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Dr Esther Onyoni

Holistic approach to managing Diabetes:

After working for 14 years as a pharmacist, I’ve observed that my clients trust their doctor to the point where they can be rendered powerless. Imagine being that person who has a set way of doing things through the day to manage their life, yet when they go to the doctor, they let the doctor decide for them what to do or what to take to feel better. This is great and that is how it should be! But what happens when the doctor says “This condition will continue to progress” or “This happens with age…” or “There is nothing we can do”

Except for the last statement, one should analyze what may be missing or what else can be tried before rendering these statements true.

I practice as a health coach as well and work with individuals living with diabetes and other lifestyle conditions. They may have been told that it is a progressive condition, given restrictive regimens to follow and multiple medications. I give them hope by creating an easy to follow plan for what to do when their numbers are elevated, they are tired or just when life happens.

The reason for my pitch is that I can talk about burnout in diabetes. This is when an individual has done everything they have been told to do to care for their diabetes and they are tired and can’t take it anymore and want to give up.  

I’ll offer hope that they are still in charge of their health, they are still human and there is nothing they are doing wrong.

United States

Dr. Esther Onyoni is a Pharmacist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and a Certified Health and Life Coach. She works with people living with diabetes who are struggling to keep their numbers and energy in control to successfully get their best reading, lose weight and gain their energy.

Esther’s passion for finding a better way for her clients was sparked after over a decade of practicing as a pharmacist. She took care of clients with chronic conditions, and noticed that they were on multiple medications. Their medication list kept getting longer each time they saw their doctor. Some medications were given to treat side effects caused by other medications. 

That’s why she decided to get involved in aiding her clients to manage chronic conditions. Especially in between doctor visits when they needed the most support. With a personal connection with diabetes, this is where she felt she’d be impactful.

She became a Health Coach and Functional Medicine Practitioner and helps her clients find their path to a vibrant life.

Herbie J Pilato
Below is the link to the Press Release for MARY: THE MARY TYLER MOORE STORY, my in-depth biography of the beloved star of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, which celebrates its 50th Anniversary on September 19th.
Would you like to interview me about the MARY book and tie it into the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Moore's historic sitcom?
Thanks so much.
Herbie J Pilato
United States
Herbie J Pilato is writer/producer/TV personality has worked on several television shows including Bravo’s hit five-part series, The 100 Greatest TV Characters, Bewitched: The E! True Hollywood Story (the seventh-highest rated True Hollywood Story in E!’s history), A&E’s Biography of Lee Majors, TLC’s Behind the Fame specials on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Bob Newhart Show, Hill Street Blues, and L.A. Law, among others. He has also served as a consulting producer and on-screen cultural commentator on various classic TV DVD documentaries for Sony, NBCUniversal, and Warner Bros., including The Six Million Dollar Man boxed set, Kung Fu, and CHiPs.
​Herbie J is the author of twelve pop-culture/media tie-in books including Mary: The Mary Tyler Moore Story, Dashing, Daring and Debonair: TV’s Top Male Icons from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, Glamour Gidgets and the Girl Next Door, The Essential Elizabeth Montgomery: A Guide To Her Magical Performances, Twitch Upon a Star: The Bewitched Life and Career of Elizabeth Montgomery, Bewitched Forever, The Bewitched Book, The Bionic Book, Life Story: The Book of Life Goes On, The Kung Fu Book of Wisdom, The Kung Fu Book of Caine, and NBC & ME: My Life as a Page in a Book.
He began his career as an NBC Page in 1984 (where he worked The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson), after which he became an actor and appeared on TV shows like Highway to Heaven, The Golden Girls, General Hospital, and The Bold and the Beautiful, in addition to various film and live stage productions.
​Born and raised in Rochester, New York, Herbie J now resides in Los Angeles where, in 2010, he founded the Classic TV Preservation Society (CTVPS), a formal 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the positive social influence of classic television programming.  A core function of the CTVPS are the TV & Self-Esteem Seminars that he brings to schools, colleges, community, business and senior centers.
For the last twenty years, he has served as a Contributing Editor Emeritus for Larry Brody's heralded website, TVWriter. Since 2015, he has worked as a contributing writer for the Television Academy's distinguished Emmys, and as a classic TV consultant for Closer Weekly Magazine, among other media outlets.
Into this mix, Herbie J is the host and one of the executive producers (with Joel Eisenberg and Steve Hillard of Council Tree Productions) of Then Again with Herbie J Pilato, a classic TV talk show now streaming on Amazon Prime and Amazon Prime UK.
Herbie J has a great affection for the senior community, which was ignited during and after having served for 13 years as primary caregiver to both of his parents in their elderly years.  Herbie is also very involved with charitable work for the homeless with St. Pancratius Church in Lakewood, CA.
For more news and information about Herbie J, visit:
The book cover for MARY: THE MARY TYLER MOORE STORY by Herbie J Pilato
Dane Stevens

Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life

How to Permanently Heal Unwanted Behaviors, Chronic Conditions and Addictions

By Dane Stevens

Using a unique process that allows an intimate connection with the wounded part within you, it gives you the ability to re-choose your response to your experience and subsequent beliefs-- bringing it into the present moment where it isn’t happening any longer, stopping the looping habits and fears

Being introduced to the public for the first time, NTHP Facilitators get consistently positive results with clients who have tried everything else without sustainability

Dane Stevens was living what by most standards would be considered a highly successful life--running a prosperous business, living in a beautiful home, making good money, traveling and generally enjoying his life—despite having suffered incidences of traumatic childhood sex abuse. The only area of his life that was underperforming was his relationships -- which were consistently short-lived.

In an effort to explore whether that could be transformed, he sought out a recommended therapist/healer to resolve it, but in an intention to release the energy that was trapped in his body, she inadvertently released a bombshell of energy that took over his life, instantly flooding him with fear and out-of-control energy that was un quenchable. It felt like he had been plugged into a 220-volt outlet with his nervous system unhinged. Three years later, he had lost everything and was homeless.      

Living in his car and or in the houses at night where he was doing construction, he committed to finding a way back. He sought answers from books, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches, gurus, courses, and after five years, he finally stumbled upon something that allowed him to get to the heart of his suffering and connect with it.

That trial-and-error resulted in the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) which bridges the divide between the hurt-and-wounded child inside that is sabotaging one’s life and the conscious being. Using a left / right brain process that allows one intimate self- inquiry, NTHP, and its companion Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC) are highly successful trauma healing methodologies that are now being taught around the world. His new book Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life: How to Permanently Heal Unwanted Behaviors, Chronic Conditions and Addictions offers an answer to people who have tried everything and reached the end of their emotional rope.

Developed out of desperation, NTHP is now providing the relief for far more people than Dane himself, who recovered entirely, and released the fight-or-flight programming that had so long been embedded in his cells and energetic body. 
Being introduced to the public for the first time, the NTHP step-by-step process succeeds where many other modalities, therapies, healing techniques and behavior modification have fallen short—and achieves permanent healing. It is not a coping skill, a technique to overcome, a way to compensate or a medication that masks the problem. 

The NTHP process makes the unconscious, controlling, frightened part of us feel safe. And once that happens, through continued gentle, loving, self-inquiry, the trauma energy dissipates and dissolves permanently. Using a form of gentle, deep self-compassion, you make an intimate connection with the wounded part of you and re-choose your response to your experience and subsequent beliefs-- bringing it into the present moment where it isn’t happening any longer, stopping the looping habits and fears.

Says Dane: “The NTHP and SRC processes take another step in the evolution of our healing and spiritual development. They show us how we are working and give us the ability to heal our Self. They give us the keys to our life back, thus bringing us back home to our spiritual nature -- becoming our own source again.

NTHP melds the psychological, scientific, and spiritual together in a fusion of long-term, permanent recovery from chronic conditions including trauma- PTSD, chronic anxiety or fear, chronic pain, obesity, eating disorders, addiction and depression. You’re no longer at the mercy of the subconscious mind and bullied into dysfunction any longer. Says Dane, ”I set out to write this book specifically for those who have negative experiences form their past that have turned into a life sentence…I wanted to tell them there is a way out.”


Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the owner and director of An Extraordinary Life a company that promote healing, spiritual awareness and Self-empowerment. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC). These new healing modalities are obtaining profoundly positive results for people dealing with unwanted behaviors, chronic conditions and addictive behaviors. Stevens goal is to show people how to create a connection with their inner life, leading to healing from their past and fulfilling their true potential and happiness.

Dane was a trainer, coach for 15+ years (ACE, AFLCA, CCA, ACC) and started his private practice in the year 2000. He has been facilitating and teaching the Neuro Trauma and Soul Re-Cognition Processes to others since 2010. He has published a book - Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life - that is an introduction and guidebook for the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. He also hosts live and on-line seminars and workshops, and speaks about the processes, healing, Self-awareness and Self-empowerment. His main focus is training others to facilitate the NTHP and SRC processes so more and more people have access to them, and can get the healing they want and need.

Dane is originally from the hidden gem, Salmon Arm, in the interior of British Columbia, where he grew up playing in and water skiing on the amazing Shuswap Lake. He has spent 7 years in Santa Monica California learning about trauma and the nervous system - while deepening his spiritual practice in the sand and the sun. Dane now resides in the gorgeous Okanagan Valley with his beautiful partner Anne, where they can often be found deep in nature hiking in search of the next most dynamic waterfall.

Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life:
John Rowdy

John Rowdy is an emerging heartland rock artist, singer, and songwriter originating from Kingman, Kansas. The talented artist is quickly making waves in the scene with his unparalleled sound and style. Inspired by his life experiences, John Rowdy seeks to create music that will connect people worldwide. The talented musician aims to push the envelope with his sound and bridge various elements from different genres to make a well-rounded, dynamic style. With every release, the Americana/rock artist will have listeners engulfed into the world he creates with his storytelling lyricism and realness. John Rowdy is an artist to keep an eye on and ear out for as he is set to cement himself in the music industry for years to come.

United States

Storytelling Folk Rock artist John Rowdy is coming straight from the Heartland with his new album “Beautiful Resilience”. Anticipation is high and rising.

August 24, 2020

John Rowdy has a well-earned reputation for creating Heartland Rock that brings back memories of a time not so long ago, when Venues, Bands and Great Songwriting were much more common. The singer and storyteller have won praise for his songwriting skills firmly immersed in Americana with carefully crafted lyrics that resonate with common people’s lives, passions and concerns. In exciting news, Rowdy’s new album is set to be released across all the major digital download platforms on August 25th, 2020. Titled “Beautiful Resilience”, the new album has fans waiting on their edge of their seats.

“I’m very excited to have the new album on the way,” commented Rowdy. “It’s some of my best work yet, straight from the heart and I’m looking forward to seeing what the world thinks about ‘Beautiful Resilience’!”

Rowdy is increasingly well known for the spirit behind his songs, nearly as much as the powerful songs themselves. His outspoken goal is to inspire others to follow their dreams, big or small, and to remember despite challenges, the world is still a beautiful place. “Beautiful Resilience” is full of this love and understanding and carries the call to listeners to keep the love alive, strong and live life to its fullest.

The new album and Rowdy’s past work are all available as digital downloads directly from the artist’s information-packed website. “Beautiful Resilience” will be available both as a full album and as individual tracks.

To learn more and to keep up with the latest news from the Heartland’s John Rowdy be sure to visit

About John Rowdy

John Rowdy aims to bring an organic, heartfelt sound of Singer/Songwriter music straight to you, the fans! We live and breathe the joy of music, and after a life full of wonderful experiences music has inspired Rowdy to his dreams, he is diligently pumping his own music out for you to enjoy.

Media Contact

John Henning Jr.


Beautiful Resilience
Judi Miller

Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness and Transformation

By Judi Miller

The Universe’s “Perfect” Orchestration of a Path to Generational and Individual Healing

Amazon #1 Bestseller

Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness and Transformation is a life-changing book that illustrates the awe-inspiring and miraculous way that the Universe orchestrates our lives toward a state of wholeness, completion and love—whether we are aware of it or not!

Who has not at some time experienced the feeling that an intelligence greater than ourselves is guiding us forward to our destinies or fate? Or the wonder of synchronicities that fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle or a lock clicking into place?

All that and more is at work in Judi Miller’s beautiful, heart-felt and astonishing book, Perfect.

Judi was a highly successful CPA and corporate finance executive, who unknown to her co-workers, lived in terror of the night and the possibility of sexual assault. Happily married with children, her fears made life a modern-day nightmare, but worse—she had no idea why? There was nothing in her own personal background that would warrant this near constant state of fear.

And then on Good Friday, sitting in church, with her family, with the choir singing—something astonishing happened. She transcended into a state of total and unconditional love, something that went well beyond just her emotions. She began to overflow with tears for the powerful, divine, joyful experience of connection that transcended this world.

And thus began Judi’s journey, orchestrated by unseen hands, that erased her fears, healed three generations of people and souls, guided her to her purpose in life, opened her heart to love, and showed her that forgiveness is not necessary because we are all so deeply loved and never alone.

Perfection itself.

Perfect is a true recounting of the  transformational journey that Judi Miller was guided to take that brought the exact right people together, in the exact right order, to right a wrong committed decades ago; before her birth and which left its shadow on her soul.

It is a story, augmented with reflections and practices, that shows us all how we can open our hearts to allow in the love that heals and directs us toward the light—and the path we are meant to take to awaken, prosper and serve.   

Beautifully written and woven together with deep emotion and honesty—with a foreword from Marci Shimoff, author of the international bestseller Happy for No Reason—Perfect reads like a novel. It chronicles Judi’s path from separation and unconsciousness to unity and dawning awareness. From self-doubt to recognizing the perfection of one’s self—the perfection that is seen through the eyes of a divine intelligence. To be accepted, loved, recognized and joyfully celebrated exactly as we are.

Judi has studied with leading spiritual and personal growth luminaries including Marci Shimoff, Debra Poneman, Dr. Sue Morter, Janet Attwood, John Newton and Sonia Choquette. Judi weaves her knowledge and extraordinary awakening into a heartfelt and relatable message to help others find their intrinsic greatness and lasting happiness. As an author, speaker and coach, she is heeding the guidance that directs her to help others recognize their perfection. For more information, go to:


Judi Miller started her career as a Certified Public Accountant and went on to excel in the world of corporate finance for over 20 years. Most of her life has been dedicated to personal development and helping others excel in a constantly changing environment. Over the past several years, Judi’s interest shifted toward spirituality. Her growth was no longer aimed at making herself better; instead, she began to focus on finding her intrinsic wholeness.

This shift brought her numerous lessons around the nature of the creator, forgiveness and the trajectory each soul follows throughout the course of many lives. Today, sharing these lessons is an integral part of her journey. As a coach, speaker and author, she shares her relatable and heartfelt messages with others who want to awaken to their true greatness and experience lasting happiness.

Judi has trained with some of the world’s most spiritual visionaries and is certified in The Energy Codes, Happy for No Reason and The Passion Test. She will inspire you to live a more passionate life filled with greater clarity, joy and happiness.

Dan Blanchard

I'm a bestselling and award-winning author, speaker, educator, and TV Host. I have completed 14 years of college and earned 7 degrees. I write and speak on leadership, teen leadership, education, parenting, and sports.

United States

Dan Blanchard the Bestselling and Award-Winning, Author, Speaker, and Educator. TV Host. Two-time Junior Olympian Wrestler and two-time Junior Olympian Wrestling Coach who grew up as a student-athlete. However, Dan admits that as a youth he was more of an athlete than a student.  Dan has now successfully completed fourteen years of college and has earned seven degrees. He teaches Special Education and Social Studies in Connecticut’s largest inner-city high school where he was chosen by the AFT-CT as the face and voice of educational reform and is now on the speaking circuit for them. Dan was with the team that put forth Connecticut’s new Social Studies Frameworks and is also a member of the Special Education Advisory Board to the Connecticut State Department of Education. In addition, Dan is a Teacher Consultant for the University of Connecticut’s Writing Project. Finally, Dan is a double veteran of the Army and the Air Force.

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