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Jester Society

Jester Society was born by an Alessandro's (Voice and Guitar) , Marco' s (Voice/Bass/Synth) and Davide' s (Drums) Idea in Brescia, Italy . They recorded first single "Josh Was Alive" in August 2015. After the video they played gigs in northern Italy in little pubs and parties. During Summer of 2016, with another member at lead guitar, Roberto, they recorded at IndieBox Music Hall the minialbum "Kingsmen" , Out in January 2017 anticipated by three singles:  "Bitter", "White Fragility" and "Kingsmen", out in December 2016.
Ben Osborn

Ben Osborn is a British singer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist based between Berlin, Germany and Bristol, UK. Fast Awake is Ben’s debut single and it is due for release on 23rd November 2018 via Nonostar Records, the label founded by German experimental violinist and producer Alex Stolze. Fast Awake is a taster for Ben’s debut album, Letters From The Border, due for release via Nonostar in Spring 2019. Letters From The Border was produced and composed by Ben and Alex during a residency at Alex’s studio complex on the German/Polish border in Summer 2018.