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Rob Kosberg

Surveys tell us that 81 percent of Americans say they want to write a book, but despite all the technology that makes it easier, only one percent ever do. Author and hybrid publisher Rob Kosberg is changing the equation, one author at a time. His company, Best Seller Publishing, has created more than 500 number one best-selling authors. They have included Kevin Harrington, original shark on ABC’s Shark Tank, Former US Ambassador Delano Lewis and Jim Hansen, former CEO of Franchising for Subway International. All are best-selling authors based on Kosberg’s unique Publish. Promote. Profit system.

Rob would love to share with your audience his unique Publish. Promote. Profit system that is helping entrepreneurs become best sellers. He shares how some clients are earning over $100,000 per month with their books, getting booked on massive stages, getting press and media on demand and becoming the hunted in their industries.

Publish. Promote. Profit. explains the current self-publishing environment and covers the ins and outs of what it means to be an author, expert and thought leader in your field. Far beyond "how to self-publish" or “book marketing,” Publish. Promote. Profit. explains how to create compelling content quickly and become a true bestselling author even if you have no list, no following and no platform. It contains many real life examples and case studies of the successful systems his authors are using to attract an endless flow of leads, clients, speaking opportunities and media.

United States

Rob Kosberg is a business growth authority, entrepreneur, speaker and founder and CEO of Best Seller Publishing, the definitive leader in authority marketing and business growth strategies using a best-selling book. His clients are mainly Fortune 500 executives, business owners, financial advisors, coaches, doctors, attorneys, and thought leaders. He is the author of the international best-selling books Life After Debt and Publish. Promote. Profit. The New Rules of Writing, Marketing and Making Money with a Book. His Best Seller Publishing organization has launched more than 500 authors to best seller status.

Rob began his career in real estate and developed a thriving business that flourished for decades but that ultimately fell prey to the financial crisis in 2008. He overcame the setback and launched Best Seller Publishing, a highly-successful hybrid-publisher that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs become best sellers.

Publish. Promote. Profit. Book Cover
Neo Wright

I would like to discuss my fascinating life story and mainly talk to the listeners about mental health issues from an African American man's perspective and why  SO many of us are struggling with these illnesses especially since Covid-19. I would like to use this as a plaform as a way to "come out of a different closet".


Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright is an Author, Certified Life Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist.

Positive WORLD change is his MAIN focus. His upcoming series of books titled, “Black Boy from the Barrio” will take YOU on a journey of how an African American Boy who grew up working in the fields of Central California in a mainly Latino community, managed to self-educate himself through years of trial and error, to FINALLY (at the tender age of fifty-eight) realize WHY he was born. While being a house painter for thirty-two years of his life, Neo was able to break free from the grip of “occupational prison” by investing in HIMSELF in his spare time over the years.

The changes he made to himself are no less than FASCINATING. He has become a “master” of teaching people by his “LEADING THROUGH EXAMPLE approach". His UNIQUE style of teaching ALL the elements of success, joy and happiness, has given him a following of loyal supporters that are using these time-tested success principles to ENHANCE their lives as well.

Neo is a “MOVEMENT GUY”, meaning that he does not put limitations on ANYTHING. “SKY” is definitely the limit for him.

Neo is involved in four business ventures currently. He is the author of a book series, a Certified Life Coach who invented his own unique digital platform, CEO and founder of A.E.M. ( African Empowerment Movement ), a non-profit organization that will build sustainable communities throughout Africa, and co-CEO and founder of Align International Coaching Group, which focuses on helping people with various mental health issues.

Neil Shuttlewood

Let Brian J. Ford introduce your listeners to the crazy world of Nonscience, the dodgy descendant of science. Brian’s new book, entitled Nonscience Returns, will make their toes curl as it shows how the Experts are taking over every aspect of our lives. Nobody understands the rules for COVID-19 because Experts have confused everyone. And there is false news everywhere. No, the Amazon is not the lungs of the world, it doesn’t produce our oxygen. Paper bags in supermarkets are worse than plastic; producing paper causes far more pollution. Are you giving up your fried breakfast for a healthy quiche? Don’t—the quiche is more likely to harm you. Japan is introducing clean cars, powered by hydrogen, but this remarkable book reveals that the powerplant producing the fuel is the filthiest in the world. Why is every major TV station promoting a bake-off show? Those recipes—with sugar, cream, fat, and carbohydrate—cause more disease than anything else we eat.

Your listeners no doubt send their kids to university to train their brains, but they go because it’s the easiest way to leave home. They like it because they can get high, drunk, and laid, any time they want. A degree will always be their reward, even if they stay in bed all day, because universities must keep their place in the league tables. Students end up more in debt than their parents, after handing over borrowed money to fund the college’s dubious ambitions. Many institutes prosper by misappropriating other people’s research and claiming it as their own. Most of the best careers—from being an inventor or a computer consultant to a life coach or a web designer—don’t need a degree. The great names of our digital age (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Clive Sinclair, Mark Zuckerberg) didn’t graduate, while Pasteur, Crick, Watson, Dunlop, and hundreds of other great names made discoveries in very different areas than those for which they were qualified. Much of the technology you see around you was invented by an amateur.

Brian would be very happy to come on your show to divulge the secrets of becoming an Expert and expand on everyday Nonscience.

United Kingdom

Brian J. Ford has frittered away his life creating a new multidisciplinary approach to science. He is the person who first introduced laws governing the safe handling of viruses and bacteria, and went on to demonstrate intelligence in microbes. He has answered puzzles like the evolution of giant dinosaurs, spontaneous human combustion, coagulation of the blood, the development of the microscope, and scores of other topics. He edits encyclopaedias, was science editor for Guinness World Records (and wrote their New Quiz Book); presented his own BBC shows Science Now and Where Are You Taking Us?, hosted Food for Thought on Channel Four, and even had his own television game-show; he has visited most countries in the world and has lectured internationally for decades—the leading cruise lines have him as their celebrity speaker. Professor Ford has appeared on Today and Any Questions? while writing reports on the EU’s nuclear research, bed-bugs, conservation, algae, locust breeding, and Lithuanian politics. He appeared on the satirical programme Week In, Week Out, has done stand-up comedy, written for New Scientist and Scientific American, and writes a controversial column in The Microscope journal (search for ford CF01.htm). Brian J. Ford has connections with many universities and the popular An Evening With Brian at the Inter/Micro conference in Chicago has run for over 30 years. His books (approaching 40 of them) have been published in about 150 editions around the world. Curtis Press approached him about a new book, but all he’d agree to was a reprint of one he’d written earlier. Typical.

Marie Bates Curry

As an Evidentiary Medium, I am able to to connect with those in Spirit and relay their messages to their loved ones. As a professional Medium, I thaw the responsibilities and ethics of my job very seriously. I always approach my work with prayer, meditation, and through the protection of the White Light of God.  Having provided over 1,000 readings, I am humbled by the beautiful words of appreciation awe from my clients. Love never dies. 


As a young child, I had many "invisible" friends. I could hear them, talk,with them, and see their images as light. I thought everyone else did as well. When I was seven years old, my paternal grandmother sat me in her lap and said, "I go up, my mother goes up, your daddy goes up, and you go up, too.  You'll see.  You'll go up more than any of us."  At the time, I had no idea that "going up" meant communicating with those in Spirit.  As I got older, it became evident to me what was going on.  I found that when I talked of my experiences or gave messages to people, they laughed or thought that I was being silly.  I read and studied books on Mediums and Psychics for many years, and finally decided to come out of the "Psychic closet".  I have been blessed with a beautiful gift and have been able to work with hundreds of individuals and families, helping them find comfort in the knowledge that their loved ones in Spirit are with them, watching over the, and helping them.  Love never dies.

Faye Pietrokowsky

Everything goes better with intuition including cooking.  After years of employing the gift of insight into my own life and working with others to do the same, I decided to use this skill to  make sugar-free recipes.  I was facing diabetes and could not get off the sugar merry go round, I decided to create some foods that I could enjoy. My goal was to reprogram my brain to think of my food creations instead of refined sugar.  It has been a journey that has included eating healthy foods in a world that is very often filled with unhealthy food choices.  The journey has and still includes dealing with family and friends who consume foods that I no longer can and/or choose to eat. Many people want to kick the sugar habit but do not know how.  I would like to share some ideas.


My business is called Inner Design- Applying Intuition.  My business started in the 1980's to help people excel at what I love to do- trust my gut.  My goal was and still is to introduce people to the wonderful  inner world and to provide a space for them to explore and cultivate their own relationship with this innate gift, guidance system.  My work included  communiicating with animals and teaching others to do the same .  During the last few years my work has expanded to creating sugar-free recpes using both logic and intuition.  I couild not stop my sugar consumption and was prediabetic. The food that I created has saved me from diabetes and created a whole new world of possibilities.  The process of allowing intuition and creativity to reign in the kitchen is a powerful alliance.

Dane Stevens

Guest for Your Show

Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life

How to Permanently Heal Unwanted Behaviors, 

Chronic Conditions and Addictions

By Dane Stevens

Dane Stevens' Breakthrough Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) & Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC) Gently & Permanently Tames the 

Out-of-Control Child Within Us, and Opens a Gateway to 

Higher Consciousness

Using a unique form of gentle, deep self-compassion, you make an intimate connection with the wounded part of you, and re-choose your response to your experience and subsequent beliefs--bringing it into the present moment where it isn't happening any longer, stopping the 

looping habits and fears

Being introduced to the public for the first time, NTHP Facilitators get consistently positive results with clients who have tried 

everything else without sustainability

Dane Stevens was living what by most standards would be considered a highly successful life--running a prosperous business, living in a beautiful home, making good money, traveling and generally enjoying his life-despite having suffered incidences of traumatic childhood sex abuse. The only area of his life that was under-performing was his relationships -- which were consistently short-lived.  

So in an effort to explore whether that could be transformed, he sought out a recommended therapist/healer to resolve it, but in an intention to release the energy that was trapped in his body, she inadvertently released a bombshell of energy that took over his life, instantly flooding him with fear and out-of-control energy that was un-quenchable. It felt like he had been plugged into a 220-volt outlet with his nervous system unhinged. Three years later, he had lost everything and was homeless.

Living in his car and or in the houses at night where he was doing construction, he committed to finding a way back. He sought answers from books, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, coaches, gurus, courses, and after five years, he finally stumbled upon something that allowed him to get to the heart of his suffering and connect with it.

That trial-and-error resulted in the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) which bridges the divide between the hurt-and-wounded child inside that is sabotaging one's life and the conscious being. Using a left/right brain process that allows one deep self-compassion and inquiry, NTHP, and its companion Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC) are highly successful trauma healing methodologies that are now being taught around the world. His new book Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life: How to Permanently Heal Unwanted Behaviors, Chronic Conditions and Addictions offers an answer to people who have tried everything and reached the end of their emotional rope.

Developed out of desperation, NTHP is now providing the relief for far more people than Dane himself, who recovered entirely, and released the fight-or-flight programming that had so long been embedded in his cells and energetic body. 

Being introduced to the public for the first time, the NTHP step-by-step process succeeds where many other modalities, therapies, healing techniques and behavior modification have fallen short--and achieves permanent healing. It is not a coping skill, a technique to overcome, a way to compensate or a medication that masks the problem. 

The NTHP process makes the unconscious, controlling, frightened child feel safe. And once that happens, through continued gentle, loving, self-inquiry, the trauma energy dissipates and dissolves permanently. Using a form of gentle, deep self-compassion, you make an intimate connection with the wounded part of you, and re-choose your response to your experience and subsequent beliefs-- bringing it into the present moment where it isn't happening any longer, stopping the looping habits and fears.

But out of this remarkable clearing process came another windfall for Dane's soul. As he healed, with the peace he was now experiencing creating new space in his life, it allowed a naturally growing connection to the higher consciousness, which began to flow through him with ease. That gateway has opened access to his Higher Self that gives him wisdom and guidance. This, too, is now experienced by the many who are practicing NTHP and SRC.   

Says Dane: "The NTHP and SRC processes take another step in the evolution of our healing and spiritual development. They show us how we are working and give us the ability to heal our Self. They give us the keys to our life back, thus bringing us back home to our spiritual nature--becoming our own source again. This work has been called the next step in the evolution of our mental / emotional healing and spiritual development and we are proud to bring it forward with this book."

The Neuro Trauma Healing Process melds the psychological, scientific, and spiritual together in a fusion of long-term, permanent recovery from any condition including trauma, chronic anxiety or fear, chronic pain, obesity, eating disorders, addiction, depression and or physical ailments.You're no longer at the mercy of the subconscious mind and bullied into dysfunction any longer. Says Dane "I set out to write this book specifically for those who have negative experiences from their past that have had it turned into a life sentence...I wanted to tell them there is a way out."

If you would like to interview Dane Stevens on the power of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process and its breakthrough success, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Ask for Media Kit

Tyler Ornstein

Guest for Your Show

Tyler Ornstein & The Empowering Story of Tylers Coffee

The World's First ACID FREE Coffee--Inspired by a 5-Year-Old & Brought to Market by a 16-Year-Old

The Healthy Coffee Breakthrough-now sold on Amazon, Walmart & at 1000 stores-is a family affair!

Proprietary Z-Roasting Organic Process Eliminates Indigestion, Bloating, 

Heartburn & Tooth Decay

A Brand That Grew Up With the Boy-At 30, Tyler Shares His Hard-Earned Retail Experience with Other Entrepreneurs

Dear Jim: 

Tyler Ornstein loved the taste and smell of coffee from his first sip at 5 years old. But his father couldn't tolerate it because it upset his stomach. One day, Tyler asked him if he could make a coffee that both of them could drink.

So Tyler's dad, Ian, a genius bio-chemist, tinkered quietly behind the scenes until he did what no university research lab or mega-corporation could do-he created acid-free coffee that anyone can drink without digestive disruption. He created the world's first-acid free coffee that is actually healthy to drink!

And that is only where the story really begins...this happened in 2004, when Tyler was 14. Excited about sharing this great-tasting revolutionary coffee with neighbors and friends, Tyler started going door-to-door on his bicycle, giving coffee away. And then one little elderly lady said to him, "That's good coffee. Where do I get it?" It was a light bulb moment and he said, "You can get it from me." She said, "How much does it cost?" He said, "$1." She said, "Why don't you come by and bring me $5 worth of coffees? And "Tylers Coffee" was born. After all, that's what the neighbors called it!  

This isn't a story of overnight success. This is a story of Tyler's dogged pursuit, passion and purpose to bring his product to market, starting--yes--on his bicycle at 16. And today you can find Tylers Coffee on Amazon, Walmart, eBay and (and 40 other retailer websites), in addition to 1000 stores across the nation including the National Grocers chain.Today, Tylers Coffee boasts 80% growth year-over-year with more than 2,000,000 cups sold.

But it's also the story of a boy that grew into an extraordinary entrepreneur who today--at the age of 30--possesses a vast amount of expertise that surpasses many two times his age, and guides others on how to bring a retail product to market or navigate the shoals of business start-up and growth. He's always willing to share the wisdom learned from his hard-earned lessons.

While the great selling point of Tylers Coffee is its proprietary computerized Z-Roasting system which roasts the bean perfectly without letting the tannic and lipid acids form and prevents the indigestion, bloating, heartburn or tooth enamel decay found in regular coffee (50 million Americans suffer from digestive problems), those unique properties aren't enough to sell it into the competitive marketplace where a premium-priced product has to go up against price-slashing giants of the industry. Nevertheless, he's made incredible in-roads for someone not backed by millions of dollars.

So, Tyler continues to be both the Founder and CEO of Tylers Coffee and its chief spokesman -- singing its praises, encouraging people to try the product both at retail, over the media and in person at trade shows, conferences and virtual networking. Most of all, he loves the product which has expanded to include its USDA Organic Certified-farm sourced coffee from Mexico in Regular Blend and DeCaf, both in packaged and in single serve options.

The health benefits of Tylers Coffee and it's remarkable story of creationTyler is engaging and charming -- and brings his enthusiasm, passion and a wealth of knowledge to an interview. He can speak on:

The huge coffee marketplace (the second most-purchased commodity in the world) The David-and-Goliath battle he wages with the industry giants for shelf space or digital retail footprint The intricacies of launching a product at retail And what it takes to be an innovative and passionate entrepreneur with a decade-and-a-half of experience at 30!

If you would like to interview Tylor Ornstein, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Tyler Ornstein loved the taste and smell of coffee from his first sip at 5 years old. But his father couldn’t tolerate it because it upset his stomach. One day, Tyler asked him if he could make a coffee that both of them could drink.

So Tyler’s dad, Ian, bio-chemist, tinkered quietly behind the scenes until he did what no university research lab or mega-corporation could do— he created acid–free coffee that anyone can drink without digestive disruption. He created the world’s first-acid free coffee that is actually healthy to drink!

He designed a propriety computerized Z-Roasting system and figured out how to roast the bean perfectly without letting the tannic and lipid acids form, which normally wreak havoc on those with GI problems from indigestion, bloating and heartburn or who are plagued by tooth enamel decay.

Tyler, with a natural entrepreneur spirit, setting off door-to-door on his bicycle to sell what soon became known as Tylers Coffee. It has since evolved into a full warehouse, a team, 80% growth year-over-year with more than 2,000,000 cups sold, distribution in 1,000 independent grocery stores across the United States and was even the preferred coffee of the 2008 Academy Awards. He has launched the product on Amazon and Walmart online, as well as many other retail outlets.

Daniel Roy Baron
I am interested in being a guest and hosting people to interview with on my podcast Ordinary Peoples Egalitarian Assemblies #eTownHalls
Politicians are obsolete and representatives are obsolete.  This is about putting these Equality for all Peoples Assemblies and Small Business Cooperatives in charge.  I hold a weekly ongoing meeting to help bring this into a reality along with the podcast.
I thank you, Daniel Roy Baron
Phone: 323-496-7649

Please feel free to contact me.

Daniel Roy Baron
United States

Daniel Roy Baron was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, to Unitarian Universalist parents. For twenty plus years he did Quality Assurance Management in the areas of technology, communities, countries and internationally. This is how his media company The Face Triage Media company came about. His first book, "Looking Glass Shattered," and his years of living out of a Backpack sparked his talk show host career in 2016. In 2020, he hosts and produces the Ordinary Peoples Egalitarian Assemblies #eTownHalls podcast.

Lynn K Russell
​Thank you for the opportunity to tell you about my book, the second edition of THE WONDER OF YOU: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself. I researched 2500 near-death experiences. The first printing of this book did so well a second edition was launched on February 1, 2020. 

Unlike other NDE books, it answers many of the more profound spiritual questions asked by humans for centuries. In order to show our Consciousness as reality, this second edition has easy-peasy science added. Oneness is all that exists. 

It would be my pleasure to be one of the guests on your show. Please feel free to contact me and make arrangements for when that would fit for you. 

Much of what I teach is directly connected to Consciousness and manifestation of a more fulfilling life. 
I also have several articles published on NDEs and in the area of spiritual science.

What reviews are saying: 

-It's not just a collection of NDE(near-death experience) stories; they are only used as a tool to illustrate the point - that death is not final, and consciousness is so much more than we allow ourselves to believe it is.   

-The only goal of it seems to be to infuse you with positivity regarding your purpose in life and life in general. There'sno agenda, no religion, or dogma. You're free to choose what you'll take away.

- I loved the ending as the main point of the book was that people should realize how wonderful they are. I loved that because so many of us don't know our beauty.

-This book felt like a sweet, warm, comforting hug. It brought a deeper understanding and a new perspective on matters I have read about before while offering some further information as well. 

A PDF review copy is available upon request. 

Be the Love you are
Lynn   K.   Russell

Cell: 1+403.359.2309
World expert on Near-Death
The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself 
Worpple: Kids' adventure book on Oneness, Kindness is contagious, Love is powerful 
Workshop: Beyond Near-Death and Science
Unitarian Universalist Lay Chaplain
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

Lynn has over sixty-five years of studying the religions of the world and various spiritual philosophies. Her interest culminated in researching 2500 near-death experiences for Dr. Jeffery Long, of NDERF. She became fascinated with the underlying profound spiritual knowledge being brought back and wanted to share. The first edition of her book, The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experiences Tells You About Yourself, concentrates on those deeper messages and what happens after death. It has gone into a second edition, which also covers the death experience and goes a little deeper into Consciousness.