jam.

Mike Harris is Financial Editor at Veteran's Today, and host of "Short End of the Stick" on Revolution Radio. In this interview with Alexandra, Mike Harris gives us his perceptions of President Trump's first days in office, the make-up of his administration, and the prospects for real change in the US and its international relations.

Shane Fairweather returns with important updates on what may well prove to be the final push of the light forces against the cabal and their ET handlers. In his second interview with Alexandra, Shane calls Trump's election "the final nail in their coffin," and places the President at two recent meetings with the galactic councils. However, Shane also comments on the tricky matter of cleaning up archonic interference, which has delayed the 'last act' already several times.

Magenta Pixie is Alexandra's guest for this lively, insightful, and very timely interview. Magenta Pixie, told by her guides she would be a "medium for other mediums", produces beautiful and inspiring videos reciting her channelings from nine White Winged Beings that she calls 'The Nine’. These channelings, and her commentaries on them, can be found on her website and at her Youtube channel (see below for links).

Hold on to your hats. In this fast-paced presentation, Santos Bonacci treats us to a mind-blowing cosmology and spiritual landscape. Santos Bonacci, renowned for his activism in several areas of political and economic sovereignty, and for his wide-ranging esoteric scholarship, connects the dots between astrology, etymology, theology, anatomy, cosmology, and physics to outline a vision of a transcendent world beyond matter and energy, beyond wave-particle duality, beyond 'quanta'.