BBS Conscious Wellness Show, October 28, 2019
BBS Conscious Wellness Show with Raymond Morris and guests Dr David Low and then Johnny Blue Star
YouTube Video Link Part 1:
YouTube Video Link Part 2:
Headlined Show, BBS Conscious Wellness Show October 28, 2019

5PM PT Guest: David Low, MS PhD
David Low, MS PhD is an author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor, and entertainer (juggler) who today maintains a counseling practice in which he does dreamwork, teaches meditation, and speaks on topics in popular spirituality and religion. After some powerful meditation experiences, Dr. Low travelled extensively to visit various Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim locales. Soon after getting initiation from his major teacher, he began have dreams involving spiritual guides which directed major decisions in his life. An epiphany in 2014 led him to write his first book, Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: in Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers. His greatest passions are dreamwork, and otherwise getting people to tune into more profound dimensions of spirituality, at both the personal and political levels. His website is
The Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Importance of Your Dreams.
From 35 years of dreamwork, David will discuss his experiences of being guided by dreams and ways that listeners can better understand them. He will also touch upon the science behind dreamwork (oneirology), the spiritual significance of lucid dreaming and its therapeutic applications. His website is, and email is
Equipped with decades of dreamwork, advanced degrees in Counseling, Religion, and extensive spiritual seeking and contact with various spiritual masters, Dr. Low does online, telephone or written dreamwork sessions, especially for those who dream actively and are experiencing life transitions. He says, “only the dreamer knows the meaning of a dream—I just help you discover it!”
Purchase his book Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice on Amazon, or at his website,

Guest, David Low MS PhD

David Low, MS PhD is an author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor, and entertainer (juggler) who today maintains a counseling practice in which he does dreamwork, teaches meditation, and speaks on topics in popular spirituality and religion. After some powerful meditation experiences, Dr. Low travelled extensively to visit various Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim locales. Soon after getting initiation from his major teacher, he began have dreams involving spiritual guides which directed major decisions in his life. An epiphany in 2014 led him to write his first book, Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: in Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers. His greatest passions are dreamwork, and otherwise getting people to tune into more profound dimensions of spirituality, at both the personal and political levels. His website is
The Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Importance of Your Dreams.
From 35 years of dreamwork, David will discuss his experiences of being guided by dreams and ways that listeners can better understand them. He will also touch upon the science behind dreamwork (oneirology), the spiritual significance of lucid dreaming and its therapeutic applications. His website is, and email is
Equipped with decades of dreamwork, advanced degrees in Counseling, Religion, and extensive spiritual seeking and contact with various spiritual masters, Dr. Low does online, telephone or written dreamwork sessions, especially for those who dream actively and are experiencing life transitions. He says, “only the dreamer knows the meaning of a dream—I just help you discover it!”
Purchase his book Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice on Amazon, or at his website,
Guest, Johnny Blue Star

Johnny Blue Star is the CEO of New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc., a company he calls a “paracorporation”- that is a corporation that embraces the idea that a business should serve humanity and not just monetary goals- and that there should be no confliect between the two. There are three main objectives of NGE: 1) to create proprietary, collaborative and client-based media products 2) to produce and broadcast shows serving the same objective 3) to create a social network infrastructure for an organization called the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment, which will serve so that citizens of the United States and other countries can lobby government, corporations and media with positive initiatives and, in the case of government, can promote candidates for both the primary and general elections.
Prior to creating this business, Johnny was primarily involved in various types of sales activities, including acting as a representative of art galleries in New York, New Orleans and Palm Desert; as an account executive for AM and FM radio stations (including producing and directing commercials for his clients); as an account executive for magazines and news papers (often serving as a reporter and feature as well); selling and creating commercials for two radio series as well as multiple talk radio shows. He currently has three podcasts archived in BBS Radio: Threshold Radio, Inalienable and Free: Voice of the Coalition and the Integrative Hermetic Health Show with Hugo Rodier; was Trade Director for BXI Developing Areas, managing sales for products and services for members.
Throughout his entire career, Johnny has worked on many media projects, including screenplays, books and musical properties. He has two books available in Amazon- The Thrice Born, which he co-authored with Carlos Lopez Avery- and Boots on Manhattan, which he co-authored with Ray Boylan.
His company creates a wide variety of proprietary and collaborative media products - from full-length books and screenplays to web content, advertising and promotional projects, commercials, articles, press releases and resumes, etc.
Key Projects in NGE: Co-author of the Thrice Born, Part I, in screen and book form, of Pray for the Angels, a Film and Book Trilogy; Co-author of Boots in Manhattan, Part I, in screen and book form, of The Foot Soldier, a Film and Book Trilogy;Helped edit, write and adapt to screen many books, screenplays and non-fiction properties through New Galaxy Enterprises; currently developing two musicals: one for stage and/or film, Hadleigh’s Castle based on songs written with Edgar Arens and sung by Patricia Welch and a Netflix-like dramatic TV series called The Couturier with Cathy Scarms, founder of Sat Purush, an East Indian clothing design company.
2016-Present New Galaxy Broadcasting (Division of NGE) Now Producer and Co-Host of Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio and Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D., an Integrative Physician
2016-Present Bridge of Light Productions (Division of NGE) featured songs on various full length Threshold Radio interviews with singer/songwriter, Stephanie Slevin; singer/songwriters, Zave Nathan and his wife, Bonnie Blazak; musician/songwriter and crop circle expert, Patty Greer; songs composed by Edgar Arens and myself and sung by Patricia Welch; featured special broadcasts with singer, Patricia Welch, promoting our songs and her musical CD featuring decades of hit songs;
2017-Present Coalition for Planetary Empowerment (Division of NGE): An organization is designed to empower people spiritually and practically to improve the quality of life on Planet Earth. Empowerment Protocols in CPE operate on four levels: personal, relationships, business and political. An adjunctive social network, La Planète, is under development, beginning with the United States, to give citizens an enhanced and direct voice in addressing government and corporate governance concerns.
New Galaxy Broadcasting proudly presents Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D. In this program, we explore a powerful new paradigm for heath from the standpoint of Integrative Medicine. In his practice, Doctor Rodier integrates ancient hermetic art and the enduring role of food as medicine with modern nutrition but also allowing for the wide range of important health practices including truly valuable medical discoveries, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathic and herbal medicine. In this program, Hugo Rodier, an expert in intestinal health and nutrition, will help the audience discover an approach that focuses on actual cures, not the masking of the elegant, simplicity of many health solutions for the sake of profit. Profit too long has been an overriding motive of the pharmaceutical companies and sometimes sadly by many in the medical establishment today.
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Welcome to the show dr. David Lowe hey thank you so
much Raymond for being here it's wonderful to be on there
show with you my honor so we have a couple questions for you here is there
anything else you wanted to add to your your history or bio before we get going
not just this is the email David at worlds spirituality calm easy to
remember and so what why are dreams so important in so many
ways well biologically it's amazing but you know they are integral to the sleep process so if you Wix if you trying to prevent someone from dreaming you also prevent them from sleeping effectively
so people basically collapse if they're not allowed to dream they are important
for brain maintenance and neuro physiological nighttime maintenance in
ways that we that that that we don't completely understand there's also
evidence that they are important for cognitive processing you know stuff
going from short-term to long-term memory or sensory materially going from
it going from the sense organs to the brain to be to be represented in
consciousness all that the byproducts of that are thought to involve dream
imagery but the but their most important function for us at least in terms of our
interests is of course the spiritual level so those they're they're they're
really important in many ways they're integral to who we are and they're
really almost as important as food and water I like to say everyone dreams
every night that's been known for decades yeah and I overall how do dreams
work for us on the spiritual level well I think that they're they're sort of
like in an advanced radar and we all have inherent psychic gifts some people
those gifts are pretty obvious like clairvoyance and so forth but we all
have what I call a dream sight the basic psychic gifts that make us human so our
thoughts and feelings exist on the fifth sixth seventh dimensions and higher they
cross time and space or deeper dimensions of those thoughts and
feelings across time and space so unawares at night way beneath the
radar we pick up on interference patterns you might say out in the future
and in the past and we all have our Karma's difficult things we have to go
through and lengthen we can't avoid the difficult things and the surprising some
very negative things but we have choices about a lot of things that we do go
through and we make those choices unconsciously but the most part dreams
offer us alternatives basically they basically present information to a
switch which we can utilize if we want to to go through life in a better and
more effective way so we can make better choices and and have an easier path
through life if we choose to pay attention to our dreams which takes time
and discipline but it's well worth it I do have a practice to help you remember
your dreams is there something you recommend people to do if they don't
tend to remember their dreams i with the major thing is to take a greater
conscious conscious interest in them get a notebook stick it next to your bed
stand you know get a pen put it there get a book on dreams Riya bout do things
with your whole body you can't just think about one to be more interested
you have to go out and do things so do those things and make a whole ritual not
every night but maybe once who make a whole ritual out of relaxing spirits for
reading the TV off at least two hours before going to bed you know so there's
no electronic interference you're ahead and so forth and may firm to yourself I
will remember my dreams out loud and having done all that the likelihood
that you will remember them is is much greater since you will you will have put
God on notice hey I'm interested God self here's your interest and will will
respond but you need to do things you can't just offhand wish that you'll
remember more off you have to express real interest with your whole being and
they will they will follow through over the years what dream experiences have
been the most important to you I would say the ones which have offered really
concrete guidance but once for example I was confused about where to go to grad
school Temple University Court George
Washington State University okay one night I had a dream very simple
dream just a just a scene from Temple University campus and the timing of that
dream helped me realize that that was an answer to my question I should go to
Temple and not George another time they had a dream I was
meditating sore dropped off asleep and a 10-8 dream of getting into a very
serious car accident I had an appointment to go to later that
afternoon so the dream was really vivid to the point where I need to go check
this right now so I went out looked at my car and found some that one of my
tires was seriously defective visually it definitely would have blown up had I
gone out in the highway so again the timing of that dream the fact that it
was vivid enough to make me go out look to get and I looked and saw that oh my
goodness so there been I mean again again and again guidance like that has
come to me through dreams the people we can get that guidance we just have to be
interested enough to strike up a dialogue with with our unconscious which
we can do are there any guidelines as to when you should especially pay attention
to your dreams well it's most of us think in the field that a dream is
unpleasant this this comes from explicitly for I think Jeremy Taylor for
the great dream theorist of our century dreams are unpleasant only only to get
our attention okay not for any other reason so nightmares or unpleasant repetitive tree and recurring dreams are the ones
you really need to pay attention to those are the ones who are trying to get
a message across and the ones the messages that you've been doing your
best to ignore without realizing those are the those are the important ones I
mean sometimes nightmares can be simulating Ince and they're a good sign
because you are you were wrestling with something difficult and problematic in
your life you really taking the bull by the horns and doing do what you need to
do but a really bad nightmare or like a recurring unpleasant theme you need to
address that
of course the interpretation of the dreams can be vastly different from one
source to another that's sometimes what confuses people how do I interpret this
dream some are easier to interpret than others of course
but some of them are pretty difficult yeah oh well you know one amazing thing
which again most of us in the field believe it and there there are there
different kinds of dream workers there are those who are sort of limit
themselves to like cognitive science I don't think that dreams really have a
transpersonal dimension most of us do think that they have a transpersonal
dimension and do have supernatural dimension to to to what they can tell us
so those of us who think that the great majority of us think the symbolic
language is universal is universal and that is the same because we all have the
same basic perceptions of the world before our brains do anything with it by
way of language and cultural conditioning and so forth which which
makes us individuals our brains all perceive the same basic data from the
world so we all on one super basic level even an eight-year-old illiterate from
the Amazon jungle an 80 year old brilliant professor from Iceland or an
Eskimo housewife from northern Alaska illiterate they all know what clouds are
they all know what a parent is they all know what sex is the only water is you
know they all know what the basic world is and that's the material that dreams
work with basically in formulating their imagery so in that sense you can
appreciate how dreams do it do indeed have a universal language do you have
any recommended source for interpreting dreams a good simple dictionary a really
thick one with lots of scholarly references is okay but that's only a
starting point the symbols vary so much from person to person the most important
thing to realize is that only only the dreamer can really fathom the meaning of
the dream often people engage in what Jeremy Taylor called mistaken literalism
they think the dream literally it literally means what it shows you that's
hardly ever the case they're almost always symbolic
so the most important thing to realize is it
only that only you can know what it means ultimately people can offer
crucial life-saving assistance only you can know precisely what it means and to
is that the amount of effort that you put into it is going to determine how
close you are to the real meaning of it just talking to an individual that's
that that that's what I would tell him or her and to find a dream circle find a
group of people interested in in dream interpretation and dream feeling because
vans have a emotional deep felt message as well as an intellectual message yes
it's interesting that I'm just as you have been listening to you I'm thinking
the dream world is giving you the information and metaphors or analogies
and many of the mystery schools of the past have taught in that same method so
it's I'm not sure what the correlation is but I just just came to mind that
there was there was a similar delivery method of wisdom correlation basically
is it there is a deep underlying universality to human experience and
knowledge and that universality is beneath literacy beneath language
beneath culture those same profound images that mean the same thing across
the board are going to be utilized in the great mythical stories and the great
quasi historical accounts of the great religions and so forth and the mystery
schools it's all the same thing across the board and tuning into that is the
difficult thing to do but beautiful and easy if you really get into it and
people who don't dream at all what can they do to start remembering their
dreams take a greater in conscious interest in them I mean aside from what
I said before taking an interest getting a book notebook and so on and so forth
look at look at your beliefs look at your assumption a lot of people many of
us believe that some people don't remember their days because their own
assumptions and and ideas about them screw them effectively from memory so
yeah a person might give lip service to the notion that dreams are meaningful
but he or she deep down because of their strictly empirical scientific
auditioning or whatever may not really think so
it may not be as open to deeper spiritual things as as they say they are
so that's part of it sometimes but I think it's just realizing that yeah
there is a deeper dimension to life am i interested in it dreams are the most
common venue for a higher spiritual value which which which we all have and
which is almost universally ignored that's that's that's the paradox of
dreams they're there for everybody but most people ignore them even though and
most people think that they that they really aren't eligible to have a great
dream directing them to do this or that but they are they're already getting
that potential direction all they just need to pay attention to it you know
that information is on offer all the time we just need to be interested and
you set out any intentions before you go to sleep at night or or can that be done
with some useful welcome you are dreaming already if you're already
remembering your dreams and you know I mean the main thing is if you keep a
journal a diary you're basically into deeper spirituality you have a
meditation practice you do yoga or whatever and you're constantly
journaling trying to find out who you are in a deeper sense the word working
through here just we're working through your issues and problems dealing with
them internally then the questions will always be arising what do I do next what
do I want to know what is my next initiative what do I need to understand
better next week about something in your dreams will be informing you begin
because you had that dialogue going if this is a new thing for you hey wow it
dreams there are things that can really help me out with then think about the
most important questions in your life and you know make them into a short
pause to the worded phrase and by all means before you go to bed at night in
conjunction with everything else I mentioned make that affirmation out loud
into yourself that you want that you would really appreciate knowing the
answer to that question you know that you would appreciate help from your own
inner self to get more insight about something and you will it's very likely
if you put that kind of effort into it that that that's something will come up
for you is there anything you can do for
instance to go and heal some particular physical condition when you go off to
the dream world there are definitely cases of people
Lucina proficient lucid dreamers have done feelings on themselves in with
other people in small anecdotal situations which I've been privy to it's
happening more and more often it is something which will it's sort of on the
cutting edge of New Age therapy if you will therapeutic techniques but it's a
capability that we all have to utilize our own energy to heal our own issues
and this is something with some lucid dreamers do very well both for
themselves and for other people yeah do you teach lucid dreaming i certain I can
certainly help somebody get further with lucid dreaming than they're at right now
like I can certainly do that effectively the thing to remember about lucid
dreaming is that everybody can learn it at least to an extent okay sometimes to
a significant extent some people just seem to have a knack for bio spiritually
in some way so it's more than okay if you can never lucid dream that well no
matter how hard you try you may not have the spiritual just position for it so
yes by all means I can certainly teach you basic lucid dreaming and you can
have greater experiences with it than you have right now I cannot guarantee
you that you will be one of those people who has who has an inherent neck to do
it a lot what does it mean when you dream of falling or flunking a test or
course or being undressed in public those are pretty common dreams right
those who want call common psychology dreams you know
as we grow up and adapt to life and go through things that we all go through it
to work have our first date and so forth go to college or whatnot
have our first interview and so forth we had nervous we get anxious we get
defensive we get embarrassed and so we have common psychological tensions that
we all experience growing up those kinds of streams just reflect those tensions
if all you have is a simple dream with just something like falling or taking a
test or you know being pregnant or you're losing your teeth or something
like that go to a simple dictionary look it up online it's probably something
that you'll that you'll recognize that the general meaning of that kind of
dream you'll immediately see how it applies to yourself but anything more
complex than that you need to call somebody like me if you're really
interested in understanding it more effectively or working with it yourself
or orth another group of people but common psychology dreams like that are
pretty much no brainers but I mean their messages are important they're important
but they're not difficult to understand if you look them up and everything and
they're not always the same for everybody else oh no certainly not absol
absolutely not but I mean things like falling flying dying flunking a test
being pregnant you know what'd I just say
being undressed in public there you know do you like the 15 20 most common dream
thieves the first nine or ten most common dream themes are pretty much
universal across the board all over the world if it's just a simple dream
featuring one of those things then you can pretty much look at the common
meaning for it and figure it out yourself you'll see how it applies to
you and often that sensation of falling when you're falling asleep is pretty
common although it may be a dream but I think often that's it's just the process
of falling asleep in the visual you're getting inside your your mind but how
would you describe that well the interesting thing about yeah there's a
question amongst dream work as exactly how you do
what a dream is and how beneficial they they may may or may not be dreams
occurring during rapid eye movement sleep REM sleep that that that we've all
heard of those are unconvinced all of them 100% come for the sake of health
and wholeness of the individual as Jeremy Taylor said other kinds of Dreams
appear in the hypnagogic State or in the hypnopompic state half which is half
awake and half asleep going in sleep and coming out of sleep some dreamlike
phenomena occurred during episodes of sleep paralysis which can be frightening
where you do have sensations of lifting following physical kinds of sensations
of being crushed and so forth during the hypnagogic half awake half asleep state
a number of interesting things can happen and that's when some people
there's a gray area between astral projection and dreaming they're not two
separate things all that they're they are usually two completely different
things but they can blend into each other in some dreamers experience and of
course that involves sensations of separating from the body and so forth
but ordinary dreaming like rapid eye movement sleep dreaming which is the
most common 80% of our dreams now are in that state those dreams are always
beneficial like most of us think and they then they take place while the body
is completely paralyzed that's the REM State yeah the REM sleep
well that's deep disorder and those can be interesting too and that does astral
traveling happen in the REM state or some other state well it's I I'm gonna
say never during REM but they're probably dream workers who would take
exception to that certainly in the in in the hypnagogic state which is when
asshole projection happens there are cases where really proficient dream
dreamers or a but when I say proficient I mean people again not more spiritually
advanced they but people who have a psycho spiritual knack for these kinds
of experiences more so than most people do so there are cases
people during hypnagogic plead you separate from your body you haven't
asked for possession experience it can turn into a dream experience in which
you fall completely asleep that doesn't normally happen but it can in some cases
okay yeah that would be an area would be curious to explore but that's probably a
whole other subject as to all these different dimensions and brain wave
rates and what were they represent in terms of where the soul or the mind is
yeah anyhow moving along are there some general guidelines for
interpretation which most dream specialists would agree on sure I mean
again only only the dreamer knows what the dream means he or she may be totally
off in the beginning but once they get a sense of the of the deeper symbolic
nature of the message of the dream only they can really understand what it means
for them and that needs to be protected on most all dreams come to help us out
most of us think some probably don't but it depends what kind of dream it is when
it occurs you're entering the sleep cycle most dreams are definitely there
to be beneficial for us most of them have many possible meanings many
possible meanings because one depends within the realm of the individual how
much effort does a dreamer want to put into fatha me the message I really count
a dream you might just answer it's about something at work or they can take that
count k dream to a dream group to a therapist to a dictionary and so forth
work within himself talk to people and come up with a much more profound
meaning after four or five hours of doing all that stuff so the effort that
you put into it the attitude and effort that you're willing to devote to it we
will determine we'll go and we'll play a large part in determining what what the
dream means first yeah and what is it that you offer in terms of
workshops or personal sessions in respect to all of this online sessions
for dreamwork and i basically the person tells me the dream or better yet writes
it to me ahead of time so i can see it all I will get to know the individual I
asked them for basic demographic information and personal information to
the extent that they're willing to share it if they don't that's fine but there
are even basic categories of information name date birth occupation the rough
sorts of things which are on their minds by we have personal issues and hang-ups
what's your mind dwelling on that's the thing that most dreams are going to
concern results with helping you with most of the time so but yeah personal
information what they're going through personal hang-ups immediate practical
issues just a car need to be fixed or my children's grades okay am i smouldering
over my relationship with with a tantrum I through with the co-worker two weeks
ago all that sort of thing can't figure into why treants happening had to - what
is trying to say so those kinds of things are important to learn about the
dreamer relationship issues family configuration who is alive who's dead
who's talking who's not in the family that sort of thing and all be
represented symbolically and I can't tell the person what the
dream means the most important thing to understand about the way I work with
trans and most of us I think work this way is that my job is to help the
dreamer understand for him or herself what his understanding of the dream is
the last thing I want to do is tell them what I think it means that would be
criminal so it's very important that that they be given you that the dreamer
have the opportunity to discover it for themselves and my job is to help them do
that but not to really suggest anything - with with too much authority that's
appropriate I think for my kind of dream work now other kinds are more
authoritative but the type that I think most of us do in though those of us who
do dream work we we give ultimate authority to the
dreamer so the dreamer is the one who decides everything in the end
you have any workshops do you do I do local I do two different dream
circles here in Philadelphia once called lucid dreaming seeker the
other is a it is a dream group in a in in a local church I've done basic
workshops about regarding dream work and working through personal issues I offer
a day-long workshop which I do want to start offering again soon but yeah just
dream work remote dream work counseling dream the
dream consultation I do offer the day-long workshop which I'm interested
in getting going online yeah so but locally counseling around dream work and
come other related issues in that workshop and that and that that day-long
workshop yeah you've written have you written any books
yeah the ad the first one I wrote is that that first tile at Universal
spiritual philosophy in practice I've been teaching adjunct professor for some
time it was getting more and more boring basically more and more you know
something else was in the wings I don't know what but at one point just sitting
in a library between classes I had a kind of Epiphany and it just came to me
in one sweep the title what the cover would look like and within six months
I'd written it so I like to tell people it took me sixty three years to write as
if the book had been cooking the whole time in my head since birth I like to
think it finally was ready to emerge and I had that epiphany around writing it
yeah so I mean any other projects coming up I'm working on a second book and I'm
working on a dream research project around for a convention that I'll be
going to in about six months I dream a major dream convention and yeah I'm just
doing as much dream work as I can andwell just to close off this interview
what coordinates would you like to share with people just that website David Lowe
MSS and Masters of Science MS not NS MS only one in the name David Lowe LW MS
PhD calm and that email David world spirituality dot-com is relatively easy
to remember Facebook page yes I do so you have to if you go to my huh Wow I
sent that to you didn't know me the seller yeah it might be on your profile
page I don't remember off the top of my head but is it on your website to your
link okay so people can go there and any any last words of wisdom you would like
to share with the audience yes very please be motivated to to pay more
attention to your dreams to get a book about them get a diary make do your
rituals take more interest in in your general spirituality because if you
really can develop dialog with those dreams choices and options will open up
for you to make things easier than they would otherwise be throughout the rest
of your life you'll be happier sooner if you follow your dreams then you will be
if you don't that's certain so go for it and you know beam the dreams that you
need your even follow them with all your heart and call me if you need to okay
thank you very much for all that great advice I much appreciate your wisdom
David thanks for coming on the show and hopefully we got a chance to interview
sometime in the future Raymond thanks very much it's been great
being here my pleasure thanks all the best.