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Leon Bibi

Why did the the "missing link" evade Charles Darwin. This book takes the reader on a journey to evaluate clues given in the Bible, ancient archaeology and Sumerian texts written in code 4,000 years ago. These clues shake the foundations of conventional science, history and religion."Adam Decoded" involves the reader to participate in solving the age-long question of man's origin. Who are we? Where are we from? Who really were Adam and Eve, and where is the Garden of Eden? This book, the long-awaited sequel to "Adam = Alien", helps to decode the past using credible photographic and written texts. This code brings to light many unearthed principles hidden from our common education system, that makes the reader think critically about our accepted theory of evolution, the creation of unexplainable pyramids and monoliths, and our rapid and sudden development in brain capacity. The clues are woven within the framework of the book to unravel this 4,000 year old secret. The answer to the puzzle lies right under our skin - the Adam Code.

I have been a guest speaker on dozens of radio shows including Coast-to-Coast, The Conspiracy Show, Paranormal Radio and many others.  My books have reached #27 on Amazon in History, Evolution and the Occult.  I speak very well, and am engaging with the target audience.


Leon Bibi (1965 - ) was born in Brooklyn, NY. His father was a WWII veteran having fought in D-Day on the beaches of Omaha Beach. Leon attended high school in Riverdale, NY at the prestigious Riverdale Country School, college at Washington University in St. Louis, and law school at the University of Miami. Leon was CEO of his father's lighting business for 22 years, and a member of Young Presidents Organization for 17 years. Leon is the author of "Adam = Alien" published in 2014 and "Adam Decoded" published in 2018. They are part of "The Adam Series" trilogy.

Leon is an expert on subjects such as Human Origins, Biology, and Ancient Mythology and Archaeology. He is a believer in Ancient texts representing actual human events and true history, and his thesis is both controversial and explosive.

Leon is an adjunct Professor of Alternative Science in NJ, has been a guest speaker on "Coast to Coast AM" radio show, and will be on the History Channel's Ancient Alien Series television show next year.

Richard Powell

Earth Wind Fire Water Training and Development was founded to fill the gaps left by public and university education institutions.

Our focus is personal leadership and personal accountability.

Our goal is to mentor, shape, and develop the next generation of leaders in order to:make better decisions, speak in public with confidence, improve personal and corporate life choices, and live life to its fullest.

Our VISION is Building Authentic Strategic Success (BASS) through hands on practices.

Our MISSION is to help, support, coach, and mentor to bridge the gap between formal academia and the changing real world.

Our STRATEGY is to use Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring, and hands on practical knowledge.

Dick Powell


Dick started his quest for Leadership and Accountability knowledge and application as a young man in Boy Scouting. From there it has been a journey with Stephen Covey, Denis Waitely, and John C. Maxwell. He has gone from Scouting to a 30 year career, to company spokesperson and the builder of several successful companies.He is a Certified Life Purpose and Career Coach – Life Purpose Institute and a Certified Teach, Speaker, Coach – John C. Maxwell Group. He is a Best Selling author of “How Not To Lose Your Bass in Business.

Josevie Jackson

Let me help you Thrive and Be Somebody! I will provide you 11 steps to Maneuver Life's Obstacles with Confidence. 

For most of her life, Josevie Jackson has experienced one obstacle after another. At a very early age she began to search for a way to reach her dreams -regardless of her circumstances and sometimes, overwhelming situations. She started out as a runaway, and teenage mom doomed to a life of poverty and mediocrity. Her struggles include being abused as a young child to being completely bedridden due to health. Josevie’s tremendous persistence and dedication to live the best life possible and her stubbornness NOT to settle created an insatiable desire to learn more about being a success — and a desire to share her knowledge with others.

Josevie grew up in a small, Midwestern town in IL. She was raised by a single-mother part time and the other half of the time by her paternal grandparents. She is a continual student of life and a serial entrepreneur, writing her first book at age 8 and starting her first business at age 20. Josevie utilizes her life experiences and expert strategies to motivate and inspire others. 

Josevie's role as an innovator and leader is undeniable. She is a multi-talented speaker, author, world traveler, radio show host, blogger, realtor, international business consultant and performance coach. With her God-given talents and know-how, she has become an advocate for others to gain freedom from their struggles. Her goal in writing Thrive & Be Somebody is that she hopes to guide each reader on his/her own transformative journey to freedom and permanent change. Her life-goal is to make a positive & lasting impact on the lives of others. 

She currently lives in Arizona with her husband. She is mother to six children and four grandsons. 

Barbara Rose PhD

Do You Want Immediate Answers and Solutions to Turn Your Life Around? Learn How to Receive them from God, Source, Higher Self Communication NOW! Based on the Bestselling Book If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer! Endorsed by Stephen Simon Producer and Director of the hit feature films Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come, Co-Founder of Spiritual Cinema Circle. This show is a life changer for you! 


Barbara Rose, PhD most widely known as “Born To Inspire” is the bestselling author of thirty two books. Her personal growth and transformation has endeared her to the masses as a pure loving and caring soul who shares by living example. Her ability to bring through solutions from God/Higher Self Communication for herself and all has made her work continuously spread globally by word of mouth. She is a world renowned Life Transformation Expert with subscribers spanning 191 countries. Her mission is to totally empower you! 

If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!
John Cowie

(I, Douglas Newsom, of BBS Radio, had a wonderful conversation with John! I HIGHLY encourage all of our hosts that have an interest in UFOs and genetic manipulation, to call John and have him appear on your radio show as a guest. He is very interesting!)

The Alien Visitor Gene Theory

Is the arrival of extra-terrestrials on our planet in our pre-history the only viable explanation for our incredible evolution and worthy of serious investigation? 

Did they genetically experiment with numerous specious on Earth to suit their purposes?  Did one of these experiments involve the genetic manipulation of our Homo sapiens ancestors, maybe our mitochondrial DNA, creating the human race?

As per Darwin's theory, those Homo sapiens possessing the alien visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those that didn't - resulting in a dramatic change in Homo sapiens evolution creating the human race.  The highly intelligent human race quickly evolved from this distinct “Eve” point.

I believe we are beginning to waken up to this possibility and that we have all inherited amazing knowledge via a trans-generational memory gene that has been passed down to us from our first ET/Homo sapiens offspring!  We all have amazing knowledge hidden in our unconscious memory. At each generation some of this hidden knowledge, regardless of status or wealth, is rediscovered through the process of "genius". 

Inspired by some of the amazing inventions in our lifetime, the author explores the incredible legacy we inherited from our extra-terrestrial ancestors, including the development of the silicon chip, the evolution of computer/telecommunications technology, the rapidly expanding information superhighway and the fantastic advances in DNA technology.

United Kingdom

John Cowie is a veteran of the semiconductor revolution. As a former senior executive with Intel Corporation, his original intention was to write a book based on the characters he met and his first-hand experiences during his many years in this exciting young industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the silicon chip and in turn the computer and telecommunications industries, he began to link these extraordinary envisioneering achievements with the human brain. Regular journeys past the ancient sites of Silbury Hill and the standing stones of Avebury prompted him to consider where our knowledge could have come from and the seeds of the Alien Visitor gene theory began.

Over the past 20 years John has promoted his theory in numerous articles, radio interviews, videos and lectures including Glastonbury Symposium and the first Bosnian and Bases Conferences.

Silbury Dawning The Alien Visitor Gene Theory
Michael Levy

Michael Levy is the author of 16 inspirational books. Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on current events, health maintenance, stress eradication, wealth development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry.

"Beginners luck can last a lifetime once we understand how lucky we are to be born" 

Michael Levy is the author of 16 inspirational books. Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on current events, health maintenance, stress eradication, wealth development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry.

"Beginners luck can last a lifetime once we understand how lucky we are to be born" 
Cutting Truths
Dr Robert Davis

I wish to request an appearance on one of your shows to discuss my latest book, Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science, Reality and You. I am a retired professor of Neuroscience who can address numerous topics (NDE, OBE, psychoactive drugs, UFO, etc.) on the Peak or Mystical Experience and its' implications for true reality. I can send you a pdf version or the book as appropriate. Thank you for your consideration.

Are people seeing a different world, or are they seeing this world differently? Does existing evidence provide clues to perceived encounters with an unseen realm and its inhabitants that seem to permanently transform the personal and philosophical viewpoints of millions who experience them? But don’t waste your time waiting for science to find answers to explain many of life’s most perplexing experiences. This book, written by an unbiased futuristic thinker, may very well provide the answers and wake you up to the significance of them all.

Dr. Davis bridges the gap between science and spirituality through an objective, evidence-based analysis of experimental research and theories. He successfully accomplishes this objective by integrating scientific studies and theories with personal accounts of spiritual awakening and the peak experience. Such accounts, combined with concepts of the mind-brain connection, consciousness, psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics, extrasensory perception, and near-death and out-of-body experiences, among others, will help you develop a more informed perspective of the many controversial issues of our time – the meaning of life, reality, and YOU.


Dr. Robert Davis, is an internationally recognized scientist in his field, and served as a professor at the State University of New York for over 30 years.  Bob graduated with a B.A. and M.A. from the City University of New York and with a Ph.D. in Sensory Neuroscience from The Ohio State University. He has published over 60 articles in scholarly journals, lectured at national and international conferences, and was awarded several major grants by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health to fund research in the neurosciences. After retiring from his role as a professor and researcher, he wrote three books entitled: the UFO phenomenon, entitled The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?; Life after Death: An Analysis of the Evidence, and Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science, Reality and You. He has published articles and lectured on these topics at national and international conferences.


There are many ways to describe Shaadie; conscious, conceptual, compelling, charismatic, talented, and unique just seem to scratch the surface. However, there is one words that ties them all together and is true to the character of Shaadie: and that word is AUTHENTIC. Few people give so honestly from their heart and soul. Shaadie does so in just the right way, combining art, story, and song in perfect unison. Take the time sit & talk with Shaadie & be amazed at his story of glory. And remember "it's Shaadie like Rashaad, not Shady like Shade." Yeee


Throughout the course of his musical career, Shaadie has won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life. Performing at a variety of venues, making dozens of appearances, all the while recording new music, Shaadie has earned the admiration and affection of countless fans, serving as both an inspiration and role model. Rashaad "Shaadie" Nunnally is an entertainer from the Crestside streets of North Vallejo born on July 1st. Shaadie is a father, athlete, musician, comedian, entertainer, songwriter, performer and all around fun character to know and be around. His name Rashaad Dominic, was given by Yahweh through a dream his father had when he was 16 years-old. Shaadie was raised as the only child by his mother with help from his grandparents after the divorce of his parents. At the age of two after an incident of almost being shot along with his father while in his arms during an altercation in a hotel, his mother left the County of Kings in the City of Lemoore. Shaadie and his mother were homeless with only the clothes on their back and had to move in with his grandparents on the 12 hundred block of Griffin Drive in the North Vallejo neighborhood of the Country Club Crest. While growing up in The Crest, he also spent a lot of time in Georgia and North Carolina which is the hub of both sides of his family by way of Trinidad-Tobago and Kingston, Jamaica. Due to his wide range of traveling to visit family he has seen and been apart of many different types of struggles. After living in Vallejo since the age of two, and traveling back and forth between California, Georgia and North Carolina he then moved to Sacramento due to his mothers job change in efforts of gettin Shaadie in a better environement as well as a better acadmic and athletic school. After moving from Vallejo to Sacramento in 2002, and graduating in 2004, he would be the first in over 40 years to be offered and sign a full track and field scholarship UC Berkeley (Cal). While at UC Berkeley, he ran in to old child hood friends from the Pop Warner football days; Marshawn Lynch, Robert Jordan and Virdell Larkins and soon learned that by distant relatives they were all in fact cousins. He then found out that many others in their huge family were all collegiate athletes throughout the country as well. Once the cousins linked up, they all collectively made the patented "Twist-n-Hook" hand signal to represent the Fam 1st Family movement that they all created, believed in and lived. Shaadie would attend UC Berkeley on scholarship until 2007 where he withdrew from the school to grow on his own accord and focus on his music and family full time. Since then, Shaadie been apart of the co-op mFm; Music Family Money which consist of 5 of the Fam 1st Family members who are all relatives, ex-collegiate athletes and music artist who came together to showcase their individual and combined musical talents on stage and in recordings. He also co-founded and runs his own non-profit organization and record label along with his brother Brandon "KB" Henry called Mac Life which is an acronym for Mind's Achieving Change Living In Forgotten Environments. In 2016 Shaadie moved him and his family to the State of Utah in efforts to have a better living and growth situatuion for his wife and kids outside of the financial and environemntal struggles they faced while being in the Valley and Bay Area of Northern California. By 2017 Shaadie connected with Carey "CJ" Drisdom of the Changing Lanes Experience Band. Since their joining of forces CJ Drisdom has not only become his perosanl music manager, but also hired Shaadie as a lead vocalist and MC in his Changing Lanes Entertainment Group as amember of The Lane Changers Band. He also signed Shaadie as the first artist out of the Lakehouse Studios facility in Downtown Salt Lake City. 

Richard Dugan

Im Richard Dugan, host of 'Tell Me Your Story”,


To bring as many different points of view, from around the circle, into your view, to assist you in expanding your life and living. To assist in the positive evolution of mankind and bringing about a greater awareness of self and others in order to create the kind of world YOU want. A world in which we all can search for, find and fulfill our 'first best destiny'.


You deserve to know 'the truth' about who you are, because that 'truth will set you free'. Knowing your past is fine. Knowing who you are now is greater. And knowing who you want to be and how to bring about that transformation is what 'Tell Me Your Story' is about.

Since 2007, we've been producing TMYS, available at

My dream is to syndicate 'Tell MeYourStory' and take it on the road. Traveling to all parts of the world, talking with people who are living, working and playing in new ways that are changing the world, one person at a time.

I have been interviewing for over 30 years, talking with thousands of; authors, musicians, light workers, metaphysicians, spiritualists, co-creators, body, mind and light workers, new thought people, visionaries, revolutionaries, inovators.

We all have a story and mine is no greater or lesser than yours. Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I was legally blind from birth. In spite or because of that, I went through 13 years of school not knowing what I wanted to do and so I went to Communtiy College and worked in the AV Department. I found out about a job with 'Sun Sounds' Radio Reading Service, for the blind and visually impaired. I not only became a client, I started working there August 29, 1979 and never “looked” back.

On March 6, 1996, I received a lens implant and went from 20/200 or worse to 20/80 overnight. Within just a few months, I was learning to drive a car. A dream I had given up in acceptance of the way I was, legally blind. And that was 'ok'. Bicycling was just fine for me. Then my marriage of 15 years came to an end and I met Amrita Ma. We married and moved to her home town of Santa Barbara and we both started a new life 5 minutes for her childhood home.

We've been to Ireland twice and dream of living there one day very soon.

I dreamed I would drive, travel to far away places, share the love with someone with a very open, loving heart, live by the sea, have my own radio show, teach others my craft, meet new and exciting souls. I am working on 2 books and more.

What are your dreams?........

I will share more thoughts later. RD

United States

Im Richard Dugan, host of 'Tell Me Your Story”,


To bring as many different points of view, from around the circle, into your view, to assist you in expanding your life and living. To assist in the positive evolution of mankind and bringing about a greater awareness of self and others in order to create the kind of world YOU want. A world in which we all can search for, find and fulfill our 'first best destiny'.


You deserve to know 'the truth' about who you are, because that 'truth will set you free'. Knowing your past is fine. Knowing who you are now is greater. And knowing who you want to be and how to bring about that transformation is what 'Tell Me Your Story' is about.

Since 2007, we've been producing TMYS, available at

My dream is to syndicate 'Tell MeYourStory' and take it on the road. Traveling to all parts of the world, talking with people who are living, working and playing in new ways that are changing the world, one person at a time.

I have been interviewing for over 30 years, talking with thousands of; authors, musicians, light workers, metaphysicians, spiritualists, co-creators, body, mind and light workers, new thought people, visionaries, revolutionaries, inovators.

We all have a story and mine is no greater or lesser than yours. Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I was legally blind from birth. In spite or because of that, I went through 13 years of school not knowing what I wanted to do and so I went to Communtiy College and worked in the AV Department. I found out about a job with 'Sun Sounds' Radio Reading Service, for the blind and visually impaired. I not only became a client, I started working there August 29, 1979 and never “looked” back.

On March 6, 1996, I received a lens implant and went from 20/200 or worse to 20/80 overnight. Within just a few months, I was learning to drive a car. A dream I had given up in acceptance of the way I was, legally blind. And that was 'ok'. Bicycling was just fine for me. Then my marriage of 15 years came to an end and I met Amrita Ma. We married and moved to her home town of Santa Barbara and we both started a new life 5 minutes for her childhood home.

We've been to Ireland twice and dream of living there one day very soon.

I dreamed I would drive, travel to far away places, share the love with someone with a very open, loving heart, live by the sea, have my own radio show, teach others my craft, meet new and exciting souls. I am working on 2 books and more.

What are your dreams?........

I will share more thoughts later. RD

Choices - Steps for Life