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Dr Angela Wilson
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When most of us live in COVID 19 fear, the sense of uncertainty, she had led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find over forty years ago.She provides aspiring individuals consultation, coaching, and training on how to conquer this space of mind power from the Unconscious mind and liberate beyond mind prison. so they will never need to drink poison quench thirst like those leaders, masters, gurus, practitioners on personal development, healing, law of attraction, Neuro-linguistic program, meditation, cultivation, enlightenment are looking for but most are heading to the cliff edge and driving themselves to the end without awareness.  

I share The Power Of The Unconscious Mind - Liberty beyond the mind prison that covers any topics hosts want and can inspire the audience to live beyond the limit. 

I have been a guest on around 100 shows within 3 months.


Mind Power Lady, Dr Angela Wilson is Known as the authority of the largely inaccessible unconscious mind. She is COVID-19 mind matrix specialist and holistic health educator, certified training provider, international speaker, author, and more.

When most of us live in COVID 19 fear, the sense of uncertainty, she had led her hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find over forty years ago.She provides aspiring individuals consultation, coaching, and training on how to conquer this space of mind power from the Unconscious mind and liberate beyond mind prison. so they will never need to drink poison quench thirst like those leaders, masters, gurus, practitioners on personal development, healing, law of attraction, Neuro-linguistic program, meditation, cultivation, enlightenment are looking for but most are heading to the cliff edge and driving themselves to the end without awareness.  

Below is a list of links for your reference:

I am a regular guest on media interviews, TV, news, podcast, radio, summit, congress, etc. You can see some posts at
My webs:
Below is my story:

When most are living in COVID 19 Pandemic fear, the sense of uncertainty of future and after death, I had been that place since my birth.

Born as misery magnetite,I had never really be loved and accepted by my parents. My birthdate was my apology day for my existence, and  I lived with ongoing catastrophic events and could have driven myself to the end at any moment. 

The awakening moment on mind power at age six saved me from living in the hell from the within. 

It led my hands truly on what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find. As a result, I discovered other forces trying to use this part of mind. I had to fight 24/7 to dominate it.

It saved me from suffering like others but uplift to the next level although I was facing devastating moments, like: from drawing at birth; living in fear of being poisoned or abandoned by doctoral parents; daily slavery and torture; sleeping with smelling crawling bugs in the quilt; being disfigured by family, to escaping from arranged marriage; facing the threat of being removed from genealogy and miracle survival from a potential accidental death in Fi Ji sea.

knowing that I put them as the beneficiary in my will when I reached my dreamed success in my early thirties, my parents only expected my immediate accidental death.

My early success allowed me to invest over one million US dollars in the past decades, researching the root causes that force most other aspiring successful individuals except me with the super mental strength to tragic destiny and the web of earth misery.

I have spent over forty years refining this secret formula, benefiting from her unique upbringing in a western medical family with 11 generations of Chinese herbal medicine practitioner Heritage; the 22nd generation on energy healing; academic study; holistic qualifications; rich clinical experience; and unstoppable cross-disciplinary testing by risking her life researching how human mind connects with the physical world, metaphysical world, quantum physics and effects business, career, and personal life.

My mission is to rise by lifting others.

Dr Angela Wilson