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Guest Name
David Low MS PhD
David Low, MS PhD
Guest Occupation
author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor
Guest Biography

David Low, MS PhD is an author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor, and entertainer (juggler) who today maintains a counseling practice in which he does dreamwork, teaches meditation, and speaks on topics in popular spirituality and religion. After some powerful meditation experiences, Dr. Low travelled extensively to visit various Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim locales. Soon after getting initiation from his major teacher, he began have dreams involving spiritual guides which directed major decisions in his life. An epiphany in 2014 led him to write his first book, Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: in Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers. His greatest passions are dreamwork, and otherwise getting people to tune into more profound dimensions of spirituality, at both the personal and political levels. His website is



The Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Importance of Your Dreams.

From 35 years of dreamwork, David will discuss his experiences of being guided by dreams and ways that listeners can better understand them. He will also touch upon the science behind dreamwork (oneirology), the spiritual significance of lucid dreaming and its therapeutic applications. His website is, and email is



Equipped with decades of dreamwork, advanced degrees in Counseling, Religion, and extensive spiritual seeking and contact with various spiritual masters, Dr. Low does online, telephone or written dreamwork sessions, especially for those who dream actively and are experiencing life transitions. He says, “only the dreamer knows the meaning of a dream—I just help you discover it!”



Purchase his book Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice on Amazon, or at his website,