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Don C Donderi PhD

The evidence that extraterrestrials (ETs) are in our neighborhood, and that they interact with us regularly, is overwhelming. It overwhelms our capacity to manage our own world, because we do not have the technical capacity to prevent their routine interference with our lives, and it overwhelms our capacity to confront the reality of the ET presence because our emotional defense mechanisms resist accepting dangerous realities that we cannot control. Don Donderi, a retired psychology professor from McGill University, understands both the ET evidence and our individual and collective reactions to it. He wrote UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence to discuss both the ET evidence and our individual and social response to the evidence. He lectures frequently on the topic, both to explain the evidence and to encouraging his fellow humans to take it seriously. He thinks that we need to develop a social consensus and a collective political response to the ET evidence


Don C. Donderi, PhD Background Don Donderi is a co-founder (1982) and principal consultant of a human factors and ergonomics consulting company based in Toronto, Ontario. He spent 47 years at the department of psychology of McGill University, Montreal, retiring in 2009 as an associate professor after also serving a term as associate dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, as well as a term as an elected member of the university Senate. While a graduate student in the United States he worked summers and part-time at IBM from 1958 to 1962, with secret clearance, on perception problems related to the design of navigation displays for high-altitude aerial reconnaissance. He earned a doctorate in experimental psychology from Cornell University in 1962, after which he joined the Psychology Department at McGill. He has written, co-authored or edited three books, contributed chapters to two other books, registered a patent and a design copyright, and has written over fifty peer-reviewed scientific articles. Since co-founding the consulting company, he has worked with private companies and civil and military agencies involved with flight simulation, marine navigation, rail transport, road transport, air traffic control, nuclear power, and marine search and rescue. He has carried out field research on marine navigation and on search and rescue in the Canadian Arctic and in the Atlantic Ocean in cooperation with the Canadian and US Coast Guards and the Canadian Department of Transport. He has designed wheelhouses for Canadian Coast Guard cutters. He has designed avionics displays and has carried out research and literature reviews on marine navigation displays for the Canadian Department of National Defence. This research and development work has been presented in over fifty technical reports. He has also provided expert advice to law firms on civil and criminal cases involving aspects of human perception, memory and judgment. This advice has been presented in more than 80 legal reports, and has been supplemented, in seven cases, by courtroom testimony. Interest in Extraterrestrials Since 1965, Donderi has been using his specialized knowledge and research skills in the areas of human visual perception, memory, and thinking to study the evidence about and the behavior of the extraterrestrials who have been present, on or near our planet, for over half a century. He has published several peer-reviewed scientific studies on this topic, and in 2013 he wrote UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence (Hampton Roads Press), which is a comprehensive historical and theoretical review of the UFO evidence and its reception by both the general public and the scientific and academic communities. He lectures regularly on the topic of extraterrestrials to university audiences and the general public.

UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence
Dr Lynne D Kitei MD
I am contacting you concerning a special visit back to my home town of Philly from Arizona July 26-28 to Present as a featured Speaker on Friday and Saturday mornings, plus Host a Screening and Q & A of my internationally award winning "Phoenix Lights Documentary" at noon on Saturday for the 2018 Mutual UFO Network International Symposium at the Phila./Cherry Hill Crown Plaza More info, commendations and links below. 
Since I am a native Philadelphian, singer/dancer on WCAU's "Horn & Hardart's Children's Hour" in the '50s & 60's, as well as a pioneer Health Reporter for NBC (KYW) in 1976 with the Premier News Team of Jessica Savage, Mort Crim & Vince Leonard, leaving my accomplished 30 yr. medical career after becoming a Key Witness and Spokesperson for the historic and still unexplained 1997 AZ Mass UFO Event, thought you might be interested in a fascinating human interest story for your Show. 
To that end, please feel free to contact me directly to set up a time for our visit.
Look forward to hearing from you!
And thank you for your kind interest,

Dr. Lynne

Lynne D. Kitei, M.D.
Exec. Producer, Phoenix Lights Network…
CEO, Health Education Learning Programs
(602) 943-HELP (4357)


The Phoenix Lights is an exhaustively researched look at these mysterious and still unexplained phenomena, including the history, similar worldwide events, quotes by military, pilots, astronauts, scientists and even presidents confirming these anomalous visitations, the stunning connection between all Unexplained Phenomena [UPs], as well as Dr. Kitei's own fascinating story and take on the wider implications of these remarkable events.


The groundbreaking 150 page Black & White and 160 page Full Color GRAPHIC NOVEL, ACTIVITIES and COLORING BOOKS - for ALL AGES - begins with the historic and still unexplained March 13, 1997 Arizona mass UFO sightings and then delves into UFO History, as well as the mysterious Crop Circle phenomenon.

Based on the bestselling Book, "The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone" and internationally award winning "Phoenix Lights Documentary" by author, producer and key witness Lynne D. Kitei, M.D., this unique educational endeavor reveals intriguing and important data in an entertaining way. Through a fun filled Novella, featuring Sue F.O. (Field Observer) and her new friend, Hugh F.O., their journey of discovery reveals authentic Phoenix Lights photographs, detailed illustrations of the 10 different silent, mile wide Phoenix Lights craft witnessed by thousands, in addition to historical depictions, 80 Crop Circle designs and creative games that will thrill and challenge both children and adults alike.



o "Dr. Lynne Kitei has done more than anyone to research the Phoenix Lights sightings and to keep them where they belong--under the media spotlight and in the public eye." -Nick Pope, former Director of the UFO Project, Ministry of Defense, UK

o "The Phoenix Lights event was one of the most important mass-witnessed UFO events in U.S. history. Thanks to the dedicated work of Dr. Lynne Kitei, this remarkable occurrence has been brought to the world's attention, moving disclosure forward." -Steven M. Greer M.D., International Director, CSETI and founder, The Disclosure Project,

o "Let the data speak. Dr. Kitei is giving voice to the data-hopefully many of us will listen and ponder." -Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., professor of psychology, surgery, medicine, neurology, and psychiatry and director, Advances in Consciousness and Health, University of AZ.

o "The Phoenix Lights book is a milestone in international UFOlogy. Special thanks to Dr. Lynne for being a pioneer in this field." -Farah Yurdozu, UFO investigator and author, Turkey

o "Dr. Lynne's work is unparalleled in its accuracy and message. As a journalist and educator, I recommend that all read her book and understand that truly ‘we are not Alone.’" -Paola Harris, journalist and author, Italy

o "Perhaps the most important result of the Phoenix sightings is that they turned Dr. Kitei on to do the things (book, documentary, public appearances, etc.) that she never would have done had they not happened. Her efforts have been very important in bringing this "message" to the public." -Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., Navy Optical Physicist and leading Ufologist







Lynne D. Kitei, M.D., is an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator for over 40 years, who pushed aside her accomplished medical career to pursue answers for the silent, mile wide V, Delta and Boomerang shaped “objects” that were witnessed by over 10,000 people on March 13, 1997 and that she photographed up close and personal prior to, during and after what is now hailed as the most witnessed, most documented and most important mass anomalous sightings in Modern History. Dr. Lynne was leading the cutting edge era of early disease detection and prevention as Chief Clinical Consultant of the Imaging-Prevention-Wellness Center at the world renowned Arizona Heart Institute in Phoenix, Arizona until coming forward in 2004, after seven years of anonymity and intense research, as a key witness to the still unexplained mass UFO events throughout Arizona, called the “Phoenix Lights”. Besides appearing on hundreds of national and international TV & Radio Programs, including Coast to Coast AM, the History, Science, Travel, Discovery and National Geographic Channels, Dr. Lynne has recently released the 20th anniversary editions of her bestselling Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic's Discovery That We Are Not Alone Book, the internationally award winning Phoenix Lights: Beyond Top Secret Documentary, and the groundbreaking Phoenix Lights, UFOs & Crop Circle Graphic Novel/Activities Coloring Book, which are available at Lynne Kitei MD,

Latest 20th anniversary edition by Author & Key Witness Lynne D. Kitei, M.D.
Shirley Enebrad

A seasoned talk show guest who has been on Oprah, Rolonda Watts, NW Afternoon KOMO, True Colors KCTS/KOMO, New Day KING, WRAL-TV Morning News, etc. and a host of radion programs such as; Spirit TalkLive with Dr. Wayne Dosick, Spiritman with Joseph Tittel, The Unsinkable Frankie Picasso, Dr. Pat, Where Energy Meets Medicine with Marie Manucheuri, and more. My area of interests are grief, death and dying, out of body experiences, premonitions and reincarnation. I would love to share more of my life stories about these subjects to help people know they are not alone, and that those who have after death experiences are not losing their minds.

United States

Shirley Enebrad became an award-winning television producer/writer and the author of “Over the Rainbow Bridge” and “Six Word Lessons on Coping with Grief” because of her son Cory. Cory was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age three. He died just after his ninth birthday. With the knowledge that she gained from her experience with Cory’s illness and death, Enebrad helped create Seattle area support groups, and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross grief workshops for children and teens who came from all over the US and Canada to participate.

For fifteen years Enebrad conducted weekend workshops for Providence Hospice in Everett, Washington and then, went on to become a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. She continues to conduct grief workshops and also does one-on-one grief work with individuals.  A dedicated and inspiring volunteer Enebrad was honored with an Angel of Hospice Award and the Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service. 

Paul Houdart

I'd like to share my story experience strength and hope to the world of being a recovering drug addict (substance abuse) and having a devastating condition ADD ADHD brain imbalance and how I have overcome the destructive world of addiction and learning to live with ADD ADHD.

United States

Recovering drug addict. Human being with ADD ADHD President of "AHA" Athletes helping addicts. Advocate for the lives and well being of all pets and animals.

Dr Glenville Ashby

This writing is to introduce you to a dynamic Spiritual Teacher, award-winning author, healer, and thought leader who will inspire your audience and help them create pathways to creativity, improved mental and physical health, and peace Glenville Ashby, Ph.D..   An award-winning author, Dr. Ashby would be an excellent guest on talk shows that explore psychology, spirituality, religion, self-help, health and life-styles, and society and culture.

A prolific writer, Dr. Ashby’s latest literary work  “In Search Of Truth: A Course In Spiritual Psychology: Selected Writings 2013-2018” is the recipient of a five-star review from Literary Titan at and a five-star review from Jamie Michele for Readers Favorite (      


GLENVILLE ASHBY, PH.D. is an Emotional  Intelligence Thought Leader, Life Coach, author,  journalist, syndicated newspaper columnist, Author, wellness counselor, and lecturer.  DR. ASHBY is a certified QiGong instructor who studied under Grandmaster Zhou Ting-Je and SifuTina Zhan, a Wellness Consultant at the Harlem Nursing and Rehabilitation Center; Master Reiki practitioner; a certified meditation instructor; and an initiate in the Ifá tradition.  A prolific writer, Dr. Ashby’s literary works include  “In Search of Truth: A Course in Religious Psychology,” released in May 2018  and the recipient of two five-star reviews; The Mystical QiGong Handbook for Good Health; Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity which is the recipient of the Literary Titan Gold Book Awards; The Believers: The Hidden World of West Indian in Spiritualism in New York;  and One Hundred Paths to God is scheduled for release in late 2018.   

Muhammad Emran
I am a board-certified physician working in hospital emergency departments throughout Houston, Texas.
I host a medical podcast called Simple Health Radio. It is a free podcast that answers common medical questions. My most recent episodes have been about strep throat, shingles, and rotator cuff injuries.
I have been a guest on other community radio shows and I would love the opportunity to be a guest on one of your shows in the near future. I am happy to discuss any health topics on the air and I am willing to answer any listener questions live on the air.
My website and contact information is below. Feel free to send me a message if you need more information.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dr. Muhammad Emran
Tel: (281) 917-5774
United States

I am a medical doctor and licensed in 20 states. I have treated thousands of patients in hospital emergency departments across the United States. I am comfortable discussing health topics about children and adults. 

Bala Deva

I am a Neo Shaman alligning with soul purpose to bring healing unification through a fusion of ancient/future artistry, spiritual philosophy and Reconnective Healing energies. As refered to in my booklet, Living Light Language - Creation Speaks.

Just as crop circles are symbolic information packets to be decoded, consciously or subconsciously, they are present to raise frequency vibration of all life on planet Earth.

As visionaries, we, the starseeds of the 'Golden Age' awakening, are being brought together through Love-Light gatherings to share our individual gifts of supernatural magic! 

It is high time that we express ourselves in all of our uniqueness to break free of the binding implications of todays overly controlled and dumbed down societal design.

Through gifts of spirit which are easily accessible, I will share the powerful and universal tools of healing which have brought much joy and peace to my life. 

 Over the last 30 years of surrender and disciplined application of mystic arts, meditation, yoga and revelation, I have been working with various masters in a variety of traditions. I now share my contribution of synthesis with those who feel at least open to the possibilities of vibrational upgrades.


As a visual artist Bala studied art at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in 1988-90. After which he mentored with James Hansen a famous bronze sculptor who also taught at Portland State University.

After a brief artistic career in the early 1990's, Bala then ventured off on a one way ticket, to the Hawaiian island of Kuai to live on a 'secret' beach and find GOD.

After GODS direct revelation, the last 25 years have led to intensive study in the Vedic Arts and meditation practices.

A Doctor of Divinity was aquired through study with Bishop Glenda Green -author and artist of 'Love without End'.

Various energy healing modalities led me to work with Eric Pearl of 'Reconnective Healing', since 2011. as a certified practitioner.

I am happily married with children and make pilgrimage to sacred sites in India yearly.

Michael Stover

My name is Michael Stover, and I'm the President of MTS Management Group.  Here is my current artist roster for interview consideration:

1. Richard Lynch - Independent Country Music Hall of Fame artist with latest album, "Mending Fences." His last 4 singles reached #1 on several am/fm and internet radio charts. He is also the founder of veterans charity, Love Tattoo Foundation. 
2. Madelyn Victoria - Texas based country singer songwriter with a #1 am/fm country chart single.  She is also a beauty pageant winner, and she works with at-risk kids. She also has a new single out. 
3. Ed Roman - Award-winning Canadian singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.  He is the thinking man's musician and a paranormal expert.  His latest album dropped in June and reached #17 on the itunes New Pop Release chart. He does work with childrens' charities in impoverished countries. He's also a recent Radio Music Awards winner.
4. JJ McGuigan - Wichita, KS songwriter/guitarist and finalist for VH1's "Save The Music" Songwriting Contest.  He is also an advocate for mental health awareness.  His lyrical content is a message of hope for those dealing with mental illness.  He is the winner of an LA Music Video Award. 
5. Phillip Broussard - Blues-pop artist and 2-tour Navy veteran from Seattle, WA, with his debut EP dropped on November 18th.  He is an International Music and Entertainment Association Nominee
6. Matt Westin - Pittsburgh native who gave up promising career in engineering to record his debut album, dedicated to the memory of his dad. He is nominated for an International Music and Entertainment Association Award.
7. Rahn Anthoni - Atlanta-based singer-songwriter, who is just releasing his first country-soul single, after receiving international airplay and award recognition in the Contemporary Christian/R&B genre. The song is Top 10 IndieWorld Country and Top 20 Christian Music Weeklky. Rahn's special needs son died at the hand of caregivers, and he started a foundation in his honor.
8. Jeremy Parsons - Nashville-based americana singer-songwriter with a new album and single out. He's currently in the Top 25 on IndieWorld Country chart. He has toured throughout the US and Europe.
9. Across The Board - Canadian alt-rock pop band with a brand new album out, "Sonic Boom"
10. Heather Whitney - Texas-based country singer-songwriter with a new album, "Moving On" and single, "Moving On Song" out.
11. Fitzsimon and Brogan - London-based pop-rock songwriting duo with 2 new albums coming out in 2018.
All of my artists are very active on social media, and we do promote our appearances.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.

MTS Management Group is more than just an artist management/publicity/promotions company…It is where INDIE artists get MAJOR exposure! Specializing in full-service artist management, publicity and promotions, radio and social media campaigns for new and established independent artists and indie labels, MTS Management Group and MTS Records are on the cutting edge of today’s new music business.

Founded in 2010 by Award-winning songwriter, musician and producer, Michael Stover. A music industry veteran of over 30 years, Michael is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, with a degree specializing in the Music and Video business.  Michael has used that education to gain a wealth of experience within the industry: from retail music manager and DJ, to two-time Billboard Magazine Contest winning songwriter, performer and chart-topping producer, and finally, award-winning artist manager, publicist, promoter and label president.  In just 8 years, MTS Records has released 32 Top 40 New Music Weekly country chart singles, including TWELVE #1s and 8 Top 85 Music Row chart singles.  Michael has written columns featured in Hypebot, Music Think Tank,  and Fair Play Country Music, among others.

Christopher Macklin

Christopher Macklin has been a gifted healer since the early age of 4 years old. It was then when he began to see that he was able to see through dimensions that other people were unaware of. Christopher grew up in the UK and was a member of the Knights Templar of Britiana. Christopher has been teaching Divine Healing for over 30 years now, and would love to share his plan to build a 333 foot pyramid for the planet. Christopher has been on a lot of famous podcast including Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy, and he would be honored to add As You Wish Talk Radio to his list of amazing interviews. 

United States