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Andrea Pass

Have you Googled your company, name, book, product? Did you find stories or interviews? If not, you need public relations. Andrea Pass is the owner of Andrea Pass Public Relations. An expert in securing press coverage, Andrea has the tips and insights to help grow brand awareness, manage reputation and increase sales via third-party editorial coverage. 

Andrea Pass would welcome the opportunity to be your guest to highlight ways that entrepreneurs, small business, product inventors, authors and more can create name recognition via public relations outreach.


For over 30 years, Andrea Pass has created and implement public relations campaigns in a wide range of categories including consumer products, lifestyle, B2B, education, health/wellness/fitness, beauty, food, authors, non-profits and more. 

Andrea Pass Public Relations has an expertise in national, regional and local media relations outreach. She is proactively and reactively navigating our ever-growing 24/7 media world. Her strength in relationships coupled with her knowledge of the ever-growing media base results in securing top tier, targeted media placements to increase brand awareness, reputation management and sales for established businesses and growing entrepreneurs alike.

​Pass uses a public relations model to secure coverage clients in media outlets from NBC “Today,” ABC “20/20,” MSNBC “Your Business,” ABC “Good Morning America,” “Wendy Williams Show,” “Steve Harvey,” “Ellen,” Hallmark “Home & Family,” FNC “FOX & Friends” to The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Associated Press as well as targeted trade and individual market press.  

​She has represented clients including 4ocean, Cabinet Caddy/GoHang It, Peel Away Labs, Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamps, Extreme Mist, Wolfgang Puck Pressure Oven/Wolfgang Puck Cooking School, Top Dog Direct, Bluewater Media, TeleBrands/BulbHead, MyPillow, Blackstone Products Outdoor Griddles, Ronco, Migraine Hat, VinThin Weight Loss Supplement, Par Avion, Specialty Sleep Association, Clark University, Bryant University, the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, French’s, Knorr, Mueller’s, Frank’s RedHot Sauce, African Pride Products, Brainy Baby, Tiny Love Developmental Baby Toys, Baltex Swimwear, Venus Fashions, E+M Advertising, Farmland Dairies, the New Jersey Restaurant Association, and a wide range of entrepreneurial ventures.

​Pass is credited for successful media relations programs for non-fiction and fiction authors including Alternate Channels: Queer Images on 20th Century TV, Who Knew: 10,001 Easy Solutions for Everyday Problems, Dump Cakes, Dump Dinners and Red Copper Skillet Cooking, Great Kitchen Secrets, How To be Organized in Spite of Yourself and Organizing for the Spirit, The AddictoCarb Diet, Silent Lies and Marathon.

​Prior to launching her own business, Pass served as Vice President, Media Relations for Marketing Maven.  She was also Vice President at a number of New York-area public relations firms where she developed and implemented B2C and B2B campaigns.

​She has been a columnist for The Record, New Jersey’s largest daily newspaper, as well as for Toy Business Magazine.

Pass holds a B.A. in Communications from Glassboro State College.

Debbie N Pepin

The one thing we all have in common is that we will die.  Only 70% of Americans live beyond age 65 but we act as if our death is a LONG way off.  We don't come with an expiration date!  Why did the COVID pandemic make "death" an acceptable daily word but otherwise it is taboo?  Discussing death as a part of life makes living each day better.  I help broach death planning early in life.  Humpty dumpty fell off a wall.  Your pet fish died (no it didn't just go to sleep).  Talking about it, planning, and sharing hopes and fears is a healthy productive part of life!

I have a completed book proposal waiting for an agent/publisher.  I have created a beta approach (N.E.D. Chats - no expiration date) with financial advisors to explore and practice light-hearted methods of approaching clients of all ages to beging helpful dialogue about death.

After three parents died in 2017 I realized how little death is discussed before it is too late.  Facing the end of life is not the best time to discuss wishes.  

Why do we avoid discussion of death?  We discuss birth.  We gawk at accidents.  But we don't want to admit that death will come - but talking about death won't kill you!


When Debbie faced the imminent death of three parents - all of whom she had legal responsbility for - she realized how ill-equipped she was for the role.  She found the help required but she never was sure if she was doing what "they" wanted since the discussion of death was taboo right until the end.  Her gift to those parents was to write a book to help others navigate the merky unsettled waters of the inevitability of death - and how to plan well in advance so that this isn't the end of life remembered.  Debbie's book and related talks give specific links to free planning services available to everyone as well as light-hearted references to the tough choices needed.

Debbie N. Pepin, the founder of The Learning Space, is a recognized figure in the field of education. Not only does she speak passionately about educational reform, she also created a “model school” to serve as an example for others.  Her goal is to inspire individuals, schools, businesses, and community leaders to think about learning in a context that goes beyond the traditional schoolhouse. She convincingly describes the alienation of a percentage of youth from schools and the long-term negative effect on our society.  Furthermore, she quotes CEO’s examples of poor workforce preparedness of a high number of employees.  Her research concludes that one size will not fit all in the field of education.

The Learning Space was located within Nashua Tape Products outside of Albany, NY. It operated as a nonprofit (501c3), independent school for 5 - 17 years olds that integrated learning with the real world.  The philosophy was based on the needs of the 21st century in terms of worker’s skills.  Focus was on an individual plan linking State or national curriculum to a student’s world in an interdisciplinary manner. Situated within the manufacturing plant, students took advantage of the synergistic connections available between the real world and the academic world.  Highly dependent on technology, the school focused on “learning how to learn” and communication skills as well as on basic skills.  The school opened as a vacation program in February 1994 and then as a year-round school in September of that year.  Hundreds of visitors from both the business and education communities toured the program.  In June 1995 The Learning Space was called “one of the most innovative schools in America” at the third annual International Model Schools Conference.

With nearly twenty years of experience in public education, until September 1992 Ms. Pepin served as Superintendent of Schools for the Greenville Central School District in Greene County, New York.  During her three plus years at this post, she worked with the board to develop and implement programs aimed at paving the way for staff, curriculum, and facilities development into the next decade.  Giving ten months notice to the School Board, she chose to leave the role of Superintendent with the intention of being able to better assist reform in public education by working outside of the system. 

From 1983 to 1989 Ms. Pepin was the principal of Guilderland Central High School near Albany, New York.  In this 1550 student building she was highly involved in student activities, implemented a student recognition program, and conducted seminars in areas including stress management and leadership.  She was credited by teachers for spending a large proportion of her time within the classrooms and school halls.  She was able to find ways to individualize programs for students when the traditional models did not work.  Prior to 1983, Ms. Pepin spent four years as assistant principal at Kenmore East Senior High School in the western New York community of Tonawanda.  She was able to expand the traditional role of disciplinarian into that of student advocate and master teacher.  Her formal career in education began as a teacher of high school age special education students in Windsor, Connecticut. 

She has been a guest on CNN, CNN Financial Network and SNN.  She has speaking credits ranging from the National Quality and Education Board to the New York Governor’s Education Summit.  A documentary video about her work has been produced.  She was listed in the top 100 Executive Educator “Up and Coming Administrators” as well as Who’s Who of American Women.  She is on the Advisory Board of and a reviewer for the Journal of School Choice (Haworth Press, Inc.) whose first issue was released in 2006.

 “There should be no more rewards for predicting storms, but only for building arks,” says Debbie N. Pepin.   Though shocking people into discussing death has become her "fun", she also volunteers for the Austin “Make A Wish” office and various Senior Care facilities and enjoys weightlifting, biking, gardening, traveling and flying (a licensed pilot), which she does with her husband.

Jack Allis

My name is Jack Allis.  I am an author and spiritual teacher in the tradition of the indigenous people of Planet Earth, including virtually all the Native American traditions.  My latest is a DVD entitled Creating the New World in Times of Paradigm Shift.  This is based on my most recent book, a novel, entitled Blue Sun, Red Sun – a Tale of Ancient Prophesy Unfolding in the Modern World.  My work deals with creating the new world from the ashes of the old in times of paradigm shift, like ours today, and how to do this according to the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of this planet, who were successfully doing the one thing that has been lost in our civilized world, which is responsible for its demise. They lived sustainably and in harmony with nature for thousands of years before they were wiped out by the same imperialist forces of Western Civilization that rule the world today.  I might add that I’ve been living this way since 2012, off the grid, with spring water and solar power, in remote mountains far from civilization, attempting to show that it can be done if we put our mind to it. 

No way, people aren’t ready for that.  That may be correct, but it’s our only chance and for those who are ready to accept the challenge, there are steps everybody can take.  This is what I cover in my books and DVD’s, and we can cover it on your show.  An essential ingredient here is waking up to the truth about how our world really works, as opposed to the brainwashing it feeds us, and breaking the spell that the old paradigm matrix casts over us.  This means breaking free from this world and reassuming complete responsibility for our own lives.  And it also means reconnecting with the higher supernatural power of our spirituality.  And again, we have the model of our indigenous relations, who derived their spirituality from their relationship with nature and with Mother Earth.  If we are going to persevere in this great challenge to transform ourselves and our planet, we are going to need call upon these kinds of powers. 

If you’d like me to send you a copy of Blue Sun Red Sun, please let me know.  You may also visit my website or my You Tube channel (search Jack Allis, go to playlist). 

United States

Jack Allis is an author and spiritual teacher in the tradition of the indigenous people of planet Earth, including virtually all the Native American traditions.  His latest creation is a DVD, entitled Creating the New World in Times of Paradigm Shift.  This is based on his most recent book, a novel, entitled Blue Sun, Red Sun – A Tale of Ancient Prophesy Unfolding in the Modern World.  His work deals with creating the new world from the ashes of the old in times of paradigm shift, like ours today, and how to do this according to the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of this planet, who were successfully doing the one thing that has been lost in our civilized world, which is responsible for its demise. They lived sustainably and in harmony with nature for thousands of years before they were wiped out by the same imperialist forces of Western Civilization that rule the world today. 

Jack also practices what he preaches.  In December 2012 he took a hiatus from his writing and public appearances, and moved to the remote mountains north of sacred Mount Shasta, where he lives off the grid, with spring water and solar power, learning to live sustainably and in harmony with nature, preparing, both practically and spiritually, for the monumental paradigm shifts that are still to come.  Now he is back, sharing his inspiring message about how we, humanity, can reassume our responsibility as caretakers of Mother Earth and play our part in creating a new world.    

His previous three books and two DVD’s dealt with 2012 and the shift and how to take the necessary practical and spiritual action to be able to flow with the transformative energies of these unprecedented times.  Two other themes are recurrent in Jack’s work and essential to creating the new world.  One is the vital importance of humanity waking up to the truth about how the world really works and how they have been deceived and manipulated for thousands of years by a tiny group of malevolent beings for the purpose of implementing a fascist world government, the New World Order.  The other is the extraterrestrial presence in our world, both past and present, and the fact that ET’s have tinkered in human affairs for a long time.  Yet, it means nothing to know these things without knowing how we can get ourselves out of this mess, both individually and collectively.  This is the focus of all of Jack’s work.  He also shows people how to take spiritual action in their lives through the use of ceremony.  This includes prayer, fire ceremonies, smoking the ceremonial pipe, drumming and music, and singing and chanting.  Get in the loop now by subscribing to his newsletter, or check out his books, DVD’s, videos, photos, audios and articles.

Jack Allis Author and Spiritual Teacher
Clint Adams

Suicide prevention and building resilience in mental health is a huge passion of mine. I wrote a book which was published earlier this year based on helping people and especially schools to help with suicide prevention initiatives. Below is a link to a book review and interview with me about the book. My ultimate aim is to help as many people as possible and I am more than happy to be involved in programs to run initiatives to help people. If you are interested and think it's worthwhile please feel free to share. Thanks.


Police Officer, Counselor, Senior HR and Change Manager, Program and Leadership develloper and published author.

Thomas Nerbas

My mission is to elevate the consciousness, success, robust health and vitality of humanity.


"The way to experience permanent continuous transformation requires looking somewhere else and choosing a different path, choosing a different experience that in and of itself changes you, it permanently transforms you." 

Unblock and transform limitations and dysfunctional experiences,  achieving; ultimate autonomy, success, abundance, robust health and vitality. Direct experience allows permanent transformation. I am inviting you to take a transformative journey with me.

Remote Transmissions was born on Tuesday May 21, 2019 when I reached out to my friend David, located about 2,750 kilometres away, who at the time was experiencing a head cold. After 30 minutes of meditating with Remote Transmissions, David responded with left side congestion and blocked up areas opening and remained open 100% Then on Wednesday May 22, 2019; a second follow-up Remote Transmissions meditation resulted with right side congestion and blocked up areas opening and remained open 100%

Since this time I have been employing Remote Transmissions for those interested in unblocking and transforming limitations and dysfunctional experiences, achieving; ultimate autonomy, success, abundance, robust health and vitality. 

May the blessings be, Thomas Nerbas

Stacey Chillemi

I have an inspirational, inspiring story that will capture the audience's attention and will as empower and motivate them as well.  I believe my story can bring so much value to others. 

Stephanie Makowski, a producer from Dr. Oz, the Chew Rachel Ray had me come on to do a couple of short segments with doctor Oz, which was an amazing experience, however, I have done a lot to help the community and help others.

I am on a mission to transform the health of millions worldwide. Check out my website at  I am a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books.  I am the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach. I write for the Huffington Post, Huff Post, Thrive Global and Medium (Owned by Arianna Huffington).  I have been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows. My focus is on natural healing, herbal remedies, alternative methods, self-motivation, food for medicine, nutrition, fitness, natural beauty remedies and the power of positive thinking.

Lately, I’ve also been doing a lot of research, writing, and videos on natural ways to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth for both men and women.  A topic I would love to share with you.

Also, If I’ve been on your show, I would love to come on to talk about topics we haven’t discussed about or 1 particular topic in general.


Up until my early 30’s, I used to let work demands, fears, and perceived shortcomings unconsciously rule my life (I was letting the materialism and the unnatural ways of the world rule my life.

It took me a while to finally realize I was heading in the wrong direction in life and not only was it affecting me emotionally, but it was also affecting my health too. I finally realized that a need for change was necessary if I was going to experience health and happiness. I finally came to terms with life and I made a conscious effort to become in tune with myself and I said enough is enough!

In June 2011, I experienced what many would refer to as a spiritual awakening and this hallmarked the beginning of a conscious collaboration with the Universe that allowed me to slowly begin to heal and recover from epilepsy, being a stress-fueled worrier, and a highly defensive person that I thought I needed to be in order to “succeed”.

Like everyone, I’ve had my fair share of life challenges to overcome. The hand that was dealt with me goes something like this…I grew up with epilepsy, dysfunctional family, low self-esteem and feeling of loss, not knowing where I wanted to go, only feeling the need of wanting something better. Needless to say, I had created a defensive mechanism, which was to protect me by throwing up walls and being in a constant state of defensiveness.

In the early years of growing up, I found myself habitually drawn to stress, worry, and anxiety and I started to suffer physically with an increased amount of seizures as a result. I often felt insecure, constantly comparing myself to others, and allowing my ego to direct my willpower, motives, and belief system. In addition, I was a follower, not a leader! I had a hard shell and lacked the ability to love even though I craved to be loved. As a form of “protection,” I finally realized that I built a wall around my heart. I felt weighed down and burned out by buried anger, resentment, and worrying about things that didn’t really matter.

Sadly, I made myself sick emotionally, then physically. I was desperate for answers, knowing that there had to be more to life than dealing with one anxiety-ridden mess after another. After working with others and learning how to walk the pathway of forgiveness. A change occurred and I knew I was on the right track.

Several nights later I prayed for my next steps. Answers came to me upon waking the next morning as I met an herbalist who asked me to work with him. I researched and wrote about natural healing and applied a lot of the information I learned to my own life. My epilepsy improved, my self-esteem increased, I felt an abundance of inner strength, and I was receiving messages from my higher self.

I realized I was at the onset of spiritual awakening and experienced heightened abilities such as increased intuition, energy, awareness, patience, strength, and improved health. As I began to incorporate the holistic way of life into my life, I realized I was encountering spiritual and physical healing!

This was the beginning of my healing journey. Through meditation, yoga, positive thinking, improved diet, and lifestyle I was able to turn my entire life around. I realized there were no quick fixes. Change takes time, however, with determination and the will to succeed, anything is possible. I finally committed myself to the journey of holistic health.

The truth I came to realize is that the trials and tribulations I encountered in life were part of my conscious spiritual path. Living a “holistic” lifestyle is not making detox smoothies and practicing yoga mat every day. It’s not all flowers and the beauty of nature. The conscious holistic path is a day by day commitment to make the best choices for you and your family. A life filled with purity, happiness, peace, and good health.

I look back now and can say I’m grateful for growing up with epilepsy, for having a rough childhood, for battling undetermined obstacles that came up from nowhere, the sleepless nights of anxiety and worries. I’m grateful for it all!! That’s not just something I say because it sounds good, I believe it.

It’s these things in life that made me the person I am today! Not because I would choose it if given the option again, but because now I live with an open heart filled with love and no walls barricading my heart. I see no faults in others and I feel for others as they face their own daily battles. How can you criticize others' imperfections when we ourselves carry just as many imperfections ourselves?

Support me on my own path of self-realization and life purpose. I consider myself so blessed to have experienced life’s most valuable lessons and to be able to share what I’ve learned with you in a practical way so you can easily apply what works for YOU into your daily life.

There is a peaceful awareness that exists inside you and when you consciously choose to seek a holistic life that peaceful awareness becomes your guide. As soon as you are willing to let go of the ways of the world and create your own path and purpose, you will experience a life that brings the mind, body and, soul together enabling you to experience health, happiness, and prosperity the way you never felt it before.

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you'll consider me as a guest on your show.

United States

I am on a mission to transform the health of millions worldwide. Check out my website at  I am a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books.  I am the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach. I write for the Huffington Post, Huff Post, Thrive Global and Medium (Owned by Arianna Huffington).  I have been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows. My focus is on natural healing, herbal remedies, alternative methods, self-motivation, food for medicine, beauty and fitness.

I have written more than 20 books on a wide variety of subjects, from the challenges of living with epilepsy, positive thinking, alternative medicine, health, creative writing, poetry and how to live a healthy, happy and productive life.

Web sites: (Authors Website) (website - Founder of the Complete Herbal Guide) (Writer for the Huffington Post) (Writer for the Huff Post) (Writer for Thrive Global)

Glesa LaRaye Flewellen

For over 20 years I have been using homeopathic medicine and referring it to family, friends, and complete strangers. 

Years ago, I experienced a major fall that turned my life around. Despite receiving a natural approach to healing  after leaving a chiropractor, I was following doctor's orders and started taking opioid pain medication which made me feel worse due to the side effects. Pain management was were I ended up. The people there were like zombies, anxiously waiting for their prescriptions. Although I was in serious pain myself, the patients would tell me their life stories and I would recommend that they ask the medical staff about natural healing methods.  They were enslaved to the opioids and I just wanted to give them a sense of freedom.

Too many lives have been lost to the Opioid Crisis and so in remembrance, I have dedicated my live to informing the public about natural healing methods so that people can release themselves from the harsh world of opioids. My company, Glesa LaRaye LLC, offers pain relief oil and so much more to help bring our communities back to wellness.


My name is Glesa LaRaye Flewellen. I have a B.S. in Computer Science, a M.S. in Management of Technology, as well as numerous certificates. The majority of my life has been spent mentoring and assisting others with improving their lives. Answering the call as a healer, I started YouTube and Instagram accounts under the name destined2heal. I have created a company called, Glesa LaRaye LLC, in which I show case my essential oil blends for pain, stress relief, crystal therapy by handmade jewelry creation, inspirational books, and audio selections. It is my goal to help people heal their lives so that they can experience true peace, love, and happiness.

Andrew Seaton

I am interested in being interviewed by podcasters and radio interviewers about spiritual awakening. I would love to chat about how listeners can quickly and easily dissolve troubling thoughts and emotions, and discover their true nature as the peace-filled observing awareness beyond the mind.

After four and a half decades of formal and informal investigations, I have finally been able to see through so much clutter, error and confusion that’s out there regarding spirituality, in a way that has served my own spiritual awakening well. Through intuitive inspiration, I have been able to pull the essentials together and present them in a very inspiring, concise, methodical and practical book titled Spiritual Awakening Made Simple: How to See Through the Mist of the Mind to the Peace of the Here and Now. Many will find that my book makes things clear and gives their spiritual awakening the traction they are wanting.

Please read a description of my book, the Preface and Introduction, and a bit about me on my website. Details of the book are as follows:

Publication Date: 31st July, 2020 (John Hunt Publishing). Category: Self-Help, Body-Mind-Spirit. ISBN 978-1-78904-472-0 (Paperback) £7.99 (UK) $12.95 (USA) 112 pages. ISBN 978-1-78904-473-7 (eBook) £3.99 (UK) $6.99 (USA).

I am happy to send a complimentary copy of my book as a PDF ebook for interview pre-reading. Just let me know.

Kind regards



For more than four decades, Andrew Seaton delved deeply into educational philosophy and psychology; old wisdom and new science; reports of higher consciousness; and a wide range of personal development, holistic wellness and spiritual awareness practices. As he experienced all the personal ups and downs of his life, Andrew’s working life was quite varied, but mostly in education. He had many different roles in that field, most of them relating to education of the whole person. Eventually, Andrew came to see that in our world we are generally making some deeply flawed assumptions about knowledge and human nature. In 2006, he resigned from a two-year stint in academia in order to focus on unlearning his education and other conditioning, and on awakening the fuller functioning that he had come to see so clearly is possible and desirable.

Andrew has recently experienced major changes in his consciousness and way of being in the world. Throughout 2017 and 2018, he was very focused on living the insights and practices he describes in his book Spiritual Awakening Made Simple. During 2018, life had him in a period of relative retreat from the world, and he experienced a flood of dreams about his spiritual awakening and about soon assisting others with awakening. In September of 2018, Andrew’s spiritual awakening began in earnest with a beautiful dream followed by energy flows through his body.

Through his writings, talks and 1-on-1 support via Skype and Zoom, Andrew now helps others to clear away the mist of the conditioned mind and awaken to their true nature as the peace-filled observing awareness beyond the mind. He speaks to groups, podcasters and radio interviewers about how, contrary to popular belief and experience, spiritual awakening is both natural and achievable.

Spiritual Awakening Made Simple book cover
li Cara

Unleash Your Light is simple things we can do to embrace and integrate Spirituality in our everyday life and Access the Divine within each of us. I do a weekly live show discussing real life application of spiritual transformation focusing on Empathy Forgiveness and unconditional love. Real talk about real life, easily accessible and understandable to everyone.


After going thru my Awakening in 2012, I was completed to share my own journey of transformation thru writing and videos, live shows and public speaking. I'm so grateful everyday to be able to bring the message.