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David Gallup, a human rights lawyer, President of World Services Authority, gives us a riveting, whirlwind tour of the principles of world citizenship, world government, and human rights, and explains the WSA's own issuance of the World Passport on behalf of the World Government for World Citizens. This passport is not intended immediately to replace national citizenship, but to further global political consciousness and to serve those who have had their national citizenship and human rights stripped away from them.

Alexandra hosts renowned ET researcher and star-children specialist, Mary Rodwell. Her newest book, The New Human: Awakening to Our Common Heritage, is due out in 2 or 3 weeks.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Det David and Dr Lana Love speak with Alexandra Meadors.  Alexandra hosts Galactic Connection on the BBS Radio Network.  She is also a celebrity blogger for the popular alternative news website

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra Conveys a Timely Message from Prime Creator :

 (Note: Please see both the video interview, which includes the message from Prime Creator and Alexandra's introductory comments, and also the accompanying text of the message alone.)

The most abhorrent conspiracy is that against children. No one has done more than Kevin Annett to shine uncompromising light on this uncomfortable subject.

Kevin, a former United Church minister, and the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) have demonstrated that the Vatican embodies and protects not just a few bad-apple pedophiles, but has institutionalized ritual child abuse and, in Canada, the US, and around the world, has overseen the mass murder of indigenous tribal children, mainly through Church-run orphanages.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

interview segment

Like many starseeds Mark Jones had a rough childhood including a family that was broken for almost 40 years. Acquiring a telescope changed his life. His interest in the skies, and his sense of belonging more 'out there' than on Earth, led him to pursue sky-watching with increasing expertise, wider and wider lenses, and a keen sense of the spiritual worlds that also lay beyond our normal 3d realms.

Helen Leatham is an Australian Registered Nurse who dedicated years to help improve conditions in some of the most devastated regions of the globe. After serving in an Australian aboriginal setting, Helen moved quickly to the 'front lines' with Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Afghanistan, Sudan and Nepal.

Jennifer Martin is the author of "Psoriasis - A Love Story: An amazing journey of Self-Discovery and Healing". She is a documentary filmmaker and former Sacramento TV host. She is the producer and director of the award-winning "Breaking Ground For Peace."

Alexandra Meadors engages in a very enlightening conversation with the multi-dimensional and dynamic Michael Ellegion, as he reflects on his conscious memories of being a child Contactee in 1959 and the synchronicities that unfolded with those that he would later meet in Ufology. He explores how that the early trailblazers in Ufology actually confirmed his conscious recall of being on the ships at a young age and his memories of being present at the Councils.