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Lee Tomlinson

Guest for Your Show

Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare

By LeesTomlinson

"Patient" Lee Tomlinson, the Compassionate Care Crusader, On a Mission to Restore Compassion to Healthcare, Healthcare Professionals and the World at Large


Lee Tomlinson had a life many would have considered charmed. A successful world-trotting tennis pro, international businessman, marketing genius behind the American Film Institute's 10-year long 100 Greatest Movies CBS TV specials and multi-million-dollar fundraising campaign, major Hollywood film studio owner, loving husband and near scratch golfer.

Until the world crashed down, and he was subsequently diagnosed with Stage III+ throat cancer, and subjected to months of life-threatening, debilitating chemo and radiation, and extreme pain--so extreme he could not eat or even swallow.

Towards the end of his grueling treatment, while hospitalized for a severe infection, a never-ending stream of insensitive, unkind acts totally lacking in compassion by the hospital staff, sent Lee into an abyss of emotional despair that made him choose suicide over life. 

Fortunately, another doctor, a dear friend, stopped him by deeply apologizing on behalf of a healthcare system that had failed to provide him-and so many others, with even a hint of compassion. And with one simple suggestion--inspired Lee to use his gifts as a speaker, customer service expert and leader to restore compassion to healthcare--not only for patients, but also for all the overworked, under-supported, burned-out healthcare professionals who've literally lost the ability to provide the compassion that got them into medicine in the first place. 

Lee's powerful crusade is documented in his new book Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare. But there is a message here for more than healthcare professionals (HCPs). There's a message for all of us about the power of compassion to heal others' mental, emotional and physical pain - but to also love and heal ourselves - and in doing so, help heal the world at a critical time in our history. 

Lee's book presents the evidence that compassion heals by sighting numerous scientific studies, books and resources. But the most telling statistic he cites is that more than 50% of Americans believe that healthcare and healthcare professionals totally lack compassion. Data shows that people die because of compassionless care, not just from medical errors. 

Compassionless healthcare has become more the norm over the past 25 years. Left unchecked, the future of healthcare is unthinkable. 

And that's why Lee is driven to make a difference. He has taken to the stage as "Patient Lee" dressed in nothing but a hospital gown, and presented his mixture of humor, compassion, urgency, encouragement and call-to-action at more than 200 venues, including keynote presentations to Johns Hopkins Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering, UCLA Medical Center, Eli Lilly & Co., Providence Health & Services, David Geffen School of Medicine, Bristol Myers Squibb, Siemens Medical Imaging, City of Hope Cancer Center, Adventist Health, and national conferences for the Oncology Nurse Society (ONS), Academy of Oncology Nurses and Patient Navigators (AONN), Association of Integrated Health and Medicine (AIHM) and Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA). 

The problem, as Lee discovered when speaking with members of his audiences, is that HCPs are totally spent themselves, bereft of energy and emotional sustenance. More than 60 percent of them are suffering from burnout and, as such have zero compassion to give anyone because they're not given themselves enough to stay healthy and able to do so. 

So much of Compassion Heals is a recipe for self-care. Ways that healthcare workers can step off the treadmill and restore themselves, so they can freely give from a well of wellbeing and compassion within. 

Far from being punitive, Compassion Heals is in itself a healing balm. Filled with understanding and kindness for those who are falling short, along with those who are in their hands, this book is just the tip of Lee's mission. The Movement is designed to reconnect America's healthcare professionals with the compassion that got them into healthcare in the first place. Lee has also launched the Compassion Heals Challenge in which he invites his audiences on stages, podcasts and beyond--not just HCPs, but all of us--to commit to purposely providing one additional compassionate act daily, for themselves or others, for 7 days and share them on the website.

Lee's only just getting started. He's still got 20 million HCPs to reach! Continuing to speak on major stages everywhere in his hospital gown, he is also developing a feature-length documentary based on his experiences and research titled Compassion Heals and promoting the book. 

Says Lee, "My goal is to make providing compassion a priority, a natural habit, rather than something we think of as a chore, or worse, a waste of time. Not only for healthcare professionals in the course of treating patients and dealing with colleagues, but for themselves and everyone." 

If you would like to have Lee Tomlinson on your show to hear an inspiring story and remind people that we all have a compassionate role to play in the world, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details

"Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare examines the power of compassion to change lives. In this powerful and poignant book, Tomlinson shares his journey as a cancer survivor damaged by a cruel healthcare system lacking in compassion to an advocate for bringing compassion back to medicine and for living a compassionate life."

- James R. Doty, MD & neurosurgeon, founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University School of Medicine

"I love it! Lee demystifies and inspires compassion. His integration of research is spot on. It feels like he is having a conversation with the reader. His gift of storytelling is wonderful and helps keep us connected and real. What a gift."

- Mary Koloroutis, MSN, RN, coauthor of Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures and See Me as a Person

"I challenge you to listen to survivor and patient-care expert Lee Tomlinson who offers compassionate solutions that improve outcomes, incomes, healing, compliance clinician burn-out and above all, patient satisfaction."

- Dr. Dean Edell - Pioneering TV and Radio Medical Talk Show Host

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

United States

The life mission of Lee Tomlinson – also known as “Patient Lee” -- is to inspire healthcare professionals to return compassionate care to its rightful place at the forefront of modern healthcare — to benefit patients, their families, the bottom line; and perhaps most importantly, they’re often suffering, “burned-out” selves.

Finding this mission wasn’t even remotely easy.

Award-winning television producer, movie studio executive and owner, former professional athlete, speaker and TED Talk presenter, “Patient Lee” is alive today due to the combination of a lifetime of extraordinarily effective medical treatment and deeply kind, compassionate care.

Unfortunately, during a recent battle with Stage 3+ throat cancer, “Patient Lee” became painfully aware of the trauma caused by treatment lacking in compassion that drove him to the darkest of depths. What saved him from suicide was a tiny, simple, yet powerful act of compassion delivered by a loving doctor and friend.

With his renewed zeal for life and newfound purpose, “Patient Lee” created the Compassion Heals Movement. This Movement is designed to reconnect America’s 20 million healthcare professionals with the compassion that got them into healthcare in the first place. Then, do whatever is necessary to prevent the “burn-out” that affects over 60% of these vital caretakers, rendering them unable to provide compassion to their patients, themselves, or anyone else. And finally, once healed of their own distress, to reignite these dedicated professionals, and inspire them to redouble their efforts in providing even more compassion than before — all to better heal their patients and the world.

Lee has already told his story on more than 200 stages around the world, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. Presented with his unique mixture of humor, compassion, urgency, encouragement and call-to-action, “Patient Lee” is making a difference in restoring compassion to healthcare…and to the world at large.


I am a beast

United States

I am avelino and was avelino and will be avelino.

Karen Warner Schuele

Karen Warner Schuele, author of The Sudden Caregiver: A Roadmap for Resilient Caregiving, is available to provide tips on how caregivers can prioritize their mental health. 

Below are some of the topics that she can discuss in an interview: 

Small ways to make your mental health a priority  Why it is important to take breaks while caregiving  Tips for managing stress when you are taking care of someone  How to prioritize your self-care when you are pulled in many different directions

On the day Karen became a sudden caregiver, she was a wife, a mom, a consultant and business owner, a coach, a runner, a friend, and a consumer of too much Starbucks coffee. She was not a caregiver. Until she was. On that day when her late husband was diagnosed — out of the blue — with stage IV cancer, Karen certainly had no idea that she had instantaneously joined a silent army of informal, unpaid family caregivers around the world who had also been pressed into sudden service. 

The Sudden Caregiver: A Roadmap for Resilient Caregiving is a practical and proven guide, a roadmap, and a source of comfort for anyone who is caring for a loved one, and especially for those for whom the role was unexpected. With the acronym C-A-R-E (Crisis, As Normal as Possible, Resolution, and Evolution), Warner Schueler explains each phase of caregiving and helps the reader apply what they need for their unique situation, including her own personal stories and stories from caregivers of all types. The author invites readers to dive right in where they feel they need the most help, as every caregiving situation is unique. 

Karen guides readers through evidence-based strategies, drawn from the principles of positive psychology, that are designed to help raise well-being and resilience for both the caregiver and the person in their care. They provide direction on not only what to do as a caregiver but also how to be as a caregiver. She also discusses how to integrate the lessons of caregiving once your role as caregiver ends. 

In addition to the book and worksheet appendix, readers can download a free Sudden Caregiver’s Playbook, with helpful worksheets and activities to guide the caregiver through each step of the journey.

Karen Warner Schueler is an executive coach who has helped hundreds of senior managers discover the unique qualities that inform their leadership. As president of her coaching firm, Tangible Group, she designs and delivers premiere leadership experiences for individuals, teams, and multinational corporations. She received her Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently launching a series of learning modules for caregiver resilience. The Sudden Caregiver is her first book. 

Krista Nerestant

Krista Nerestant, author of  Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma, about overcoming childhood trauma. 

In her book, Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma, Krista shares how she learned to extract life-healing lessons while overcoming a violent past, with the hope of inspiring and teaching survivors to approach personal wounds as a gateway to unleashing their own self-actualization. Crossing over spirituality and self-help genres, Indestructible disrupts society’s chosen perspective on trauma. Instead of wincing from the pain, readers will be empowered to recognize the gifts it will present.

If you are interested in speaking with Krista, below are some of the topics that she can elaborate on: 

The Hidden Gifts of Trauma is aligned with today’s social narrative of the empowered woman, ie: #womenempowerment #metoo #thefutureisfemale #selfcare  7 tips for overcoming your trauma and loving yourself 6 resilience builders you can practice during the time of covid,when life seems too much 

Krista Nerestant is a practicing life coach, educated and certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and The Satir Method of Transformational Systemic Therapy to heal family dynamics and trauma, and an advocate for women and children. She hosts a podcast, Self-Care Tuesdays, that is dedicated to encouraging, empowering and elevating the journey of self-care. She’s teaching women it’s OK to be “Self-ish”!  

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes. 

Proponents of NLP assume all human action is positive. Therefore, if a plan fails or the unexpected happens, the experience is neither good nor bad—it simply presents more useful information.

Satir’s Transformational Systemic Therapy Model (STST) is unique in encompassing both the intrapsychic and interactive components of therapy. Much therapy of the past has been focused only on clients’ behaviour, cognition or affect. The Satir Model is focused on the whole human being, tapping into their internal resources and universal yearnings to facilitate transformational change within their personal, family, and social systems. The Satir Model process facilitates development of increased levels of competence and congruence in the therapist.

STST processes are supported by therapeutic and neurobiological research. Evidence-based research supports experiential, systemic, positively directional and change focused therapeutic processes to bring about neurological changes in clients. STST emphasizes that therapists create and provide the conditions for attachment, hope, positive possibilities and safety in order to facilitate change.


Ronnie Yumang is the first and only practicing Regenerative Architect in the Philippines and probably the whole of Asia. He is developing his own Regenerative Communities called Maka Forest Villa showcasing indigenous/ecological wisdom and frugal innovations. What the world needs now is less of iconic buildings but structures that are sensitive on how we can replenish our resources. The world population will continue to grow and if we continue to do the same thinking but not making effort to replace what we had consumed, a huge gap will become wider and wider - this is not "Sustainable."


Born 12 October 1970 in Manila Philippines. He received his bachelor's degree at Polytechnic University of the Philippines and passed the Architect's licensure exam in 1994. He was conferred ASEAN Architect with specialization in Regenerative Architecture in 2018

Dr Angela Wilson

When most of us live in COVID 19 fear, the sense of uncertainty, she had led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find over forty years ago.She provides aspiring individuals consultation, coaching, and training on how to conquer this space of mind power from the Unconscious mind and liberate beyond mind prison. so they will never need to drink poison quench thirst like those leaders, masters, gurus, practitioners on personal development, healing, law of attraction, Neuro-linguistic program, meditation, cultivation, enlightenment are looking for but most are heading to the cliff edge and driving themselves to the end without awareness.  

I share The Power Of The Unconscious Mind - Liberty beyond the mind prison that covers any topics hosts want and can inspire the audience to live beyond the limit. 

I have been a guest on around 100 shows within 3 months.


Mind Power Lady, Dr Angela Wilson is Known as the authority of the largely inaccessible unconscious mind. She is COVID-19 mind matrix specialist and holistic health educator, certified training provider, international speaker, author, and more.

When most of us live in COVID 19 fear, the sense of uncertainty, she had led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find over forty years ago.She provides aspiring individuals consultation, coaching, and training on how to conquer this space of mind power from the Unconscious mind and liberate beyond mind prison. so they will never need to drink poison quench thirst like those leaders, masters, gurus, practitioners on personal development, healing, law of attraction, Neuro-linguistic program, meditation, cultivation, enlightenment are looking for but most are heading to the cliff edge and driving themselves to the end without awareness.  

Below is a list of links for your reference:

I am a regular guest on media interviews, TV, news, podcast, radio, summit, congress, etc. You can see some posts at
My webs:
Below is my story:

When most are living in COVID 19 Pandemic fear, the sense of uncertainty of future and after death, I had been that place since my birth.

Born as misery magnetite,I had never really be loved and accepted by my parents. My birthdate was my apology day for my existence, and  I lived with ongoing catastrophic events and could have driven myself to the end at any moment. 

The awakening moment on mind power at age six saved me from living in the hell from the within. 

It led my hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find. As a result, I discovered other forces trying to use this part of mind. I had to fight 24/7 to dominate it.

It saved me from suffering like others but uplift to the next level although I was facing devastating moments, like: from drawing at birth; living in fear of being poisoned or abandoned by doctoral parents; daily slavery and torture; sleeping with smelling crawling bugs in the quilt; being disfigured by family, to escaping from arranged marriage; facing the threat of being removed from genealogy and miracle survival from a potential accidental death in Fi Ji sea.

knowing that I put them as the beneficiary in my will when I reached my dreamed success in my early thirties, my parents only expected my immediate accidental death.

My early success allowed me to invest over one million US dollars in the past decades, researching the root causes that force most other aspiring successful individuals except me with the super mental strength to tragic destiny and the web of earth misery.

I have spent over forty years refining this secret formula, benefiting from her unique upbringing in a western medical family with 11 generations of Chinese herbal medicine practitioner Heritage; the 22nd generation on energy healing; academic study; holistic qualifications; rich clinical experience; and unstoppable cross-disciplinary testing by risking her life researching how human mind connects with the physical world, metaphysical world, quantum physics and effects business, career, and personal life.

My mission is to rise by lifting others.

Dr Angela Wilson
Angela K. Pearson

I am Not Contagious

By Angela K. Pearson

A Book for Children Who Have Known the Sting of Rejection and Ostracism When Parents Have Decided Against Vaccination

Angela K. Pearson's Movement to Protect Children's Self-Esteem When the State Takes Away Their Right to Public Education -- and Others Fear or Point Fingers


Angela K. Pearson had a very powerful reason to opt out of the standard CDC-recommended vaccination schedule for her youngest children. Immediately after her healthy elder son was vaccinated, he developed side effects and eventually the chronic symptoms of systemic lupus, the same autoimmune disease her father had, and which has caused lifelong challenges for her son.

Her daughter and youngest son, Grayson, have remained perfectly healthy without any vaccinations. And yet, on the heels of Grayson entering first grade-just weeks into the school year-Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a mandate that only vaccinated children could attend school in the state. More than 26,000 children were banned from public and private education. (Similar laws have been enacted in California.)

As a result, Angela was forced to quit her very-successful career to be a stay-at-home home-schooling mom. But she was especially concerned about the impact that this rejection and the resulting ostracism by other children and parents on Grayson.

So while seeking to restore his sense of self-esteem and emotional equilibrium, she hit upon the idea of a children's book - for Grayson and other similarly-situated children, told from Grayson's view point. 

Thus was born I am Not Contagious, a beautifully-illustrated children's book that explores a child's frustration at these adult issues, but also the wisdom to know there is nothing wrong with him or her. The book is a heartwarming story from a youngster's perspective, filled with confidence, compassion and courage.

But for Angela, the book is more than just a mission to help children through such challenging dilemmas. It is also one aspect of her quest for medical freedom for all parents and individuals seeking to make decisions that may run counter to government regulation and medical establishment practice or policy. She advocates for informed consent and believes that vaccines are not a one-size-fits-all solution...that family history must be taken into consideration.

To help parents and students to process, synthesize and rebound from this societal rebuff, I am Not Contagious also includes puzzles and lessons on basic freedoms and individual rights. More of these, along with an audio of Grayson reading the book, and parent's supportive worksheets, are available on a free book giveaway that Angela is also hosting at Parents can actually purchase I am Not Contagious t-shirts on her website,

A lifestyle mentor and entrepreneur with a Bachelor's degree in Behavioral Science and Community Health, Angela is an educated holistic health enthusiast, who chooses to feed her family organically rich, chemical-free food. Protecting her children's health is her number one priority. 

If you would like to interview Angela K. Pearson on I am Not Contagious and her mission to help children and parents deal with these issues, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

United States

Angela K. Pearson is passionate about her family. She is a devoted mother of three and enjoys helping her children discover their talents, whether that be wrestling, music, martial arts, a business goal or themselves. She considers her children to be her biggest accomplishment. Aside from their health and happiness, she makes it a priority that they understand their basic human rights and encourages them to lead their lives with a moral compass.

After her eldest son experienced an adverse reaction to a vaccine, she adopted a conservative approach to the sources from which she receives information.

Angela has been a holistic enthusiast for 20 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science and Community Health. She believes earning her degree is a bonus in her life, but it’s not what defines her. She is strongly convinced that having a college education doesn’t make a person smarter than a person without one and that education stems from being open to factual information that isn’t indoctrinated or one-sided.

Being informed on vaccine ingredients and their direct effects, she opted out of the CDC’s vaccine scheduled program. Her daughter and youngest son never received any vaccinations, and are perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, her eldest son was diagnosed with systemic lupus, the same autoimmune disease Angela’s father had.

She advocates for informed consent regardless of where you stand on the matter and is confident that vaccines are not a one-size fits all. Given her history, she believes that every child should have their family history carefully examined along with the vaccine doses and ingredients before performing this type of medical procedure.

Angela is a lifestyle mentor and entrepreneur. I Am Not Contagious highlights not only her experience as a mother, her son’s perspective, but also provides a systematic analysis of human behavior and how it relates to society and the lack of education on this topic.

Alexis Artin

Most women you’ll meet have endured and accumulated shame that prescribes them to the belief that they are “too much.” Whether it's through patriarchy, body trauma or bullying, women are too often patronized and subjugated into a belief system where societal ideals are akin to being a woman—in actuality they are a set of false codes that aid in women abandoning their individual truths, often times before they’re even aware of them. Enter Alexis Artin.

More than a woman for women, beyond an inspirational therapist; Alexis is a woman empowering women with an arsenal of tools. She asks the tough questions that drill down to the root and provide guidance in making new choices that dissolve the mind matrix of illusions constructed around our lives.

Embracing vulnerability, and sharing her lived experiences with women, Alexis’ track record is a legacy of impact.

Let Alexis lead you back to yourself.


-How to be a real boss babe: 4 ways to not compromise your femininity as a female

business owner

-5 tips on the importance of duality & reinventing yourself: How to embrace all that you are

-6 simple ways to eradicate shame and find unconditional love from the inside out

-What The H*** is NLP and 7 ways it can change your life

-3 things being a working mom has taught me

United States

As seen in Fox, NBC, Thrive Global, Entertainment Tonight and more, Alexis Artin is a leading success coach, international speaker, writer, who's trained in NLP and is a master embodiment teacher—fully immersed in the DeMartini Method.

She has spent the past two decades propelling people towards their personal and professional best. Alexis is a woman transforming women. She not only asks them tough questions that drill down to the root, but she empowers them with proven information, so they can confidently make new choices that dissolve the mind matrix of illusions constructed around their lives.

After working with many A-list celebrities across the board in television and film, Alexis transitioned her passion and skillset for fostering potential and obtaining results to the world of self-development and transformation. She worked side-by-side with many of the most revered thought leaders bringing personal growth to the global stage and was the driving force behind expanding one of the largest and most respected female empowerment companies, which inspired her to channel her expertise into creating a coaching practice serving clients across the globe.

Alexis teaches others to embrace their knowing; connecting mind, body, heart, and soul. Her powerful coaching gives her clients true and lasting transformation from the inside out. An ICF-certified professional coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, Alexis is also co-founder of FreeBody™ Practice and a hypnotherapist.

Jane Tabachnick
Guest name: Jane Tabachnick

Topic: How to use PR and Content to Build Your Visibility, Authority and Profits Rapidly

Why Jane?

Jane is a seasoned professional with 13 years of experience in the PR world She helped 200 authors achieve bestseller status Was named one of the Top 100 people online by Fast Company has been featured or quoted on a ton of media outlets like ABC, CBS, The NY Enterprise Report, The Star Ledger, CNN, Houston Magazine, Spa Magazine, Women’s Wear Daily and many others Comes with a plenty of audience takeaways presented in a fun and engaging way

Let me know if you’re interested to get Jane as a guest and I can help you with scheduling.




Mitko Ivanov

Jane Tabachnick's Podcast Manager

United States

Jane loved designing clothes. With each new collection she was expected to tell a memorable story. As a designer/entrepreneur, a part of her role was to pitch that story, engage the media and score some publicity for our design house. The clothes told a visual story, and the media wanted a story told to them with words that they could share with their audience.

Over time, she realized that she enjoyed the story telling more than fashion, though she’ll always be a sucker for a great print or fun accessory.

Since leaving the fashion business, Jane has been helping other entrepreneurs and brands tell their stories more successfully – for greater visibility, thought leadership and more profits.

Today, Jane and her team have successfully helped their clients drive more revenue, attract top-tier clients and partners, and get featured in:

Entrepreneur Newsday Crain's CNN The New York Times Travel Weekly Forbes Mercury News