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Aaron McCormick

Guests for Your Show

Unbounded: Journey to Your Within

By Aaron McCormick

With All the Odds Stacked Against Him, Aaron McCormick Rode His Gifts, Empathy and Joy to Unparalleled Success; Then Pivots to Focus on Bringing Others to Fulfillment

A Guide to the Inner Navigation System That Leads to Inner and Outer Fulfillment, Personal Responsibility, Love and Joy


By all rights, Aaron McCormick should have been a casualty of his upbringing, "destined," as he says," to be crippled by almost every externally imposed and therefore, self-imposed limitation you could imagine."  

Raised on the south side of Chicago, in poverty by a single mother with no education, deserted by a father who was likely an undiagnosed bi-polar schizophrenic, and tightly controlled by an extreme fundamentalist religion that allowed no personal freedom whatsoever, including getting a college education or playing sports, Aaron ultimately defied those expectations of failure.

In fact, he succeeded spectacularly! With no college education, beginning in his low twenties, he became a hugely successful corporate enterprise software salesman, making millions of dollars for his employers and himself, climbing from company to company until he was honored with the prestigious "Best of IBM" award bestowed on only 1% of the company's 400,000 employees. Along the way, he also earned an MBA (without an undergraduate degree!)

How did he do it? With joy and empathy.

Joy because Aaron tuned into his inner voice that guided him to focus on work that he enjoyed and also leveraged his natural gifts despite environmental and societal pressure that suggested otherwise and also courageously leaving behind family and restrictive paradigms, regardless of the costs. And empathy because he worked extremely hard to 'walk in the shoes' of the people personally impacted by company-wide systems to ensure everyone's needs were satisfied, not just the senior executives to which he sold those systems. He cared and it showed in his results.

After many years of solving problems on the corporate train, Aaron realized that what was most fulfilling -- and the very fuel to his success personally and in business -- was a reverence for the power of personal introspection and the universal wisdom right before us all. It was time to step out and share it with those seeking more fulfillment and success in career, love, relationships and personal power.

In his new book Unbounded, Journey to Your Within, Aaron takes readers through their own past experiences to unequivocally prove their latent power and also identify and use their North Star-Joy-for every decision and endeavor to create satisfying work, successful love relationships, and awaken their inner power. It is a potent book of personal responsibility-from a man who stepped into his at a very young age.

Unbounded makes the case that listening to one's true inner voice, will cut those low-frequency bindings and create a totally unlimited and unbounded life. As he says in the book, "It comes down to being either intrinsically-driven or extrinsically-drive." He shows the way to become intrinsically-driven through conscious introspection, the method he used to unbind himself from the life that could have held him back.

Your listeners will also learn:

The power of empathy in business...why nice guys don't finish last! How to stop discounting yourself Valuing oneself even at the risk of ostracism The truth about getting dumped by a partner How to transmute anxiety into a superpower

Today, Aaron travels the U.S. speaking to audiences, doing workshops and enjoying life with his wife and two children, while passing along techniques he has learned to excavate and follow one's true nature, purpose and desires, turning them into reality. 

To interview Aaron McCormick on becoming Unbounded, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Aaron McCormick is an author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and artist whose path to success and fulfillment defies societal norms and expectations in nearly every way.

Raised by a single mom on the South Side of Chicago, McCormick, since the age of 23 was one of the world’s leading technology business transformation sales executives, earning millions and receiving numerous awards and distinctions. He has been honored as “Best of IBM,” an award bestowed upon the top 1% of 400,000 employees, founded several companies and earned an MBA from a top business school with the rare precedent of having no prior undergraduate college degree. McCormick courageously stood up to and escaped the fundamentalist religious cult in which he was raised, resulting in loss of his universe of friends and family.

With the combination of deep empathy, wisdom, and self-made success, McCormick ignites the innate ability we all have within to decode our own answers for maximum clarity and self-actualization. Aaron has helped countless people of all backgrounds realize greater fulfillment and success in areas of career, personal power, love & relationships, sales, entrepreneurship and leadership. 

Robert Murray

Hi how are you? I hope you are staying positive, it sounds like you are. I agree completely with you on the topic of communication and how vital it is to a relationship. This being said, I recently in the last year, have been ghosted by my fiance. This person was so special to me and I've never loved anyone so much. It's a beautiful story of encouragement and trust followed by a sense of abandonment and complete helplessness. I've had to go through so many scenarios in my head as to what happened. Was it cold feet or maybe an ex lover came back into the picture. I just wish he could have trusted me that I would never hate or hurt him or anyone. Tell me anything please... Tell me you love me or hate me or something. It would have made more sense if he had died only because I would understand why he doesnt want to reach out to me knowing how much I must be worried. So, I would like to talk about this topic with you if you're up for it thanks

United States

My name is Robert Murray and I am 36yrs old. I was born and raised in a free range homestead community in South Central Alaska. I have 80 acres in the buffer zone of the Wrangell St Alias National Park. I own and operate as Sole Proprietor Alaska Remote Transportation and Tours. I enjoy showing Alaska, my backyard, to the world. I perform customized tours via small motor coach and other ground travel. Cultural themed and exclusive.

Roberto Johnny

The world is ours to make anyway we see fit. If one Man or Woman has the power to change the wold, think about how powerful collective souls are when working in concert towards a worthy goal of eteral peace and harmony. Today, human thought is looked upon as an "infection" throughout the universe, as it reverberates fear and anger throughout.

It's easy to change your "reality" if one chooses. But one thing you have to remember about choice and "freewill". If all your choices are being provided for you, you're being directed (controlled). If your freewill is "clouded" by your memory bank of the "past" then even your freewill is controlled.

You can empty your mind and go back to "void" (Buddha), "blank" (Shakespeare), "purity of thought (Jesus).

Ask and it is given, but when you ask, ask as if it has already been given, and it will be yours.

In peace.

United States of America

Roberto Johnny began life remembering everything from the moment he was ejected from his mother. At the age of 3, Roberto was ready and almost left (ran away from) home. But, let's face it, after seeing the long path ahead of him, he knew the time wasn't right, so he returned.

From the beginning, Roberto Johnny knew there was somehing "wrong" with this world. At the age of Zero, he witnessed firsthand how worried, scared, angry his mohter was, and didn't understand why. Over the decades, glimpes of "truth" presented themselves to Robert along the way, giving him hope that, someday, he'd find the answers he knew were out there wating for him, and he did!

Roberto Johnny never excelled in school. He was bored there. He knew everything they were teaching and school for Roberto Johnny was 12 years of "recess" basically. In and out of "trouble" during his younger years, Roberto learned a lot about the world and the control struction that was built up to enslave the masses.

This, of course, angered Roberto Johnny and he rebelled at a young age. Eventually, hoever, Roberto Johnny "grew up" and realized fighting only makes things worse, and he learned how to LOVE everyone and everything.

Today, Roberto Johnny truly believes that LOVE is the KEY that sets your Soul FREE. And when you're free on the Spiritual Realm, you're free everywhere, mind, body, spirit.

In peace.

Douglas Vermeeren

Guest for Your Show

How Thoughts Become Things

A New Film by Douglas Vermeeren

Filmmaker Douglas Vermeeren Gathers Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf and Marie Diamond, to Go Deeply in the HOW of Personal Reality Creation in New Film "How Thoughts Become Things"       

A Step Beyond: Revealing New Look at Truths, Strategies, Patterns and Also Misconceptions Around How Our Thoughts Influence and Affect Our Lives

And The Commonly Held Beliefs that Prevent Desired Outcome!

Film Sets Viewership Record for First 24 Hours of Release, Surpassing The Secret 


It is commonly understood that thoughts become things. While most people recognize that our thoughts and our results are connected, most people aren't getting the results they want, desire and deserve. For the first time ever the film How Thoughts Become Things, by noted filmmaker Doug Vermeeren, will reveal the part of the equation that is missing. These answers are found in two words in the title, and perhaps not the ones you would think...

Those are words How and Become. "How" refers to the process and the function of how thoughts influence who we are and shape what will appear in our lives. And "become" reflects the changes that are required and will take place in the individual, situations and the universe of the person with the thought.

Get ready to discover the secret you haven't yet heard.

Drawing on the top thought leaders, science and the law of attraction, "How Thoughts Become Things" reveals the truths, strategies, patterns -- and also misconceptions -- around how our thoughts influence and affect our lives.

Stepping up to go deeper into the subject are many of the top "Law of Attraction" thought leaders in the world today-- Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Marie Diamond, Douglas Vermeeren, Travis Fox, Dr. Karen Perkins and others-many of whom appeared in film sensation The Secret.

This is the first time since that ground-breaking film that these questions have been explored in such detail. Not only does the film reveal the degree to which thoughts may influence our reality, How Thoughts Become Things also exposes several commonly held beliefs that are preventing many from creating the outcomes they most desire.

Thoughts, as you will see, affect everything from the abundance in your life, the quality of health and relationships and even your connection to your own self-worth. In the film you will also discover:

How fear is created and overcome  Why people have negative thoughts  Why some people think small Why many self-sabotage How big outcomes are attracted to a particular style of thinking How to build structures to influence powerful thinking How thought and habit are connected to your results What true empowered thinking is The fastest way to attract abundance through your thinking

And the #1 misconception people have about thoughts that is holding them in their current patterns.

Douglas Vermeeren is best known for his interviews of 400 of the world's top achievers and producing three of the top 10 personal development movies. (The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and The Treasure Map). He's also a multiple internationally bestselling author, including his most recent book Personal Power Mastery.

How Thoughts Become Things has already set a record for viewership in the first 24 hours or release, surpassing even The Secret. It is available for purchase at $9.95 at

A media viewing is being made available EXCLUSIVELY for you at (Please do not share this with others.)

To interview Douglas Vermeeren on the powerful truths brought to screen in How Thoughts Become Things, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Douglas Vermeeren has researched the success strategies from business leaders and companies like Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, American Airlines, UGG boots, Uber, KFC, McDonalds, Disney, United Airlines, Microsoft and others to share their success secrets with you. ABC television and FOX Business refer to him as the modern-day Napoleon Hill. 

He is also the producer and director of three out of the top ten personal development movies ever made. And now the new hit film How Thoughts Become Things! Douglas has authored three books in the Guerrilla Marketing series. He is a regular featured expert on FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, CTV and CBC and others. 

If you want to create more personal or business success then Vermeeren is the name you need to become familiar with. His trainings are jam-packed with practical tools and strategies that will take you to the top faster than you ever thought possible. 

Currently his program Personal Power Mastery is rated as number three in the world for the most powerful personal development seminars. 

How Thoughts Become Things
Kimberly Meredith
Guests for Your Show
Coronovirus: Top 21 Tips for Protection
By Kimberly Meredith
Medical Intuitive and Hands-On Healer Kimberly Meredith, Who is Commanding Worldwide Attention for her Miracle Healings, Offers Practical and Channeled Guidance for Staying Safe
Known for Her Blinking Eyes that Enables Her to Scan for Disease and Heal It, Meredith Has Continued Working with COVID-19 Patients by Skype to Eliminate Their Symptoms
One of the world's top emerging Medical Intuitives and Hands-on Healers, Kimberly Meredith, has committed her system for staying safe from the pandemic virus to a short easy-to-read free ebook:Coronovirus: Top 21 Tips for Protection. 
Filled with both practical and channeled advice, she touches on techniques for sanitizing your home or transportation, water filtering, stress reduction techniques, immune boosting supplements, essential oils and smoothies, a powerful protective 5th Dimension prayer and more. And if you are wondering if you are infected, she has clarified how to tell the difference between COVID-19 and flu, cold or allergy symptoms.
Kimberly has been deeply involved with people -- both confirmed and suspected of having the virus-using her unique gifts to return them to health in one Skype session. People come from all over the world to avail themselves of her healing sessions, see her eliminate tumors from individuals on her table at Expos and events, or Skype her for healing or spiritual sessions.
What is unforgettable about Kimberly is that her healing mediumship manifests in her blinking eyes. As she scans a body, her blinking eyes signal disease -- blocks that denote trapped emotional energy. If her left eye blinks rapidly all is well, but when the right eye blinks, she has encountered a problem that she then clears. She's been likened to "a Human MRI."
In order to scientifically prove her abilities, Kimberly has been rigorously tested by numerous highly-regarded scientific laboratories, all of which validated her extraordinary healing powers, which are measurable even through solid walls. Kimberly has been tested by:
Dr. C. Norm Shealy, Neurosurgeon, a pioneer of Holistic Medicine, Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine, Founder of the National Institute of Holistic Medicine PSY-TEK Subtle Energy Laboratory and Research Facility Most recently, the famed IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences, headed by the eminent scientist Dr. Dean Radin
For the past few years, she has hosted a syndicated radio show, The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show, and been featured in major dailies and magazines across the America on a regular basis.
With a great-grandmother who was well known as a healer, Kimberly displayed early signs of being an unusual child-as a 5-year-old telling her fellow kindergarteners that her highly-lined hands were the result of previous life incarnations. But it wasn't until she had a Near-Death-Experience when she was run over by a car on a Los Angeles street, that her intuitive talents began to emerge. In rejecting the doctor's prognostications she would never walk again, she healed herself and began working with others who were in pain. She credits the guidance she receives from God, Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, angels and beings from advanced civilizations for guiding her attention and hands-and for manifesting her amazing blinking eyes!
But it is her legion of fans-thousands of whom have personally experienced complete healings-who are propelling her rapid rise in the public consciousness. During this crisis, she is continuing to serve, but mostly through Skype healings and consultations.
If you would like to have Kimberly on your show to discuss her Coronovirus tips, her work with virus sufferers, her other healings or her unique gifts, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. 

Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Medium, Trance Channeler, Hands-on Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. Blessed with a unique array of extraordinary healing and psychic abilities, Kimberly Meredith is quickly gaining recognition as one of the world’s most gifted Medical Mediumship Healers and Spiritual Speakers. Kimberly is a vessel for God, Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Advanced Civilizations. Kimberly is often compared to Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Medicine, himself a Medical Medium, and the most documented psychic of the 20th Century.

Master MIngtong Gu

Guest for Your Show

Master Mingtong Gu

America's Leading Authority and Guide to

"Wisdom Healing Qigong"

Wisdom Healing Qigong Reduces the Stress That Makes You Susceptible To COVID-19 and Other Viruses, Spurs Faster Recovery for Those Who Have Contracted It; Also Gives Health Care Professionals Greater Resistance Through Maximum Stress Reduction

Feeling Lonely and Isolated? Wisdom Healing Qigong Gives You a Sense of Self-Empowerment and Connectedness 


If you've heard the term Qigong before, it's likely you've equated it with just another form of slow martial arts.

But, as practiced in Wisdom Healing Qigong, it's actually a 5,000-year-old Chinese Healing system that has significant implications for those that fear contracting COVID-19, those that are suffering from it and anyone who is dealing with physical illness or emotional pain in North America today. 

And the man who established this potent form of Zhineng Qigong in America ---Wisdom Healing Qigong -- to America is Master Mingtong Gu. His discovery of it was profound.

As a child growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution, Master Mingtong endured hunger, poverty, and a long separation from his birth family. Despite these incredible hardships, he became the first from his village to attend college, earning a bachelor's degree in mathematics followed by two master's degrees, including an MFA from Ohio State University. As a graduate student in art, Master Mingtong discovered the treasures of his own culture through the spiritual iconography of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, while practicing yoga, Tantric Buddhism, and Qigong.

In 1997, Master Mingtong returned to China for Qigong training under Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a physician and Qigong grandmaster trained in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the founder of the world's largest Qigong hospital. During his training, Master Mingtong observed thousands of cases of chronic and "incurable" diseases being healed at this "medicine-less Qigong hospital," which treated 200,000+ patients with more than 185 different illnesses, with a 95% effective improvement rate.

Could that medicine-less Qigong facility be duplicated in the West? Sold on its benefits, Master Mingtong dedicates his life to advancing the practice and a place to teach it to English-speaking communities around the world. Hence, The Chi Center just outside of Santa Fe NM, was founded bringto Wisdom Healing Qigong to thousands of people in the United States, China, and Europe through his retreats, workshops, books, online and educational programs.

And the seemingly miraculous healings continue today at The Chi Center and with Master Mingtong's followers and students, many of which have sought Wisdom Healing Qigong to resolve intractable, previously unhealed illnesses or pain.

And today, Wisdom Healing Qigong is actually taking the lead in helping people deal with so many of the issues related to the onset of COVID-19. This ancient practice can transform the fear and anxiety that is actually more contagious, and damages the body through stress. Stress makes one actually more vulnerable to the possibility of contracting the disease as it suppresses the immune system. And, the loneliness and isolation, are further impacting people's ability to weather this challenging time in a healthy, stable manner.

Furthermore, for those who have fallen victim to the virus, Wisdom Healing Qigong can significantly improve their ability to restore their health.

Master Mingtong can explain to your listeners how using the simple use of movement, sound healing and meditation woven into the specific practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong, the body will be more resistant to disease, the mind more resilient and the spirit more connected to the regenerative Universal (chi) energy -- and to others without having to be in their presence.

He includes in a training video "How to Reduce Stress and Transform Fear in the Time of COVID-19" within a free ebook that he will offer your listeners. You can see it here:

Here is also an introductory video on Master MingTong and Wisdom Healing Qigong:

If you would like to have Master Mingtong, the consummate master of this ancient healing practice, on your show, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Named Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Mingtong Gu possesses a profound ability to harness energy in order to accelerate personal and global healing, making him a sought-after healer, practitioner, and teacher.

As a child growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution, Master Mingtong endured hunger, poverty, and a long separation from his birth family. Despite these incredible hardships, he became the first from his village to attend college, earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics followed by two master’s degrees, including an MFA from Ohio State University. As a graduate student in art, Master Mingtong discovered the treasures of his own culture through the spiritual iconography of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Western mystic traditions while practicing yoga, Tantric Buddhism, and Qigong.

In 1997, Master Mingtong returned to China for Qiqong training under Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong grandmaster trained in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the founder of the world’s largest Qigong hospital. During his training, Master Mingtong observed thousands of cases of chronic and “incurable” diseases being healed at this “medicine-less Qigong hospital,” which treated over 200,000 patients with over 185 different illnesses, with a 95 percent effective improvement rate.

Witnessing these profound healing experiences inspired Master Mingtong’s dedication to the teaching and practice of Qigong healing, which he now teaches to tens of thousands of people in the United States, China, and Europe through his workshops, books, online programs and education programs. 

He created the Pure Qi Online series—a collection of courses which translate the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong™ for contemporary times—and is the founder of The Chi Center and The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, a beautiful 150-acre property located 20 minutes south of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Through practice, Master Mingtong has recovered from his own chronic conditions of asthma, scoliosis, back pain, and kidney weakness. His teaching emphasizes activating the power of inner self-healing, facilitating the release of chronic illness while improving health and well-being. Master Mingtong lives and teaches with his wife Linling, also a gifted healer, and their two children.

Rebecca Thompson

Guest for Your Show

Rebecca Rising:

How I found courage and self-love through friendship, coaching and conversations with the moon

By Rebecca B. Thompson


Sunday at 8:30:

Two Decades of Life Planning

By Rebecca B. Thompson and Darlene Ryan

Two Inspiring Books That Show A Way Through the Darkness to a

Light-and-Spirit Filled Future


Rebecca Thompson, then known as Becky, was, on the surface, living a picture-perfect life. A highly regarded engineer at Eastman Kodak in Rochester New York, three happy growing kids, a great house, couple of dogs and an attractive husband who was successful and sought after as a structural engineer. But all was actually far from perfect, he had an over- fondness for beer.

While this didn't seem to be out of control in the first dozen years of their lives together, as his own business began to come apart, the drinking accelerated. In the aftermath of its dissolution, leaving Becky to clean up the financial mess, he uprooted the family to take a job in North Carolina. Becky, always steady, always reliable, always problem solving, always the perfect wife and mother, carried on-until his first DUI.

And that's where Rebecca Rising begins....this powerful, novelistic and highly-readable memoir isn't so much the story of a marriage that comes apart, but the chronicle of a woman who slowly awakens to herself through the crucible of her marriage. But it is how she does it that makes this remarkable book so immensely interesting, compelling and actually, entertaining.

Beginning as a typical, skeptical engineer, Becky had no experience, nor knowledge, nor faith in metaphysics or the magic of the soul. But "invitations" in the form of colleagues, coaches, classes, books, opportunities and amazing synchronicities orchestrated a gradual awareness that opened her up and began an exploration that ultimately excavated and elevated her true self.

In a journey that took her through spiritual coaching, psychic readings, dowsing, Reiki, Tarot, shamanism, spirit animals and-- most astonishing--with conversations with the moon, the personification of the Goddess Diana, she found the courage to end her marriage and truly love herself. It's a valiant victory and you cheer for her as you share this very vividly told experience. And, ultimately, her final emergence as REBECCA, living her new life in California, a single, powerful and happy self-aware woman, following her own heart.

But this story wouldn't also be as potent without the spotlight on the incredible decades of deep abiding friendship between Rebecca and Darlene Ryan that sustained Becky/Rebecca during all the darkest moments. And while it is threaded throughout Rebecca Rising, it comes into full focus in the book that they have written together: Sundays at 8:30: Two Decades of Life Planning. 

Drawn together at Kodak by their shared interests and similar personalities, they helped each other advance through the company, while developing a deep personal bond. But when they were introduced to the High Performance Management Technology process, which guided them to set very definitive plans and goals for the future from an intentional and visionary standpoint, they agreed to work the process as a duo, meeting in person twice a year, and on a call every Sunday night at  8:30... without fail. 

This book, told in alternating form by each woman, illuminates how that planning manifested growth and expansion for each of them in the following categories: Mental, Physical, Financial, Social, Home and Family, Career and Spiritual-over the course of two decades...and continues to this day. This lively, shorter book is filled with wisdom and is a tribute to their passionate commitment to the process and to each other. It's an ideal companion book to Rebecca Rising, but also stands on its own as a way to create your own personal expansion and an intentioned future.

To interview Rebecca Thompson on her inspiring memoir that provides hope to women who are simply stuck in their lives or even living with an alcoholic spouse, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Rebecca Bea Thompson is an experienced speaker, writer, consultant, facilitator and coach with more than 30 years in the manufacturing, aerospace, and healthcare industries.  She has been an internal and external consultant for many years, working with such companies as Eastman Kodak, General Motors, and Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina.  

She is currently the principal of Evolve Without Limits, a coaching and consulting practice.  Her areas of expertise include leadership and team development, work systems redesign, organizational change, and culture change. 

Rebecca holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, and an M.A. in Organizational Management & Development from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, CA. 

In addition, she is a graduate of the Professional Coach Certification program at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA and holds the credential of Professional Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation. 

A two-time speaker at the Women Veterans Alliance Unconference, she has been a guest lecturer for the University of Maryland Industrial & Organizational Psychology Department, and a speaker at the Working Mother Magazine Worklife Congress. 

Frustrated by her (now ex-) husband’s increasing alcoholism, Rebecca embarked on a healing journey which led her to explore a variety of spiritual practices.  She learned how to love herself, and found freedom from a situation in which she thought she was stuck. Along the way she became a Reiki master, certified Crystal Therapist, and Shamanic coach, and incorporates these areas of expertise into her consulting and coaching practice.   As a coach, she is passionate about helping people to learn about self-love, to recognize their own strength, and to live with freedom, passion, and intention. 

Rebecca is the author of Rebecca Rising: How I found courage and self-love through friendship, coaching and conversations with the moon, a memoir chronicling her healing journey.  In addition, she and her friend and colleague Darlene Ryan co-authored Sunday at 8:30: Two Decades of Life Planning. This book shares the life planning process Darlene and Rebecca personally used and honed for over twenty years, and includes helpful worksheets for creating your own life plan.  In addition, it offers an eclectic reading list of over 200 books that the two authors explored together during those years.  

Natasha Morales

Thank you for the priviledge of being on Radio Toni on 7th May 2020.

New Zealand

Natasha is an Executive Coach, Life Coach & Passion Mapping Practitioner.  She facilitates and helps people develop themselves in multiple spaces, including Experiential Leadership, Personal Efficiency (PEPworlwide NZ) and Personal Development. She also teaches weekly Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes.

Natasha has real belief in people's potential and passion for what drives human excellence. She takes a holistic view of Leadership, Productivity and Well-being and enjoys working in all 3 areas. Her multi-cultural background and strong presentation and communication skills enable her to facilitate life-changing results in both individuals and groups.

Natasha grew up in Canada and Mexico and has also enjoyed living and working in Japan, Australia and Thailand.  She now lives in New Zealand with her Kiwi Husband and their 10-year-old son.

JoAnn Windholz

Moving Adams County into the Red Column - slate of candidates and candidate involvement -  activities Memorial Day - County Fair / Parade - 


Former Adams County State Representative, 100% behind Trump, unapologetic pro-life, worked all my life,  small business owner, Regis Univ. Masters in Nonprofit Mgmt., married to Larry / we both work outside the home - didn't get the memo that you were supposed to retire at a certain age,  three daughters (three sons-in-laws) and a dozen grandchildren.